

19. Pyranga rubra. Vieill. Scarlet Tanager.* Minneapolis, July 19th, 1876. (28.)


20. Cotyle riparia. Boie. Bank Swallow.* Minneapolis, Aug. 14th, 1876. (47.)


21. Ampelis cedrorum. Bd. Cedar Bird.* Minneapolis, July, 1876. (25.)


22. Vireo olivacea. L. Red-eyed Vireo.* Minneapolis, July 19th, 1876. (11.)

23. Vireo philidelphica. Cassin. Philidelphia Vireo. Minneapolis, Aug.

1876. (14.)

24. Vireo philidelphica. Cassin. Philidelphia Vireo. Minneapolis, Aug.

[blocks in formation]

25. Vireo gilva. Cass. Warbling Vireo.* Minneapolis, July 11th, 1876.


26. Vireo flavifrons. Bd. Yellow-throated Vireo.* Minneapolis, Aug. 16th,

1876. (13.)


27. Collurio ludivicianus. Bd. Loggerhead Shrike.* Minneapolis, Aug., 1876. (7.)

28. Collurio ludivicianus. Bd. Loggerhead Shrike.+ Minneapolis, July 20th, 1876. (2.)

29. Collurio ludivicianus. Bd. Loggerhead Shrike. Minneapolis, 1875.



30. Chrysomitris tristis. Bon. Yellow Bird.† Minneapolis, Nov. 26th,

1875. (31.)

31. Chrysomitris tristis. Bon.

1875. (30.)

Yellow Bird.* Champlin, Minn., June 18th,

32. Plectrophanes niralis. Meyer. Snow Bunting.* Minneapolis, Nov.

30th, 1876. (88.)

[blocks in formation]

1876. (32.)

Minneapolis, Oct. 9th,

1876. (84.)

36. Spizella socialis.

37. Spizella monticolor. Bd. Tree Sparrow.*

38. Spizella pallida. Bon. Clay-Colored Bunting.* Minneapolis, Aug.,

1876. (33.)

39. Spizella pallida. Bon. Clay-Colored Bunting.t Minneapolis, May 7th,

1875. (34.)

40. Chondestes grammaca. Bon. Lark Finch. Minneapolis, 1875. (38.) 41. Melospiza melodia. Bd. Song Sparrow.* Minneapolis, Aug. 12th, 1876. (37.)

42. Goniaphea ludiviciana.

Bowdich. Rose-Breasted Grosbeak. Minne.

apolis, June, 1875. (27.)

43. Coniaphea ludiviciana. Bow. Rose-Breasted Grosbeak. Minneapolis, Aug. 18th, 1876. (75.)

44. Cyanospiza cyanea. Bd. Indigo Bird.* Minneapolis, July, 1876. (29.) 45. Pipilo crythrophthalmus. Vieill. Chewink.* Minneapolis, Aug. 3d,



46. Junco hyemalis. Sd. Snow Bird.* Minneapolis, Oct. 9th, 1876. (83.)

47. Dolichonyx oryzivorus. (42.)

48. Agelæus phoenicus. V. 4th, 1876.




Sw. Bobolink.* Minneapolis, July 20th, 1876.

Red-Winged Black Bird.* Minneapolis, Aug.

49. Sturnella magna. Sw. Meadow Lark.* Minneapolis, July 18th, 1876. 50. Ieterus baltimore. Daudin. Baltimore Oriole.* Minneapolis, May 22d, 1875. (21.)

51. Ieterus spurius. Bon. Orchard Oriole.* Minneapolis, 1875. (22.) 52. Ieterus spurius. Bon. Orchard Oriole.* Minneapolis, 1875. Juv. specimine. (23.)

53. Ieterus spurius. Bon. Orchard Oriole. † Minneapolis, July, 1876. (24.)

[ocr errors]


E4. Corvus corax. L. Raven.* (Mounted.) Minneapolis, Oct., 1876. (85.) Not common.

Presented by N. Herrick, Esq.

55. Cyanurus cristatus. Sw. Blue Jay. Minneapolis, July 20th, 1876. (45.)


56. Tyrannus carolinensis. Bd. King Bird.* Minneapolis, May 14th, 1875.


57. Contonops virens. Cab. Wood Pewee.* Minneapolis, Aug. 11th, 1876.

(16.) 58. C. virens. Cab. 59. C. virens. Cab. 60. C. virens. Cab.

Wood Pewee.*
Wood Pewee.†
Wood Pewee.

Minneapolis, Aug. 15th, 1876. (17.) Minneapolis, Aug. 15th, 1876. (18.) Minneapolis, July, 1876. (19.)


