
the Highlands had to be invited that | longed to Lord Napier. The lookout the funeral could not be till the 1st room at the top was locked and sealed ; February. It was wonderful what but there were battlements so that we mamma did, in spite of her weakness; could play and run about on them as all had to be arranged — where the men much as we liked. On these battlefrom the various districts were to walk, ments we might sing our Gaelic and so as to prevent any quarrels or fight- Jacobite songs as much and as loud as ing. I remember the large quantity of we liked. Our schoolroom was the old cheese which was procured from two hall on the second floor of the castle. farms at a considerable distance, as Many things surprised us. I am not food, cheese, oatcakes, and whiskey sure that we had ever seen an ordinary had to be provided for about one thou- pump in our lives; anyhow, we desand common men. A cook came from lighted in pumping—it was exercise — Inverness to prepare food for more and were amazed when the laundry than fifty gentlemen in some part of maid told us we should not waste the the offices in the square. water. "Waste water!" We had never heard of such a thing, accustomed to Loch Oich in front, and the river Garry at the back of the house. We soon thought the confinement of Edinburgh quite dreadful, and began to wonder how long it would take us to walk or run some three hundred miles back to Glengarry again. So we measured how often round the battlements would make one mile, and each of us ran so many miles a day.

And truly the funeral was a considerable one. Hosts of men gathered on the lawn, to whom cheese cut in squares and oatcakes were handed round in hampers, followed by a man with bottles of whiskey and a glass, during which time some rain fell, but not much, fortunately, as no shelter could have been found for such a number. At last the funeral started; no hearse or carriages of any sort were at it. The coffin was carried on men's shoulders the piper playing in front; our only brother, in full Highland dress, his arm covered with crape, at the head; papa's only brother, Sir James, in plain clothes, at the foot; mamma's two brothers, Lord Medwyn and Uncle George, Charles Stuart Hay, and others, at the sides. Mamma had given strict orders that no whiskey was to be offered till after the body was under ground.

About the 21st May we all set out for Edinburgh. As on all former occasions, the carriages were quite full. At the top of Corriedenna we all got out and had some sort of lunch beside a well which formerly had no name. Mamma was prevailed upon to break a bottle of whiskey into it and to name it The Lady's Well; and ever since it has been called Tobar-na-Bendeen. Merchiston Castle was now to be our home, certainly a well-chosen home for such wild creatures as we were. The old castle consisted of two or three rooms on each of five floors, with a turret-stair from top to bottom. It be

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1 Miss Macdonell writes:

"MAVIS BANK, ROTHESAY, 17th April, 1893. "My father died in January, 1828, and my mother came to Merchiston Castle, Edinburgh, where she

lived from May, 1828, to May, 1830. It was there I first saw the Death-Song,' and was told by mother that Sir Walter Scott had written it and sent it to her. I believe she got it soon after we all came

south in May, 1828, and it has always been in whatever houses we lived ever since."

O think of the patriot, most ardent and kind;

Then sigh for Glengarry in whom all were joined.

The chieftains may gather the combatants call,

One champion is absentwas all;

The bright eye of genius and valor may flame,

But who now shall light it to honor and fame.

See the light bark how toss'd! she's

wrecked on the wave!

See dauntless Glengarry on the verge of the grave!

See his leap see that gash, and that eye

now so dim!

gleton were mixed. My mother had nothing in common with her sister, and as she early discerned that the visits were not congenial she never pressed them It must have been my upon me. father, who had vague ideas of some that champion remote testamentary advantage, who reminded me that it would be well to keep in touch with Uncle Simeon; and perhaps it was the hope of meeting my cousin Rhoda which rendered me more compliant in this case than I often was to such prudent suggestions. Our part of the family had lived abroad for years, and the home-keeping branch looked askance on us. My father in his early years had been a pupil of Gibson, but after producing one or two striking models (one of an Orestes I shall never forget), he grew tired of the steady labor required by his profession, and only worked when he liked. He never liked to work long together, and at last ceased to work at all. Then he took up painting. Then he wrote art criticisms for an Italian newspaper. In fact, he and all of us were Bohemians. We had hard times often, for we never had much money. Suddenly, however, one of the many friends to whom my father had shown kindness died, and left a few thousand pounds on condition we took his name, which was Winstanley.

And thy heart must be steel'd, if it bleed

not for him.

Arise thou young branch of so noble a


Obscurity marks not the worth of a gem;
O hear the last wish of thy father for thee
"Be all to thy country, Glengarry should

Why sounds the loud pibroch, why tolls the
death bell,

Why crowd our bold clansmen to Garry's green vale ?

'Tis to mourn for their chief-for Glengarry the brave,

'Tis to tell that a hero is laid in his grave.

O! heard ye that anthem, slow, pealing on high!

The shades of the valiant are come from the sky,

And the Genii of Gaeldoch are first in the

O list to the theme of their aerial song.
It's "welcome Glengarry, thy clansmen's
fast friend."

It's "welcome to joys that shall ne'er have

an end,

The halls of great Odin are open to thee,
O welcome Glengarry, the gallant and


From The Cornhill Magazine. THE MAN IN THE GREEN TURBAN.


