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French Dictionaries and Technical Vocabularies (continued) Smith, Improved French-English and English-French Pocket s. d. Dictionary, with Pronunciation, Monies, Weights, Measures, Technical Terms, etc. 900 pages. Demy 16mo. Cloth Smith and Hamilton, English-French and French-English Dictionary, with Pronunciation. Containing all Words in common Use, Commercial Phraseology, Terms of Art, Philo. sophy, Science, Military and Naval Terms, Idiomatic Expressions, Phrases, etc. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. About 800 pages each. Cloth

Soulice, Petit Dictionnaire de la Langue Française. Contenant
tous les mots qui peuvent se rencontrer dans les conversations et
dans les ouvrages qui sont à la portée des jeunes élèves, les
difficultés orthographiques que présentent, soit la formation du
pluriel ou du féminin de certains mots, soit la conjugaison d'un
assez grand nombre de verbes, etc. Nouvelle édition, refondue
(1906). 560 pages. Demy 16mo. Cloth .
Specially recommended for use in classes on Direct Method Lines.
Soulice et Sardou, Petit Dictionnaire raisonné des Difficultés
et Exceptions de la Langue Française. 580 pages. Demy
16mo. Boards, cloth back.

Exemples empruntés aux meilleurs auteurs et accompagnés de dévelop. pements théoriques; solutions raisonnées des difficultés de la syntaxe, surtout des irrégularités et exceptions dont la grammaire ne s'occupe que d'une manière insuffisante; verbes irréguliers et verbes défectifs complètement conjugués; verbes neutres qui, dans leurs temps composés, ne prennent que l'un on l'autre des auxiliaires; exemples des prépositions que régissent un grand nombre de verbes; difficultés de genres et de nombres des substantifs; sens des adjectifs selon la place qu'ils occupent dans la phrase, etc.; règles particulières à certains mots, tels que tout, même, quoique ; difficultés de prononciation, etc., etc.

Wershoven, English and French Technical Vocabulary of
Terms used in the Physical, Mechanical, and Chemical Sciences,
etc., with Indexes in both Languages. 300 pages. Cloth
French and German Technical Vocabulary. Boards .

French Genders.



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De la Bruyère, L'Emploi du Genre facilité.
technique pour retenir le genre des Substantifs en même temps
que leur Orthographe. 32 pages. Crown 8vo. Paper cover o 8
Les enfants retiendront facilement le genre de tous les substantifs
classés dans ce petit volume par ordre de matière, car on a pris soin
d'assembler dans une même colonne tous les noms masculins, pendant que
les noms féminins figurent en face. Après leur avoir fait apprendre les
mots, on leur fera faire une dictée correspondant au chapitre étudié; ils
seront heureux de trouver toutes les expressions familières et, pouvant en
comprendre le sens, ils mettront dans leur travail plus d'intérêt.

Rothe, French Genders for Schools, by A. L. ROTHE, Modern
Language Master, King Edward's School, Birmingham

This publication is intended as a guide through what seems, at first sight,
the inextricable maze of French Genders. Being intended for schools,
words of very rare occurrence have been excluded.

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French Pronunciation, Phonetics, etc.

Hachette's New Phonetic French Reader.

Short Graduated Anecdotes and Extracts in Prose s. d. and Verse, printed in the Phonetic Symbols of the Association Phonétique Internationale, with the corresponding Ordinary Script in juxtaposition on opposite pages. Compiled for Middle and Upper Forms by MARC CEPPI, Whitgift School, Croydon. Crown 8vo. Cloth

The teaching of French pronunciation by means of these Phonetic Symbols is now fully appreciated. Thousands of teachers can testify to the ease and rapidity with which the System is mastered even by Beginners. Unless, however, the training is kept up in Middle and Upper Forms, the principles are apt to be forgotten and recapitulation has again and again to be resorted to, whereas by means of a short daily practice in Phonetic Reading, the standard of pronunciation is consistently maintained.

The present inexpensive compilation, therefore, is intended not to replace but to supplement the ordinary Class Reader by providing, concurrently, suitable pieces in Phonetic Transcript for the Intermediate and Senior pupils. Five minutes' viva voce drill, either individually or collectively, at the beginning of each lesson, will act as a tonic upon the whole class. The extracts, being short, can also be used for dictation or for learning by heart for recitation, etc.


