
shoulders and chest, as well as flowing on the top part of the shoulders. The shoulders must be tolerably clean, and laid well back.

"Body.—The back must be short, and the body compact, being well ribbed up and the barrel well rounded. The chest must be fairly deep and not too wide.

"Legs.-The fore legs must be perfectly straight, of medium length, not such as would be termed either 'leggy' or 'low on leg,' but in due proportion in length and strength to a well-balanced frame, and the fore legs and thighs must be well feathered.

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"Tail. The tail is a characteristic of the breed, and should be well twisted right up from the root tightly over the back, or lying flat on the back slightly on either side, and profusely covered with long hair, spreading out and flowing over the back.

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Coat. Properly speaking there should be two coats, an under and an over coat, the one a soft, fluffy under-coat, and the other a long, perfectly straight, and glossy coat, covering the whole of the body, being very abundant round the neck and fore part of the shoulders and chest, where it should form a frill of long, flowing hair, extending over the shoulders, as previously described. The hindquarters above the hocks should be similarly clad with long hair or feathering from the hocks down

wards, like the collie. The hair on the tail must be, as previously described, profuse, and flowing over the back.

"Colour.-The following colours are admissible: White, black, blue, brown, black and tan, fawn, sable, red, and parti-colours. The whites must be free from lemon or any colour, and the blacks, blues, browns, black and tans, and reds free from white. A few white hairs in any self-colours shall not disqualify, but should be discouraged.

"Size.-No dog over 20lb. weight shall be eligible to take a prize; the smaller specimens to be encouraged, and, where practicable at shows, the classes to be divided by weight, viz., 'under' and 'over' 7lb."








Neck and shoulders

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Grand Total, 100.

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