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Chambersburg and Bedford turnpike road, at or near the
east end of M'Connellsburg," passed on the twenty-ninth
day of January, eighteen hundred and sixteen
15. An act relative to certain parts of the estate of Elizabeth Powell, deceased.
16. A further supplement to the "Act to incorporate the Cum-
berland Valley railroad company."
17. An act for the relief of William Bladen.
18. A supplement to "An act authorizing a review of the state
road from the town of Indiana, in Indiana county, to
Pittsburg;" passed the twenty-fifth day of March, one
thousand eight hundred and fourteen.
19. An act for the relief of Adam Schneider and others,
soldiers and widows of soldiers of the revolutionary war.
20. An act for the relief of sundry soldiers and widows of sol-
diers of the revolutionary war.
21. An act for the relief of Simon Link and others, soldiers
and widows of soldiers of the revolutionary war.
22. An act to repeal the state tax on real and personal property,
and to continue and extend the improvements of the state
by railroads and canals, and to charter a state bank, to
be called the United States Bank.
23. An act to change the location of that part of the Columbia,
Chiques and Marietta road, which passes through the
land of Elizabeth, Mary and Susan Bethel, in the county
of Lancaster.
24. A supplement to an act entitled "An act making appropria-
tion for certain internal ir provements," passed on the
twenty-fourth of March, one thousand eight hundred and
25. A supplement to an act entitled "An act to incorporate the
Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives and
Granting Annuities, and other purposes," passed on the
tenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and
26. An act to authorize William Williamson of the borough of
West Chester, trustee of the children of Taylor Seal, to
sell and dispose of certain personal property left under
the will of William Seal, M. D. deceased.
27. An act to incorporate the Exchange Bank of Pittsburg.
28. An act to incorporate The president and managers of the
Kensington and Oxford turnpike road company
29. A supplement to an act entitled "An act to enable John
Christ to exchange certain real estate, and for other pur-
poses," approved on the eighth day of April, one thousand
eight hundred and thirty-three.
30. An act to incorporate the Franklin bank of Washington..
31. An act providing for the trial of certain causes depending
in the court of Common Pleas of York county.
32. An act for the relief of James Robb and others.
33. A further supplement to the act entitled "An act authorizing
the Governor to incorporate the Philadelphia Steam Tow
Boat company."
$4. A supplement to the act entitled "An act to establish the
District court for the city and county of Philadelphia,
passed the twenty-eighth day of March, one thousand
eight hundred and thirty-five.
35. An act authorizing the payment of the temporary loan,
made under the act of fifteenth day of April, one thou-
sand eight hundred and thirty-five.
36. An act for the relief of Robert Boyd, and other soldiers
37. An act to authorize the Governor to incorporate a company
to erect a bridge over the Allegheny river, from Mechan-
ic's street in the borough of the Northern Liberties of
Pittsburg, in Allegheny county.
38. An act supplementary to the act entitled "An act authori-
zing the Governor to incorporate the Philadelphia and
Delaware county, and Southwark railroad companies,"
passed the second day of April, Anno Domini, one thou-
sand eight hundred and thirty-one.
39. An act authorizing the Governor to incorporate the Warren
and Pine Grove railroad company.
40. An act regulating election districts, and for other purposes.
41. An act to charter the Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and
Trust company of Philadelphia.
42. An act authorizing the Governor to incorporate the Warren
and Franklin turnpike road company.
45. An act to incorporate the Plymouth railroad company.
44. An act to incorporate the Honesdale Bank of Wayne county.
45. An act vesting in the trustees of Washington College a
certain escheated estate, and for the purpose of vesting a
certain estate, late of Peter Deardorf, deceased, in the
mother and half brothers and sisters of the said Peter
Deardorf, deceased.
46. An act to incorporate the Summit coal company.
47. An act to incorporate the Hazleton coal company.
48. An act supplementary to an act entitled "An act to incor-
porate the Girard Bank in the city of Philadelphia,"
passed on the third day of April, Anno Domini, eighteen
hundred and thirty-two.
49. A further supplement to the act entitled "An act authorizing
the Governor to incorporate the Northampton Water com-
pany," and to an act entitled "An act to incorporate
the city of Lancaster, and for other purposes."
50. Supplement to the act entitled "An act to authorize the
Governor to incorporate the Susquehanna Canal compa-
ny," approved the fifteenth day of April, A. D. eighteen
hundred and thirty-five.
138 No.
51. An act relative to limited partnerships.
52. An act to incorporate the Wrightsville and Gettysburg rail-
road company.
55. An act authorizing the Governor to incorporate the Bristol
and Newtown railroad company.
Penitentiaries, and for other purposes.
54. An act to incorporate the Reiglesville Delaware Bridge
55. An act making appropriations to the Eastern and Western
56. An act to incorporate the New Hope, Doylestown and
Norristown Railroad company.
57. An act to incorporate a company to build a bridge over the
Big Beaver creek, at Fallston, in Beaver county.
58. An act to authorize the sale of a certain messuage and lot of
ground situate in the city of Philadelphia.
59. An act to incorporate the Pennsylvania Bituminous Coal
Land company, and a supplement to the act entitled "An
act to incorporate the Philipsburg and Juniata Railroad
company," passed the tenth day of March, one thousand
eight hundred and thirty.