I AM afraid that the motives which induced me to go every year and stay a fortnight with my uncle and aunt Hug


Then we came to England, and we had been living in a delightful old house in South Devon for about five years when my story begins. On arriving at home we were all invited to Mudworth Hall, but we suited our English relatives so ill that the experiment of a visit in force was not made again. My father, however, who since. his unexpected windfall had learned the pleasantness of being easy about money matters, considered it his duty, as I say, to follow the Quaker precept and "go where money was," vicariously, in my person, for a fortnight every July. The reason of our dislike of the Huggletons was obvious. They were all of the strictest sect of the Pharisees. They were Sabbatarians, Millenarians, Predestinarians, and everything they could be which was

eccentric and repellent to people who deputation aforesaid, was the Sheikh had led the free, art-loving life to Assad-el-Deen; but under this name, which we had been accustomed. They between inverted commas, was written attended and supported a little chapel "The Man in the Green Turban," that of ease compared with which, I am being regarded, no doubt, as a striking sure, the Little Ease in the Tower was and sensational designation, and being "a feastful presence full of light." believed by many of his admirers to be Here the incumbent, the Rev. Gedaliah the translation of his name, which it Textor, preached twice every Sunday was not. "It is no doubt providenand once every Wednesday on vials tial," said my uncle at breakfast, "that and trumpets, and the little horn, and you should be in time for our local Gog and Magog, and Armageddon, and meeting this year, as we expect an the number of the Beast. At least, arrival of no ordinary — nay, I may say when I attended his ministry this of extraordinary — interest. We shall course on prophecy was in full blast, have the privilege of hearing from his and Uncle Simeon dished up the most own lips the narrative of the sufferings hopelessly illogical and impossible of and hardships to which that zealous his pastor's expositions at family confessor of the faith, known as 'The prayer morning and evening. The Man in the Green Turban,' has been whole household lived in mortal antag-subjected by his benighted and fanatonism to the vicar of the parish -a ical countrymen. I deem it a matscholarly and charming old man, to ter whose church I once succeeded in inveigling my cousin Rhoda, for which trespass I was duly prayed for by my uncle and preached at by his Levite.

Uncle Simeon was giving us what I profanely called a dress rehearsal of his introductory speech, and was only recalled to the fact that we were in camera by the butler offering him a choice of ham and veal cutlets. He helped himself, and proceeded in a more colloquial strain :

For four years I had succeeded in ending my visit the week before the great local missionary function took place, but on this fifth visit, either I was later than usual, or the meeting "I mean, we should be thankful to was earlier than usual. At all events, get him down, as last year there was a before I had been in the house twelve thin attendance, and the subscriptions hours I learned that the dreaded gath- have been growing less lately in spite ering was appointed for the following of our dear Mr. Textor's efforts. Monday, and that something was to Rhoda, you do not, I fear, make it distinguish this particular occasion known at Sunday School that admisfrom all former meetings at the Hall. sion to the annual treat depends on Placards, leaflets, tracts met you every-punctuality in sending in the money where, and on all of them was the visi- boxes. Represent it as a privilege to ble presentment or name of the speaker contribute to spreading the Gospel. who would accompany the deputation The pennies wasted at Mrs. Hardbake's from the parent society, and who sweet-shop would clothe and educate would relate his experience and de- four black children a quarter; I have scribe his persecutions, first at a draw-made the calculation myself." ing-room meeting, and then, secondly, in the evening at the schoolhouse of here?" asked my aunt. the chapel of ease. I have the portraits of the man in my mind's eye as I write, and I have the face of the original still more vividly impressed on my recollection. His name, which was variously pronounced and accented by my uncle, the incumbent, and the

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66 By what train will the sheikh be

"He will be in time for luncheon. He proposes to make the Hall his basis of operations, and from hence to attack the neighboring parishes, returning to supper each evening."

"Dear me!" said my aunt. is tone which betrayed less expted to 4334

hen one

ticipation at the husband displayed. he want anything

prospect than her|icate in fibre and refined in expres"Dear me ! Will sion, of course; but still, doctrinally particular to eat? and practically, she believed what he Black people are peculiar in their believed. By temper and training she habits, and I would tell Mrs. Joynt if was a Puritan maiden. It evidently he is likely to prefer anything." pained her intensely to notice a trace "No, my dear. The sheikh has of sarcasm in my remarks about the thrown away all restrictions of that missionary meeting. The incongrunature. (I will take some kippered ities and inconsistencies which forced salmon, Jacobs.) The irksome regula- themselves upon her notice in the tions of Indian caste, and the dietary speeches of my uncle were slight flaws prohibitions of Mohammedanism-re- in crystal, for no Christian character sembling, alas! too closely the Lenten is complete; but a missionary was the observances of the apostate Church of holiest and noblest of men. No one Rome - all are to the enlightened could dedicate himself to evangelistic Christian beggarly elements, and have work without a divine calling, and all been doubtless discarded by our colored other professions and occupations were brother sordid and selfish in comparison with

"Is he black, uncle?" said Rhoda this one. It must be remembered that innocently.