Bernon, Pronunciation of the French Language Simplified,
by A. BERNON, Professor, Kensington College, etc. Paper Cover 0 3
"Experience has taught the author that the student must first grapple
with the pronunciation of the French letter 'u,' which has no correspond.
ing sound in English, the neatest approach to it being the Scotch 'gude'
(good). The little book is bound to be useful in the above and other
difficulties of pronunciation."-School Guardian, Nov. 19, 1910.

Bué, Phonetic Companion to Henri Bué's First French
Book, giving the Pronunciation of the Exercises, etc., in the
Symbols of the Association Phonétique Internationale, and an
Introduction enabling the Student to read easily any Book
printed in the Phonetic Characters. 88 pages

The Phonetic Companion fixes for the student, in a visible and tangible
form, the correct pronunciation of the Model Exercises and Reading
Lessons, and gives him a short Introduction, together with the Phonetic
Alphabet, hints and exercises which will soon enable him to rapidly
improve his pronunciation by reading other French works printed in the
Phonetic symbols.

Christen, Vade - Mecum of French Pronunciation. Rules,
Orthographical Signs, Vowels, Diphthongs, Final Consonants,
Liaison, Initial Aspirate, Homonymes, etc., by A. CHRISTEN,
140 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth

"The most thorough and capable, at the same time compact and handy,
English work upon French pronunciation that has yet been seen... These
are some of the contents, apart from those divisions which are chiefly ele
mentary:-A complete list of words differing mainly in accent; divisions of
words into syllables; remarks on quantity; list of words with Il mouillées ;
list of words in which the final s is sounded; list of proper names in which
the finals is silent; the pronunciation of numbers; on the use of capital
letters."-Educational Review.

0 6

2 6

Federer, Public School Guide to French Pronunciation, by C. A. FEDERER, L.C.P., Bradford Technical College. Cloth o 6 "Containing plenty of examples taken from the living language, useful rules on quantity and prosody and on that bête noire, the junction of words."-Aberdeen Journal.

[Continued on next page.

French Pronunciation and Phonetics (continued).

3 O

Liet, Traité de Prononciation française. Par ALBERT LIET, s. d B.ès L., B.ès Sc., Ex-professeur de Français pour les "Certificated Teachers of the Council Schools of London." 144 pages. L'auteur a réuni dans ce volume ses leçons journalières. Ce Traité, disposé sur un plan nouveau, est un livre d'études, auxiliaire puissant PRÈS DES ÉTRANGERS soucieux de se perfectionner dans la prononciation.

Michaelis et Passy, Dictionnaire phonétique de la Langue française. Complément necessaire de tout Dictionnaire Français. 340 pp. Demy 8vo. Paper Cover 5s. net; Bound net 60 Les auteurs ont choisi la transcription de l'Association phonétique internationale, système qui est déjà appliqué à environ 150 langues ou dialectes, et qui est en train de devenir universel parmi les phonétistes. Cette notation est si simple qu'il ne faut que quelques minutes pour arriver à la comprendre.

Passy, Choix de Lectures françaises phonétiques, par PAUL

PASSY, D. ès L. (41 Selections, Prose and Verse.) Cr. 8vo. net

Passy, Petite Phonétique comparée des Principales Langues
Européennes. Remarques préliminaires, Formation du Lang-
age, Divisions du Langage, Étude des Sons (Classification générale,
Consonnes, Voyelles, Sons accessoires), Combinaison des Sons,
Textes (Français, Espagnol, Allemand, Anglais, Italien, etc.),
par PAUL PASSY, D. és L., etc. 132 pp. Cr. 8vo. Cl. net -

Passy, Premier Livre de Lecture (Méthode phonétique). With
Introduction explaining the Modes of Application, by W. HUGH,
Formerly Head Master, High Pavement School, Nottingham

Deuxième Livre de Lecture (Méthode phonétique)

Purkiss, An Introduction to French Sounds, including the
Vowel Triangle, Explanation of the 37 Sounds, the Alphabet,
Accents, Rules on Elision and Syllabification, by H. J.
PURKISS, A.I.L. (LITT.), Modern Language Master, Bur
lington House School, Richmond. Printed on Stiff Card -

A graduated course in French Phonetics for beginners. The spellings of each sound are grouped, and against them is placed the symbol of the Association Phonétique Internationale. Each example has been chosen so that preceding rules give the clue to its pronunciation.

