
French Poetry for Schools, Families, etc. Choix de Fables de la Fontaine, Florian et autres Auteurs. With Explanatory Notes (in French) for Elementary Classes and numerous Illustrations by GUSTAVE DORÉ and WOgel. 160 pages. Small 8vo. Cloth

Contains nearly one hundred fables specially selected for young pupils, including “La Cigale et la Fournier," "Le Corbeau et le Kenard," " Le Grenouille qui se veut faire aussi grosse que le Boeuf," "Le Loup et l'Agneau,' "Le Lion et le Moucheron," "Le Lièvre et la Tortue," "L'Huitre et les Plaideurs," "Le Renard et la Cigogne," "La Mort et le Bûcheron,' "La Brebis et le Chien," "Le Pinson et la Pie," "Le Chameau et le Bossu, "La Guenon, le Singe et la Noix," "La Mère, l'Enfant et les Sarigues," etc. etc.

s. d.

0 9

Class Book of French Poetry for the Young, by P. BARBier (University College, Cardiff). 80 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth 3 In selecting these pieces of French Poetry the Editor has had in view the purity and simplicity of the language. Most of the pieces, contain moral lessons inculcating in the learner principles of honesty, probity, truth, or gratitude.

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A Phraseological French-English Vocabulary of the less familiar Words, etc., contained in the above French Nursery Rhymes, Poems, Rounds, etc. With Simple, Explanatory Notes. 90 pages. Crown 8vo. ClothGems of Modern French Poetry for Reading and Recitation, including typical Selections from contemporary French Poets (F. Coppée, Th. Gautier, V. Hugo, A. de Lamartine, E. Manuel, A. de Musset, Sully-Prudhomme, A. Theuriet, etc., etc.). With Introductory Chapter on the Elements of French Versification, Short Biographical Notices and a Phraseological French-English Vocabulary, by JULES LAZARE, B. ès L. 128 pages. Cr. 8vo. Cl.


An interesting selection from poets of the century, including some old favourites, like Theuriet's La Chanson du Vannier,' De Vigny's 'La Frégate, La Sérieuse,' and Victor Hugo's Les pauvres Gens.' Victor Hugo is well represented, and there are pieces by Coppée and Verlaine. There is a short and useful introduction on French metre. Short biographical notices of the authors are given."-Educational Times.

Cl. with

La Lyre Enfantine. Suited to English Children between 8
and 12. Compiled by Miss H. M. JONES, Late Head Mistress,
Notting Hill High School for Girls. 90 pages. Cr. 8vo.
Le François, French Poetical Reader and Reciter,
Notes, etc., by E. B. LE FRANÇOIS. 72 pages. Crown 8vo. -
Malvin, The First French Reciter. Graduated French Poetry for
Home and School Use. With Notes. 96 pages. Cr. 8vo. Cl.
Brief poetical extracts suitable for children of all ages. Carefully
selected, and may be read with pleasure by serious persons. A few useful
notes are added."-The Scots Observer.

Petite Anthologie des Enfants. Compiled by Mme. G.
ESCLANGON. 112 pages. (See page 49)

Thirion, French Nursery Rhymes, with Musical Accompaniments.
(For full particulars see page 72.)

[blocks in formation]

Thirion, French Poems for Children and Beginners, containing short Sentences, common Words and Illustrations from the Everyday Life of a child. 32 pages. Cr. 8vo. Paper Cover- o 6 Poems containing long and grand words not to be found in the everyday talk of a child have been carefully omitted. The book contains only ordinary words; it is free from sentimentality, and quite up-to-date. "We have here a number of little poems suitable for children to learn by heart. It is claimed for them, and not without reason, that they are written in clear, simple and idiomatic French."-Secondary Education.

Chants et Chansons à l'Usage des Écoles. N.B.-Under no circumstances can these be sent out on approval. Bouchor et Tiersot, Chants populaires pour les à une voix. Paroles et Musique. Première Crown 8vo. Boards


Ecoles s. d.


