
Asservie en esclave à plus d'événements,
Et le piteux jouet de plus de changements?
Un oracle m'assure, un songe me travaille;
La paix calme l'effroi que me fait la bataille;
Mon hymen se prépare, et presque en un moment
Pour combattre mon frère on choisit mon amant ;
Ce choix me désespère, et tous le désavouent,
La partie est rompue, et les dieux la renouent ;
Rome semble vaincue, et, seul des trois Albains,
Curiace en mon sang n'a point trempé ses mains.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, from 11 A.M. to 12.30.

2 (6). French. (Second Paper.)

Well, I was now rid of my military employment; I sold my soldier's clothes, bought worse, and in order not to be overtaken, took the most unfrequented roads. One evening, as I was entering a village I perceived a man, whom I afterwards found to be the curate of the parish, thrown from his horse in a miry road and almost smothered in the mud. I drew him out with some difficulty. He thanked me for my trouble, and was going off, but I followed him home, for I loved always to have a man thank me at his own door. The curate asked me a hundred questions; and whose son I was? from whence I came? and whether I would be faithful? I answered him greatly to his satisfaction and gave myself one of the best characters in the world for sobriety (Sir, I have the honour of drinking your health), discretion and fidelity. To make a long story short, he wanted a servant and hired me.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, from 2.30 to 4.30 P.M.

2(). French. (Third Paper.)

1. Conjugate the following verbs in the present, future and perfect (défini)—acquérir, mouvoir, déchoir, vêtir, traire,


[blocks in formation]

Un tonneau de la bière.

Un des plus belles orgues.

La plupart du monde est portée à juger après les apparences.

Elles sont tout contentes, mais Louise est tout étonné.

3. Give the plurals of-canal, avantgarde, chacal, bail, régal, eventail, beau-frère, opéra.

4. Distinguish between the meanings of the following words in the singular and in the plural:-austérité, lumière, mesure, toile, faste, noce, ciseau, gage; and between the meanings of the following when masc. and femin. :-barbe, poste, vase, poêle, crêpe, manche, mousse, mode, coche.

5. Distinguish between and illustrate the use of quoi and que, dont and duquel, au reste and du reste.

6. Give examples of the use of aller and venir in conjunction with other verbs.

7. Turn into French the following sentences:He feels in himself the strength to conquer.

Two great faults are known in him.

They divided the spoil among themselves.

He alone resisted my prayers.

Who will get the majority, Liberals or Conservatives?
They are cousins of mine.

I forbid you to attempt anything against him.

Thou shalt not steal.

8. Distinguish between the use of pas and point (1) in negative, (2) in interrogative sentences.

THURSDAY, JUNE 7, from 9.30 to 11 A.M.

2 (c). German. (First Paper.)

Translate into English:

(1) Die Eingeborenen sind meistens blutarm und leben vom Fischfang, der erst im nächsten Monat, im Oktober, bei stürmischem Wetter seinen Anfang nimmt. Viele dieser

Insulaner dienen auch als Matrosen auf fremden Kauffahr-
teischiffen und bleiben jahrelang von Hause entfernt, ohne
ihren Angehörigen irgend eine Nachricht von sich zukom-
men zu lassen. Nicht selten finden sie den Tod auf dem
Ich habe einige arme Weiber auf der Insel gefun-
den, deren ganze männliche Familie solcherweise umgekom-
men, was sich leicht ereignet, da der Vater mit seinen Söhnen
gewöhnlich auf demselben Schiffe zur See fährt. Das
Seefahren hat für diese Menschen einen grossen Reiz; und
dennoch, glaube ich, daheim ist ihnen Allen am wohlsten zu
Muthe. Sind sie auch auf ihren Schiffen sogar nach jenen
südlichen Ländern gekommen, wo die Sonne blühender und
der Mond romantischer leuchtet, so können doch alle Blu-
men dort nicht den Leck ihres Herzens stopfen, und mitten
in der duftigen Heimat des Frühlings sehnen sie sich wieder
zurück nach ihrer Sandinsel, nach ihren kleinen Hütten,
nach dem flackernden. Herde, wo die Ihrigen, wohlverwahrt
in wollenen Jacken, herumkauern, und einen Thee trinken,
der sich von gekochtem Seewasser nur durch den Namen
unterscheidet, und eine Sprache schwatzen, wovon kaum
begreiflich scheint, wie es ihnen selber möglich ist, sie zu

(2) So lasst mich scheinen, bis ich werde;
Zieht mir das weisse Kleid nicht aus !

