
The apsidal termination of the east end, found also in S. Michael's church, Coventry, is a return even to the Norman arrangement.

The dome-shaped terminations of the turrets is quite characteristic of the Tudor style, in which alone it appears.

And to descend to smaller details, the courses of mouldings beneath the parapets accept a kind of decoration quite incongruous with any earlier style. Instead of flowers or animals. studding the projections, as in Norman, or filling the hollows, as in all subsequent styles, they are set upon the whole suite of mouldings, as if they had no connection with it, beyond the mere fact of their being there. Panelling also is enriched in the same way. It is not a matter of principle, but merely an accident of the age and foundation of this chapel, that the ornaments thus thrown everywhere upon the surface, are the royal badges of Henry VII., the greyhound, the dragon, the fleurde-lys, the portcullis, and the rose.

To this chapter may be appended a few documents relating to the erection of ecclesiastical edifices. They are all of them published already, but some specimens of the kind are necessary to the history of architecture, and on this account, rather than for their curiosity, they are here given. Others will be found in the agreement for the building of Fotheringay church, republished in a separate volume of the Oxford Architectural Society, from Dugdale's Monasticon, and in the Appendix to Professor Willis, on the Architectural Nomenclature of the Middle Ages: and other documents of the kind are scattered among the wills of the princes, nobles, and merchants of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.




The indenture between the prior and convent of Durham, and John Middelton, mason, concerning the building of the dormitory, transcribed from the Surtees edition of the Scriptores tres, Appendix No. CLX.

Hæc indentura, facta inter Johannem Priorem ecclesiæ Dunelmensis et ejusdem loci Conventum ex parte una, et Johannem de Middelton cementarium ex parte altera, testatur, quod prædictus Johannes cementarius promisit, et manucepit, ac se obligavit, ad edificandum et de novo construendum muros dormitorii infra Abbatiam Dunelmensem situati, modo et forma inferius expressatis. In primis, idem cementarius suis sumptibus et expensis fieri faciet de novo unum murum, ex parte occidentali ejusdem dormitorii, qui quidem murus se extendit in longitudine a Monasterio Dunelmensi usque ad finem australem ejusdem dormitorii, et in altitudine sexaginta pedum; una cum bretissementis, si necesse fuerit, secundum voluntatem ipsorum Prioris et Conventus; et erit exterius de puro lapide, vocato achiler, plane inscisso, interius vero de fracto lapide, vocato roghwall, et de bono calce bene et sufficienter mixto cemate compositus. Erit etiam planus murus et in fundamento spissitudinis sive latitudinis duarum ulnarum, cum quatuor bonis et securis scarcementis, vel pluribus si oporteat fieri, secundum formam cujusdam exemplaris præsentibus identuris annexi. Erunt etiam in eodem muro quatuor ostia, vel plura si necesse fuerit, bona et conveniencia, et de bono et competenti opere, pro introitibus et exitibus opportunis; cum uno bono botras et substantiali inter finem dicti muri et le sowthgavill. Erunt eciam sub volta ejusdem domus in muro prædicto novem fenestræ lapideæ; de quibus quinque erunt sculpturæ et similitudinis mediæ fenestræ in domo communarii situatæ, vel melioris; quatuor vero aliæ fenestræ erunt competentes, et de bono opere, pro voluntate dictorum Prioris et Conventus eligendæ. Quilibet vero bini lecti monachorum, supra dictam voltam, habebunt unam bonam fenestram pro suis studiis competentem ; quæ quidem fenestræ erunt ejusdem formæ cujus est fenestra studii vicinioris ecclesiæ ejusdem partis; et supra quodlibet studium erit unum modicum et securum archewote, supra quod, spacio competenti interposito, erit una historia octo fenestrarum, ejusdem formæ cujus est fenestra superior et propinquior pa

