
French Commercial Correspondence (continued).

Korts, Elements of French Commercial Correspondence, for
Schools, Commercial Classes and Self-Instruction, by G. KORTS,
Ancien Chef de Correspondance du Comptoir d'Escompte de
Paris, à Londres:-

PART I.-Circulars, Orders, Sales, Information, Business Transactions,
Monies, Weights, Measures, etc., with English Translations in parallel
Columns, a French-English Vocabulary of about 4,000 Commercial Terms,
etc. 216 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth

PART II.-Addresses, Headings, Terminations, Letters of Introduction,
Credit, etc., Advices of Shipment, Current Accounts, Bills of Lading,
etc., with Translations and an English-French Vocabulary of about 4,000
Commercial Terms. 256 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth

Korts, Commercial Terms. French-English and English-French
Vocabularies of about 8,000 Terms more generally used in the
Language of Business. Crown 8vo. Cloth

To satisfy numerous requests, the publishers have issued the above in a
separate form. It is the most complete French-English and English-
French Vocabulary published hitherto for business purposes.
Ragon, Class Book of Commercial Correspondence, French
and English. Letters in both Languages, with Translations,
Phrase by Phrase, in parallel Columns, Hints, Observations,
Precepts, Forms of heading and finishing Letters, Abbreviations,
etc. Commercial Expressions, Vocabularies of Terms, Weights,
Monies and Measures, etc., by A. E. RAGON, late Professor of
French, City of London College, and at the Birkbeck College.
202 pages.
Crown 8vo. Cloth

s. d.

I 6

1 6

1 6

2 6

Rolf's Moderne Handelsbriefe. Business Letters autographically reproduced. (For full particulars see page 125.) Scholl, A Phraseological Dictionary of Commercial Correspondence in the English and French Languages. (New and cheaper edition). Containing some 19,000 Sentences, alphabetically arranged, introducing all Words used in Commercial Transactions, illustrated by Phrases, etc., showing how they are employed with various Shades of Meaning; Commercial Abbreviations, etc. 450 pages. Medium 8vo. Cloth 6 o

A Phraseological Dictionary of Commercial Correspondence (as above) in the English, German, French and Spanish Languages. (New and cheaper edition). 850 pages. Medium 8vo. Strongly Bound in Half Morocco, 15s.; Cloth 12 O "Of real service to all who have occasion to correspond in these languages. The different parts have been revised by natives of the different Countries actually engaged in business and therefore familiar with the peculiar idioms of the four languages. Under an almost exhaustive list of catchwords we find a multitude of phrases such as are likely to be required in conducting correspondence of all kinds."-The Times.

Stuart-Merritt, Compendium of Commercial Correspondence and Technology, with a Selection of Sentences in Use in Commercial Circles. Vocabulary, Banking Business, Commercial Letters, Bills of Exchange, Circulars, Bills of Lading, Commercial Phraseology, etc. 90 pages. Bound I 6

Small 8vo.

[Continued on next page.

French Commercial Correspondence (continued).

Tournois, Commercial French (Méthode Tournois), intended to give Students a Practical Knowledge of French as required for Business Purposes, by G. TOURNOIS, Officier d'Académie, Lecturer at the Polytechnic Institute, London, etc. 104 pages. Crown 8vo. With large coloured Map of Paris, etc. Cloth

The student is led through a graduated course which will impart to him a practical knowledge of commercial terms, drafting of advertisements, and the conduct of correspondence. Tables of English Measures and their equivalents in the Metric System have been included.

Vogel, Manual of Mercantile Correspondence, in two Volumes :---
VOL. I.-English-French. English Commercial Letters (Recommendation-
Credit-Offers of Service-Inquiries-Orders-Consignments-Bills of
Exchange-Shipping Matters-Appointments of Agents, etc.), prepared
after a New and Easy System to facilitate their being translated into
French; with Hints, Models of Terminations, Business Formularies,
Numerous Footnotes, and an English-French Dictionary of Commercial
Terms. 306 pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth
VOL. II.-Français-Anglais. Lettres et formules commerciales françaises
(Circulaires-Recommandations Crédit-Offres de Services-Rensei-
gnements-Ordres et Consignations--Affaires de Navires--Agences, etc.,
etc.)-avec Observations préliminaires, Fins de lettres commerciales,
Notes, et un Dictionnaire français-anglais très détaillé de Termes com-
merciaux. 306 pages. Demy 8vo. Cloth

s. d.

1 6

4 6

4 6

Whitfield, Grammar of the French Language of Business. Rules of Accidence, Reading Lessons with Notes comprising Rules of Syntax, Exercises in both Divisions of Grammar simultaneously, Examination Papers, English-French Vocabulary, etc., by E. E. WHITFIELD, M. A. 266 pp. Demy Svo. Cl. 3 6 "The method is progressive, and the whole subject is treated throughout from a practical point of view. The student who has carefully worked through this book will find little difficulty in acquiring in a very short time a good French business-style."--Modern Language Monthly.

