
15. An act relative to certain parts of the estate of Elizabeth
Powell, deceased.


[blocks in formation]

33. A further supplement to the act entitled "An act authorizing

the Governor to incorporate the Philadelphia Steam Tow

Boat company."

$4. A supplement to the act entitled "An act to establish the

District court for the city and county of Philadelphia,

passed the twenty-eighth day of March, one thousand

eight hundred and thirty-five.

35. An act authorizing the payment of the temporary loan,

made under the act of fifteenth day of April, one thou-

sand eight hundred and thirty-five.

36. An act for the relief of Robert Boyd, and other soldiers

and widows of soldiers of the revolutionary war.

37. An act to authorize the Governor to incorporate a company

to erect a bridge over the Allegheny river, from Mechan-

ic's street in the borough of the Northern Liberties of

Pittsburg, in Allegheny county.

38. An act supplementary to the act entitled "An act authori-

zing the Governor to incorporate the Philadelphia and

Delaware county, and Southwark railroad companies,"

passed the second day of April, Anno Domini, one thou-

sand eight hundred and thirty-one.

39. An act authorizing the Governor to incorporate the Warren

and Pine Grove railroad company.

40. An act regulating election districts, and for other purposes.

41. An act to charter the Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and

Trust company of Philadelphia.

42. An act authorizing the Governor to incorporate the Warren

and Franklin turnpike road company.

45. An act to incorporate the Plymouth railroad company.

44. An act to incorporate the Honesdale Bank of Wayne county.

45. An act vesting in the trustees of Washington College a

certain escheated estate, and for the purpose of vesting a

certain estate, late of Peter Deardorf, deceased, in the

mother and half brothers and sisters of the said Peter

Deardorf, deceased.

46. An act to incorporate the Summit coal company.

47. An act to incorporate the Hazleton coal company.

48. An act supplementary to an act entitled "An act to incor-

porate the Girard Bank in the city of Philadelphia,"

passed on the third day of April, Anno Domini, eighteen

hundred and thirty-two.

49. A further supplement to the act entitled "An act authorizing

the Governor to incorporate the Northampton Water com-

pany," and to an act entitled "An act to incorporate

the city of Lancaster, and for other purposes."

50. Supplement to the act entitled "An act to authorize the

Governor to incorporate the Susquehanna Canal compa-

ny," approved the fifteenth day of April, A. D. eighteen

hundred and thirty-five.



88. A further supplement to the act entitled "An act to estab-

lish a general system of education by Common Schools,"

passed the fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight

hundred and thirty-four.

84. A supplement to an act entitled "An act authorizing the

Governor to incorporate a company to extend the West

Chester railroad into and along the streets of the borough,"

and An act to incorporate the Phenixville and Chester

Springs railroad company, and supplementary to the "Act

authorizing the incorporation of the Susquehanna railroad

company," passed the ninth of April, eighteen hundred

and thirty-three, and the Williamsport and Elmira rail-

rcad, and An act authorizing the Governor to incorporate

a company to make a railroad along the streets of the

borough of Newville, and An act authorizing the Gov-

ernor to incorporate the Beaver and Conneaut railroad


85. An act to authorize the Governor to incorporate a company

to make a lock navigation on the river Monongahela.

86. An act to incorporate the Philadelphia Loan company, and

for other purposes.

87. An act authorizing the Governor to incorporate the Wil-

lardsburg and Jersey Shore railroad company.

88. An act to incorporate the Marshall College at Mercersburg,

and to incorporate the Haddington College in the county

of Philadelphia.

89. An act supplementary to "An act relating to county rates

and levies, and township rates and levies," passed the

fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and


90. An act for the relief of Thomas Russel, and other soldiers

and widows of soldiers of the revolutionary war, and An

act supplementary to an act regulating tin and clock ped-


91. An act incorporating the Mechanics' and Tradesmen's Loan

company of the state of Pennsylvania.

92. An act authorizing Michael Weimer to constitute as attor-

ney Ingham Wood, son of Peter Wood, late of the city

of Philadelphia, deceased, to make sale of the interest and

title of Mary Weimer, wife of Michael Weimer, of the city

of Lancaster, of and in certain lands lying in Lycoming

and Centre counties, and to empower James Wood and

Job Eldridge, and Jane his wife, to sell and convey cer-

tain lands in Chester county, and for other purposes.

93. An act relative to the appointment of High Constable in the

borough of Lewistown, Mifflin county, and taxing dogs in

said borough, and for other purposes.

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