60. An act to extend the charter of the Delaware Coal com-
61. An act for the conveyance of certain real estate, and for
other purposes.
62. A supplement to an act entitled "An act authorizing the
Governor to incorporate the Lizard creek, Lehigh and
Loyalhannah Bridge company, and for other purposes,"
passed the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred
and thirty-one.
65. An act authorizing the opening aud continuing of Perry and
other streets in the borough of Birmingham, Allegheny
county, on certain conditions.
64. An act for the relief of George Long, and other soldiers and
widows of soldiers of the revolutionary war.
65. A supplement to an act entitled "An act to incorporate
the Bucks county Contributionship for insuring houses
and other buildings from loss by fire," and to amend the
charter of the Philadelphia Fire and Inland Navigation
66. Supplement to an act entitled "An act to enable the Gov-
ernor to incorporate the Harrisburg Water company,"
passed the fourteenth February, one thousand eight hund-
red and thirty-three.
67. An act supplementary to an act entitled "An act to pro-
mote the culture of silk," passed the fourth day of May,
one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two.
68. An act declaring Tidyiute, Hare's and Coffee creeks, in
Warren county, public highways, and relative to the erec-
tion of dams on the head waters of the Lehigh, above the
falls at Stodartsville.
69. An act authorizing the removal of a certain action of eject-
ment, brought by Anthony F. Miller, against Samuel
Brooke, John Drehr, James Cresson, and others, which
is now pending in the court of Schuylkill county, to an
adjacent county for trial.
70. An act providing for the call of a convention to propose
amendments to the Constitution of the State, to be sub-
mitted to the people thereof for their ratification or rejee-
71. An act to enable the Governor to incorporate "The Water
Works company of the Northern Liberties of Pittsburg."
72. An act to repeal an act entitled "An act to prohibit in
courts of justice the reading or quoting of British prece-
dents, subsequent to the fourth of July, one thousand
seven hundred and seventy-six.
73. An act to provide for a Geological and Mineralogical sur-
vey of the state.
74. An act to authorize the trustees of Eliza Macferran and
Amanda Malvina Baker, to sell and convey certain real
estate, and for other purposes.
75. A further supplement to the act entitled "An act to incor-
porate the Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven railroad
76. A supplement to an act entitled "An act to provide for the
erection of a house for the employment and support of
the poor in the county of Washington," passed the sixth
day of April, Anno Domini, ohe thousand eight hundred
and thirty; and also, " An act to incorporate the Monon-
gahela Manual Labor academy."
77. An act to incorporate the Chester and Delaware county
railroad company.
78. An act relating to the election of township officers in the
county of Crawford, and for other purposes.
79. An act supplementary to the several acts relating to "The
Insurance company of the state of Pennsylvania."
80. A supplement to an act entitled "An act to incorporate the
Delaware county Insurance company," passed the tenth
day of April, Anno Domini, eighteen hundred and thirty-
81. An act entitled A supplement to "An act to authorize the
sale and conveyance of certain real estate, and for other
82. An act to repeal the ninth section of an act entitled "An
act authorizing the laying out of a state road from Ship-
penville in Venango county, to Ridgeway in Jefferson
county," passed the fifteenth day of April, eighteen hund-
red and thirty-five.
250 No.
88. A further supplement to the act entitled "An act to estab-
lish a general system of education by Common Schools,"
passed the fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight
hundred and thirty-four.
84. A supplement to an act entitled "An act authorizing the
Governor to incorporate a company to extend the West
Chester railroad into and along the streets of the borough,"
and An act to incorporate the Phenixville and Chester
Springs railroad company, and supplementary to the "Act
authorizing the incorporation of the Susquehanna railroad
company," passed the ninth of April, eighteen hundred
and thirty-three, and the Williamsport and Elmira rail-
rcad, and An act authorizing the Governor to incorporate
a company to make a railroad along the streets of the
borough of Newville, and An act authorizing the Gov-
ernor to incorporate the Beaver and Conneaut railroad
85. An act to authorize the Governor to incorporate a company
to make a lock navigation on the river Monongahela.
86. An act to incorporate the Philadelphia Loan company, and
for other purposes.
87. An act authorizing the Governor to incorporate the Wil-
lardsburg and Jersey Shore railroad company.
88. An act to incorporate the Marshall College at Mercersburg,
and to incorporate the Haddington College in the county
of Philadelphia.
89. An act supplementary to "An act relating to county rates
and levies, and township rates and levies," passed the
fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and
90. An act for the relief of Thomas Russel, and other soldiers
and widows of soldiers of the revolutionary war, and An
act supplementary to an act regulating tin and clock ped-
91. An act incorporating the Mechanics' and Tradesmen's Loan
company of the state of Pennsylvania.
92. An act authorizing Michael Weimer to constitute as attor-
ney Ingham Wood, son of Peter Wood, late of the city
of Philadelphia, deceased, to make sale of the interest and
title of Mary Weimer, wife of Michael Weimer, of the city
of Lancaster, of and in certain lands lying in Lycoming
and Centre counties, and to empower James Wood and
Job Eldridge, and Jane his wife, to sell and convey cer-
tain lands in Chester county, and for other purposes.
93. An act relative to the appointment of High Constable in the
borough of Lewistown, Mifflin county, and taxing dogs in
said borough, and for other purposes.