
Where Money is Deposited.

The Home Savings Co., Toledo O.......

The Ohio Savings Bank & Trust Co., Toledo O.......
The Market Savings Bank Co., Toledo, O...

The Guardian Trust & Savings Bank, Toledo, O.....
The Colonial Trust Co., Pittsburg, Pa..

The Home Savings Bank Co., Toledo, O., Checking



$ 25,000.00 20,000.00 15,400.00




$ 81,442.16

Four per cent received on all deposits excepting the Home Savings Bank Co., which pays three per cent on daily balances on checking account.

[blocks in formation]

Transferred to National Treasury the Balance of...$

Local Unions in Debt to National Union June 1, 1915.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

National Union in Debt to Local Unions June 1, 1915.

[blocks in formation]

Motion that the report be adopted as read. Carried.


The assistance that Mrs. Lehew has rendered to the members of Local Union No. 122, of Columbus, O., and the valuable aid that she has extended to further the interest of the A. F. G. W. U. in their contest with the Federal Glass Company, was brought to the attention of the delegates resulting in a motion being unanimously agreed to that the subject be referred to the Estimating Committee for investigation and consideration.

Fraternal Greetings.

PHILADELPHIA, PA., July 6, 1915.

Wm. P. Clarke, Secretary American Flint Glass Workers' Union Convention, High School of Commerce Auditorium, Columbus, O.

The officers and members of the Glass Bottle Blowers' Association extend fraternal greetings to the American Flint Glass Workers' Union in convention assembled and we trust that your work will result in much good to your craft and organized labor in general.

D. A. HAYES, President.


Motion that the greetings be received and the Secretary be instructed to make suitable reply. Carried.


COLUMBUS, OHIO, July 6, 1915. Mr. Wm. Launer, Secretary, Glass Bottle Blowers' Association, Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia, Pa.

The greetings from the Glass Bottle Blowers' Association as expressed by President Hayes and yourself were presented to our delegates. In their name, and in the name of the American Flint Glass Workers' Union I extend thanks for the deep interest manifested in our deliberations and success.

WM. P. CLARKE, Secretary.


The Secretary stated that he had received excuses from twenty-three Local Unions who had failed to send a delegate, and exhibited the correspondence.

Motion that a committee of five be appointed to go over the excuses and report back to the convention. Carried.

The chairman appointed the following on the committee: George Pyles, Local Union No. 3; F. P. Houck, Local Union No. 53; Lawrence Gideon, Local Union No. 55; Charles Case, Local Union No. 81 and A. J. Toomey, Local Union No. 120.

Request to Operate.

STAR CITY, W. VA., June 25, 1915.

T. W. Rowe, President A. F. G. W. U.,

Ohio Building, Toledo, Ohio.

DEAR SIR:-Within the past two or three weeks we have received quite a large volume of business for export and because of the short period of time we have left of this fire it will be impossible to complete these orders. They are largely for special shapes of chimneys which are not in use in this country and hence their production will not affect the domestic market. They are all made in moulds and would not be saleable abroad if made in any other manner, hence their manufacture is not in any sense in competition with the hand shops in this country. We are satisfied that quite a number of deserving workmen would be pleased of an opportunity to go to work prior to the middle of August and for their benefit as well as our own and the convenience of our customers abroad, we wish to ask if our factory could not be permitted to resume on this class of goods as soon as our repairs are completed.

We anticipate that about three weeks will be required for the making of our repairs, so that we could not be in shape to resume before about the first of August. We would make only goods for the export trade and we venture to make the assertion that any encouragement your Organization can give to the building up of export business will result beneficially to your members. If the foreign trade cannot be supplied in America they will build factories in other countries, but on the other hand if our American factories are in position at this time to supply them with the goods they need they will not be very likely to seek other business connections, and the trade sɔ established will in all probability prove to be lasting.

Kindly give this matter your careful attention.
Very truly yours,



TOLEDO, O., June 28, 1915.

Mr. W. J. Wambaugh,

Star City, W. Va.

DEAR SIR:Your letter of the 25th inst. at hand. I will hand the same to Secretary Clarke who will read your request to our Columbus convention, and in all probability they will refer the matter to the Chimney Committee for their decision. As soon as action is taken on your request by the Chimney Committee, and our Columbus convention, Secretary Clarke will notify you of the same.

[blocks in formation]

Motion to refer to Chimney Committee. Amended to lay on table forever. Amendment lost. Motion agreed to.

There being no further business on the table, the conven

tion recessed until 2 p. m. for committee work.


The Convention was called to order by President Rowe. Delegates Charles Schroth of Local Union No. 3 and C. A. Crosson of Local Union No. 64 appointed' on the door.

Minutes of the previous sessions read and approved. There being no business on the table the convention recessed until 8:30 a. m. for committee work.



COLUMBUS, OHIO, July 7, 1915.

Convention called to order by President Rowe.

Delegates Joseph Fitzsimmons of Local Union No. 3 and John H. Newman of Local Union No. 22 were appointed on the door.

Minutes of the previous session read and approved.
Card roll call showed all delegates present.


The tellers reported a number of delegates absent from the previous session. A discussion followed, during which time it developed that several of the delegates did not clearly understand the card system, they laboring under the impression that they should deposit their cards when leaving the hall. It was finally agreed that all members be marked present.

Report of the Committee on Excuses.

COLUMBUS, OHIO, July 6, 1915. To the Officers and Delegates of the Thirty-Ninth Convention: We, your committee beg leave to submit the following report:

We recommend that Local Unions Nos. 4, 6, 18, 33, 50, 84, 87, 100, 105, 109, 117, 121 and 129 be excused from sending a delegate to this convention.

We recommend that Local Unions Nos. 17, 43 and 92 be not excused, and notified to send a delegate to this convention. FRED'K P. HOUCK.



GEO. R. PYLES, Chairman.

L. G. GIDEON, Secretary.

Motion that the report be adopted as read. Carried.

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