Resolved, That every delegate to the Thirty-Ninth convention be instructed to notify their respective Local Unions to comply with all our laws, rules and conference agreements. Vote taken. Yea, 12; No, 11. The Secretary asked to have the vote recounted. Agreed to. Recount, Yes, 11; No. 12. Motion and amendment lost. Amendment adopted. Delegates Kramer, Local Union No. 3; Finn, Local Union No. 24; Kennedy, Local Union No. 24; McHale, Local Union No. 26, and Klein, Local Union No. 108, recorded as voting No. Montreal Resolution. Motion that we concur in the Montreal resolution. This motion was discussed at great length after which the following resolution was offered as an amendment: Resolution. COLUMBUS, OHIO, July 13, 1915. To the Chimney Department. Inasmuch as there has been so much contention over the prices at which chimneys have been disposed at and that it seems to be a manufacturers' fight in general and that there is no established selling price as the independent manufacturers do not recognize any certain price and as the Montreal resolution compels the co-operative concerns to live strictly to this resolution, and we feel that some relief should be granted; therefore be it Resolved, That the Chimney Committee assembled at Columbus, Ohio, does agree to lift the restrictions that are embodied in the Montreal resolution for such time as these conditions now prevailing in the selling of chimneys is unchanged or until there is a selling price established, provided such co-operative companies agree to observe our laws and trade regulations. Agreed to. GEO. R. PYLES. Resolution. COLUMBUS, OHIO, July 10, 1915. To the Officers and Delegates of the Thirty-Ninth Convention. GENTLEMEN: WHEREAS, In many localities the factory manager has kept our members in idleness and refused to give them employment when on the ground, holding the positions vacant for members of our Association who have permanent places in other localities, and such members are furnished employment and at the same time retain a hold on the position in the factory from whence they came. We believe that when competent men are on the ground and a vacancy exists, and there is no justifiable reason for not placing such men at work, then this Organization should put forth every effort to have the men placed at work in preference to those that are holding positions in other localities. With this in view, we request that our National Officers and Chimney Executive Board be authorized to put forth every effort to carry into effect the provisions of this resolution, and that the subject be brought to the attention of the next chimney conference. Agreed to. WM. KLEIN, L. U. No. 108. COLUMBUS, OHIO, July 13, 1915. WHEREAS, Organizers Elbert and Zimmer's reports show that their efforts to organize the McBeth-Evans Glass Company, and the companies of Tulsa and Sand Springs, Okla., indicate progress; be it Resolved, That we continue our efforts to organize these companies, and in the event the opportunity presents itself that the National Office shall call these men out. GEO. R. PYLES. Request to Operate During Summer Stop. We recommend that the request of the Star City Glass Company be denied. We recommend that the Industrial matter be referred to Local Union No. 108. Resolution. Resolved, That any paste mould chimney blower taking a chance on having his ware selected after leaving the cutting-off machine shall be fined the sum of $5.00 for the first offense; for the second, $10.00; third offense, suspended. Any Local Union not carrying out this law shall be fined $25.00. Be it further Resolved, That the National Officers be requested to insert the above in the next circular. Selecting Rules. We recommend that our Conference Committee have inserted in the list the rule which governs the selecting of ware in the Paste Mould Chimney department. Absentees. The following named delegates were excused from serving on the committee on account of serving on other committees: Roche, Local Union No. 8; Bailey, Local Union No. 73; Lustig, Local Union No. 111. Patrick Kennedy, Local Union No. 24, missed two sessions of the committee. NOTE-The committee excused Brother Kennedy. Upon motion the committee adjourned. HENRY PUTALLAZ, JOS. KRAMER, CHAS. W. SCHROTH, BEN SCHLEETER, GEO. W. PYLES, MICHAEL L. MILLER, GEO. W. ROCHE, HARRY S. RUSSELL, ANDREW GREEN, PATRICK J. FINN, PATRICK KENNEDY, JOHN MCHALE, A. HERTENSTEIN, HARRY LEGRAND, CHAS. BAILEY, JOHN MERKLE, WALTER DEVLIN, JAMES W. MALOY, CHAS. LUSTIG, WALTER MATHEWS, JOHN ARMSTRONG, Chairman. E. J. DILLON, Secretary. Motion that the report be adopted as read. Agreed to. There being no further business the convention recessed until 8:30 a. m. for committee work. TENTH DAY. MORNING SESSION. COLUMBUS, OHIO, July 15, 1915. Convention called to order by Vice President Gillooly. Delegates A. O. Goldstrom of Local Union No. 101 and Harry Davis of Local Union No. 9 appointed on the door. Minutes of the previous session read and approved. Card roll call showed all delegates present. Excuse. The secretary read an excuse from Local Union No. 130 for not having a representative at the convention. Motion that the Local Union be excused. Amended that the Local Union be excused and the secretary instructed to communicate with each Local Union not represented in this convention and urge them to prepare to have a representative in attendance at the next convention. Agreed to. Report of Mould Making Committee. COLUMBUS, OHIO, July 14, 1915. To the Officers and Delegates of the Thirty-Ninth Convention of the A. F. G. W. U. The Mould Making Committee met and organized by electing S. G. Becker, chairman, and G. E. Rice, secretary. After thoughtful consideration of the many complex questions confronting our department, we present the following report: Moved that the rules which governed the Mould Making Committee, Newark convention, be accepted by this committee. Adopted. Proposed Amendments. We recommend that the proposed changes submitted by Local Union No. 89, regulating the distribution of Mould Making Executives be amended to read, "two, one press branch and one machine jar and bottle, from the east, ending with Steubenville, O., and two from the west, one press branch and one machine jar and bottle, the fifth man to be elected at large." Organizing. We recommend that the National Officers exercise their best efforts towards organizing the H. Fox mould shop, Philadelphia, Pa., and all other shops operating non-union in factories under G. B. B. A. jurisdiction, and that President Rowe employ his good office to secure the co-operation of said organization in harmony with A. F. G. W. U. and G. B. B. A. Peace agreement. We also recommend the organization of the Montreal, Toronto, and all other shops having our members employed in the other departments; and we further recommend the organizing of the repair part of the Wallaceburg mould shop, Sydenham Glass Company. Repairing of Machines and Machinery. Mould makers shall insist upon being paid the same rate of wages for doing machinist work as they receive while employed at mould making. Granting of Special Concessions. Transition in industry ofttimes compels an adjustment of working conditions, and in the glass industry this is no exception, but realizing the unlimited discretionary powers possessed by our representatives in adjudicating trade matters of any character, and which would permit their granting of concessions obnoxious to our department, and possibly dissatisfactory to the contemporary manufacturer, therefore we recommend that the National officers and Executives must have the consent of the entire Mould Making Executive Board in granting special privileges. Applications for Membership. Our attention has been attracted for several years to the practice of our organizing forces in granting cards, in many instances, to an individual applicant in non-union mould shops, and WHEREAS, Very often these applicants are assured cards, provided they can secure a position in union mould shops, affording them the opportunity of competing for positions |