
French Grammars, Primers, etc. (continued).

By HENRI BUÉ, B. ès L.,

Officier de l'Instruction Publique; Late Principal French Master, Christ's Hospital, Horsham; Late Examiner in the University of London. MORE THAN A MILLION VOLUMES OF THIS COURSE HAD BEEN SOLD UP TO DECEMBER, 1904.

Illustrated French Primer, containing the Alphabet, Easy s. d. Words and Phrases, Nursery Rhymes, Illustrations of Animals, Familiar Objects, etc. 160 pages. Crown 8vo.


I 6

"A capital little introduction intended for very young children, and really adapted to their comprehension. The pronunciation of the letters is first explained and exemplified, and then the young pupil is led on to the mastery of words, simple sentences and idiomatic phrases. There is no inculcation of formal rules; the eye, ear and memory are alone appealed to, and by the proper use of this book teachers will be able to lay an excellent foundation for the future more systematic study of French."-Scotsman. Early French Lessons, including Easy Questions, Short Nursery Rhymes, Anecdotes and Fables. 64 pages. Cloth o 8 The compiler of this little book has found by experience that what children dislike most to learn are lists of words, however useful and well chosen, and that they very soon get weary of disconnected sentences, but commit to memory most readily a short nursery rhyme, anecdote, or fable. Hence the selection he has made.

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First French Book. Accidence, Exercises, Conversation, Reading Lessons, Vocabularies, Synopsis of Rules, etc. 238 pages. Cl. o 10 Contains more practical matter than is generally to be found in larger and more pretentious volumes. Simplicity of style and perspicuity of exposition have imparted great clearness to the instructions, and the volume now stands unrivalled as the cheapest and most popular work of its class. The Phonetic Companion to the "First French Book." Giving the correct pronunciation of all the Model Exercises and Reading Lessons (See page 46.) One Hundred and Fifteen Supplementary Exercises to the "First French Book.' 126 pages. Second French Book. Granimar, Exercises, Conversation, Translation, Vocabularies and Exam. Papers. 212 pages. Cloth On the same plan as the "First French Book," with the following additions, however, which the Editor trusts will prove useful: "Idioms and Hints," Selections for translating from English into French," Examination Papers," "A Synopsis of the rules contained in the first volume," etc. First Steps in French Idioms. Cloth. (See page 28.) Key to the First and Second Books, and First Steps in French Idioms. I vol. Cloth. (For Teachers only) net The Elementary Conversational French Reader. Cloth 0 6 (See under "French Readers for Beginners," page 53.)


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The New Conversational First French Reader. Cloth O 10 (See under "Elementary French Readers," page 56.)

Easy French Dialogues. Cloth. (See page 27.)
Graduated French Composition, for Beginners and Elemen-
tary Classes. Cloth. (See page 22.)

0 6

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A Guide to French Pronunciation, based on HENRI BUE'S First French Book, for the use of Indian Students. (See page 48.) [Continued overleaf.

French Grammars, Primers, etc. (continued).


Bachelier is Lettres of the University of France.

"MONSIEUR CHARDENAL'S system, unlike that of many modern professors, is based upon the sound and thorough comprehension of the rules of language. He does not profess to teach French in a fortnight, or, may be, in a week, but tells his pupils at the outset that the knowledge of French, like any other knowledge worth acquiring, can only be got at by hard and persevering labour. M. Chardenal wants his pupils to work not only by day, but by night if possible. The student is advised to take every morning two or three verbs and as many sentences, and turn them mentally in every possible way during the day, or when in bed before sleeping." "-Spectator.

* French Primer. For Junior Classes, containing Pronunciation, s. d. Rules and Exercises on Parts of Speech, etc., Conversation, French Reader, and Vocabulary. Three Parts, each

O 4

The Same, Complete in one Vol. 224 pages. F'cap 8vo. Cloth I First French Course. Accidence, Principles of Syntax, Reading Extracts, Vocabularies, etc. 262 pages, F'cap 8vo. Cloth "The information is well put, and the book as good a First Course as can be had."-The Athenæum.

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*The Second French Course. Syntax, Difficulties of Sub-
junctive Mood, Irregular Verbs, Extracts from Standard French
Authors, and Vocabularies. 276 pages. F'cap 8vo. Cloth
"The first twenty-three pages of this book are a mere continuation of
the First French Course, in which the general principles of syntax are given
along with the accidence. They treat at some length of all that relates to
the subjunctive, and will, it is hoped, help to remove the difficulties in the
use of that mood and its tenses. Exercises on the irregular verbs follow from
page 24 to page 119. Believing that one or two rules, given along with each
verb, will keep up their interest in a most profitable way, I have inserted all
the principle rules of syntax in this part of the book, and compiled exercises
suited both to the verbs and to the rules. The Second Part is composed of
French extracts."-Extract from Preface.

