
(3) In daunger hadde he at his own assise

The yonge gurles of the diocise,

And knew here counseil, and was here aller red. (4) Of fustyan he wered a gepoun

Al by-smoterud with his haburgeon.

(5) It is ful fair a man to bere him evene,

For al day men meteth atte unset steven.
(6) And thereout cam a rage of suche a prise,
That it maad al the gates for to rise.

(7) In which ther ran a swymbul in a swough.
(8) Men may the eelde at-renne, but nat at-rede.

9. Explain very carefully the exact force and meaning of each of the following phrases :

Chaucer.-Him was lever-for the nones-here aller cappe -me luste ful evele playe-lith to wedde-his thonkes.

Piers Plowman.-worth both his eres-lat pe calte worthe -and leten sompne alle segges-where pei bicome-lete lighte of the lawe-atte nale.

10. State everything that is necessary for the full appreciation of the following passages, adding the context where

you can:

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(1) Love is leche of lyf and nexte owre lorde selue,

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And also pe graith gate that goth in-to heuene.

(2) For may no renke pere rest haue for ratones bi nizte; pe while he caccheth conynges he coueiteth nouzt owre

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Lorkynge thorw lanes to-lugged of manye,

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He was nawhere welcome for his manye tales,
Ouer al yhowted and yhote trusse.

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(4) Told hym a tale and toke hym a noble,

Forto ben hire bedeman· and hire brokour als.

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(5) And sette my sadel upon suffre til-I-se-my-tyme, And lete warrok it wel with witty-wordes gerthes,

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And hange on hym þe heuy bridel to holde his hed


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For he wil make wehe tweye er he be there.

(6) Drynke but myd þe doke and dyne but ones. (7) Ne no begger ete bred· þat benes Inne were,

But of coket or clerematyn or elles of clenewhete. (8) Catoun and canonistres conseilleth vs to leue

To sette sadnesse in songe warie · for, sompnia ne cùres.

11. Criticise the Vision concerning Piers the Plowman from a literary point of view, and contrast the poetical power of its author with that of Chaucer.

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12. Prof. Marsh, in his History of The English Language, says Wherever the narrators (of the Canterbury Tales) appear in their own persons, the characters are as well marked and discriminated and as consistent in action as in the best comedies of modern times.' Discuss this statement, and illustrate your remarks by quotations.

TUESDAY, JUNE 5, from 2.30 to 5.30 P.M.
SECTION I. English.


[Nine questions only are to be attempted.]

1. State the drift and purpose' of all the reasonings contained in the first book of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, as stated by the author himself. In what special respect may this work 'justly be reckoned to mark an era in our literature'?

2. Give (1) Hooker's idea of Goodness, and account of its degrees; (2) his exposition of the different workings of Will and Appetite; (3) his notion of the way by which men were first constrained to come to laws; and (4) his conception of the Church and of the 'original grounds' it rests on.

3. Hooker's greatness is that he gives the real method of criticism for Church dogma, the historic method.' Explain what is meant by this statement; and examine its soundness by means of the materials that the first book of the Ecclesiastical Polity supplies.

4. What distinction does Hooker draw between the first eternal law and the second eternal law, between education and instruction, between the rule of ghostly and immaterial

natures' and 'the rule of voluntary agents on earth,' and between the laws that are mixedly and the laws that are merely human?

5. Refer to and criticize those passages of this book in which Hooker speaks of the things that moved him to undertake the work, and to those in which he characterizes the age he lived in. Describe fully the marks that he represents the laws of reason as being known by.

6. Shew the exact meaning, or full force, of each of these passages:

(1) 'Beasts are in sensible capacity as ripe even as men themselves, perhaps more ripe.'

(2) The general and perpetual voice of men is as the sentence of God himself.'

(3) 'The rule of natural agents. ... is the judgment of common sense or fancy concerning the sensible goodness of those objects wherewith they are most concerned.'


