

gular destruction of a Peruvian fri-
gate, 165; M. Blondin's performances
at Niagara, 166; storms and ship-
wrecks in October, 168; hurricane at
St. Kilda, 168; great robbery and
prompt capture at Sheffield, 172;
private visit of the Empress of the
French to England and Scotland, 174;
statue to the Marquess of Anglesey,
; 175; state of Ireland, dreadful as-
sassinations, 177; storms and wrecks
in December, 179; extraordinary
murder of M. Poinsot, in a railway
carriage in France, 181; abolition of
passports for France, 190; Proclama-
tion of the Queen, issuing the new
copper coinage, 191; the Westminster
play, 193; sale of the Saville library
and manuscripts, 193; the weather-
the "cold Christmas," 198; the peace
with China, 200; extraordinary oc-
currence at Dublin, 200; launch of
the iron-cased line-of-battle ship
Warrior, 201; Armstrong and Whit-
worth guns, 204; the weather of the
Autumn quarter, 207.

MORTALITY, TABLES OF, in England and
Wales, and in the Metropolis, in the
year 1860; and in ten years 1851-60,
Murders. Shocking murders on board
American ships: the Anna, the
Devonshire, the Wizard King, 15;
murder and suicide at Coventry, 17;
murder at Luton, trial of Castle, 31;
murder of Mrs. Pulley at Stamford,
35; dreadful murders on board a
sloop in New York harbour, 39; the
Ashcombe murder, 43; murder and
suicide in Shoreditch, 69; double
murder by an insane sister at Pen-
dlebury, 48; murder of a wife and
six children at Sandown Fort, 70;
murder and suicide in Hyde-park and
Oxford-st. 91; the extraordinary case
of the Road child-murder, 93; singular
attempted child-murder at Nettlebed,
119; murder of Ann Skein at Gos-
port, 122; the Walkeringham mur-
der, 124; the Embleton murder, 132;
murder of Sarah Platt at Birming-
ham, 133; wife-murder at Liverpool,
138; murder in the Queen's Park,
Edinburgh, 146; murder of an
officer by a marine in China, 157;
double child-murder and suicide at
Bradford, 166; the Hackney child-
murder, 176; extraordinary murder
of M. Poinsot in a railway carriage


in France, 181; the Winlaton mur-
der, 184; the Urpeth murder, 185;
the Wyberton murder, 187; double
murder at Aldershott, 188; wife-
murder at Wolverhampton, 192;
extraordinary attempt at murder at
Dublin, 200; dreadful assassinations
and outrages in Ireland, 106; murder
of Alderman Sheehy, and Mr. Murray,
177; the Walworth murders-a mo-
ther, two children, and a young
woman murdered, 532; the murder
of Mrs. Emsley at Stepney, 541.
PARLIAMENT :-The Parliament opened
by the Queen in person; Her Ma-
jesty's Speech, [3]; address in the
House of Lords, speech and amend-
ment of Earl Grey respecting the
Chinese war, [5]; answer of Duke of
Newcastle, [6]; speech of Earl of
Derby, [7]; Earl Granville, [8];
amendment negatived, address agreed
to, [9]; address in the House of
Commons; speech of Mr. Disraeli;
discusses the commercial treaty with
France and the Italian policy of Go-
vernment, [9]; Lord Palmerston jus-
tifies the French treaty, and defends
a policy of non-interference in Italy,
[10]; address agreed to; desultory
debate on report, [11].

Members returned and sworn at
the Table during the Session, 515.
Foreign Affairs.—Lively interest taken
in the affairs of Italy, and the annex-
ation of Savoy and Nice; military
preparations of France, [12]; motion
of Marquis of Normanby respecting
Savoy and Nice, [12]; Earl Gran-
ville's reply; the conduct of the Em-
peror strongly condemned by Earl
Grey, the Earl of Shaftesbury, and
Earl of Derby, [13]; Marquis of Nor-
manby's motion respecting Sardinia
and Central Italy, [15]; reply of
Earl Granville; debate, [16]; in the
Commons, Mr. Kinglake calls atten-
tion to the rumours respecting Savoy
and Nice, [17]; explanations of Mi-
nisters, [19]; Sir R. Peel calls atten-
tion to variation in the text of the
Emperor's speech; Mr. Bright's
speech, [19]; Lord J. Russell's ex-
planation, [20]; Mr. Roebuck's strong
remarks on the conduct of the Em-
peror, [20]; Lord John Russell's for-
mal explanation of the policy of Mi-