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Rhoda never read a novel, that she
had no contact with any society save
that at the Hall, and that her sole lit-
erature consisted of stories in which
self-devoted preachers and easily per-
suaded negroes filled the canvas.
sides, the discipline of thought, speech,
and act in the little circle she moved in
was strict and vigilant. Her compan-
ions were all pietists, and any phrase
that did not come out of the vocab-
ulary was noticed and reprimanded at
once. To me, strange as it may seem,
all this had a charm, for I felt that with
her it was thoroughly real. I did not
even apprehend it all. Her words im-
plied motives I did not understand, and

My uncle said grace and retired to his study. I vanished to smoke a furtive pipe in the shrubbery, and then was fortunate enough to find Rhoda equipped for a trip into the village. She ought, I believe, to have hunted up the parents whose children refused to subscribe to missions; but she sub-influences to which I had never been mitted to force majeure and her love of nature, and wandered with me in the pleasant beech woods.

That ramble gave me an insight into her character which was a new experience. Living, as I had lived, mostly with artists and journalists, I had never had an opportunity of conversing with a perfectly simple and deeply enthusiastic woman. I had seen on former visits that Uncle Simeon's artificial tone grated on her, and she often winced at the odd contrast between his unctuous spiritual professions and vular, self-indulgent habits, but I did not ize until our talk amidst the beeches induce religious beliefs were precisely fortnight is his. Infinitely more del

subject. Still, as we walked through the woods, ankle-deep in fern, and watched the sunshine flash and flicker through the leaves and the squirrel sputter up the beech stems, and listened to the murmurous note of the wood-pigeon and the tinkle of the rivulet that hid itself coyly amongst the grass and only peeped up now and again to deepen the emerald tint of the sod, I felt a sense of rest and security that was new to me. I was not looking at all the beauty as a sketcher with words or pencil. I was feeling the healthful breath that went out of it all coming into my own being and cleansing it and uplifting it. That hour in the green world was one of the days


most to be remembered in my queer | justice, for my attention was bent on rambling life. I have often wondered examining the sheikh. He was a tall, what would have happened if I had narrow-shouldered man, with a dark told her then what I was feeling; but I complexion and good features. am not sure that I could have done so. eyes were piercing, his lips thick, perIndeed, after-events revealed much to haps sensual, his nose was delicately which I was a stranger at the time. cut. He had a mark in the middle of That day I was not conscious of any his forehead, and a silver earring in feeling towards Rhoda definite enough one of his ears. He wore an ill-made to bear putting into words, or else I suit of clerical black clothes, but it was had no apt words to express the feeling understood that he would appear after it was so absolutely vague. I do not luncheon in native costume. Prejuknow which sentence expresses the diced as I am against him, I acknowlcase most accurately. All I know is, edge that he had a beautiful voice and that the ramble in the sweet woods was spoke English fluently; indeed, I was all too short, and that we went back soon sufficiently interested in him to be to the Hall only just in time to enter anxious to ascertain his real history and the dining-room as the luncheon-to get at his actual antecedents. The bell stopped clanging, and my uncle, memoir of him given in the various between the deputation and Sheikh tracts and leaflets was occupied with a Assad-el-Deen, was closing his eyes record of his spiritual progress and expiously for his Levite's unctuous grace. periences, concerning which I could He introduced me to his guests in a form no opinion. curt sentence, and then, after reminding us somewhat emphatically of our unpunctuality, launched out into the I LEARNED further particulars later, great subject of the day-the assign- but more by putting casually dropped ment of appropriate parts to himself statements together than by the and his two visitors, first at the draw-speeches of the deputation and the ing-room meeting and then at the great sheikh himself at the drawing-room field-night in the schoolroom. The meeting. This last was a great sucRev. Gedaliah was not expected to be very prominent on these occasions. He had at first resented being put into the background, but soon learned that it was wiser to submit, so he revenged himself for his temporary suppression by being longer, more irrelevant, and more denunciatory than usual on the ensuing Sabbath.

"Our dear brother Textor," Uncle Simeon would say, "will be glad of a rest, and so perhaps I, though unworthy, will open the proceedings, introduce the speakers, sum up the results of the addresses, and engage in the final prayer."


cess. Some forty or fifty men, women, and clergymen were present. My aunt and Rhoda did the honors without fussiness, and Uncle Simeon was in his glory. In the glossiest broadcloth and the largest white necktie I had ever beheld he dominated the entire scene, until (I must be accurate) the rising of the Man with the Green Turban.

He had kept behind and in shadow during the speeches of my uncle and the deputation, but when he stepped forward in an Eastern costume which was a gem of harmonious coloring we felt the hero of the day would not disappoint us.

Having thus secured the lion's share He began by a compliment to his of public talk to himself, he proceeded host, then to England - the only land to improve the deeply interesting occa- that "conquered without cruelty and sion by inquiries as to the state of the converted without coercion" and work in foreign countries; to which after a few florid sentences told us the replies were, it struck me, singu- what professed to be the story of his larly evasive and flabby. I may not, life in a style wonderfully adapted to however, have done the deputation his audience. The story when one

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