(4) This did the very heathens themselves obscurely insinuate by making Themis, which we call Jus, or Right, to be the daughter of Heaven and Earth.'

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(5) As to take away the first efficient of our being were to annihilate utterly our persons, so we cannot remove the last final cause of our working, but we shall cause whatever we work to cease.'

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(6) Capable we are of God both by understanding and will: by understanding, as he is that sovereign truth which comprehendeth the rich treasures of all wisdom; by will, as he is that sea of goodness whereof whoso tasteth shall thirst

no more.'

7. Spenser represents his Faery Queene as the wild fruit which salvage soil hath bred.' Explain how it came to be produced in such circumstances; point out the characteristics in which critics have detected the flavour of these; and glance at any passages in the first and second books which indicate a personal knowledge of them.

8. Spenser informs us that some of his personages had more 'intentions' than one. Demonstrate by references to the poem itself that this is likely to have been true of Una, Duessa, the Red-Cross Knight, Orgoglio, the Lion and Prince Arthur. Give an account of the several appearances of the last in the action of the first two books.

9. Interpret the Fraelissa and Fradubio incident, Una's sojourn with the Satyrs, and the episode of Phedon. Under what circumstances does any 'shadow' of Queen Elizabeth first cross the action of the work?


10. Explain the phrases-' true as touch,' threatning her angrie sting, one the truest knight alive,' 'dry dropsie,' 'dy'ed deep in graine,' 'housling fire,' ghastly bug,' 'heartthrilling brond,' 'rustick horror,' 'caitive bands,' 'being entred,' and flying pursuivant'; and illustrate them as far as you can from other sources.

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11. Ben Jonson averred that Spenser writ no language.' State and examine the grounds of this imputation. Compare, in point of poetic and artistic merit, the design and execution of the second with those of the first book.


12. Can you account for the name Spenser gave the poem? Shew, and, if possible, illustrate the sense of the following:(1) A dram of sweet is worth a pound of sowre.' (2) 'O goodly golden chaine, wherewith yfere The virtues linked are in lovely wize.'

(3) 'And knew his good to all of each degree.'

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(4) Faint, weary, sore, emboyled, grieved, brent,
With heat, toyle, woundes, armes, smart and inward

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(7) Ne cared she her course for to apply.'

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, from 9.30 A.M. to 12.30.

SECTION I. English.


[Nine questions only are to be attempted.]

1. What are the most marked characteristics of Bacon as a philosopher? What general impression of the man have you got from reading his Essays?

2. What conjuncture of affairs led to Burke's putting forth his Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents'? What are the chief evils he points out, and the remedies he would apply to them?

3. 'Of Addison it can be said that he could write on slight things cleverly, on great things weightily, on ordinary things soberly.' Confirm or confute this assertion, and illustrate your remarks from the Spectator.

4. What does Burke tell us about the following:

(1) The theory, duties, and justifiableness of 'party';

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(3) The part which the House of Commons should play in the constitution;

(4) The Middlesex Election.'

5. What has Addison to tell us about, (1) Popular superstitions; (2) Country manners; (3) True and false wit; (4) True and false shame?

6. Give the full meaning and reference of the following passages as they occur in Bacon's Essays:

(1) Certainly, if miracles be the command over nature, they appear most in adversity.

(2) Imitation is a globe of precepts.

(3) While the mind of man looks upon second causes scattered, it may sometimes rest in them, and go no further. (4) It is a poor centre of man's actions, himself. It is right earth.

(5) Dry light is ever the best.

(6) The way of fortune is like the milken way in the sky. (7) All practice is to discover or to work.

(8) Men's thoughts are much according to their inclination &c.' Finish the quotation, and mention some of the examples Bacon gives.

7. Give the substance, as far as you can in Bacon's manner, of any two of the following Essays: 'Of Unity in Religion,' 'Of Simulation and Dissimulation,' Of Friendship,' 'Of Gardens,' Of Studies.'

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