Chants populaires pour les Écoles à une voix. Paroles
et Musique. Deuxième Série. Crown 8vo.
Chants populaires pour les Écoles à une voix. Piano et
Chant Ire et ze Série. 2 Vols. Demy 8vo. Boards. Each
Écoles à deux voix. Piano

Chants populaires pour les
et Chant. Ire et ze Série. Crown 8vo. Boards

Écoles à une voix. Paroles


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Chants populaires pour les
et Musique. Troisième Série. Crown 8vo.
Chants populaires pour les Écoles à une voix. Troisième
Série. Piano et Chant. Demy 8vo. Boards

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O 10

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Chants populaires pour les Écoles à deux ou trois voix. Troisième Série. Paroles et Musique. Demy 8vo Boards 4 0 "Simple and fairly easy, and could be used in English schools. Some of the Melodies to which they are set are pretty and rather characteristic This applies particularly to some of the Breton airs which M. Tiersot has adapted to the new words."-Glasgow Herald.

Brès et Collin, 27 Chants pour les Enfants. Paroles et Musique, accompagnés de récits. Paper Cover

Each Part




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Boards 4


Boards 13

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66 Chants pour les Enfants. Paroles et Musique Danhauser, Chants pour les Écoles. Recueil de petits chants à une voix. Paroles et Musique. In ten parts. Each Part The ten parts in one Volume. Paper Cover, 3s. 6d. The Same, with Piano Accompaniment. The ten parts together in one Volume (with Pianoforte Accompaniment). Paper Cover, IOS. Chants pour les Écoles. Recueil de petits chants, à deux voix. Paroles et Musique (30 compositions). Paper Cover Chants pour les Écoles maternelles à une voix Chœurs d'Enfants à trois voix égales. Paper Cover 3 Chœurs d'Enfants à deux, trois et quatre voix égales.

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Paper Cover.
Delcasso et Gross, Recueil de Morceaux de Chant, à une, deux
et trois voix. In 3 Parts. Crown 8vo. Paper Covers :-
Première Partie, 61 Morceaux (Sujets moraux, Nature champêtre,
Etats et Professions, Sujets enfantins, etc.) 64 pages.

Deuxième Partie, 60 Morceaux-(Chants religieux, Leçons de Sagesse pra-
tique, Exhortations au Travail et à la Vertu, Nature champêtre, Vie
rustique, etc., etc.) 74 pages -

Troisième Partie, 6o Morceaux-(Sujets moraux, Nature champêtre, Conditions de la Vie, etc., etc.) 74 pages

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Ces mélodies que MM. Delcasso et Gross ont empruntées à l'Allemagne, nées sur les deux rives du Rhin, dans les vallées de la Suisse ou sous les sapins de la Forêt-Noire, sont redites aujourd'hui sur les bords de la Moselle, de la Seine, de la Loire et de la Garonne, sur les monts d'Auvergne ou des Pyrénées. Dans l'espace de dix ans, cinquante mille exemplaires ont été enlevés; et, si l'on songe, que dans beaucoup d'écoles il n'y en a qu'un seul, celui du maître, on se rendra compte du nombre de voix enfantines qui repètent ces cantilènes aussi pures par la pensées que suaves par la mélodie. [Continued overleaf.

Chants et Chansons à l'Usage des Écoles (continued).

Christmas Carols in French, with English metrical verse Trans-
lation, for four voices (with Pianoforte Accompaniment) :—

1. Un Soir que les Bergers (While Shepherds on the Hill) net
2. Il est né le Divin Enfant (Hail the Birth of the Child our

3. Joseph et Marie (Joseph and Mary)

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0 3

net O 2



4. On ne craint plus (We fear no more)
5. Noël nouvelet (Carol)




2 2 2

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Pauraux, Les Chants du Foyer. Mélodies enfantines à une voix,
(with Pianoforte Accompaniment). 2 Vols. Paper Cover. Each I
The Same, without Accompaniment. Each volume
Les Chants du Foyer à deux voix égales.


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Paper Cover


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Le Jour des Prix. Choeur à trois voix
Thirion, French Nursery Rhymes, Popular Poems, Rounds,
etc., for Infants and Junior Classes, with simple Pianoforte
Accompaniments, by H. W. STEWARDSON, L.T.C. L. :-


0 6

First Series. Polichinelle-Le Pont d'Avignon-La Forêt du Bois-Ramène
tes Moutons-Fais dodo Colas-Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman-La bonne
Aventure-Les Lauriers sont coupés-Enfants, n'y touchez pas-Il était une
Bergère-Au Clair de la Lune-Le petit Chasseur, Paper Cover
Second Series.-Les Cancans-Ma Commère, quand je danse-Savez-vous
planter les choux-La Monaco-La Boulangère-Monsieur Dumollet-Si
le Roi m'avait donnée-Gentil Coq'licot-Il pleut, Bergère-Coucou-Du
Temps que la Reine Berthe filait. Paper Cover

