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souled principle of thought and action manifested in the every day life of all classes of her citizens. It appears in the salutation by the wayside at the firesides of your homes in the social gathering erywhere. Whether this is owing to your glorious history or to the influence of the private life of your distinguished men and women of to-day, or to both of these, it matters not. Enough that it is here — and while Concord may well be proud of that history and these famous men and women, she may take a juster pride in keeping active this principle of liberality that distinguished herself.

"I cannot better express my thoughts of you than in the words of your own poet, Channing, who sings the praises of New England by describing the daily life and homes of his own townsmen :

But all about me live New England men,
Their humble houses meet my daily gaze-
The children of this land where Life again
Flows like a great stream in sunshiny ways;
It is a joy to know them, and my days
Are filled with love to meditate on them,
These native gentlemen on Nature's hem.

Who sings the praise of women in our clime→→→
I do not boast her beauty or her grace,
Some humble duties render her sublime,
She the sweet nurse of the New England race,
The flower upon the country's sterile face,
The mother of New England's sons, the pride
Of every house where these good sons abide."

The Intermediate School now took the platform again and sang a parting song. Amid some confusion of the little folks Mr. Emerson said a few words to the children and their parents. He had served his campaigns in the public schools years ago, but such a day as this revived old recollections. He spoke of the style of declamation as needing some attention and quoted a story from Alexander Carlyle to the purpose. He also alluded with much feeling to the death of young Faulkner, so well known here for his scholarship and his virtues. In conclusion he declared the highest interest of the state to be the training of its children.

While the company sang Auld Lang Syne the children were served to the cake and fruit which had been provided in an ante-room. Baskets and plates were quickly emptied by the hungry ones, and with a pleased and satisfied manner the assembly broke up,- not however before the Chairman had read the names of those pupils who during the year had been neither absent nor tardy.

The whole number of pupils in the schools during the year has been 405. There were present at the exhibition at least 300, and probably 325, or 50 more than last year. The exercises were a little protracted; with this exception everything went to the satisfaction of all, and as children and grown people went home in the dusk of evening we are sure they wished for many returns of such a day.

HIGH SCHOOL EXHIBITION.-In consequence of the severe storm of March 21st, blocking up the highways, the High School Exhibition announced for the evening of the 23rd has been postponed to April, We regret that this will prevent our giving an account of it.

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