
curved rods with expanded or branching ends. Type: Museum of Comparative Zoology. Type locality: Near Key West, Florida. Distribution: From Key West northward and westward to Horn Island, Mississippi. The type specimens were dug out in a sandy mud flat in a mangrove key. The other specimens found in the Gulf have unfortunately all been preserved in formalin so the spicules are partly destroyed. A large series of this species and the foregoing is most desirable as they appear to me to be rather closely related and possibly represent different age stages.

Genus 4 PROTANKYRA Oestergren, 1898
Protankyra brychia (Verrill)

Synapta brychia Verrill, 1885, p. 539. Protankyra brychia Oestergren, 1898, p. 116; Deichmann, 1940, p. 229, pl. 41, figs. 1-3.

Synapta abyssicola Théel, 1886, p. 14, pl. 1, fig. 11; Deichmann, 1930, p. 210.

Diagnosis.-Medium-sized form, 10 cm. long up to 1 cm. in diameter. Tentacles 12, with 2 pairs of digits. Color dark yellowish with reddish pigment on oral side of tentacle base. Spicules large anchors, 0.7 to 1.0 mm. long with branched handle. Anchor plates with numerous dentate holes and a bridge or an irregular network. No accessory miliary grains. Type: United States National Museum. Type locality: Off Cape Hatteras, at 938 fathoms. Distribution: Eastern and western Atlantic, including Gulf of Mexico. From 800 to 1,000 fathoms.

Usually, fragments are all that one gets of this mud-loving species. Although it is rather incompletely known it seems certain that the differences listed between Verrill's and Théel's species are within the limit of a variation which one must expect.

Lugwig's variety of abyssicola from the Pacific Ocean which H. L. Clark gave specific rank can undoubtedly be withdrawn as the presence or absence of teeth on the anchors is the result of age and not a constant character.

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digits; numerous wheel papillae with wheels of varying size diameter, 0.1 to 0.2 mm.; curved rods thinly scattered. Viviparous. Type: Lost. Type locality: Biscayne Bay, Florida. Distribution: Known to range from Brazil, Trinidad to Bermuda, and also Tortugas, Florida.

According to Pourtalés it occurs "among interstices of the branches of coral which occurs on shoals in Biscayne Bay," and from the findings in Bermuda and Tortugas, etc., one can expect it wherever broken corals and sand occur. Usually, many specimens are found in one spot, and as S. hydriformis, it is viviparous which Ludwig was the first to notice (1881), while H. L. Clark (1910) wrote an extensive report on its development. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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1898. Synapta vivipara. Mem. Biol. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ. 4 (2): 53–88, pls. 11-15.

1907. The apodous holothurians. Smithsonian Contr. 35: 12-231, pls. 1-13.

1910. The development of an apodous holothurian (Chiridota rotifera). Jour. Exp. Zool. 9 (3): 496–516, 6 figs.

1919. Distribution of the littoral echinoderms of the West Indies. Carnegie Inst. Washington Pub. 281: 49-74, pls. 1-3.

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1933. A handbook of the littoral echinoderms of Porto Rico and the other West Indian Islands. Scientific Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands, 16, Part 1, New York Acad. Sci., pp. 1-147, pls. 1-17. 1935. The Holothurians of the genus Caudina. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (10) 15: 267-284.

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1938b. New holothurians from the western coast of North America and some remarks on the genus Caudina. Proc. New England Zool. Club 16: 103115, text figs.

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