[blocks in formation]

Tiersot, Chansons du Vieux Temps, Recueillies par Julien Tiersot, Illustrations de Gerbault. I Volume. 4to. Boards 4 O

Contents:-La Marchande d'Oranges.-'C'est un petit Oiseau.-La Belle Dame de Paris.-Où s'en vont ces gais Bergers?-La Servante Coquette. Les 3 gentes Damoiselles.-La Danse au Troupeau. -La Chanson de la Mariée.-Le Petit Pastouriau.-La Ronde de L'Avoine. Ce sont les vieilles chansons de nos paysans de France que nous présentons aux lecteurs de cet album. Nous les avons notées à travers les champs et les prairies: l'une, en l'entendant chanter à une petite bergêre de Normandie; une autre, en voyant passer une noce dans un village bréton; d'autres encore, en errant dans les campagnes de Bourgogne, ou de Franche-Comté, ou de Lorraine. Toutes sont répandues dans la plupart de nos provinces. Car la chanson est l'art populaire par excellence. L'homme a un besoin inné de poésie; c'est à ce besoin des humbles que répondent ces productions menues, mais si aimables, qui ont charmé des générations nombreuses. Nos jeunes lecteurs, goûteront certainement le charme de ces chansons de paysans, antiques, pourtant excore vivantes et toutes fraiches, et par lesquelles ils verront que, dans toutes les classes de la société, l'esprit français a les memes traditions d'amabilité, de fantaisie, de bonne humeur et de bonne grâce.

French Plays for Reading or Performance
in Schools and Families.

* Supers

N.B. French Plays cannot be sent out on approval. (The figures indicate the number of characters M-male, F-female. can be added ad lib. to those marked with an asterisk.) Augier et Sandeau, Le Gendre de M. Poirier. Comédie en quatre Actes, en Prose. (Authorised Edition.) M. 10, F. 1. With Summary of the Play (in English), Notes, etc., by G. PETILLEAU, B. A., etc. Paper Cover

"Le Gendre de M. Poirier has taken such a firm hold on the English public that it has been set down in the programme of French plays by the Comédie française,' in London, more often than any other piece."Standard.

"Full of interest to ordinary readers. One of the finest comedies ever written."-Scotsman.

met aux prises deux types si vrais de bourgeois enrichi et de noble ruiné."-G. LANSON,

Bornier, H. de, Un Cousin de Passage.

Comédie en un Acte,

en Prose. (Authorised Edition.) M. 2, F. 2. With Summary of
the Play (in English), Notes, etc., by S. BARLET, B.Sc. (Univ.
Gall.) Paper Cover

The fact that this sparkling little comedy is the work of the Vicomte Henri de Bornier, is in itself a sufficient guarantee of its possessing all the crispness and finish which have deservedly placed its author high among the best writers of the day. The plot is simple; the dialogue bright, natural and never slack; the personnages move, from beginning to end, with unaffected ease and freedom; and the whole is stamped with a grateful freshness, which is further enhanced by the pertinent and happy dénoue


Bouverie, Nouveau Théâtre d'Éducation pour Pensionnats de
Jeunes Filles :-

Vol. I. Un Quartier tranquille. Petite Comédie en trois Actes


Prose. M. o, F. 8; Facilité (Charade en Action)-quatre Syllabes
et le Tout. M. o, F. 6. Crown 8vo. Paper Cover

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Vol. II. Où sont donc ces Messieurs? (Petite Comédie en deux Actes, en Prose. M. o, F. 7. Crown 8vo. Paper Cover Principals of Ladies' Schools must be familiar with the difficulty of meeting with short French plays fitted, in all respects, to be read or acted by their pupils. The Author endeavoured to supply the want so far as his own pupils were concerned. "Un Quartier tranquille" was written originally for them, but as it has been found very suitable, the Author ventures to hope and believe that it will prove equally welcome elsewhere. Bouilly, J. N., L'Abbé de l'Epée. Comédie en cinq Actes, en Prose. (Authorised Edition.) M. 8, F. 3. With Notes, etc., by V. KASTNER, M.A., etc. Paper Cover

Possesses absolute freedom from those indelicacies of thought and expression which so often render the best productions of dramatic literature objectionable as school books. It does not contain a single passage or word which the most scrupulous teacher need omit, and by its moral tendency it belongs to the purest and most elevated order. Coppée, F., Le Luthier de Crémone. Comédie en un Acte, en Vers. (Authorised Edition.) M. 3, F. 1.* With Notes, etc., by A. MARIETTE. Paper Cover

In the Luthier there may not be many striking scenes, but there are several passages of exquisite beauty. The whole tone of the play is extremely genial. The story of the poor hunchbacked artist is a touching one, thoroughly true to nature and to tradition. It may be summed up in two words-too often bracketed in the world's annals-genius and misery. The style of composition, moreover, affords an excellent study of French.