Whitfield, Concise French Commercial Reader, being a Sequel to the "Grammar of the French Language of Business." Containing short Articles in French on the main Topics of Business (Education, Industries, Commerce, Transport, Capital, Distribution, Exchange, Markets, Middlemen, Money, Free Trade, etc., etc.), with a French-English Vocabulary of Commercial Terms, by E. E. WHITFIELD, M. A. 72 pp. Demy 8vo. Cloth

Whitfield, French Commercial Dialogues for Advanced Pupils. With Notes, Index of Phrases discussed in Same, Synonymous Phrases, etc., by E. E. WHITFIELD, M. A. 200pp. Demy 8vo. Cl. "The book is intended for the use of those already proficient in French, that is to say, senior boys at school, and young correspondents and travellers new to their work. Those who may contemplate entering commercial examinations may find themselves helped in their preparatory studies, as the dialogues are based on supposed conversations drafted by business men and made as diversified as possible in relation to business matters."-London Chamber of Commerce Journal.

Whitfield, Guide to the Effective Study of Languages for

1 6


Business Purposes, by E. E. WHITFIELD, M. A. Crown Svo. o 6

French Verbs, and Verb Exercise Books. Armitage, Table of French Regular Verbs arranged on the s. d. Principle of the Formation of Tenses. A large Wall Chart (6 ft. by 4 ft.) printed in large type (black and red), showing at a Glance the Formation of the Tenses in the four Conjugations, by C. F. ARMITAGE, M. A. (Lond.). In 4 Sheets, unmounted The 4 Sheets, mounted on Linen, with Roller, etc. "Just the thing we have been wanting ourselves for years. The sheets are large enough when pinned to a blackboard to be seen by the whole of a moderate-sized class. The teacher who uses them will be saved much


a huge wall-chart in which the regular verbs are clearly
printed. The primitive tenses are in red, the derived in black characters.
It will no doubt be found useful in elementary schools."-University

Ashworth, "Faire" and its Various Meanings, with numerous
Exercises, Idiomatic Expressions and Proverbs. Compiled and
Edited by MARIE ASHWORTH, Médaillée pour la Littérature
française, French Teacher at Summer Hill Collegiate and
Willow Bank High Schools. 38 pages. Crown 8vo. Paper Cover
The author has endeavoured in this little book to take one by one the
different senses in which "faire" may be used, and examples have been given
to illustrate every meaning. It is also suggested that pupils should learn
carefully the Idiomatic Expressions and Proverbs in the latter portion of the
book. This having been done, no difficulty should be experienced in
translating the supplementary test exercises given at the end of the work.
Baines, Memory Cards for French Verbs, by F. BAINES, B. A. :—
I., Regular Verbs. (In Packets of 12 Cards)
II., Irregular Verbs. (In Packets of 12 Cards)

Conjugation Papers for above. (In Packets of 25)

Castaréde, Complete Treatise on Conjugation of French Verbs. The Regular, Auxiliary, and Irregular Verbs fully conjugated with English Equivalents, numerous Notes, etc. 150 pages. Demy 8vo.


Claudon, How to conjugate a French Verb

Conrad, Public School French Verb Table. An Easy Method for learning French Verbs in Twelve Lessons. Folded, 3d., mounted on cloth

Courtial, An ingenious Method for learning rapidly and
scientifically all the French Conjugations out of two synop
tical Tables, with a Common Sliding Card of the Verbal Ter-
minations, converting all Verbs into a Regular Mode of Conju-
gation, a few enlarging Paradigms, etc., by L. COURTIAL, late
French Lecturer at the Firth University College, Sheffield, etc.
In 3 Parts, as follows:-

Part I. (The two essential Tables, etc.) separately in stiff
Paper Cover, 9d.; Cloth

Parts I. and II. (Complete Accidence) together in one
Volume. Paper Cover, Is.; Cloth

Parts I., II. and III. (Complete Accidence and Syntax
in one Volume.) Paper Cover, Is. 6d.; Cloth

2 6

7 6

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[Continued on next page.

French Verbs, etc. (continued).

Darr, Verbes français demandant des prépositions, avec beaucoup d'exemples tirés des dictionnaires de l'Académie, de Littré, et des meilleurs auteurs. 138 pages. Cr. 8vo.


Federer, Practical Handbook of the French Conjugations.
Auxiliary, Regular and Irregular Verbs, fully conjugated with
English Equivalents, Rules and Explanations, by C. A. FEDERER, ·
L.C.P., Professor of French, Bradford Technical College. 168
pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth

French Verb Card, for the use of Higher Schools, folded into
four sections and giving the Auxiliary Verbs. "Avoir" and
"Etre" and Models, in full, of the four Conjugations of Regular

Jacquet, French Conjugations at a Glance.

s. d.

2 O

2 O

net o

A complete and

easy Treatise on French Verbs, containing Accidence, Syntax, and a Chapter on Personal Pronouns, by A. M. JACQUET, Principal French Master, Plymouth Corporation Grammar School. 4to. oblong, Stiff Paper Boards

The Accidence includes a new model of Conjugation, and the Regular and Irregular Verbs systematically arranged on two pages facing each other. This original feature saves the student the trouble of searching his gram. mar, and enables him to compare at a glance the moods and tenses, as well as the irregularities of roots and endings of the verbs and conjugations.