nisters in regard to Savoy and Nice,
[21]; speeches of Mr. Whiteside, Mr.
Horsman, Lord Palmerston, Mr. Dis-
raeli, [22].
Finance.-Great expectations respect-
ing the approaching Budget; finan-
cial statement postponed owing to
Mr. Gladstone's illness, [26]; the
commercial treaty with France laid
before Parliament; the financial state-
ment; Mr. Gladstone's elaborate and
comprehensive speech, [26]; exten-
sive changes of taxation, the wine
duties, paper duty, Customs duties,
Income-tax, &c., [25]; Mr. Du Cane's
notice of motion postponed for Mr.
Disraeli's motion to postpone the con-
sideration of the Budget until the
French treaty shall have been consi-
dered, [31]; Mr. Disraeli's speech,[31];
Mr. Gladstone's reply, [32]; debate;
the Opposition insist that the House
shall consider the engagements of
the treaty before they consider the
resolutions that are to carry out the
engagements; the Ministerialists,
that to submit each article of the
treaty to the control of Parliament
was unconstitutional; on division
amendment negatived, [35]; im-
portant discussion in the House of
Lords on the treaty, [35]; Mr. Du
Cane's motion against reducing the
ordinary revenue and increasing the
Income-tax, [37]; three nights' de-
bate; speeches of Sir S. Northcote,
[38]; Mr. Hubbard, Mr. Baines, Mr.
Byng, [39]; Sir F. Baring, Mr.
Bright, [40]; Mr. Whiteside, Mr.
Cardwell, Mr. Newdegate, [41]; Mr.
Osborne, Mr. T. Baring, [42]; Mr.
M. Gibson, Mr. Walpole, [43]; the
Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr.
Disraeli, [44]; on division, majority
of 116 for Ministers, [45]; Ministers
raise the distinct question of approval
of the treaty by moving an address,
[45]; speech of Mr. Byng, [45];
Sir H. Cairns, on behalf of the Con-
servatives, accepts the treaty, but
objects that it is one-sided, imper-
feet, and halting, [47]; Mr. Horsman
moves amendment respecting Article
2. (coals), [48]; important state-
ment of Mr. Vivian; speech of Mr.
Disraeli, [49]; answer of Chancellor
of Exchequer, [50]; amendment
negatived; original motion carried
by majority of 226, [51]; similar
address moved in the House of


Lords by Lord Taunton, [51]; Earl
Grey's strictures on the treaty: op-
poses the motion, [51]; speeches of
Lord Wodehouse, Earl of Malmes-
bury, [52]; Lord Overstone opposes
the motion; speeches of the Duke
of Argyll, [53]; Earl of Derby,
[54]; of the Lord Chancellor and
Lord Chelmsford, [55]; address
carried by majority of 30, [56]; dis-
cussion on the various portions of
the Budget; the wine duties,
Mr. Gladstone's exposition, [59];
after debate, resolution agreed to;
refreshment-houses-Mr. Gladstone's
interesting explanation of his propo-
sition, as a complement of the intro-
duction of French wines, [61]; after
several debates the propositions are
carried, [66]; the Customs' tariff,-
alterations not generally opposed by
the Conservatives; questions regard-
ing corks and silks, [66]; the Income-
tax-motion for a 10d. tax, [67];
several amendments are proposed and
negatived, and motion carried, [67];
unpopularity of the proposal for the
repeal of the paper duty; considered
as a question of an additional 1d. to
the Income-tax; Sir W. Miles' amend-
ment; interesting debates, [69];
speeches of Mr. B. Stanhope, Mr.
Black, Mr. Maguire, Lord R. Cecil,
Mr. M. Gibson, [70]; invective of
Mr. Horsman, answer of Mr. Glad-
stone, [71]; Sir J. Pakington; amend-
ment negatived, [72]; renewed attack
on third reading; amendment of Sir S.
Northcote, [72]; Mr. M. Gibson's
answer, [73]; speech of Mr. Glad-
stone, [74]; Mr. Disraeli, [75]; divi-
sion; Ayes, 219, Noes, 210; majority
for Ministers, 9, [75]; Earl of Derby
gives notice of his intention to op-
pose the repeal of the paper duty;
Earl Granville moves the second read-
ing, and denies that the proposed re-
mission is inexpedient, and that the
Lords have power to deal with the
question, [76]; Lord Lyndhurst ar-
gues the constitutional question in fa-
vour of the Lords, [77]; Lord Mont-
eagle, examining the question of ex-
pediency, moves the rejection of the
bill, [78]; Duke of Argyll vindicates
the financial policy of the Govern-
ment, [79]; powerful speech of the
Earl of Derby, [80]; on division,
majority of 89 against the bill.
Opinion of the country on this pro-


