
Entered at Stationers'-Hall.


T. C. HANSARD, Printer, Peterborough court, Fleet-street, London.



THE following pages have been selected for the express purpose of practical instruction: among the many treatises on this subject, the author, in the course of his teaching, having never met with any one sufficiently calculated for the object in question, and alike remote from the extremes of a mere elementary sketch, and a ponderous, abstruse system, was induced to make the present selection for the use of his own pupils; and, in the hope of its proving equally convenient and advantageous to others, he has now ventured to offer it to the public. He relies on the indulgence of the candid and liberal for any imperfections, or errors, which may be discovered; and will thankfully avail himself of any communication to render it more correct.

It is only necessary to add, that the solutions of the problems are either by calculation, or from Mr. Bardin's new improved globes; and every endeavour has been used to render them as accurate as possible.

The works and authors from which, in the following selection, matter has been taken, or ideas suggested, are the Philosophical Transactions, Encyclo



pedia, Ferguson, Bonnycastle, M. de Lalande, and Dr. Herschel, on Astronomy; Martin, Dilworth, and Adams, on the Globes; and Gordon's Geographical Grammar; to whose works the author begs leave to refer the reader.


IN order to render this work as complete as the plan will admit of, it has been carefully revised, and corrected; and also enriched with a new plate of the Stereographic Projection of the Sphere, the Mariner's Compass, &c.; several new Nautical Problems, the description of the Armillary Sphere; the last discovered Planets, and Comets, with a complete list of the Constellations, extending to ninety-four, whereas in the first edition, there were only seventyfive enumerated.

This useful work, thus improved, is presented with increased confidence to a generous public, in the hope that it will merit a continuance of their approbation and encouragement, so eminently distinguished in the last editions.

Somers' Town,
Jan. 1, 1816.

EXTRACTS from REVIEWS, relative to this


"This small work will be an useful assistant to young people; some geometrical definitions and constructions are properly prefixed to the geometrical Monthly Review, Oct. 1805.


"This is a very useful manual for students in astronomy. The problems are judiciously selected, and the solutions neat and perspicuous. The author has used none but the most respectable works; and appears, on a cursory view, to have used them well." British Critic, February, 1805.

"Such is the substance of the above treatise, which is itself well calculated for conveying instruction, and demonstrates the author to be thoroughly conversant in the profession of the teacher. Under this conviction, we recommend the performance of Mr. G. not only to private teachers, but to masters and mistresses of seminaries, and all others who are intrusted with the tuition of youth."

Anti-jacobin Review, February, 1805.

"This introduction consists of an arrangement of apposite materials, selected from authors of acknowledged merit, and is intended to avoid the extremes of a mere sketch and an abstruse treatise."

Eclectic Review, March, 1805.


Published by the same Author.

1. The YOUNG LADIES GUIDE to ARITHMETIC. Eighth edition enlarged. Price two shillings.

II. A NEW INTRODUCTION to ARITHMETIC, for Young Gentlemen, the second edition corrected. Price two shillings.

III. The HEAVENS DISPLAYED, with many engravings. Price five shillings.

IV. The WORLD DISPLAYED, with an emblematical frontispiece. Price 8s. 6d. ; a superior edition for families, 12s. 6d.

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Mr. Greig respectfully informs the heads of Families, and Schools, and the Public in general, in London and its vicinity; that he continues to give lessons in Writing, Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Geometry, Mensuration, Fortification, Navigation, the construction of Mercator's and Stereographic Maps, Geography, Astronomy, the Use of the Globes, &c. at home or abroad. Letters addressed to him at 12, Bridgewater Street, Somers' Town, will be duly answered.

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