The Syntax deals with difficulties of Agreement, and the use of Tenses. The chapters on the Participles are concise and easy to commit to memory. This section contains also short notes on the use of "ne" without " pas" cr "point," and the principal rules on the Formation of Verbs.

Jacquet, The Senior Student's French Verb Exercise Book,
by A. M. JACQUET, Principal French Master, Plymouth Cor-
poration Grammar School. 44 pages. 4to oblong -

Lazare and Marshall, A Complete French Verb Drill, containing
Tables of the Auxiliaries, Regular Conjugations and Irregular
Verbs, arranged in Alphabetical Order and followed by copious
Exercises dealing with the Verbs in their Order of frequency.
Edited by JULES Lazare, B. ès L., and HERBERT MARSHALL,
M.A. 72 pages. Crown 8vo. Paper Cover -

Unless the systematic study of French Verbs be undertaken at an early stage, they remain a stumbling block in the path of the student and a constant source of discouragement. Unfortunately this essential subject is treated too scantily in most Grammars, where, in obedience to a timehonoured custom, much valuable space is devoted to far less important matters. The present compilation is an attempt to remedy this deficiency. The Editors have supplemented the text with copious exercises, in which the verbs are dealt with in order of frequency. These may be used partly or entirely for oral practice when time is too limited for a written translation, or when a final revision only is required For the latter object the Recapitulation will be found especially useful.


1 6

0 9

[Continued overleaf.

French Verbs, etc. (continued).

Perini, 25 Exercises on 200 French Verbs, set for Conjugation in their Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative Forms, by N. PERINI, Late Professor, King's College, London, etc.

Key to the same (For Teachers only)

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s. d.

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0 6



Rothe, Essentials of Irregular French Conjugation, a Table
with Rules, Hints, etc., showing how the Parts of the Verb
may be easily found, by A. L. ROTHE, Modern Language
Master, King Edward's School, Birmingham -
Roulier, French Parsing and Derivation Papers, with Blank
Spaces for the Insertion of Meanings, Parsing, Derivations of
Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, etc., by A. ROULIER, B.A., Late
French Master of the Charterhouse School, etc., etc. 24 pages -

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0 3

Thirion, French Irregular Verbs arranged without Abbreviation.
and Models of the four Regular Conjugations, by A. THIRION,
New Edition with the Auxiliary Verbs "Avoir" and "Etre,'
LL.A., University of St. Andrews, for nine years senior
French teacher at the Bedford High School, etc., etc. 64 pages o 6
N.E.-Over one hundred thousand copies sold.

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Thirion, Reflexive Verbs and Peculiarities of French Con-
jugation, arranged in Tabular Form without Abbreviation, for
Schools and Private Students, by A. THIRION, LL.A.,
University of St. Andrews, etc.
50 pages. Paper Cover
CONTENTS:-Je me coupe-Je me suis plaint-Je m'y suis rendu―Je
m'en suis souvenu Je me le suis procuré-Je me suis foulé le pied-Nous
nous sommes entr'aidés-Nous nous sommes aidés-J'y en ai mis-Je l'y ai
vu-Je le lui ai dit-J'ai-Je suis-J'en ai besoin-J'ai besoin de cela-Il
y a-Il y en a-Il faut-Il en faut-Il m'en faut-Il s'en faut-Ce (con-
nected with être)-Il me faut sortir-Il m'est permis de sortir--Ne le lui dis
pas-dis-le-lui-Recevoir-Devoir- Redevoir-Concevoir-Percevoir-Dé-
cevoir-Apercevoir, etc., etc.

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Tournois, French Verbs, containing the Auxiliary Verbs: "Avoir " and Etre," Models of the four Conjugations, List of 270 Irregular Verbs in alphabetical Order, Indications as to the Use of the Subjunctive, Imperfect, Past Definite, etc., with Notes, etc., by G. TOURNOIS, Officier d'Académie, Lecturer at the Polytechnic Institute, London. Crown 8vo. Paper Cover


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Wendling, Le Verbe. A Complete Treatise, including the Auxi-
liary, Regular and Irregular Verbs, with Useful Hints, etc.
E. WENDLING, M.A., Late Lecturer and Examiner
in Modern Languages, Durham University. Demy 8vo. Cl.
Williamson, French Irregular Verbs with their Inflexions alpha-
betically arranged, and the Infinitives to which they belong. Cl.
"The plan of this book is as follows: In one column are placed the inflec-
tions of the irregular French verbs, arranged in alphabetical order, in the
next column are the infinitives to which they belong, in the third are the
moods and tenses, and in the fourth the English rendering. By its use
young pupils will overcome the difficulty of discovering the infinitives of
irregular verbs, when they meet with the verbs in their various moods and
lenses."-Educational Times.



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