

Pour le développement de l'instinct rythmique, du sens auditif et du sentiment tonal

Ire PARTIE.-Gymnastique rythmique.

Pour le développement de l'instinct rythmique et métrique musical, du sens de l'harmonie plastique et de l'équilibre des mouvements, et pour la régularisation des habitudes motrices.


No. 937. Fort de 280 pages, illustré de 80 dessins d'Artus et de s. d. 155 photographies de Boissonras

En complément de ce premier volume:

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No. 780. 84 Marches rytmiques pour chant et piano, qui ont été composées spécialement pour l'enseignement de la gymnastique rythmique

net 4

D'après des professeurs compétents, s'occupant spécialement de pédagogie, ces études sont propres à développer le sens rythmique des jeunes élèves, et constituent des exercices spécialement favorables pour l'enseignement de la musique.

No. 811. Le même, chant seul


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En supplément à la Méthode de gymnastique rythmique: No. 981. La respiration et l'innervation musculaire. Planches anatomiques d'après les dessins originaux de E. Cacheux - net 2 8

IIme PARTIE (I volume).-Étude de la portée musicale. No. 939. La portée.-Étude de la notation musicale

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IIIme PARTIE (3 volumes).-Les Gammes et les Tonalités, le Phrasé et les Nuances.

No. 940.


La gamme majeure. Les gammes diésées majeures. Règles générales de phrasé (respiration). Les gammes bémolisées. L'anacrouse. Exercices dans tous les tons. Marches mélodiques tonales. Mélodies faciles

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No. 941. Les dicordes. Les tricordes. La gamme chronique. tétracordes. Pentacordes. Hexacordes. Heptacordes. lodies à déchiffrer avec nuances et phrasé

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No. 942. Préparation à l'étude de l'harmonie. Classification en quatre espèces des heptacordes et hexacordes; les renversements. La gamme mineure et ses dicordes, tricordes, tétracordes, etc. La modulation. Mélodies mineures et modulantes

No. 1046. Le même. Manuel des élèves

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Un volume in-16 d'environ 200 pages, broché, 2s. net.

Sous la forme succincte d'un annuaire, ce recueil offre aux Français de France et aux Français d'Angleterre tous les renseignements qui

peuvent leur être nécessaires.

L'auteur qui réside en ce pays depuis nombre d'années, a été à même, grâce à sa situation, de se rendre compte des difficultés que rencontrent à chaque pas ses compatriotes, et il s'est efforcé de les aplanir de la façon la plus rapide et la plus pratique. Aussi, pas de vaines phrases, des renseignements d'une rigoureuse exactitude, parfois quelques conseils dictés par l'expérience, et toujours le souci de venir en aide pour tout ce qui doit nécessairement embarrasser, non seulement le nouveau venu, mais même celui qui a plusieurs années de séjour. Ce n'est pas un volume qu'on lira une fois pour toutes, mais un petit livre que l'on gardera en poche, ou sur le bureau à portée de la main pour le consulter.

La première partie se compose d'une liste de noms et adresses des principaux Français établis dans le RoyaumeUni et d'une seconde nomenclature par professions, métiers ou commerce.-Bottin précieux non seulement pour les particuliers, mais aussi pour les représentants, les commerçants, les négociants qui n'hésitent plus, dès lors, à venir se créer des débouchés et rechercher la clientèle des colonies françaises à l'étranger. Aucun travail de ce genre n'existe encore à l'heure actuelle.

Voici un aperçu sommaire de la seconde partie. Elle comprend des informations générales : douanes, postes et télégraphes, etc., etc., des renseignements sur la législation usuelle (bail, conditions de location, droits du propriétaire et du locataire,--patrons et employés,-impôts et taxes); - le droit civil (testament, contrats de mariage, affaires litigieuses), le droit et usages commerciaux, sabilité de l'employeur,-patentes, -formalités consulaires et locales auxquelles sont astreints les Français (actes de l'Etat civil, service militaire et pour terminer, un tableau comparatif des poids, monnaies, mesures, thermomètre, etc.


