

a complete and generous education which fits a man to perform justly, skilfully and magnanimously all the offices, both private and public, of peace and war."

We will not now offer the details of such a plan, farther than they are to be found in the report of the Superintendent, who has performed with extraordinary ability, enthusiasm and diligence the labors imposed by his office.

The usual tables will be found annexed to our report.

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SECT. 1.-All the Schools in town shall commence at 9 o'clock, A. M., and 1 o'clock, P. M., and close at 12 M., and at 4. P. M., except the Centre Schools, which from April 1st to October 1st, shall commence in the afternoon at half-past 1, and close at half-past 4. The teachers are required to observe punctually the hours of closing as well as opening the schools, and to be present ten minutes before the opening of the school in the morning.

SECT. 2.-The government of the Schools is entrusted by law to the teachers, and they are expected to preserve strict order and discipline, and to pay constant attention to the language, the manners, and the conduct of the scholars in and about the schools.

SECT. 3.-The schools shall be opened in the morning by reading the Scriptures, and it is recommended that the Lord's Prayer, or a short written or extempore prayer, be offered.

SECT. 4.-No book shall be used in the schools without the sanction of the Committee.

SECT. 5.-If a scholar be absent from school, he or she shall bring a written excuse from the parent or guardian.

SECT. 6. It shall be the duty of the teachers to see that no injury is done to the school houses or the premises belonging to them; and if there is, to give immediate notice to the Committee. Also, to see that their school rooms are properly swept, warmed and ventilated.

SECT. 7.-The schools shall keep five days in a week,—the High School giving Saturday for a holiday,-and the other schools adopting the same course or not, as the resident member of the Committee may decide. The following shall be holidays also: Fast and Thanks

giving, May Day, Fourth of July, Agricultural Fair, Christmas, New Years, and the 22d February.

SECT. 8.-Teachers will be allowed to visit each school in town once during the year, and for this purpose only, to devote one afternoon in a month, making in all cases the appointment therefor beforehand, and also will be allowed one afternoon in each month, if the Sub-committee do not object, for an excursion with the pupils, or a visit with them to other schools.

SECT. 9.-Candidates for the Intermediate School shall be able to read correctly in Hillard's Second Class Reader, and to spell and define common words. They shall pass a satisfactory examination in Colburn's Primary Arithmetic, in the four ground rules of Written Arithmetic, and in Cornell's Intermediate Geography as far as the 19th page; and be able to point out and define the parts of speech and the marks of punctuation, and to write their names legibly.

SECT. 10.-Candidates for the High School shall be able to pass a satisfactory examination in Reading, Spelling, and Grammar, and be able to parse, analyse, and write correctly common sentences in prosc. They must be familiar with the sounds of the letters, with accent and punctuation, and pass a good examination in Greenleaf's Common School Arithmetic as far as Proportion; in Cornell's Geography and Maps, and in the History of the United States, and be able to write a fair hand.

SECT. 11. Scholars may be admitted into these schools twice in the year, but in no case without the written permission of the Committce.

By order of the Committee.

F. B. SANBORN, Secretary.

June 4th, 1860.






FOR THE YEAR 1860-61.

"Teachers shall exert their best endeavors to impress on the minds of children and youth committed to their care and instruction, the principles of piety, justice and a sacred regard to truth, love of their country, humanity and universal benevolence, sobriety, industry, frugality, chastity, moderation and temperance, and those other virtues which are the ornament of human society, and the basis upon which a republican constitution is founded. And to endeavor to lead their pupils as their ages and capacities will admit, into a clear understanding of the tendency of the above mentioned virtues, and, also, to point out to them the evil tendency of the opposite vices." -Law of the Commonwealth establishing Free Schools of Massachusetts.


The amount placed at the disposal of the Committee by vote of town was —

[blocks in formation]

Total cost of High School, 40 weeks,

Miss Dillingham, teaching Intermediate School,
Proportion of fuel and care, charged by town,
Books, chalk, brushes and incidentals,

Total cost of Intermediate School, 41 weeks,


Miss Hosmer, teaching North Primary School,
Miss Goodall, 66
Fuel, care, books and incidentals,

Total cost of North Primary School, 40 weeks,

$785 01

$246 00

66 28

24 41

$336 69

$60 00


[ocr errors]

133 50

44 30

$237 80

Miss Hosmer, teaching East Primary School,
Fuel, care, books and incidentals,

$200 00
46 00

Total cost of East Primary School, 40 weeks,
Miss Richardson, teaching West Primary School,
Fuel, care, books and incidentals,

$246 00

$197 50
43 41

Total cost of West Primary School, 40 weeks,

$240 91

Miss Hubbard, teaching East Quarter School,
Fuel, care, books and incidentals,

$195 00
61 78

Total cost of East Quarter School, 39 weeks,
Miss Stearns, teaching Nine Acre Corner School,
Fuel, care, books and incidentals,

Total cost of Nine Acre Corner School, 39 weeks,
Miss Tinker and Miss Whitney, teaching Factory V. School,
Fuel, care, books and incidentals,

Proportion paid Acton for scholars of this district,

$256 78

$195 00
26 55

$221 55

$199 50
61 89
35 86

Fuel, care,

Total cost of Factory Village School, 38 weeks, Miss Prescott, teaching Barrett's Mill School, books and incidentals,

$297 25

$200 00
48 85

Total cost of Barrett's Mill School, 40 weeks,

$248 85

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