No. 3 HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS SEVENTIETH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON H. J. Res. 60 TO CREATE A COMMISSION TO SECURE PLANS AND DESIGNS FOR AND TO ERECT A MEMORIAL BUILDING FOR THE NATIONAL MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED IN THE CITY OF WASHINGTON, AS A TRIBUTE TO THE NEGRO'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE CONTENTS Statement of Ferdinand D. Lee, president National Memorial Association_ Statement of Mrs. Julia West Hamilton, president Women's Relief Statement of Mrs. Lizzie Bassett, president Department of Potomac Statement of Rev. Dr. W. H. Jernagin, president General Baptist Conven- Statement of S. W. Rutherford, secretary and general manager of the III PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS-NO. 3 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS, Wednesday, February 1, 1928. The committee met at 10.30 o'clock a. m., Hon. Richard N. Elliott (chairman), presiding. Present: Messrs. Elliott (chairman), Taylor, Bowles, Magrady, Swick, Crail, Lanham, Kerr, Woodrum, Eslick, Edwards, and Cohen. Present also: Hon. Will R. Wood, Representative from the State of Indiana; Hon. Maurice H. Thatcher, Representative from the State of Kentucky; Ferdinand D. Lee, president National Memorial Association; Mrs. Julia West Hamilton, president Woman's Relief Corps; Mrs. Lizzie Bassett, president Department Potomac Woman's Relief Corps; Rev. Dr. W. H. Jernagin, president General Baptist Convention; Mrs. Mary Church Terrell, first president of National Association of Colored Women; West A. Hamilton, of the Sentinel Publishing Co.; Mrs. A. M. Curtis; and Dr. T. Edward Jones, of Freedmen's Hospital, formerly captain Medical Corps, United States Army. The CHAIRMAN. Gentlemen, the committee will come to order, and we will begin this hearing. We have this morning to take up House Joint Resolution 60, introduced by Mr. Taylor of Tennessee, to create a commission to secure plans and designs for and to erect a memorial building for the National Memorial Association (Inc.) in the city of Washington, as a tribute to the negro's contribution to the achievements of America. I think that this resolution should go in the hearing at this point. House Joint Resolution 60 JOINT RESOLUTION To create a commission to secure plans and designs for and to erect a memorial building for the National Memorial Association (Inc.) in the city of Washington, as a tribute to the negro's contribution to the achievement of America. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That a commission is hereby created, composed of nine members, of whom the Director of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital, the Supervising Architect of the Treasury, and the Architect of the Capitol shall be ex officio members, the six additional members to be appointed by the President, to be known as national memorial commission, to procure and determine upon a location, plans, and designs for a memorial building suitable for meetings of patriotic organizations, public ceremonial events, the exhibition of art and inventions, and placing statues and tablets, for the National Memorial Association (Incorporated) in the city of Washington, as a tribute to the negro's contribution to the achievements of America. 1 |