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Introductory-Elementary Education-The Bible-Juvenile Books-Read
ing for Amusement-Method in Reading-Remarks to the Ladies-Gene-
.ral Literature-State of Man before the Cultivation of Letters-When
Letters were invented-Lettered men of the Early Ages-Influence of
Letters upon Man-Effect of Letters decried by Certain Reasoners-Their
Assertions Denied-Letters more Glorious and Permanent than Art-The
English Language-The Saxon Language-The Saxons and Normans-
Layman's works-Robert De Brunne's History of England-Reign of
the Romans-Romances-Age of Chivalry-Fictions of the present day-
Johnson's Rasselas-Godwin's St. Leon-Caleb Williams-Sir Walter
Scott-Novels founded on Fact-The father of English Poetry-Objects of
the Poetry of his Predecessors-These Objects Reformed by Chaucer-Ge-
nius of Chaucer-Byron's opinion of him-Chaucer's Contemporaries-
Chaucer's Satire-Dryden and Pope's opinion of him, &c.-John Gower-
Originality and Genius-Gower's Monument-John the Chaplain-Tho-
mas Occleve-Henry V.-Society-Lydgate-Criticism Evidence of Mental
Light-The Laurel Crown of Italy and England-John Kay, Poet Laureate
to Edward IV. Poetical Distinctions-Barclay-Skelton-Lord Surry-
The Father of English Blank Verse-Blank Verse-Sir John Mandeville,
the Traveller-Effect of the Accounts of his Travels-Ralph Higden-Tre-
visa-His translation of the Bible-Wickliffe, the Reformer-Malice of the
Popes against his Memory-Founder of the Protestant Religion-Bishop
Peacock-Sir John Fortescue-Use of Printing-William Caxton-The
first book printed in England-Chronicles of England-Similarity of
Thought and Expression in Different Languages-Effect of Expelling the
Greek Scholars from Constantinople-Sir Thomas More-Wilson, the
Rhetorician-Figurative Language-William Fullward-The reigns of
Edward and Mary-Reign of Elizabeth-The Scriptures-Lady Jane
Grey-Source of American Literature-Parallel between the Literature
of that age and the present-General Diffusion of Literature.

Division and Decline of the Roman Empire-The Huns-The Goths-Ala-
ric Subdues Rome-Attila-Theodoric-West and East Goths-Belisa-

rius-Christians and Pagans-Mahomet-The Koran-Progress in Building and Sailing Ships-Spread of Christianity-Spread of Literature and Philosophy-Foundation of Venice-Its Civil Government-The Doge⚫ Commerce of Venice-Florence-The Arabs-The Enthusiasm for Literature in the Ninth Century-The Arabic Language-The Pandects of Justinian-France and England-The Magna Charta-Polarity of Magnetized Iron-Constantinople Conquered by the French and Venetians-Abandoned by the Conquerors-Held by the Greeks-Taken by the Turks-Progress of Navigation-Portugal-Commencement of Discoveries-Madeira Islands-Cape De Verd Islands-The Azores-Passing of the Line-Cape of Good Hope-The Genoese-The Tuscans-Casmo De Medicis-Lorenzo the Magnificent-Columbus' first Voyage of Discovery-The Mediterranean-Columbus-Jealousy of the Portuguese-Henry VII.-The Brother of Columbus-Juan Peres-Isabella-Jealousy of the Spanish-The Fleet of Columbus-Sailing of the Expedition-Irving's Life of ColumbusOjeda-Amerigo Vespucci-Derivation of America-The Fame of Columbus-John Cabot-The Discoverer of the Western Continent-Newfoundland-Sebastian Cabot-South America-Cabral-Brazil-Luther and Calvin-Settlement of America-The Characters of Columbus and Cabot-History of Cortes-Conquest of Montezuma-History of Guatimozin--Cruelty of Cortes-Pizarro--Cruelties of the Spaniards, and Forbearance of the Chil dren of the Sun-Tupac Amaru-His Execution-The Republics of South America-Queen Elizabeth-Sir Humphrey Gilbert-Takes formal Possession of Newfoundland-Budeius-Gilbert's Ship founders in a Storm -Energy of Sir Walter Raleigh-Amadas and Barlow-Their Character of the Aboriginals of America-Sir Richard Grenville-Governor LaneHerriat-Object of those who first came to this Country-Governor Lane and his Colony return home--Sir Richard Grenville leaves a new colony on the Island of Roanoke-Sir Walter Raleigh introduces the use of Tobacco in England-Continues his efforts to settle Virginia-GosnoldJames II.-Elizabeth-Richard Hackluyt-Capt. John Smith-First Settlement on Manhattan Island-Blok and Christaonse-Monopoly of the States General-The first Governor-The Government-Trade-First Child born in America of European Parents-The Waaloons-De Leet's History of the New World-Pirates-Governor Minuit's Deputations to the Governor and Council of Plymouth-Governor Bradford's Reception and Treatment thereof--Courtesy and Good Faith between the Settlements-Von Twiller -Legitimacy of the Settlement acknowledged-The first Settlers-Settlement of Plymouth-Their Early Disaster-Their Arrival and Landing upon Cape Cod-Their Title to the Lands-Reflections upon the Settlement of America-Conclusion.


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