Key to the First and Second French Courses. (For
Teachers only.) Cloth


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2 O

net 36 * French Exercises for Advanced Pupils. Principal Rules of Syntax, Exercises on Rules and Idioms, and a Dictionary of nearly 4000 Idiomatical Verbs, Sentences, etc. 320 pp. F'cap 8vo.


"The Table of Idioms, which extends over 150 pages, is the most com. plete we remember ever to have seen, and will be of very great service to the pupil."-Educational Times.

3 6

Key to Same, with Explanations of 850 of the most difficult French Idioms. F'cap 8vo. (For Teachers only.) Cloth net 36 Rules of the French Language. A Summary in Grammatical Order of the Rules in the Author's "First and Second Courses," and "Advanced French Exercises." 186 pages. Cloth I 6 Practical Exercises on French Conversation, with Exercises, Rules on Grammar, etc. 200 pages. Cloth



*The volumes indicated by asterisks (*) have been revised in accordance with the Simplifications in French Syntax and Orthography sanctioned by the French Academy and authorised by the French Minister of Public Instruction. [Continued on next page.

French Grammars, Primers, etc. (continued). CHARLIN'S ANGLO-FRENCH COURSE. On a Plan securing for each Pupil individually:

O 3

Constant Speaking combined with Extreme Fluency. s. d.
First Part (First Steps). 32 pages. Cr. 8vo. Paper Cover -
Second Part (including the First Part). English Text. 140 pages.
Crown 8vo. Cloth, limp

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Second Part. French Text. 140 pages. Cr. 8vo. Cloth
Third Part (with Special Reference to Examination Requirements),
English and French on opposite pages. 320 pages. CI.

Charlin's Method of Teaching secures for the student immensely more practice than is possible with nearly all other methods. It is based on constant self-activity, most other systems allowing the pupils to remain idle the most of their time. Whilst class-pupils are usually required to translate some 30 lines at each lesson each boy one line Charlin's


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Method requires and enables each boy to translate 2000 lines at each hour's lesson. A careful classification underlies the apparent disconnectedness of the work, for in order to avoid confusion, grammatical distinctions are never made between two freshly introduced forms. One form is first given singly; and, later on, when it is assimilated, it is contrasted with the second form. The classification adopted in ordinary grammars may be more apparent, but generally gives rise to difficulties in its practical applications. The course is applicable to any stage of advancement and to all the requirements of public examination.




Over 2500 very short sentences and useful combinations essential to everyday conversation. 48 pages. Cr. 8vo. Paper Cover

The student who has mastered three or four pages of this volume in a few hours, can manage to make himself understood in the foreign tongue. After he has mastered a score of pages he will not be able, it is true, to understand a lecturer, nor natives speaking among themselves, because the vocabulary would be too rich and the flow of words too rapid, but he will be able to converse more or less intelligibly. The contents can be acquired in many ways, a few of which are described in the Introduction to the work.




pour l'étude simultanée de deux langues.

First Part.-English-French Text. 64 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth
First Part.-German Text. 32 pages. Crown 8vo. Paper Cover
Second Part.-English-French Text. 128 pages. Cloth
Second Part.-German Text. 64 pages. Cloth

Third Part-See Third Part of "Anglo-French Course," above.

A conspicuous feature in the First Part of the English-French text, not to be found in any other publication, is a combination of extreme simplicity with a total absence of childishness in the phraseology. The two texts always correspond word for word; yet all the sentences are perfectly idiomatic and life-like. They are simple without having the appearance of being simple. They have not been simplified for teaching purposes, but instead, have been selected from among those sentences in daily life which happen to correspond literally in the two languages.

The scheme of work, as described in the preface, does not involve any mental strain whatever, as an entire absence of mnemonic effort is a leading feature of the Method.

The text is gradually mastered in a dozen different ways, thus securing both variety and thoroughness, and leading, gradually, to the practice of original composition and conversation.

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[Continued overleaf.

French Grammars, Primers, eto. (continued).

Couillault, Méthode Philoglotte. Grammaire simplifiée et
Conversations françaises en vingt-quatre leçons, by G.
COUILLAULT, Officier d'Académie; Professeur Diplômé (Paris);
Senior French Master at the Kilburn Grammar School, etc.
242 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth

One of the best books we have yet seen for the particular application of the 'reform' method of teaching French."—Guardian.

(For full particulars see page 13.)

Doret, An Easy French Grammar and Introductory French Exercises for Beginners, by G. H. DORET. So pages. Crown 8vo. Cl.