ceeding of the House of Lords; grow-
ing alarm as to the sufficiency of the
Budget, [82]; Lord Palmerston moves
a Committee to search for precedents;
Mr. Duncombe's amendment, and
debate, [83]; Report of Committee;
moderate resolutions moved by Lord
Palmerston thereon, [84]; the Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer supports the
resolution, but vindicates his finan
cial scheme, [85]; Mr. Whiteside's
reply, [86]; Mr. Disraeli vindicates
the Lords, but adopts the resolution;
view of Lord J. Russell, [87]; Mr.
Horsman's telling speech, Mr. Bright's
answer, [88]; the resolutions agreed
to, [89]; Lord Fermoy moves a reso-
lution condemning the conduct of
the Lords, [89]; the resolution gene-
rally condemned, and negatived, [91];
the Chancellor of the Exchequer re-
tains the Excise duty on paper, but
modifies the Customs duty to accord
with the French treaty; danger of
the Government, [91]; Mr. Puller
moves an amendment; important
debate; speeches of Mr. Childers,
Mr. Crossley, [93]; Mr. Maguire, Sir
H.Cairns, the Attorney-General, [94];
Mr. Henley, Lord J. Russell, Mr. Dis-
raeli, [95]; the resolutions carried by
a majority of 33, [96].

Parliamentary Reform.-Lord J.
Russell moves for leave to bring in a
Bill to amend the Representation;
proposes a £10 county, and a £6
borough, franchise, and takes one
seat from 25 boroughs; their redis-
tribution, [98]; indifference in the
country on the subject of reform;
bills for Ireland and Scotland intro-
duced, [101]; languid and protracted
debates on the second reading; Mr.
Disraeli proposes to read the bill the
second time and discuss the pro-
posals in Committee, but suggests
that the bill be withdrawn, [101];
speeches of Mr. Rolt and Mr. Bright,
[102]; Mr. Stansfeld, Sir J. Paking-
ton, Sir G. Grey, [103]; Mr. Adderley,
Mr. Massey, [104]; Mr. Whiteside,
Mr. James, [105]; Sir G. Lewis,
[106]; Lord R. Cecil, Mr. Milnes,
[107]; Sir E. B. Lytton, [108]; Mr.
Denman, Sir J. Walsh, Lord J. Rus-
sell, [109]; Lord J. Manners, Mr.
Du Cane, Mr. Macaulay, [111]; Mr.
Gregory, Sir J. Ramsden, Mr. Wal-
pole, the Chancellor of the Exche-
quer, [113]; bill read the second


time without a division, [114]; these
debates occupy from the 19th March
to 3rd May. In the Lords, Earl Grey
moves for inquiry into increase of
voters by reduction of franchise; his
speech, 115; Duke of Argyll con
sents to Committee, [116]; speech of
Earl of Derby, [117]; motion agreed


Lateness of the period for dis-
cussing many questions in commit-
tee; Lord John Russell proposes to
go into committee on the English
bill, and to withdraw the Irish and
Scotch bills, [119]; discussion; the
bill is very faintly supported by
members on the ministerial side;
Mr. Mackinnon moves to postpone
the question until after the census
of 1861; Government defeat the
motion; but feeling it impossible to
carry the bill through committee in
face of the indifference of their sup-
porters, withdraw it; little emotion
felt by the country at this result,
[124]; Mr. Berkeley's annual motion
for the ballot, [126].

Military and Naval Affairs.-Mr.
S. Herbert moves the Army and Lord
C. Paget the Navy Estimates, both
unprecedentedly large,[129]; they are
agreed to; the Civil Service Esti-
mates; much criticized, [131]; ques
tion of manning the navy discussed
on motion of Sir C. Napier, [133];
the same subject discussed in the
Lords, [134]; Lord Lyndhurst brings
forward the state of our naval defences,
[135]; answer of the Duke of Somer-
set, [137]; great impression made by
this debate. Further discussions in
the Commons on naval subjects
raised by Sir C. Napier and Mr.
Lindsay, [138]; question of promo-
tion in the army brought forward by
Sir De Lacy Evans, [140]; debate;
reply of Mr. S. Herbert, [142]; Lord
Panmure brings forward the subject
in the Lords; defends the purchase
system, [143]; flogging in the army
and navy; subject discussed on mo-
tion of Mr. Williams for returns;
Mr. S. Herbert's observations, [144];
subject of promotion and retirement
in the navy, [145]; fortification of
dockyards and arsenals; Lord Pal-
merston's resolutions, founded on
the report of the Defence Commis-
sion, [145]; his speech detailing the
plans adopted by the Government,
and asks for a vote of £9,000,000.

