Block Mould Sodas, Seltzers, Ales and Schoppens-Fluid Cap.: When a soda, seltzer, ale or schoppen is made with a heavy bottom, move shall be 50 less. 223 7 to 13 to 16 Block Mould Bar and Whiskey Tumblers: oz. w'ght 925 oz. w'ght 800 oz. w'ght 725 oz. w'ght 625 oz. w'ght 525 Where the word "inclusive" does not appear, the latter figure is not included. Tumblers with pressed handle shall be made at 10 per cent less move than the same capacity joint mould tumbler without pressed handle. On Weiss Beers the handler shall be paid turn work, and shall handle as many as he can, the shop sending in such goods as he cannot handle. When two moulds and a turning out boy are used on joint mould tumblers, finished or unfinished, 10 per cent additional in numbers shall be made. Medicine glasses shall be rated the same as light bar or whiskey tumblers. Four boys shall be supplied on this list of tumblers. Sham Joint or Block Mould Tumblers shall be made 50 less in numbers. Moved and seconded that it be the sense of this sub-committee, to recommend to the Press Committee that the Press Committee recommend to the convention that the conferees insist that they strike out the export list on tumblers. J. H. SIMMONS, HARRY DAVIS, HARVEY KURN, JESSE LOVEJOY, CHAS. L. MAUPIN, J. A. KRAUS, Jos. MCLAUGHLIN, JNO. DORNHECKER, W. H. GEBHART, Chairman. T. J. GALLAGHER, Secretary. The report of the committee was agreed to. Report of Sub-Committee on Pressed Ware, Plain, for Cutting. Adopted as presented, to-wit: COLUMBUS, OHIO, July 13, 1915. We, your Sub-Committee composed from the Cutting Committee, Caster Place Committee and Press Committee, beg leave to submit the following report, for your consideration: Amendment to motion, that a representative meeting be called with a view of legislating on the plain line of ware in contention. The expense of said representatives to be paid from the National Treasury. Cutters, Press Blank and Press workers to be represented. Said meeting to be held during the month of August or September. Press Committee: T. J. GALLAGHER, JNO. MCKAY, WM. MALEY, H. DEWALT, CYRUS HERRON, EDW. MILLER, W. M. DOBBINS, OSCAR BROWN, FRANK C. HACKETT, Chair'n Caster Place Committee: CHARLES WOLF, PAUL MARTIN, LOUIS HARTMAN, W. M. DOBBINS. Cutting Department: EDWARD BROWN, HARRY MCBRIDE, W. H. DIMMICK. Classification of samples and instructions to the delegates presenting same, by motion. The delegates from Local Union No. 103 were instructed to establish a move and wages on the handle basket, in evidence. Sherbet from Local Union No. 16 was referred back to that local union with instructions that it be worked under the sherbet list at a move of 725. The Hoffman House goblet, whose capacity is 19 oz., weight 15 oz., from Local Union No. 107, was under discussion, and by motion, it was decided to recommend, to our next conference, that the words, “and heavier” appearing in the third line, after goblets, weight 13 to 15 oz., and the word "over" appearing in the fourth line, after goblets weight, and before 15 to 17 oz. inclusive, in the flat-foot stemware bracket, on page 43, of the press list, be stricken therefrom. The sham sherbet, in evidence, was referred back to Local Union No. 49 for adjustment. Pressed salt shaker, made in two-block moulds and joint ring, was referred back to Local Union No. 16 for adjustment. The delegates from Local Union No. 38 were instructed to notify the company to comply with the list, on making knobs; wages the same, finished or unfinished. The delegate from Local Union No. 54 was instructed to try to adjust the "Card System" prevailing in their factory. On failure to reach a satisfactory settlement, their local union shall enter protest on same and submit it to conference. The sherbet question from Local Union No. 60 was referred to conference. The tumbler question from Local Union No. 60, was discussed, and by motion, it was decided to leave this subject up to the discretion of our National Officers, with the understanding that any local union interested shall submit samples for information. Brother A. Meier, Local Union No. 107, requested to be recorded as voting "No" on above action. The No. 15156 banana split and No. 15156-8, 10 and 12 oz., joint mould tumblers, were referred back to Local Union No. 32 for adjustment. Report of sub-committee on wares made from opal glass, adopted as presented, to-wit: "It has been regularly moved and seconded that this committee recommends that all opal wares be worked at a 10% reduced move when changed from their original mould shape." Carried. HARRY KELLER, H. S. DAVIS, EDW. M. MILLER, OTHA MOSSER, Chairman, The following resolution from Local Union No. 103, was referred to sub-committee on summer stop question: COLUMBUS, OHIO, July 14, 1915. To the General Press Committee. WHEREAS, Several firms have been given special privileges to operate during our summer stop, more especially the Jeannette-McKee Glass Co., and the merits of their claim did not justify this concession, inasmuch as they have been working a division of time for a year or more, we desire to bring this to the attention of this committee with a view of eliminating, in the future, this condition; therefore, be it |