"Some excellent practical hints on French pronunciation are given in this card. It exhibits, as at a bird's-eye view, an outline of the chief sounds of both vowels and consonants, so that learners will save much time by making themselves masters of the rules laid down. It will be found to supply the want often felt in French grammars as to pronunciation, besides being handy for reference and recapitulation."-Educational News.

Sanderson, French Pronunciation for English Schools and
Students. Vowels, Diphthongs, Consonants, etc., with Correct
Sounds indicated by Rules and Applications of Typical Words
in the Ordinary and Phonetic Forms, by E. SANDERSON



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[Continued overleaf.

French Pronunciation and Phonetics (continued)

Smith, The Phonetic French Syllabaire, A Companion-Volume s. d. to the usual French Courses, for the Use of Schools, Candidates for Vivâ-voce Examinations, etc., etc., by SAMUEL SMITH, M.A. (Oxon.), L. ès L., Formerly Examiner and Inspector in French for the London County Council. 88 pages.


It is now generally admitted that definite instruction in sounds should precede and form an integral part of any serious course of French. But sound-drill is apt to remain very much en l'air and devoid of practical effect unless it proceed pari passu with the study of the orthography. It is with the aim of providing convenient material for such a double study that this little book has been written.

Thimm, French Self-Taught, with English Phonetic Pronunciation. Paper Cover Is.; Cloth


- 16 Tickell's Practical Guide to French Pronunciation. A Table, at once simple, concise and complete, showing that the Sounds of the French Letters are easy to say,-all but two being found in English, though so differently written,-and easy to find; the Letters and Combinations of Letters being arranged in Order of Precedence. Printed on folded Card

Vietor, Table of French Sounds (see pages 49 and 50).

Wood, Exercises in French Pronunciation and Reading. Rules on the Liaison, Lists of Words pronounced irregularly, Extracts from French Authors, with special Vocabularies, etc., etc., by A. D. WOOD. 136 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth

This compilation is not a series of Reading Extracts merely. Its object is to furnish the teacher with carefully arranged examples of the different sounds of the French Language. While the sounds themselves must be communicated viva-voce, the precise examples needed to illustrate them are not always forthcoming just when wanted. It is to supply this want that this work has been compiled. Several poetical extracts are given, as these are more easily learnt by heart than prose selections. The advantage of committing suitable pieces to memory is too patent to need comment.

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2 6

Zünd-Burguet, Exercices pratiques et méthodiques de prononciation française, spécialement arrangés pour les études aux universités et les cours de vacances. 128 pages. Cr. 8vo. Bds. net 3 0

Tálcherkar, A Guide to French Pronunciation, for the Use of Indian Students of French, with an exhaustive Appendix, giving the Pronunciation in Dévnagri (Marathi) and Gujerati Characters, from M. Henri Bué's "First French Book," by H. A. TÁLCHERKAR, B. A., Senior Teacher, French Aryan Education Society, Bombay. 150 pages. Cr. 8vo. Boards

2 0

"A guide of this kind was badly needed for our Indian students. M. Tálcherkar's guide will prove a great help not only to students in our schools and colleges, but to others who wish to study French, especially where able French teachers are not accessible."-From CHARLES SALDANHA, M.A., Examiner in French at the Matriculation Examination Bombay University; sometime Professor of French, Wilson College; Professor of French, Bahauddin College, Junagudh. [Continued on page 50.

French Pronunciation, Phonetics, etc. (continued)

Table of French Sounds (VIETOR SYSTEM).

Based upon the Symbols of the Association Phonétique

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Price, mounted on Calico with Rollers (30 inches by 38 inches),
5s. net.

Also in small size for Home Study, or pasting inside the French
Class Books, 1 d. net.

For full particulars see next page.


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