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[147]; its reception by the House,
[147]; amendment of Mr. Lindsay,
disapproving expenditure for fortifi-
cations as compared with strengthen-
ing the navy; Mr. S. Herbert's an-
swer, [148]; speeches of Mr. Bright,
Mr. Newdegate, Mr. Osborne, Mr.
Horsman, and others; Lord Palmer-
ston's reply; original resolution
agreed to, [151]; Mr. E. James'
amendment to second reading of
bill, seconded by Sir C. Napier,
[152]; after debate second reading
agreed to, [153]; important debate
on the bill in the Lords; speech
of Lord Ellenborough, [153]; answer
of Earl de Grey; bill passed, [154].

China and India.-Mr. B. Coch-
rane calls attention to relations with
China in reference to the Peiho af-
fair; Sir M. Seymour defends the
operations, [156]; Lord J. Russell
defends Earl of Elgin, [157]; Earl of
Elgin arrives from China and makes
a statement in the House of Lords,
[157]; Sir de Lacy Evans brings for-
ward the subject of the war, [158];
defended by Lord J. Russell, [158];
debate on the policy and justice of
the war, [160]; Earl Grey, in the
Lords, severely condemns the Go-
vernment for having entered into the
war without consulting Parliament,
[160]; Duke of Somerset defends
the Government, [161]; the Chancel-
lor of the Exchequer makes a special
provision for the Chinese war; pro-
poses a supplementary Budget, [162].

Finances of India.-Mr. Wilson
sent to Calcutta as Financial Member
of the Council; his financial scheme
to restore equilibrium between re-
venue and expenditure; singular op-
position and prompt recall of Sir
Charles Trevelyan, [163]; Earl of
Ellenborough criticizes the scheme;
answer of Duke of Argyll, [164]; Mr.
D. Seymour adverts to Sir C. Tre-
velyan's recall, and eulogizes his ser-
vices, [164]; Sir C. Wood and Lord
Palmerston justify the recall as es-
sential to the public good, [165].
The Indian Financial Statement.-
Secretary of State for India explains
to the House the state and prospects
of the Indian exchequer, [166];
statement criticized by Mr. D. Sey-
mour and others, [167]. Reorgan-
ization of the Indian Army-bill


to amalgamate the Local with the
Queen's army [168] is strongly op-
posed; view of Lord Stanley, [169];
of General Peel and Colonel Sykes,
[170]; Sir de L. Evans, [171]; Mr.
A. Mills moves rejection of the bill;
seconded by Sir E. Colebrooke, [171];
bill opposed by Sir de L. Evans, Mr.
M. Milnes, Sir J. Elphinstone, Mr.
D. Seymour, and others; supported
by Mr. S. Herbert, Mr. Ayrton, Mr.
Vansittart, Sir W. Russell, Sir C.
Wood; bill carried by large majo-
rity, [177]; further opposition on
going into Committee; numerous
amendments proposed and negatived;
bill passed, [179]; bill moved in the
Lords by Duke of Argyll; opposed
by Earl of Ellenborough as most
dangerous; supported by Duke of
Cambridge, [179]; Earl of Derby
commits the matter to the responsi-
bility of Government; bill passed,

Religion, Education, &c.—Church
Rates Sir J. Trelawny again brings
in his bill for abolishing church
rates, [181]; Lord R. Montagu moves
the rejection of the bill; speeches
of Sir G. Lewis, Mr. K. Seymer,
[183]; Mr. Disraeli, Lord Fermoy, &c.;
bill carried by majority of 29, [184];
Mr. Newdegate proposes a fixed
charge on real property in substitu-
tion for church rates, [184]; after de-
bate, motion negatived, [185]; Mr.
Whiteside moves to postpone third
reading for six months, [186];
after animated debate amendment
negatived by majority of 9 only [187];
progress of the bill in the Lords;
Lord Lyveden moves the second
reading; Duke of Marlborough
moves rejection of bill, [188]; Earl
de Grey, Duke of Somerset, Duke of
Newcastle support the bill; Arch-
bishop of Canterbury, Earl Grey,
Duke of Rutland, and Earl of Derby
oppose it; bill thrown out by ma-
jority of 97, [190]; Endowed Schools
-Lord Cranworth brings in bill to
remove certain grievances of Dis-
senters, [190]; after debate, bill
goes to Committee, where it is much
altered, and becomes law, [192];
bill on the same subject introduced
by Mr. Dillwyn; interesting discus-
sion on second reading; is rejected
on motion of Mr. Selwyn, [193];


