
French Periodicals for Schools, Families, etc. (continued).


A Popular Weekly Magazine with Numerous Illustrations. For Young People of 10 to 15 years of age.

This high-class periodical has been in existence for over twenty years, and is recognised as the best and most popular juvenile magazine in France. It contains a variety of interesting chapters in Natural History, Geography and Arts and Sciences, by some of the best known writers of the day, illustrated by the most eminent French artists. As a popular weekly serial it has long been a great favourite amongst all classes, the general excellence and tone of the literary matter and the high quality of the illustrations rendering it particularly acceptable in family circles. No pains and expense are being spared to maintain and increase the present circulation, which now largely exceeds that of any other periodical for young readers in France. Each year forms two handsome quarto volumes.

Price per half-yearly volume, in paper covers, 10s. ;
or bound in ornamental red cloth, gilt, 13s.

For a School Prize it will be difficult to find a more suitable Publication.

Subscription Prices (payable in advance):–

Free by post to any part of the United Kingdom, for one year £1 0 0

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(Subscriptions commence from the 1st of June or the 1st of December.)

"A very admirable magazine for boys and girls, modelled apparently on that delightful miscellany which was so popular in France ten or fifteen years ago, called La Semaine des Enfants. The illustrations on the whole are very spirited."—Standard.

"Le Journal de la Jeunesse' (Hachette and Co.) is a very copiously illustrated weekly magazine for young folk, which divides its yearly issue into two handsomely bound volumes. The French estimate of the tastes and inclinations of young readers, as shown by the character of the articles, does not differ from that of English editors of similar publications. The smaller pictures interwoven with the text frequently display force and humour. The varied and attractive qualities of the contents render these volumes well fitted for young people who have made some progress in reading French."— Daily News.

"One of the best French journals for French readers."-Educational Times. "Beautifully bound and illustrated."-Daily Telegraph.

[Continued on next page.

French Periodicals for Schools, Families, etc. (continued).


(Revue universelle populaire illustrée).
A new, popular, attractive, and high-class Magazine
for general and family reading.

Published at the beginning of each month.
Subscription Prices (payable in advance):

Free by Post to any part of the United Kingdom or the Postal Union
Six months

One year

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4s. 6d.

8s. 6d.
(Subscriptions commence from April or October.)

Price of separate number 6d. ; by post, 9d. All orders must be accompanied by Stamps or Postal Order to cover cost of same. Price of the Yearly Volume, neatly bound in ornamental cloth cover, 9s.


ONTAINS a great variety of bright and interesting matter, including serial stories and complete tales by eminent authors; popular contributions by experts on topics of the day, biographies, adventures and travels; short and amusing chapters on Natura! History, Geography, Arts, Sciences, etc., etc.; with illustrations from drawings by leading artist or from original photographs.

This Magazine appeals to all classes and to all ages, the general excellence of the literary matter and the high quality of the illustrations rendering it particularly acceptable to the general reader, the family circle, public and school libraries, and for the purpose of class-reading. It now stands unrivalled as the cheapest and most popular magazine in the French language.

Dix raisons de s'abonner aux Lectures pour Tous :

I Les LECTURES POUR TOUS s'adressent à tous, travailleurs et lettrés, paysans, ouvriers, mères de familles, et jeunes gens.


Les LECTURES POUR TOUS, dans chaque numéro, contiennent la matière d'un volume in-16 à 3 fr. 50.

3 Les LECTURES POUR TOUS sont la plus abondamment illustrée des Revues populaires.

4 Les LECTURES POUR TOUS donnent chaque mois plus de illustrations qui en font un vivant cinématographe.

5 Les LECTURÈS POUR TOUS publient des romans, des nouvelles, et des articles d'actualité.

6 Les LECTURES POUR TOUS rendent compte des dernières conquêtes de la science et des grandes découvertes des voyageurs. 7 Les LECTURES POUR TOUS sont imprimées sur papier de luxe et ne sont vendues que 50 centimes.

8 Les LECTURES POUR TOUS ouvrent chaque mois des concours des plus attrayants; elles distribuent aux lauréats plus de 2,000 prix par an.

9 Les LECTURES POUR TOUS mettent gratuitement à la disposition de leurs abonnés un service de petites annonces, grâce auxquelles ils peuvent se rendre d'importants services.

10 Les LECTURES POUR TOUS forment à la fin de l'année un magnifique volume de plus de 1,000 pages contenant plus de 900 gravures


French Periodicals for Schools, Families, etc. (continued.

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Published on the 1st and 15th of every month.


SUBSCRIPTION PRICE (payable in advance):— Free by post to any part of the United Kingdom,



E n'est pas ici une Revue de Théologie: c'est une Revue comme les autres. Elle se distingue uniquement en ceci, et cette distinction est sa raison d'être, qu'elle veut traiter les questions du jour, questions morales, sociales, religieuses, celles-là, certes, de tout temps et plus que jamais aujourd'hui à l'ordre du jour, au point de vue chrétien. Dans toutes les questions du jour, morales, sociales, même littéraires et d'art, tandis que de plus en plus, on le sent bien, les paroles dites sont vides, paroles de néant, nous voudrions donner la parole à celui qui a les paroles de vie.