This little book is written as an Introduction to French Grammar and Exercise Books in general, and to the Author's "French Grammar" and "Book of French Exercises and Composition" in particular. He has striven to make it as easy and simple as possible without giving a number of repetitions, which, in his opinion, are the cause of much waste of time. Doret, A French Grammar for Public Schools and Students preparing for Examinations, by G. H. DORET. 130 pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth

"After an experience in preparing for public examinations of over twenty years, it is my belief that this little work will be found particularly useful, on account of its simplicity and brevity-characteristics which will enable the student, without any great effort, to learn it by heart. I have not rested content with my own views as to the requirements of English boys, but have sought the advice of University men who have spent the greater portion of their lives in public-school work."-G. H. D.

Exercises to Doret's French Grammar, and French
Composition. 160 pages. Demy 8vo.


Many of the sentences in these exercises are connected, in meaning, with each other, so as to form easy stories, thus gradually initiating the pupil into the art of composition. At the bottom of every page rules have been added, in order to bring back to memory principles which are easily forgotten.



s. d.

2 O


3 0

3 0


By F. THÉMOIN, B. ès L., Founder of the Gouin Schools, London, etc. First Book for Children. With 60 Illustrations depicting Familiar

Scenes of Everyday Life. Second Book for Children. Crown 8vo. Cloth

120 pages.
Crown 8vo. Cloth
With 25 Illustrations.

I 6

160 pages.

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I 6

The above contain short, varied, and easy Lessons, most of which, after having been learned, can be acted in a class. French Lessons on the Gouin Method. Vol. I. 166 Lessons on a variety of Interesting and Useful Topics, with Grammatical Inferences, etc. 178 pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth


net 2 6

164 pages.


French Lessons on the Gouin Method. Vol. II. Treating of
Vegetable and Animal Life and that of Man, in its various
Relations (Education, Society, Professions, Government, etc.).
With numerous Extracts from Modern Authors.
Demy 8vo.
French Idiomatic Expressions. 2500 Expressions grouped
together according to their Series, and linked into a connected
Text, for the use of Advanced Students and Candidates for
Higher Examinations. 160 pages. Cloth
French Commercial Correspondence. Cloth

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For full particulars of the Gouin Method,

see pages 144, 145.

3 6

French Grammars, Primers, etc. (continued).

s. d.

Julien, Lessons in French Syntax, adapted to Conversation,
with Examination Papers, Tests of Pronunciation, Exercises on
Irregular Verbs, the Subjunctive Mood, etc., by F. JULIEN,
Officier d'Académie, Late French Master, King Edward's
School, Five Ways, Birmingham. 256 pages. Cr. 8vo. Cloth 2 6

In these "Lessons the Author's aim has been to eliminate from the
ordinary Grammar that which is not absolutely essential for the students of
"Grammar Schools"; to lay more stress on the IRREGULAR VERBS, the
PAST PARTICIPLES, and to explain and practise at length the use of the
SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD, so difficult to Englishmen.

Jullien, Memorabilia. Summary of Rules for Examination Purposes. o 6 Gives in a succinct form the essential grammatical rules required by candidates, and is thus intended to avoid wasting time during revision or recapitulation.

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Lallemand and Tempère, New Practical French Grammar.
Vol. I. Accidence. 280 pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth
Massé, Grammar of Colloquial French. 180 pages. Cr. 8vo.

Key to the Same. Paper Wrapper

Otto, French Conversational Grammar. Cloth

Elementary French Grammar

net 30

2 6


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The Oxford and Cambridge French Grammar, by HUNT and WUILLEMIN, containing 1000 detached Sentences and 110 connected Paragraphs for Translation from English into French ;4000 Words ;-8000 Idioms;-a RÉSUMÉ of the "History of French Literature";-a KEY to all the English into French Exercises but the easier ones (Master's Book);-30 Dictation (Master's Book) ;-300 miscellaneous Sentences for Drilling Purposes, mostly from Examination Papers, with French Translation following each Sentence (Master's Book), etc. :— Part I. (1st and 2nd Years) -For Candidates preparing for the College of Preceptors and Trinity College (Third Class) Preliminary Legal, Medical, Scientific and Military, and Matriculation Examinations. 160 pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth 2 0 Part II. (3rd and 4th Years)-For Candidates preparing for the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations (Junior and Senior); and for the College of Preceptors and Trinity College (First and Second Class). 172 pages. Demy 8vo. Cl. 2 6 Master's Book to Parts I. and II. (Teachers only) net 5 0 Part III. (5th Year)-For Candidates preparing for the Higher Local Examinations; the Military Further Examinations (Woolwich, Sandhurst, etc.); the London B. A.; St. Andrew's L.L.A. Certificate, etc. 160 pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth - 3 0 This course is really a considerably cheaper publication than any hitherto brought out, and altogether precludes the necessity of buying as a necessary complement-1. An English into French Translation Book. 2. An Idiom Book. 3. A Dictation Book. 4. A Book on the History of French Litera5. A Key for Students who get up French without the assistance of a Master, since the Master's Book is both the Grammar and the Key.


[Continued overleaf.

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