No. 17. Kesolution To authorize the Canal Commissioners to liquidate the damages sustained by Priscilla Cahill, and Samuel B. Young, by reason of the destruction of their property by fire from locomotives, on the Philadelphia and Columbia railroad. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly med. Loss sustain-That the Canal Commissioners be, and they are hereby ed by Priscil-authorized to inquire into and ascertain whether the loss la Cahill and sustained by Priscilla Cahill, and Samuel B. Young, in the S. B. Young burning their property near the Philadelphis and Columbia to be ascertained and paid. railroad, the former on the eight day of April last, and the latter on the twenty-third of the same month, were caused by fire from any locomotive engine or engines belonging to the commonwealth, and if they find the said property was consumed by fire from any locomotive engine or engines, as aforesaid, then the said Canal Commissioners shall ascertain the actual loss sustained by the said persons, and what damages they are entitled to, and shall pay the same to said Priscilla Cahill, and Samuel B. Young, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, and said payment shall be allowed by the Auditor General as in other cases: Provided, That if it appears to the said Canal Commissioners, that any portion of the said property was suffered, by negligence, to be burned, which might by reasonable and proper exertion have been saved, no damage shall be allowed for the loss of such property so suffered to be destroyed. NER MIDDLESWARTH, THOMAS S. CUNNINGHAM, APPROVED-The tenth day of June, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. JOS: RITNER. No. 18. Resolution Repealing the third section of the act entitled "A further supplement to the act entitled An act authorizing the Governor to incorporate the Bald Eagle and Spring creek navigation company, passed thirty-first day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-six. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the third section of the act entitled "A further sup-3d section of plement to the act entitled An act authorizing the Governor act of 31st to incorporate the Bald Eagle and pring Creek navigation March, 1836, company," passed the thirty-first day of March, eighteen repealed. hundred and thirty-six, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Resolved, That to carry into effect the provisions of the supplement to the act authorizing the Governor to incorporate the Bald Eagle and Spring Creek navigation company, Governor to passed the seventh of April, A. D. eighteen hundred and draw his warthirty-five, the Governor is authorized to draw his warrant, rant, etc. semi-annually, on the State Treasurer, for any sum which may be necessary to comply with the provisions of the said supplement: Provided, That the interest to be paid, shall be paid Proviso as to only on such sums as may have been actually expended on interest. the said work, according to the directions of the second section of the said supplement, and that it shall be the duty of the president and treasurer of the said company, within fifteen days after the first Monday in January, and second Tuesday in July, in each year, to certify, on oath, to the Auditor General, the amount expended on the said work, for the purpose of enabling the Governor to draw his warrant as aforesaid: And provided also, That this resolution shall not 2d Proviso. be construed to interfere with the provisions of the said second section, as to the payment of the deficit of five per cent. after tolls shall have been received on said work. NER MIDDLESWARTH. THOMAS S. CUNNINGHAM, Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED-The fourteenth day of June, Anno Domini, one thousand eighteen hundred and thirty-six. JOS: RITNER. No. 19. Resolution Relating to the procuring and opening of books for receiving subscriptions of the stock of the company for making a lock navigation on the Monongahela river, and for other purposes. Preamble. WHEREAS, in and by an act of the general assembly of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to authorize the Governor to incorporate a company to make a lock navigation on the river of Monongahela," approved the thirty-first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, it is made the duty of the commissioners therein named, to procure and prepare books for receiving subscriptions of stock of said company, on or before the first Monday of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six; And whereas, the period of time between the passage of said act and the said first Monday of May, was not sufficient to enable the said commissioners to perform the duty so enjoined upon them; Therefore, in Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly Relating to met, That the said commissioners be, and they are hereby subscriptions authorized to receive subscriptions to the stock of said of stock on company, in books which may have been opened at any time, in conformity with the directions contained in the said act, and all such subscriptions of stock shall be as valid, in all respects, as if the said books had been procured and prepared on or before the said first Monday in May. gahela lock navigation company. stock of the Making valid Resolved, That the subscriptions heretofore made to the the subscrip-stock of the Lenox and Shammony turnpike road, shall be as tions to the valid as if taken within the time prescribed by law, and that Lenox and any subscription that is, or may hereafter be made to the Shammony stock of the Gettysburg and Hagerstown turnpike read company, shall be as valid without, as with the payment of one dollar per share at the time of subscribing. turnpike road, etc. Resolved, That the president, managers and company of Lancaster the Philadelphia and Lancaster turnpike road, be, and they turnpike co. are hereby authorized and empowered to commute, raise or authorized to diminish, in part or in whole, the tolls and rates which, by commute, raise or di- the twelfth section of the act incorporating the said president, minish the managers and company, they are authorized and empowered to collect and receive of, and from all and every person and persons using said road. Philad'a. and tolla, etc. Provided, That the said tolls and rates shall not be raised Tolls limited. so as to exceed the limits specified in the eighteenth section of the act of incorporation aforesaid. NER MIDDLESWARTH, THOMAS S. CUNNINGHAM, Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED-The fourteenth day of June, Anno Domini, eighteen hundred and thirty-six JOS: RITNER. No. 20. Resolution Relative to the rates of toll to be charged on that part of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad which passes through Pennsylvania. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, That the assent of said Assent of Commonwealth is hereby given, to so much of the provisions Penn'a. to of the ninth section of an act of Assembly of the state of part of the Maryland, passed on the day of June, one thousand act of Maryland relating eight hundred and thirty-six, entitled " An act for the promo-to tolls, etc. tion of internal improvement," as authorizes the Baltimore and Ohio railroad company, in addition to the charge now authorized to be made by said company, for the transportation of passengers, to increase the price or charge for such transportation, to any amount not exceeding one cent per mile for each person passing on said railroad. NER MIDDLESWARTH, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED-The fifteenth day of June, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. : JOS: RITNER. No. 21. Resolution Relative to the estate of Julian Weyland. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly Costs of es- met, That the Auditor General be, and he is hereby cheated es- authorized and directed to settle and adjust the costs which tate of Julian accrued in the case of the alleged escheat of the estate of Weyland to Julian Weyland, late of Mifflin, (now Juniata county,) and be adjusted. to draw his warrants on the State Treasurer for the amount Preamble to 8. Luter's case. Sta'e Treas urer to pay S. Luter, $27 76. which shall be found respectively due. WHEREAS, it appears to the satisfaction of your committec, that Solomon Luter of the county of Westmoreland, procured a warrant on the th thirtieth of November, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, for land in said county, which was improved in the year, A. D., eighteen hundred and eleven, which improvement has been continued up to the present time, and that for said warrant, he paid at the rate of £10 per hundred acres, whereas, agreeably to the existing laws, he ought to have only paid at the rate of fifty shillings per hundred acres; Therefore, Resolved, That the State Treasurer pay to Solomon Luter, the sum of twenty-seven dollars and seventy-six cents, the amount overpaid for said warrant. NER MIDDLESWARTH, APPROVED-The sixteenth day of June, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. JOS: RITNER: No. 22.. Resolution Relative to making Waynesboro' in the county of Franklin, a point in the contemplated railroad from Gettysburg to intersect the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, in the state of Maryland. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly |