with our idle members and others who may desire to change, and WHEREAS, We believe the Mould Making department is better qualified to judge the merits and worthiness of such applicants; therefore we recommend that our organizing forces submit such applications wherever and whenever possible to the consideration of the Mould Making department in conformity with Art. 17, Secs. 1, 2 and 4. Pamphlet Containing Trade Rules, Etc., Resolution. There apparently exists a great lack of knowledge or indifference to our mould making trade rules as adopted at the various conventions, produced principally by the following Many of our members are working in isolated sections, devoid of Local Union privileges, and therefore do not have the opportunity of becoming thoroughly familiar with our trade affairs; others are members of different department locals where the trend of discussion is foreign, and possibly of a monotonous character, inducing their absence from meetings, and as a result, they also become lax of duty, and more or less unfamiliar with our trade affairs. As a means to alleviate or remedy this condition, your Mould Making Committee recommends that this convention authorize the publication and distribution of a pamphlet embodying a list of all union mould shops, and all mould making trade rules of importance, said rules to be compiled by a committee from the Mould Making department composed of Brothers Rinehart, Barnes, Becker, Shackleford, Herron and Rice. Jurisdictional Controversy Resolution. Patience is a great virtue and with which the mould makers are richly endowed, but the continual deferrence or postponement of action, and the ineffectual efforts of our President, to have President Gompers serve as the third arbiter, assurance which he gave your delegates to the recent Philadelphia A. F. of L. convention, are gradually exhausting that most desirable quality of many members in the Mould Making Department. Dissatisfaction and criticism expressed by many of our most loyal members in every locality of the snail-like course being pursued, and the pernicious effect wrought by apparently unnecessary delay will develop a mistrustful spirit in our ranks and not helpful to the interests of the A. F. G. W. U. and labor in general, and WHEREAS, Centralization, the natural sequence in the evolution of manufacturing is rapidly becoming a fact in the machine bottle mould branch of our organization; and WHEREAS, An antagonistic organization is the most direct beneficiary of this business method, gradually and surely encroaching farther and farther into our rightful field of endeavor, thus making insecure our grasp upon bottle mould making, and permitting our opponents to become more firmly established; these and many other reasons which we could enumerate impel us to recommend: That our delegates to the San Francisco convention of the A. F. of L. exercise their best efforts to hasten the adjudication of our jurisdictional controversy with the International Association of Machinists, and impress forcibly upon President Gompers, the third arbiter, the injurious effect of this apparently unnecessary delay. Sympathy We, the committee appointed by the Mould Making Committee, in regular session asesmbled, to draft appropriate resolutions upon the demise of our brother, Joseph Charlton, present the following expression of sympathy: WHEREAS, The Divine Providence, in His infinite wisdom, has called from our midst and ranks our esteemed and beloved brother, Joseph Charlton, of Local Union No. 86, of Jeannette, Penna., and WHEREAS, Brother Charlton was for many years a loyal and consistent member of our splendid organization, faithfully serving his Local Union, and always striving to improve the conditions of our trade; therefore, be it Resolved, That the delegates constituting the thirty-ninth convention of the A. F. G. W. U. extend to the bereaved family and relatives of the deceased our sincere sympathy; and be it further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to Mrs. Joseph Charlton and family, and also spread upon the minutes of this convention. ROBERT EICHER. Employment Bureau Rule. Resolution submitted by Local Union No. 90, of Baltimore, having been withdrawn, we, your committee, deem it prudent to continue the rule adopted at the Toledo convention and amended by the Rochester convention and sincerely trust that mould makers will adhere to this rule. J. H. POWER, CECIL CHILCOTE, WALTER F. SCHMITT, WALTER E. TRICKEY, C. A. LOTTES, L. A. SHACKELFORD, CYRUS HERRON, CHAS. HAISTON, JAMES W. MALOY, JOHN H. NEWMAN, CHAS. L. MAUPIN, FRANK E. SIGWARD, ANDREW GREEN, OTHA MOSSER, PATRICK KENNEDY, ELMER HUNTER, J. A. KRAUS, WM. REHBECK, NELS SYLVANDER, ROB'T EICHER, R. E. COEN, S. G. BECKER, Chairman. GEO. E. RICE, Secretary. Motion that the report be adopted as read. Carried. Supplement to Report of Mould Making Committee. COLUMBUS, OHIO, July 14, 1915. We, your committee appointed by the Mould Making Committee, beg leave to submit the following supplementary report pertaining to the local situation at the Hemingray Glass Company, at Muncie, Ind. We concur in what has thus far been accomplished in the interest of the Mould Making Department at the Hemingray mould shop, and advise that the entire matter be continued in the hands of the Mould Making and Insulator Departments, and that they continue to exercise their united efforts that will eventually result entirely for the best interests of the American Flint Glass Workers' Union, and that as an expression of the Mould Making Committee's appreciation for his labors we most heartily thank Brother Cyrus Herron for his labors in that jurisdiction in behalf of the Mould Making Department. WM. E. OVER, FRED'K P. HOUCK. Motion that the report be adopted as read. Carried. Report of the Engraving Committee. COLUMBUS, OHIO, July 15, 1915. To the Officers and Members of the Thirty-Ninth Convention. Your Engraving Committee begs leave to offer the following report: We recommend the rejection of the proposed change of the manufacturers and fully approve all proposed changes as submitted by the workers. We recommend that the National Officers continue their efforts to organize the engravers of the Whital-Tatum Company, of Millville, N. J.; Maris & Co., of Philadelphia, Pa.; Allen & Co., of New York City, and the Kimble Glass Company, of Chicago, Ill., and Vineland, N. J. We recommend that the National Officers continue their efforts to enforce the rules and joint agreements between the A. F. G. W. U. and the Rochester Tumbler Company. We would request the National President to send a representative to Millville, N. J., and Philadelphia, Pa., in the interest of the Engraving Department as soon as possible after this convention. A. STEUER, L. G. GIDEON, JOHN A. MCGREGOR, CHARLES BARNES, Chairman. C. A. LOTTES, Secretary. Motion that the report be adopted as read. Carried. There being no further business on the table the convention recessed until 2 p. m. for committee work. TENTH DAY—AFTERNOON SESSION Convention called to order by Vice-President Gillooly. Delegates James Simmons of Local Union No. 49 and N. B. Weibel of Local Union No. 77, appointed on the door. Minutes of the previous session read and approved. Report of Press Committee. COLUMBUS, OHIO, July 15, 1915. Officers and Delegates of the Thirty-Ninth Convention of the A. F. G. W. U. GREETINGS:-Your Press Committee desires to submit the following report for your approval: Organization of Committee. By motion the committee elected Brothers Harry Cook, chairman; Frank Hackett, vice-chairman; Claude A. Dale, secretary; Thos. J. Gallagher, assistant secretary. |