Ich eile von der schönen Erde

Hinab in jenes feste Haus.

Dort ruh' ich eine kleine Stille,

Dann öffnet sich der frische Blick;
Ich lasse dann die reine Hülle,
Den Gürtel und den Kranz zurück.

Und jene himmlischen Gestalten
Sie fragen nicht nach Mann und Weib,
Und keine Kleider, keine Falten
Umgeben den verklärten Leib.

Zwar lebt' ich ohne Sorg' und Mühe
Doch fühlt' ich tiefen Schmerz genung.
Vor Kummer altert' ich zu frühe;
Macht mich auf ewig wieder jung!

THURSDAY, JUNE 7, from 11 A.M. to 12.30.

2 (c). German. (Second Paper.)

Translate into German :

So his friend went his way, and Edwin sat alone on a stone before the house. And his heart was very sorrowful, and he knew not what to do or whither to turn him. Then there came a man and stood before him, a man of strange countenance and clad in strange raiment, such as Edwin had never before seen, and Edwin feared as he saw him. Then said he, 'Wherefore dost thou, while other men sleep, sit thus alone and sad on a stone before the house?' And Edwin answered and said, 'What is it to thee whether I abide this night within or without the house?' Then the strange man answered and said, 'Think not that I know thee not who thou art, and why thou art sad and sleepest not, and why thou sittest thus alone before the house. For truly I know thee well who thou art, and wherefore thou art sad, and I know what evils they are that thou fearest lest they should come upon thee. But tell me, what reward wilt thou give unto him who shall free thee from all thy sorrows, and shall persuade Raedwald so that he shall neither do thee any harm nor deliver thee into the hands of them that seek thy life?' Then Edwin answered and said, 'All that I have will I give as a reward to him that shall do this thing for me.'

THURSDAY, JUNE 7, from 2.30 to 4.30 P.M.

2 (c). German. (Third Paper.)

1. Give the gender, genitive singular, and nominative plural (when in use) of-Reh, Flur, Gesang, Ueberfluss, Zuflucht, Insel, Schach, Kraut, Zeit, Gram.

2. Decline throughout the German for-the great king, a fair city (Stadt, fem.), this new building (Gebäude, neut.), white hands.

3. Write out in full the present indicative of laufen and sterben, the imperfect subjunctive of brechen and mögen, the imperative of geben and thun..

5. Parse-seid, schierst, gegolten, dächte, fängt, gerufen, ritt, gewusst, verblichen, gelogen.

6. Put into German

(1) This does not concern me.

(2) I like that best.

(3) He was born in the city of London on the 10th of May, 1800.

(4) He died a month ago.

(5) He has lost both his eyes.

(6) The work was completed last year.

(7) He wishes to be remembered to you.

(8) You must learn to write German as well as to read it. 7. Distinguish-denn, dann; wenn, wann; etwas, etwa; sonst, umsonst; ergebenst, vergebens; einzeln, einzig.

8. When is the article used in German and not used in English?

What are the other uses of der besides its use as the article?

MONDAY, JUNE 4, from 2.30 to 4.30 P.M.

3. Arithmetic.

1. Divide 436 acres 3 roods 3 yards 4 feet 72 inches by 19.

[blocks in formation]

3. What fraction of 2l. 198. oåd. is 17. 128. 94d.?

If the larger of these sums is the value of 12 dwts. of gold, of what weight of gold is the other the value?

4. A person, purchasing a carpet for a room 21 ft. long and 15 ft. 9 in. wide, chooses a material which is yd. wide, and the pattern of which is complete in each yard of length how much carpet must he buy in order that the pattern may be unbroken, if the strips are to run lengthwise in the room?

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