
rangements) in the proportion of 1,250,000 pounds sterling per annum for each hundred thousand men of regular troops and thus in proportion for a greater or less number, payable under the conditions specified below.

6. Their Majesties agree that in case a league is formed such as has been specified in article 1, they will not make peace with France except with the consent of all the Powers which shall be parties in the said league, and in case the continental Powers shall not recall their forces until the peace, His Britannic Majesty agrees to continue the payment of the subsidies for the entire duration of the war.

Separate Articles.

3. The High Contracting Parties are agreed that it enters into the aim of the present Concert to procure for Holland and for Switzerland, according to circumstances, suitable enlargements, such as the former Austrian Low Countries in whole or in part for the first and Geneva and Savoy for the second.

They likewise agree that the arrangements which shall be made as the result of the war shall include in favor of Austria an augmentation of territory, such as is stipulated for it by its convention with the Emperor of all the Russias, and in favor of other States which may co-operate in the aim of the present Concert acquisitions proportioned to their efforts for the common cause and compatible with the equilibrium of Europe.

6. Mis Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias and His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, having been induced to establish an energetic concert between themselves only with a view to assure to Europe a stable and solid peace founded upon the principles of justice, equity and international law, which are constantly guiding them, have recognized the necessity of agreeing even at present upon various principles which they shall bring forward according to a previous agreement as soon as the fortunes of war shall furnish the necessity therefor.

These principles are, not to interfere in any manner with the national will in France relative to the form of the Government, nor in the other countries in which the combined armies may come to act; not to appropriate in advance of the peace any of the conquests which may be made by one or the other of the belligerent parties, and to take possession of the cities and territories which may be wrested from the common enemy only in the name of the Country or State to which they belong by recognized right and in every other case in the name of all the members of the league.

Finally, to assemble at the end of the war a general congress, in order to discuss and settle upon the most precise foundations, what unfortunately has not been possible until now, the precepts of international law, and to assure the observance of them by the establishment of a federative system based upon the situation of the different States of Europe.

74. Treaty of Pressburg.

December 26, 1805 (5 Nivôse, Year XIV). De Clercq, Traites, II, 145-151.

Austria became a member of the Third Coalition upon the terms outlined in No. 73. Ulm and Austerlitz forced her to withdraw and to accept the terms granted by Napoleon in this treaty. It should be compared with the treaties of Campo Formio and Lunéville (Nos. 55 and 62), and the altered position in which it left Austria should be carefully noted.

REFERENCES. Fyffe, Modern Europe, 299-300, 307-308 (Popular ed., 201-202, 206-207); Fournier, Napoleon, 318-324; Rose, Napoleon, II, 41-46; Sloane, Napoleon, II, 251-252; Lanfrey, Napolcon, III, 101-106; Lavisse and Rambaud, Histoire Generale, IX, 101-102.

MAPS. Putzger, Historischer Schul-Atlas, 26; Schrader, Atlas de Geographie Historique, 48; Vidal-Lablache, Atlas General, 41.

His Majesty the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, and His Majesty the Emperor of Germany and of Austria, equally prompted by the desire to put an end to the calamities of the war, have resolved to proceed without delay to the conclusion of a definitive treaty of peace.

I. There shall be, dating from this day, peace and amity between His Majesty the Emperor of Germany and of Austria and His Majesty the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, their heirs and successors, their respective States and subjects, forever.

2. France shall continue to possess in complete ownership and sovereignty the Duchies, Principalities, Lordships and territories beyond the Alps, which were, prior to the present Treaty, united or incorporated with the French Empire, or ruled by French Laws and Administrations.

4. His Majesty the Emperor of Germany and of Austria renounces, as well for himself as for his heirs and successors, the portion of the States of the Republic of Venice ceded by him in the Treaties of Campo Formio and Lunéville, which shall be united forever with the Kingdom of Italy.

5. His Majesty the Emperor of Germany and of Austria recognizes His Majesty the Emperor of the French as King of Italy. But it is agreed that, in conformity with the declaration made by His Majesty the Emperor of the French at the time when he took the Crown of Italy, as soon as the Powers named in that declaration shall have fulfilled the conditions which are there set forth, the Crowns of France and of Italy shall be separated forever, and they can no longer in any case be united upon the same head. His Majesty the Emperor of Germany and of Austria binds himself to recognize, at the time of the separation, the successor whom His Majesty the Emperor of the French shall give himself as King of Italy.

