
A bad Tutor.

With rev'rend tutor, clad in habit lay,

To tease for cash, and quarrel with, all day;
With memorandum-book for every town,

And ev'ry post, and where the chaise broke down;
His stock, a few French phrases got by heart;
With much to learn, but nothing to impart,
The youth, obedient to his sire's commands,
Sets off a wand'rer into foreign lands.

Surpris'd at all they meet, the gosling pair,
With awkward gait, stretch'd neck, and silly stare,
Discover huge cathedrals, built with stone,
And steeples tow'ring high, much like our own ;
But show peculiar light by many a grin
At popish practices observ'd within.


Ere long, some bowing, smirking, smart abbé, Remarks two loit'rers that have lost their And being always prim'd with politesse For men of their appearance and address, With much compassion undertakes the task To tell them more than they have wit to ask:

Affectation of Antiquarian Research.

Points to inscriptions wheresoe'er they tread.
Such as, when legible, were never read,
But, being canker'd now and half worn out,
Craze antiquarian brains with endless doubt!
Some headless hero, or some Cæsar shows-
Defective only in his Roman nose;
Exhibits elevations, drawings, plans,
Models of Herculanean pots and pans;

And sells them medals, which, if neither rare
Nor ancient, will be so, preserv'd with care.
Strange the recital! from whatever cause

His great improvement and new lights he draws,
The squire, once bashful, is shame-fac'd no more,
But teems with pow'rs he never felt before;
Whether increas'd momentum, and the force
With which from clime to clime he sped his course,
(As axles sometimes kindle as they go)
Chaf'd him, and brought dull nature to a glow;

Or. whether clearer skies and softer air,

That make Italian flow'rs so sweet and fair,

An accomplished Dunce.

Fresh'ning his lazy spirits as he ran,
Unfolded genially, and spread the man ;
Returning, he proclaims, by many a grace,
By shrugs and strange contortions of his face,
How much a dunce, that has been sent to roam,
Excels a dunce that has been kept at home.
Accomplishments have taken virtue's place,
And wisdom falls before exterior grace;
We slight the precious kernel of the stone,
And toil to polish its rough coat alone.
A just deportment, manners grac'd with ease,
Elegant phrase, and figure form'd to please,
Are qualities that seem to comprehend
Whatever parents, guardians, schools, intend;
Hence an unfurnish'd and a listless mind,
Though busy, trifling; empty, though refind;
Hence all that interferes, and dares to clash
With indolence and luxury, is trash;

While learning, once the man's exclusive pride,

Seems verging fast towards the female side.

Learning misapplied is mischievous.

Learning itself, receiv'd into a mind
By nature weak, or viciously inclin❜d,
Serves but to lead philosophers astray,
Where children would with ease discern the way.
And, of all arts sagacious dupes invent,
To cheat themselves and gain the world's assent,
The worst is scripture warp'd from its intent.
The carriage bowls along, and all are pleas'd,
If Tom be sober, and the wheels well greas'd;
But, if the rogue have gone a cup too far,
Left out his linch-pin, or forgot his tar,
It suffers interruption and delay,

And meets with hindrance in the smoothest way.
When some hypothesis absurd and vain

Has fill'd with all its fumes a critic's brain,
The text that sorts not with his darling whim,
Though plain to others, is obscure to him.
The will made subject to a lawless force,
All is irregular, and out of course;

And judgment drunk, and brib'd to lose his way,
Winks hard, and talks of darkness at noon-day.

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The Advantages and Faults of the Press.

A critic on the sacred book should be
Candid and learn'd, dispassionate and free;
Free from the wayward bias bigots feel,
From fancy's influence, and intempʼrate zeal ;
But, above all, (or let the wretch refrain,
Nor touch the page he cannot but profane)
Free from the domineering pow'r of lust;
A lewd interpreter is never just,

How shall I speak thee, or thy pow'r address,
Thou god of our idolatry, the press ?

By thee, religion, liberty, and laws,

Exert their influence, and advance their cause; By thee, worse plagues than Pharaoh's land befel, Diffus'd, make earth the vestibule of hell;

Thou fountain, at which drink the good and


Thou ever-bubbling spring of endless lies;

Like Eden's dread probationary tree,

Knowledge of good and evil is from thee.

No wild enthusiast ever yet could rest

Till half mankind were like himself possess'd.

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