Maynooth-Mr. Spooner's annual
motion on the Maynooth grant;
rejected after short debate, [194];
Religious Services in Theatres-Lord
Dungannon's motion condemnatory
of this practice; interesting speech
of Earl of Shaftesbury, [194]; views
of the Bishops of Llandaff and Lon-
don; motion withdrawn, [196]; Re-
vision of the Prayer-Book-Lord
Ebury moves for appointment of
Committee, [196]; motion generally
opposed; the Archbishop of Can-
terbury, the Bishops of London and
Oxford, and Earl Stanhope, 197; mo-
tion negatived, [198]; Union of City
Benefices-the Bishop of London in-
troduces a bill to provide for the
spiritual destitution of the metro-
polis by a union of city benefices
and transfer of surplus funds; Bill
passed, [198]; Census for 1861-the
bill proposes returns as to religious
profession; clause considered a griev-
ance by Dissenters, is opposed, and
withdrawn, [199]; National Educa-
tion (Ireland)-motion of Mr. Butt
for an address; Mr. Whiteside,
[200]; answer of Mr. Cardwell;
motion negatived, [201]; Tenure
and Improvement of Land (Ireland)
-bill introduced by Mr. Cardwell
and passed, [202]; The postponed
measures of the Session-the London
Corporation Reform Bill and Bank..
ruptcy and Insolvency Bill, [202];
Massacre of the Christians in Syria
-subject brought before the Lords
by Lord Stratford de Redcliffe; his
important speech, [203]; answer of
Lord Wodehouse, [204]; this long
and laborious session terminated on
the 28th August by Commission;
speech of the Lords Commissioners,
[205]; review of the operations of
the session, [207].

POETRY, 582.

Treaties.-Treaty of commerce with
France-the correspondence, 210;
the treaty, 223; additional article,
229; second additional article, 230;
treaty with Nicaragua, 231; treaty
of annexation of Savoy and Nice to
: France, 240; convention for the
Pacification of Syria, 242.

State Papers.-Extracts from cor-

Public Documents-continued.

respondence relating to the cession of
Savoy and Nice, 243; Extracts from
correspondence relating to the affairs
of Italy, 273.

Table of statutes, 23 and 24 Vict.,
301; finance accounts for the year
1860, 318; prices of stock, 336;
average prices of corn, hay, straw,
clover, and butcher's meat, 337.

Summary of deaths, births, and
marriages, in England and Wales,
and in the metropolis, in 1860; the
same in the years 1851-60, 338;
meteorological table for 1860, 338;
total number of bankrupts, 338
university honours, Oxford, 339;
Cambridge, 342.

QUEEN, THE.-The Session of Parlia-
ment opened by the Queen in person;
Her Majesty's Speech, 3; Her Ma-
jesty receives the officers of volun-
teer rifle corps at a special levée, 27;
reviews the rifle volunteers in Hyde-
park, 87, and at Edinburgh, 134;
opens the prize meeting of the Na-
tional Rifle Association at Wimbledon,
115; the Princess Royal (Princess
Frederick William of Prussia) de-
livered of a daughter, 126; autumnal
residence of the Court in Scotland,
134; visits the family of the Prince
Consort at Cobourg, journey through
Belgium, Prussia, &c., 159.
RACING MEETINGS.-Epsom, 73; Ascot,
81; Goodwood, 125; Doncaster, 157.
Railway Accidents:-In January, 14;
at the Tottenham station of the
Eastern Counties Railway, six persons
killed, many wounded, 21; at the
Hatfield station of the Great North-
ern, two persons killed, 61; singular
accident at the terminus of the Great
Northern, 77; near Granton, 118;
fatal accident on the Shrewsbury and
Hereford line, 148; dreadful acci-
dent to an excursion train at Helm-
shore, 152; fatal explosion of a loco-
motive at King's Cross, 170; dread-
ful accident at Atherstone, ten lives
lost, 172.

Return of the number of persons
killed by accident in the year 1860,


Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea.-Re-
turn of wrecks, &c., in 1859, 1;
storms and shipwrecks in January, 3;
wreek of the steamer Northerner, 6;
of the Mondejo, Portuguese man-of-

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