La forme adoptée est l'ordre alphabétique, le seul pratique pour mettre en œuvre la maxime dont s'est inspiré l'auteur: "Vite et bien."

Sloan-Duployan Shorthand


(1) The entire system is reduced to a compass of twelve Lessons.

(2) It is readily grasped by school children, owing to freedom from complication.

(3) Vowels are written in their natural order without lifting the hand.

(4) The outlines are shorter than those of any other system. (5) Its brevity renders a high speed quickly attainable. (6) It does away with the necessity of memorizing multitudes

of rules, grammalogues, and phrases.

The system has been awarded twelve gold medals; approved by the Government Education Departments (English and Scotch); highly praised by His Majesty's Inspectors; adopted by the London and other School Boards; taught in 3,000 Government elementary schools in France; recognised by the Military Authorities; officially recognised at all Civil Service Examinations, Society of Arts Examinations, etc. The Shorthand Speed Championship of the United States has been held by a Sloan-Duployan writer for eleven Years in succession.


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Instructor (12th Edition). A complete System of Phonetic Shorthand, with s. d. full instructions. The simplest, most legible, and briefest method in the world. By J. M. SLOAN Reporters' Rules and Abbreviations (14th Edition). A complete guide to verbatim reporting. By J. M. SLOAN. This book should not be studied till the student has thoroughly mastered the contents of "Instructor"



A Preliminary Course in Sloan-Duployan Phonography. Arranged by J. D. SLOAN. For introducing the system to quite young children, and for the most elementary classes in schools

Key to "Preliminary Course "


"SHORTHAND THE OLD AND THE NEW," Containing Alphabet, Specimens, etc., sent Post Free on Application.

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"The success of Sloan-Duployan Shorthand is due to the easiness, simplicity, and brevity of its methods. The legibility of its characters and its connective vowel system so conducive to speed cannot fail to secure for this system an increased patronage in those schools preparing candidates for examinations."-Chamber of Commerce Journal.

Shorthand Reading Books


Learners' Reading-Book (4th Edition). Graduated exercises arranged to ensure rapid progress. The first reading-book to be studied by learners. The beginning of "Reporters' Rules and Abbreviations" may be acquired, with advantage, simultaneously with "Learners' Reading-Book" (in Two Parts) complete

Æsop's Fables, in learners' style. Should be procured when the sixth lesson of the "Instructor" is reached, and should be gone through previous to commencing the "Reporter," in order to acquire facility in reading

Key to "Esop's Fables," in ordinary print


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Reporters' Reading-Book. Corresponds to the "Reporter" in
the same way that the "Learners' Reading-Book" corresponds
to the "Instructor"
Business Letters. General, shipping, and legal letters in easy
reporting style. Key in ordinary print is issued separately,
but sold with the book

General Phrases. By J. M. SLOAN. The system lends itself
in an especial degree to the use of phraseograms, i.e. words
combined without lifting the pen. An extensive list of
phraseograms is included. The use of these tends to rapidity
in writing. Should be in the hands of every student practising
for speed
Miniature Biographies. Selections from the best writers--
Macaulay, Carlyle, Hugh Miller, Brougham, Tytler, De
Quincey, etc., on Alexander, Alfred, Bruce, Cæsar, Charle-
magne, Clive, Cromwell, Napoleon, Nelson, Robespierre,
Wallace, Washington, Wellington, and Cardinal Wolsey
Key to "Miniature Biographies," in ordinary print
Tales and Selections, including extracts from Poe, Washington
Irving, Addison, Sir Walter Scott, Thackeray, Carlyle, Pres-
cott, Froude, etc.

Key to "Tales and Selections," in ordinary print

Famous Speeches. (New and Enlarged Edition). An interesting Selection by Pitt, Brougham, Sheridan, Burke, Gladstone, Disraeli, John Bright, etc., etc.

Key to "Famous Speeches," in ordinary print

Dictionary of Selected Words with Reporting Style Outlines.

1 3

I 3



Owing to the simplicity of Sloan-Duployan, the need of a complete Dictionary has not made itself felt, but a list of suitable words has been published under the above title.