Cette Revue ne professe pas dans l'abstrait, n'endoctrine pas ex cathedra: c'est une revue laïque pour les laïques; on essaie de présenter au libre examen la solution chrétienne à mesure que les questions se posent devant l'opinion publique et que les solutions cléricales ou libres-penseuses se proposent, faute de pouvoir s'imposer. En même temps qu'on dit ce qui apparaît comme le mot de la vie, on essaie de faire prendre au lecteur conscience de l'esprit du monde présent; on note et on débrouille autant que possible le mouvement des idées, dans les mœurs, les institutions, la presse, les œuvres sociales religieuses ou anti-religieuses, agnostiques-tout particulièrement sous des rubriques fixes: le Livre, les Idées du Jour, Chronique du mois, Sur le Vif, Notes et Documents, et plus d'une fois nos expositions ont paru si exactes que les journaux catholiques ou libres-penseurs en ont donné de larges extraits.


for the use of Schools and Colleges,

for Candidates preparing for the University Locals, Preliminary Examinations in Medicine, &c., and for Pupil Teachers.


For nineteen years English Master at St. Cuthbert's Grammar School, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

242 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth, 2s. 6d.

"A remarkably well-arranged text-book, covering all the ground that a grammar school boy of 16 or 17 may reasonably be expected to traverse. It contains a short but clear and useful sketch of the history of our tongue, an unusually good exposition of accidence, syntax and analysis, some practical hints on punctuation and spelling, a list of common words that may belong to different parts of speech, a useful chapter on the use of special prepositions after certain words, sections on and formation and foreign roots, and a brief but workmanlike chapter on prosody and figures of speech. Mr. Hart has made no attempt at originality, but he has carefully read and pondered the books of other grammarians, and his 19 years of teaching have shown him how to select what is of practical value from the works, and to present it in a clear and concise way. The book is not without blemishes-no English grammar yet published can claim that distinctionbut it is distinctly the most satisfactory general grammar for intermediate pupils that we are acquainted with, and the faults may almost be counted on the fingers of one hand. We heartily commend the work to the attention of all masters of middle and higher schools, and particularly to those who prepare candidates for the London Matriculation and similar examinations whose syllabus it practically covers."-The Guardian.

"The production of a man who has at once wisdom and experience, who knows not only what subjects have to be treated in an English Grammar, but also in what light these subjects ought to be presented. This latter ability Mr. Hart has acquired by constant observant teaching for more than twenty years, not only in class with schoolboys, but in private with foreigners of various nationalities. We feel sure that

Mr. Hart's grammar will prove a boon to pupil teachers preparing for the King's Scholarship Examination, and for boys and girls preparing for the Locals or other examinations. We should strongly recommend head masters to furnish themselves with a sample copy."-Teachers' Aid.

For many years, the author has had among his pupils, foreigners of many nationalities--French, German, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, and Japanese. The many difficulties encountered by them in their study of English have been carefully noted, and explained with copious examples.

Foreign students will find the Sections on "Shall and Will," "The Relations indicated by Prepositions," and "The Idiomatic Use of Prepositions," of especial value.

Table of English Sounds (Vietor System), based upon the s. d.
Alphabet of the "Phonetic Teachers' Association." A Wall
Chart (33 inches by 25 inches), with Explanatory Pamphlet in
English, French, and German. Price unmounted, 2s. net; or
mounted on Calico with Rollers, net

(For full particulars see page 121.)


3 6

French Works for the Study of English.





Beljame, Première Année d'Anglais. Exercices gradués et pra- s. d.
tiques sur la Prononciation, la Grammaire et la Conversation.
Deuxième Année d'Anglais. 176 pp. Cr. 8vo. Bds.
Cours Pratique de Prononciation Anglaise, avec 200
Exercices gradués.

Exercices oraux de la langue anglaise, suivis de Whit-
tington and His Cat, a Play, by Miss Corner. Cr. 8vo. Bds.

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Premier livre de lectures anglaises (First English Reader). Avec Vocabulaire à l'usage de la classe préparatoireDeuxième livre de lectures anglaises (Second English Reader). Avec Vocabulaire à l'usage des classes élémentairesTroisième livre de lectures anglaises (Third English Reader). Avec Vocabulaire. 190 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth Quatrième livre de lectures anglaises (Fourth English Reader). Avec Vocabulaire. 190 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth Beljame et Jamin, Very Easy Lessons in English. Première année d'anglais. Crown 8vo. Cloth

Easy Lessons in English. Deuxième année d'anglais. 160 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth Beljame et Mahieu, English and the English. Vol. I. Livre de lectures anglaises pour les commençants, avec des notes et un vocabulaire en anglais. 220 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth

I 6

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Children at Work--Children at Play-Numbers-Time and Weather-
Heat and Cold Human Body-Food-Clothing-The Senses-
Health-House and the Family.

English and the English. Vol. II. Livre de lectures anglaises pour les classes élémentaires, avec des notes et un Vocabulaire en anglais. 304 pages. Crown 8vo. Cloth

Animals and Plants-In and about the Farm-Domestic AnimalsCountry Sports and Pastimes--Trades-Buying and Selling-Letterwriting Theatricals Miscellaneous - The Streets - Inns and Hotels-London-The Sky-By Land and Sea-Geography. Beljame et Legouis, Morceaux choisis de la Littérature anglaise. Crown 8vo. Cloth

Bénéteau, The Elementary Composition Book. Illustrated.
Cours élémentaire. Crown. Cloth

Corrigé des Exercices


Bénéteau, The Higher Composition Book. Illustrated. Cours
supérieur Grammaire, Exercices, Conversation.
Corrigé des Exercices

Berlitz, English Method. (See page 127.)

Bernon, First Steps to English. Petit Manuel de la Langue anglaise. Elementary Grammar, Conversational Phrases, etc., etc. Cloth

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Shall and Will. With Rules and Applications, Models of Phrases, Citations from Standard Authors, etc. 74 pages. Cl. Bossert et Beljame, Les Mots anglais groupés d'après le sens et classés par ordre logique. Avec traduction. Cloth Exercices sur les "Mots anglais groupés d'après le sens" I (See under " SOULT," page 86.) [Continued on next page.

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