rieti monasterii prædicti in dormitorio prædicto; et desuper istam historiam fenestrarum erunt honesta alours et bretesmontz batellata et kirnellata; quæ quidem alours et bretisment? erunt de puro achiler et plane inciso, tam exterius quam interius. Murus vero orientalis ejusdem dormitorii, inter monasterium prædictum et refectorium dictæ abbathiæ, a superficie claustri erit planus, cum securis scarcement necessariis de mundissimo lapide achiler, plane inciso exterius, et roghwall interius; cum studiis et fenestris tam inferioribus quam superioribus, ejusdem sectæ cujus erit murus alius antedictus. Et erit le bendyng cujuslibet achiler ponendi in isto opere longitudinis unius pedis de assisa, vel longioris. Erit eciam le sowtgavill ejusdem dormitorii, a parte inferiori usque ad altitudinem competentem, de puro achiler exterius, et inferius de roghwall; cum latitudine, spissitudine, bretismentz, et alours, muris antedictis correspondens et conveniens: in quo quidem gavill erit una magna fenestra, ad voluntatem et arbitrium dicti Prioris facienda. Erit eciam in aliquo loco competenti per discrecionem dicti cementarii eligendo, assensorium vocatum vys, pro ascendendo supra dictum dormitorium; et opus istud erit in parietibus adeo decentis formæ et fortitudinis, vel melioris, cujus est quædam turris in castro de Branspeth, vocata le Constabiltour; quæ quidem turris erit exemplar hujus operis. Et erit dictum opus finaliter completum infra tres annos festum Natalis Domini proxime futurum immediate sequentes. Et prædictus cementarius warantizabit et sustentabit woltam infra prædictum dormitorium nunc existentem, adeo bono statu sicut est in die confectionis præsentium, absque aliqua deterioracione ejusdem. Et idem cementarius inveniet omnimoda cariagia, dicto operi quomodolibet oportuna; franget ardebit calcem ; ac instrumenta ferrea, et lignea, alia quoque vasa quæcunque, cum scaffaldes, seyntres, et flekes, et aliis omnimodis necessariis oportunis, sumptibus propriis et expensis; exceptis quarera tam pro lapidibus quam pro calce, meremio, ac virgis pro dictis scaffaldes, sentres et flekes, quæ dictus Prior assignari faciet eidem cementario infra spacium trium miliarium a Dunelmo distancium. Idem quoque Prior et Conventus, cum consilio et deliberacione dicti cementarii, muros antiquos in eodem dormitorio nunc existentes prosterni facient; et eorum fundamenta pure mundari, pro novo opere imponendo; quæ fundamina erunt incepta et posita per concilium et deliberacionem dicti Prioris et Conventus. Et habebit idem cementarius omnes lapides et cementum de muris antiquis ejusdem dormitorii prosternendi, et novos lapides pro eodem dormitorio de novo exscisos et ordinatos, ad suplecionem operis supradicti. Ita tamen quod faciat omnes fenestras antiquas et lapides de novo renovari, pro decoro et conformitate dicti operis. Prænominati eciam Prior et Conventus dabunt prædicto cementario, quolibet anno, durantibus tribus annis supradictis, quando præfatum Priorem contigerit liberacionem panni facere generalem, unum garmamentum de secta armigerorum Prioris. Dabunt etiam eidem cementario, durantibus tribus annis supradictis, victum in esculentis, et poculentis pro ipso et garcione suo, quandocunque pro opere prædicto Dunelmi moram traxerit, et ibidem circa opus prædic


tum fuerit occupatus. Dabunt itaque dictus Prior et Conventus cementario supradicto pro qualibet roda operis prædicti quæ continebit sex ulnas et duas partes unius ulnæ squar, tam sub terra quam supra terram, decam marcas argenti: unde ad inceptionem operis supradicti idem cementarius percipiet præ manibus quadraginta libras argenti; et postea, cum perfecerit ad valorem sex rodarum operis supradicti, alias quadraginta libras ; et sic tociens quadraginta libras quociens perfecerit sex rodas, modo supradicto; donec prædictum opus fuerit plenarie consummatum. Proviso tamen quod, ultra præmissa specificata, nichil quomodolibet sibi valeat vendicare. Et erit prædictus cementarius, et quatuor aliæ sufficientes personæ, obligati dictis Priori et Conventui in una obligacione, per concilium dictorum Prioris et Conventus facienda, in quadraginta libris singula vice qua quadraginta libras in forma prædicta idem cementarius receperit; solvendis eidem Priori, aut ejus successoribus, in casu quo idem cementarius defecerit perficere pro singulis decem marcis summæ prædictæ unam rodam operis antedicti sub forma et condicione superius memoratis. In cujus rei testimonium præsentibus indenturis partes prædictæ sigilla sua alternatim apposuerunt. Data die Sabbati, in festo Sancti Mathei Apostoli et Evangelista, anno Domini millesimo cccmo nonagesimo octavo."


