PROPOSITION No. 38. 15 per cent shall be added to all common tumblers and straight sided banded in the mould tumbler-shaped jellies; and said 15 per cent shall be added to the week's wages. Gatherer to receive 75 per cent of presser's wages. PPOPOSITION No. 39. Strike out the words in foot note under the head of handle mustards and handled jellies "Two moulds shall be furnished when necessary" and insert "the move shall be 10 per cent less when only one mould is used." PROPOSITION No. 40. When one boy is used to carry in for two shops, the shop shall be paid for all chipped and broken ware. PROPOSITION No. 41. When 7 and 8-inch toed berries are finished in the chair, the move shall be 10 per cent less than the regular 7 and 8-inch berries. PROPOSITION No. 42. Increase the wages of head shop presser to $3.00; finisher on tankards $2.50; pressed handled jugs $2.25; salver bowls $2.75 per move; gatherer on these articles $2.00 per turn. This shall not apply to factories that have made contracts for a higher scale of wages than provided for in the press list. PROPOSITION No. 43. That the first paragraph in the Special Notice on page 60 of the wage list be changed to read as follows: "On and after January 1, 1916, 20 per cent in wages shall be added to the prices herein contained, and said 20 per cent to be added to the week's wages." PROPOSITION No. 44. All 6-inch by 4-inch shades in the reflector list to pay head shop wages. PROPOSITION No. 45. department 5 per cent. Increase wages in the Press Shade Proposed Changes to the Libengood System Wage List. PROPOSITION No. 46. Reduce the moves on 10-inch balls 25 per cent. PROPOSITION No. 47. shop on all paste mould and iron mould wares 10 per cent. Increase the wages on the entire PROPOSITION No. 48. Four hours shall constitute a turn's The wages of the gatherer on all work. PROPOSITION No. 49. wares 9-inch and over, shall include the 15 per cent increase namely $2.30 per turn net. A vote of thanks was tendered the officers of the Press Ware Committee for their faithful services. Having completed our business, we by motion, dissolved. FRANK E. SIGWARD, H. S. RUSSELL, H. S. DAVIS, No. 9, H. BOECHER, JNO. MCKAY, A. NELSON, H. KELLER, C. HERRON, L. WALSH, J. MCLAUGHLIN, J. DORNHECKER, THOS. J. GALLAGHER, R. LIBENGOOD, F. KEISLER, JNO. GALLAGHER, J. H. SIMMONS, W. GARDNER, M. UMPHREY, F. FLEMING, W. H. GEARY, R. LOGAN, E. HUNTER, A. HARVEY, CHARLES DEGENHART, L. MCGARRELL, E. A. WALTERS, J. RUZISKA, J. C. HAMILTON, L. WIESENMAIER, H. HAAS, J. F. CARBREY, R. E. COEN, C. HAISTON, A. MEIER, S. L. DONAHOE, RALPH DELISLE, G. RIDER, JAS. KELLY, HARRY COOK, Chairman, CLAUDE A. DALE, Secretary. Motion that the report be adopted as read. Carried. Supplementary Report of the Punch Tumbler and Stem Ware Committee. COLUMBUS, OHIO, July 15, 1915. To the Thirty-Ninth Convention of the A. F. G. W. U. We, the Punch Tumbler and Stem Ware Committee, submit the following supplementary report on Articles Nos. 12,100 and 12,103: That samples submitted to this committee for classification from Local Union No. 45, of Toronto, Ontario, have been classified as a blank and same should be paid for at rate of $2.50 per turn. Respectfully submitted: M. G. BILZ, Chairman, Motion that the report be adopted as read. Carried. Report of Cutting Committee. COLUMBUS, OHIO, July 15, 1915. To the Officers and Delegates of the Thirty-Ninth Convention A. F. G. W. U. GREETING:-We, the Cutting Committee, beg leave to submit the following report for your earnest consideration: Proposed Changes. The Manufacturers' Proposed Changes were rejected. The Workers' Proposed Changes were taken up and disposed of as follows: Proposition Nos. 1, 3 and 7, rejected. Proposition Nos. 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, were adopted. Proposition No. 7 on the Engravers' list, was taken up as it should have been in the Cutting list, and was adopted. Proposition No. 10, rejected. We, the Cutting Committee, endorse the action of the Conference Committee on the fifty-hour proposition. We wish to thank the officers of this Association for the interest they have taken in the matter of the members of this Organization making blanks for non-union cutting shops, and we recommend that the officers of this Association use their best efforts to consolidate locals 57 and 99 of Philadelphia, Pa. Fully Cut. We recommend that the pressed lime figured blank be given the same consideration as the lead figured blank and be fully cut as rule No. 19 designates.. We concur in that part of President Rowe's report regarding organizing efforts and hope you will see the wisdom of retaining an organizer in this department, owing to the contention that is now manifested in this department. We recommend that no one not a member of our Organization be allowed to practice or work on a frame at any time. Foreman. We recommend where there are less than five men, the working foreman must pay assessments, and where they have twenty or more men, they shall be allowed an assistant foreman, and if he be a working assistant foreman, he shall pay assessments. Ice Teas. We recommend that all light ware tumblers cut with the sunburst or vineland patterns, holding over ten ounces, shall be known as an Ice Tea, and shall be paid for accordingly. Consult Shop Committee. We recommend that an organizer or executive officer, when called in to a locality to settle a dispute, shall first consult the shop committee before consulting with the firm. Blanks. We your sub-committee composed of the Cutting, Caster Place and Press Committee, beg leave to submit the following report for your consideration: Amendment to motion that a representative meeting be called with a view of legislating on the plain line of ware in contention. The expense of said representatives to be paid from the National Treasury. Cutters, Press Blank and Caster Place workers to be represented. Said meeting to be held during months of August or September. Adopted as read. EDWARD BROWN, HARRY MCBRIDE, WALTER H. DIMMICK, LOUIS BRACKMAN, HARRY L. WILSON, V. J. AQUE. FRANK C. HACKETT, Chairm'n Apprentices. 1. We recommend that an apprentice shall not be obliged to make up lost time caused by a strike, lockout, or a temporary cessation of operations, providing, however, that the apprentice shall not be admitted to membership until he has worked at least three and one-half years as an apprentice. 2. We recommend that if a cutting shop is operating regularly and there is no strike, lockout, or extended cessation of operations, apprentices shall be obliged to serve the term provided by the regular printed rules. Setting Prices on Jobs. We do not recognize the right of an apprentice to set prices on piece-work jobs, or to use his time as a record for setting prices, as all prices established on jobs shall be based upon the journeyman's time or journeyman's rate. |