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NEW BOOKS ON THE GOUIN METHOD. The principal features of the method are the following:

I. Its teaching is oral.

2. It is based on the phrase, and not on the word, i.e. no separate word is ever taught, because conversation is never carried on in single words but always in sentences.

3. The phrases taught are connected by logical and natural sequence. This is the principle which differentiates the Gouin Method from all other so-called new or direct Methods. In ordinary text-books, although the ten or fifteen phrases of a lesson may be on the same subject, they have between themselves no natural link, and the last one might, without any inconvenience, be taught before the first. Hence the difficulty of committing them to memory.

In the Gouin Method, the first phrase calls up the second, this one the third, and so on. The Imagination and Memory of the pupil or student are wonderfully helped thereby. And that idea of sequence has been fitly termed "The idea of a man of genius.”

4. The Serial Lessons are based upon a constant variety of interesting and useful topics. Each Lesson introduces new idiomatic phrases, and is given in an original manner with appropriate gesture and explanation.

5. When the conversational matter of each Lesson is mastered, the grammar is deduced therefrom. The rules are given at the bottom of each page.


By F. THÉMOIN, B. ès L., Founder of the Gouin Schools, London.
Complete Course for Children. (7 to 18 years of age.)

First Book. 120 pages.
Crown 8vo. Cloth. With 60 Illustrations
depicting Familiar Scenes of Everyday Life ..

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The Lessons are short, varied, and easy. After they have been learned, most of them can be acted in class to the delight and profit of the pupils. A useful Grammatical Appendix gives a résumé of the rules exemplified in the text matter. Second Book. 160 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth. With 25 Illustrations Arranged on the same plan as the "First Book," although a trifle more complex. The Lessons, as in Book I., are interspersed with short stories, anecdotes, poetical pieces, songs, etc.

After the above two books have been mastered, Vol. II. of the Adult Course should be gone through. The Course can then be completed by a careful study of the French Idiomatic Expressions (see below).

Vol. I. 178 pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth

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Complete Course for Adults.

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166 Lessons based on a constant variety of interesting and useful topics. Grammatical inferences, always deduced from lessons previously learnt, are given at the bottom of each page.

Vol. II. 164 pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth




Forms a sequel to Vol. I. Treats of vegetable and animal life, and that of man in its
various relations (Education, Society, Professions, Government, etc.). The
second part of the volume is made up chiefly of extracts from modern authors.
"The lessons follow each other in a logical sequence, and all the common idioms
most required for ordinary everyday conversation appear in the series of phrases so
ably put together.
Those desiring quickly to learn to speak French with a
reasonable hope of being able to make themselves understood, cannot do better than
do so on this eminently rational and natural system. Though not a 'royal road' it is
certainly more pleasant than the orthodox method so prevalent in the scholastic
institutions of to-day."-Teacher's Aid.

French Idiomatic Expressions. Gallicismes, Proverbes et Expressions difficiles
se rapportant à des Qualités et à des Défauts moraux et intellectuels ;
Gallicismes, Proverbes et Expressions difficiles se rapportant à des
Choses plutôt matérielles. 160 pages, Large Crown 8vo. Cloth. net
The plan of this work is entirely novel. Idiomatic expressions which relate to
the same class of idea are grouped together according to their sense, and linked
into a connected text, instead of being merely printed in a detached alphabetical
list. The advantage of this method is that as two or three different expressions often
convey the same meaning, they are learnt in one and the same effort, and the con-
nected text makes them easier to understand and remember.

The volume contains more than 2,500 different expressions, all explained in easy and simple French, with Index at the end. It is intended for advanced students who wish to understand French thoroughly, and will be found very helpful to those preparing for examinations such as the Diplomatic Service, the Army, Civil Service, Society of Arts, etc.

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Commercial Correspondence-French-English and English-French. Up-to-date Models of Letters, with over 2000 Expressions and Phrases grouped according to their Sense by a natural Sequence into a connected Text. Demy 8vo. Cloth [Continued on next page.

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