6. The present Treaty of peace is declared common to their Most Serene Highnesses the Electors of Bavaria, Wurtemburg, and Baden, and to the Batavian Republic, allies in the present war of His Majesty the Emperor of the French, King of Italy.

7. The Electors of Bavaria and of Wurtemburg having taken the title of King, without however ceasing to belong to the Germanic Confederation, His Majesty the Emperor of Germany and of Austria recognizes them in that capacity.

8. His Majesty the Emperor of Germany and of Austria, both for himself, his heirs and successors, and for the Princes

of his House, their respective heirs and successors, renounces the Principalities, Lordships, Domains and territories hereinafter designated:

Cedes and abandons to His Majesty the King of Bavaria, the Margravate of Burgau and its dependencies, the Principality of Eichstadt, the portion of the territory of Passau belonging to His Royal Highness the Elector of Salzburg, and situated between Bohemia, Austria, the Danube and the Inn; the county of Tyrol, including the Principalities of Brixen and Trent; the Seven Lordships of Vorarlburg with their enclaves; the County of Hohenems, the County of Konigsegg-Rothenfels, the Lordships of Tettnang and Argen, and the city and territory of Lindau.

To His Majesty the King of Wurtemburg, the five socalled cities of the Danube, to wit: Ehingen, Munder-kingen, Riedlingen, Mengen, and Sulgen, with their dependencies; the Upper and Lower County of Hohenberg; the Landgravate of Nellenbourg and the Prefecture of Altorf, with their dependencies (the city of Constance excepted); the portion of Brisgau constituting an enclave within the Wurtemburg possessions and situated to the east of a line drawn from Schlegelberg to Molbach, and the cities and territories of Willingen and Brentingen.

To His Serene Highness the Elector of Baden, the Brisgau (with the exception of the enclave and the separate portions above designated), the Ortenau and their dependencies, the city of Constance and the commandery of Meinau.

The Principalities, Lordships, domains and territories above said shall be possessed respectively by their Majesties the Kings of Bavaria and of Wurtemburg and by His Serene Highness the Elector of Baden, whether in suzerainty or in complete ownership and sovereignty, in the same manner, with the same titles, rights, and prerogatives as they were possessed by His Majesty the Emperor of Germany and of Austria, or the Princes of His House, and not otherwise.

10. The countries of Salzburg and Berechtesgaden belonging to His Royal and Excellent Highness the Archduke Ferdinand shall be incorporated in the Empire of Austria; and His Majesty the Emperor of Germany and of Austria shall

possess them in complete ownership and sovereignty, but with the title of Duchy only.

II. His Majesty the Emperor of the French, King of Italy, engages to obtain in favor of His Royal Highness the Archduke Ferdinand, Elector of Salzburg, the cession, by His Majesty the King of Bavaria, of the Principality of Würzburg, as it was given to his Majesty by the reces of the Deputation of the Germanic Empire of February 25, 1803.

15. His Majesty the Emperor of Germany and of Austria, as well for himself, his heirs and successors, as for the Princes of his House, their heirs and successors, renounces without exception all rights, whether of Sovereignty or of Suzerainty, all claims whatsoever, present or contingent, upon all the States of their Majesties the Kings of Bavaria and Wurtemburg and His Serene Highness the Elector of Baden, and generally upon all the States, domains and territories included in the circles of Bavaria, Franconia and Swabia, as well as every title taken from the said domains and territories; and reciprocally all present or contingent claims of the said States at the expense of the House of Austria or of its Princes are and shall remain extinguished forever:

17. His Majesty the Emperor Napoleon guarantees the integrity of the Empire of Austria in the condition wherein it shall be in consequence of the present Treaty of peace, likewise the integrity of the possessions of the Princes of the House of Austria designated in the eleventh and twelfth articles.

Separate Article.

There shall be paid by His Majesty the Emperor of Germany and of Austria, for redemption of all the contributions imposed upon the different hereditary States occupied by the French army and not yet collected, a sum of forty million francs (metallic value)

75. Documents upon Napoleon and the Kingdom of Naples.

These documents show the manner and official justification of

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