* Supers can be added ad lib. to the plays indicated by asterisks.

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[Continued overleaf.

French Plays for Schools and Families (continued).

N.B. French Plays cannot be sent out on approval. Coppée, F., Le Trésor. Comédie en un Acte, en Vers. (Authorised Edition.) M. 2, F. 1. With Outline of the Plot (in English), Notes, etc., by A. MARIETTE. Paper Cover

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Le Trésor will be found no unworthy companion of Le Luthier de Crémone. It has been characterised recently by a leading London journal as a delightful comedy, an epithet which it fully deserves. The story of the plot is not altogether new in every detail, but it is remarkable for refinement of thought and beauty of diction.

Coppée, F., The Treasure. Two English Translations, the one literal, or word for word, and the other free. Crown 8vo. Paper Cover

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Fleuriot, Le Théâtre chez soi. Six easy Plays. Scènes et Proverbes) for Schools and private Theatricals

The Same, in ornamental Cloth Binding

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CONTENTS:-Un Rêveur (Comédie, 3 actes, en Vers), M. 4, F. 3.-Le Doigt Mouillé (Comédie, 1 acte, en Prose), M. 1, F. 2.-Païenne et Chrétienne (1 acte, en Vers), M. o, F. 3.-Sous le même Toit (Comédie, 3 actes, en Prose), M. 3, F. 5.-Fais ce que dois, advienne que pourra (1 acte, en Prose), M. 5, F. 2.-Mystère (en Vers), M. 2, F. 1. Girardin, Mme. E de, La joie fait Peur. Comédie en un Acte, (Authorised Edition.) M. 3, F. 3. With Summary (in English), Notes, etc., by J. GERARD. Paper Cover

en Prose.

A study from life-from humble life, from family life, if you will, but still, from life. The emotions it arouses are the straightforward, simple emotions which are felt by everyone. Those who have seen the play acted will not readily forget how everything centres round Noel, the old servant; how he advises, intrigues and consoles until at length, after bringing everything to a happy conclusion, he falls into a chair, exhausted by his efforts. Labiche, E., La Lettre chargée. Comédie en un Acte, en Prose. (Authorised Edition.) M. 2, F. 2. With Summary (in English), Notes, etc., by H. TESTARD, B.A., etc.

A diverting Fantaisie, full of lightness and brightness; the wit is sparkling and the language piquant.


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Labiche et Jolly, Le Baron de Fourchevif. Comédie en un Acte, en Prose. (Authorised Edition.) M. 4, F. 2. Summary (in English), Notes, etc., by H. TESTARD, B.A. etc. Labiche et Jolly.-La Grammaire. Comédie-Vaudeville en un Acte. (Authorised Edition.) M. 4, F. 1. With Summary (in English), Notes, etc., by G. PETILLEAU, B. A., etc. Paper Cover La Grammaire is in every way suitable for performance at yearly or half-yearly distribution of prizes. It is laughable. It is instructive-from a teacher's point of view especially so-seeing that it is an amusing lesson on the difficult rules relating to the past participle. It is short, half-an-hour sufficing for its representation. The mise en scène is of the simplest, and the stage directions as to changes of position have been preserved intact. The scene is an ordinary dining-room, with a side-board, chairs, and tables. The "properties" can be supplied from any kitchen, and the dresses, being those of every-day life, necessitate no outlay. The sole female character could, if desired, be played by a boy.

Labiche et Martin, La Poudre aux Yeux. Comédie en deux Actes, en Prose. M. 8, F. 7. With Notes, etc., by L. G. BURNBLUM. Paper Cover

0 9

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0 9

A delightfully clever satire, smartly written, and humorously setting forth the efforts of two bourgeois families to assume a social position much above their real standing. The play affords an insight into the way in which the marriage preliminaries and the dot are arranged by parents in France, on behalf of their children. [Continued on next page.

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