61. Chordeiles virginianus. Bon. Night Hawk.* Minneapolis, Aug. 16th, 1876. (44.)


62. Cotyle pelasgio. Bd. Chimney Swift.* Minneapolis, July 10th, 1876. (43.)


63. Cryle alcyon. Boie. Belted Kingfisher. Minneapolis, Aug. 1st, 1876. (46.)

[blocks in formation]

64. Picus pubescens. L. Downy Woodpecker.* Minneapolis, July, 1876.


65. Picus pubescens. L. Downy Woodpecker.* Minneapolis, Aug. 16th, 1876. (61.)

[ocr errors]

66. Picus pubescens. L. Downy Woodpecker.* Minneapolis, Aug. 20th, 1876. (73.)

67. Melanerpes erythrocephalus. Sw. Red-headed Woodpecker. July 23d,

1876. (62.)

68. Melanerpes erythrocephalus. Sw. Red-headed Woodpecker.* Minneapolis, Aug. 28th. (71.)

69. Colaptes auratus. Sw. Sw. Golden-winged Woodpecker. Minneapolis, April 29th, 1875. (63.)

70. Colaptes auratus. Su. Golden-winged Woodpecker.* Minneapolis, Aug. 28th, 1876. (72.)



Bubo virginianus. Wilk. Great-horned Owl. Minneapolis, Nov., 1876. (86.) From Collection of C. L. Herrick.


72. Falco sparverius. L. Sparrow Hawk. Minneapolis, Aug. 2, 1876. (67.) 73. Falco sparverius. L. Sparrow Hawk. Minneapolis, Aug. 13th, 1875.


74. Buteo borealis. Vieill.

Red-tailed Hawk.* Jav. Minneapolis, July,

1876. (82.) (Mounted.)


75. Ectopistes migratorius. Sw. Wild Pigeon. Minneapolis, July 11th, 1876. (58.)

76. Ectopistes migratorius. S. Wild Pigeon. Minneapolis, July 11th,

1876. (59.)


77. Bonasa umbellus. Stephens. Ruffed Grouse. Minneapolis, July, 1876. (48.)


78. Egialitis vociferus. Cass. Killdeer Plover.† Minneapolis, July 22d, 1876. (57.)


79. Totanus solitarius. Wilson, Solitary Tattler.*

17th, 1876. (55.)

80. Totanus solitarius. Wils. Solitary Tattler.*

1876. (56.)

81. Totanus solitarius. Wils. Solitary Tattler.

1876. (74.)

82. Tringoides macularius.

Aug. 4th, 1876. (53.)

Minneapolis, Aug.

Minneapolis, Aug. 12th,

Minneapolis, Aug. 20th,

Gray. Spotted Sandpiper. Minneapolis,

83. Tringoides macularius. Gray. Spotted Sandpiper.* Minneapolis, July

14th, 1876. (54.)

84. Actiturus bartramius. Bon. Upland Plover. Minneapolis, Aug. 6th,

1875. (52.)


85. Botaurus mugitans. Coues. Bittern. Minneapolis, 1875. (49.)


86. Porzana carolina. V. Carolina Rail.† Minneapolis, Aug. 20th, 1876. (70.)


87. Sterna caspia. Pall. Caspian Tern. Long Lake, Nov., 1876. (87.) Rare.



Collected and presented by Will. Secombe.

Hydrochelidon lariformis. Coues. Black Tern. Minneapolis, July
19th, 1876. (50.)

Hydrochelidon lariformis. Coues. Black Tern, young. Minneapolis,
July 19th, 1876. (51.)


90. Bucephala clangula. Wils. Golden-Eye. Garrot. Minneapolis, Ja 17th, 1877.

Just as this proof is going to press, I have the pleasure of announcing that I had the good fortune to secure for the collection two specimens of Le contes Sparrow, coturniculus lecontei, thus adding this to the very few localities of its occurrence. A more extended notice will doubtless be given hereafter.



By C. L. Herrick.

Cyclops quadricornis has often been used as an object for study by those desirous of becoming familiar with the process of development in crustacea. For this it is eminently fitted both on account of its very distinct changes and its abundance in every pond and pool.

[graphic][merged small]

There is another member of the same genus which has not, apparently, been described, and I have therefore provisionally named it C. longicornis from the very long primary antennæ.

The appearance of an ordinary individual (Fig. 1.) is not very widely different from the ordinary species. But the first glance of the female with the spherical sac of ova under the abdomen makes the creature seem quite distinct.

The general appearance and its movements while swimming briskly about cause it to look like a magnified cladocera, the long spreading antennæ increasing the similarity. The glass at once dispels the illusion however.

The eggs are larger in proportion than those of quadricornis and

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