Agreement for the building of Catterick Church, Yorkshire, transcribed from Whittaker's Richmondshire.

The original contract, regularly executed, upon parchment, is in the possession of Sir Henry Lawson, Bart., Brough Hall.

"This indenture, made at Burghe, the aghteenthe day of the moneth of April, the yere of King Henrie fefth after the Conqueste, betwene Dame Katerine of Burghe, some tyme the wyfe of John Burghe, William of Burghe, the sonne of the aforesaid John and Dame Katerine, of the ta partie, and Rich' of Cracall, masone, on the tother, bereth &c. that the foreseid Rich takes full charge to make the kirke of Katric new, als workmanshipp and masoncrafte will, and fynde all the labrers and service perteyning to the kirke makyng; and that the forseid Ra shall take downe and ridd of (off) the stayne werke of the alde kirke of Katrik after the timber be tane downe, and he shall care (carry) and bere all the stane wark of the ald kirke to the place where the newe kirke sal be made; and also forseid Rich' sall take the grownde, and ridde the grownde, whar the newe kirke sall be made, and sall gett or garre get all the quarral (squared stones) at his awen coste, all the stuff or the stane that misters (is required) more for makyng of the kirke of Katrik than that stuffe that is foune within the kirke yerde beforeseid; and alsoe sall make the kirke and the queere newe. The queere sall be of length within with the thicknesse of


bathe walles fifti fote, and it sall be of brede within the walles two and twente fote; and the forseid Rich" sall make a windowe in the gavel of fife lightes accordant to the heght of the kirke; and he sall make apon the cornere of the south syde of the same windowe a stanche botras rising unto the cabill. And a windowe of twa lights at the awter ende, and a botras rysing unto the cabell, and a windowe on the same syde of fower lyghtes, and a botras accordant therto; and sall make a queere doore on wheder syde of the botras that it will best bee; and sall . . . . put on .... for the makyng of a revestry, and sall make a dore on the same syde for a revestry and a botras; and sall set a windowe of three lightes anens the deskes, the whilke stande nowe in the old queere on the southe syde.


"And the highte of the walles of the queere sall be above the grownde twenti fote.

"And also the forseid Richa sall make an highe awter, joinard on the windowe in the gavell with thre greses (steps) beginning at the revestery dore.

"And the foreseid Ra sall make the body of the kirke accordant of wideness betweene the pilers of the queere, and the lenght of the body of the kirke sall be of threscore fote and tenne, with the thicknesse of the weste wall; and the said ele (aisle) sall be accordant to the queere, with an awter and a lavatory in the este ende.

"And the forseid Richd sall take the windowe that stands now in the north syde of the alde kirke, and sett itt in the este end of the north ele over the awter with a stanche botras on the corner.

"And the said Rich bindes himselfe &c. that the kirke of Katrik beforesaide and nemend, sall bee made fra the Faste of Seynt Jhon Baptiste next follow, and unto the same faste be thre yeres next follow, and bot if sodayne wers or pestilence make it (prevent it) the whiche maye be resonaabill excusation.

"And the forseid Dame Katrine and William sall carri all the stane that misters mare than is fou in the alde kirke, and the kirke yerde, at theire awin coste, and sall fynde lyme, and sande, and water, and scaffalyng. And forseid Dame Katrine and Wm byndes them be thes endentures to paye unto seid Rich" within terme of thre yere eighte score of merkes ; and iff the kirke be ended at the terme before nemande, Dame Katrine and WTM sall gif untoe the saide Richa tenne merkes of money and a gowne of Wm wering to his rewarde."


Documents relating to the decorations of the Beauchamp chapel, in S. Mary's church, Warwick, collected by Dugdale, and given in his Warwickshire. John Essex, Marbler, Will. Austen, Founder, and Thomas Stevyns, Copper-smyth, do covenant with the said executors, that they shall make, forge, and worke, in most finest wise and of the finest latten, one large plate to be dressed, and to lye on the overmost stone of the tombe under the

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