
The following statement exhibits the compa- ment to obtain information on various matters rative prices of wool, at the present rate of duty, connected with the manufactures of the Unitand at 20, 22, and 25 per cent. The only de-ed States, it has been deemed proper that the scription of wool that can enter into competi- Department should avail itself of competent astion with the American, is that from England sistance, to collect and report such facts as may and the Netherlands; and when the charges of be necessary to a full knowledge of the subject. freight, insurance, and difference of exchange, It is hoped that it may suit your convenience to are added, it is evident that a duty of 20 per afford such aid in respect to the State of cent., while it would amply protect our own pro- You will be at liberty to pursue your inquiries duct of wool, would also materially benefit our either by a personal examination, by corresponmanufacturers. The great advantage to the lat-dence with those qualified to afford the inforter, however, would be in the coarse qualities mation, or by the employment of capable asof wool, which is not raised in this country, and sistants. You will be allowed as a compensawhich costs very low; the duty on which, under tion for your services and expenses the present rates, is extravagantly high.

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Trieste, and Adriatic ports,









6,086 227


1,877 150



British American colonies,
Hanse Towns, &c.,


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Spanish Atlantic ports,

South America, generally,
Argentine Republic,






dollars for every twenty miles journey, which you may find necessary to make, and a like sum for every day which may be occupied in the business, when not travelling. Such assistants as you may see fit to employ, may be engaged by you on such terms as you shall think reasonable. Any expense incurred for postage or printing, or copying, will also be allowed.

Yon will perceive that the resolutions are very comprehensive. And, as the object which they have in view is of the utmost importance to the prosperity and harmony of the people of the United States-being no less than a readjustment of the tariff on terms that may reconcile all the great interests of the countrydeep solicitude is telt by the Department that these preliminary inquiries, which the House of Representatives has confided to it, shall be well and truly answered. For the purpose of directing your attention to those facts which seem necessary to a full understanding of the subject, the annexed queries have been prepared. It is not intended, however, to exlude any others that you may think pertinent. And, noreover, you will be pleased to cause it to be understood by those concerned, that any infor mation which they may consider essential to a just view of the interests will be respectfully received.

The great division of opinion that exists upon the subject of the resolutions, renders it diffi. cult to carry on any inquiries relating to it in a manner satisfactory to all. But it is the especial duty of those to whom they are confided, to pursue them with the utmost practicable impartiality-seeking, without regard to their bearing upon any particular theory, such facts as, when brought together from all parts of the country, may enable Congress in its wisdom to act as the true interests of all may require.

Having collected the desired information, you are requested to present it in a condensed form in a report, and to accompany the report with all the original returns and communications from which it may have been derived.

I shall, also, be happy to receive, in a sepa rate communication, any information that you may deem material, and any suggestions that you may think useful, whether from yourself or others, with a view to the adjustment of the SI: The House of Representatives having, tariff upon the principles of the late annual by two resolutions, passed the 19th ult,copies report of this Department-a copy of which is of which are enclosed, requested this Depart-enclosed.

February 7, 1832.

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The information called for by the House be- 6. Annual rate of profit on the capital ining desired as a basis for legislation on the sub-vested, since the establishment of the manufac ject during the present session, you will ex-tory-distinguishing between the rate of profit cuse me for reminding you of the necessity of upon that portion of the capital which is bordespatch. rowed, after providing for the interest upon it; and the rate of profit upon that portion which is not borrowed?

I am, Sir, very respectfully,

Your obedient servant,

Secretary of the Treasury.



7. Cause of the increase (or decrease, as the case may be) of profit?

8. Rates of profit on capital otherwise employed, in the same State and county?

9. Amount of articles annually manufactured since the establishment of the manufactory; description, quality, and value of each kind?

10. Quantity and value of different kinds of raw materials used-distinguishing between foreign products and domestic products

11. Cost in the United States of similar articles of manufacture imported from abroad, and from what countries?

12. Number of men, women, and children employed, and average wages of each class? 13. How many hours a day employed; and what portion of the year?

In the House of Rep., January 19, 1832. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasu. ry be requested to collect such facts and infor. mation as may be in his power, of the extent and condition, generally, of the manufactures of wool, cotton, hemp, iron, sugar, salt, and such other articles as are manufactured to a considerable extent in the United States, and report the same to this House as early as may be practicable during the present session, for wise employed, in the same State and county, 14. Rate of wages of similar classes otherthe use of Congress; and that he also be re-in other States, and in foreign countries? quested to transmit the aforesaid information, to accompany it with such a tariff of duties up. on imports as, in his opinion, may be best adapted to the advancement of the public interest. Attest

Clerk of the House of Rep. of the U. States.


15. Number of horses or other animals employed?

16. Whether the manufactures find a market at the manufactory? If not, how far they are sent to market?

17. Whether foreign articles of the like kinds enter into competition with them at such place of sale; and to what extent?

18. Where are the manufactures consumed? 19. Whether any of the manufactures are exported to foreign countries; and if so, where?

In the House of Rep., January 19, 1832. Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to obtain information as to the 20. Whether the manufacture is sold by the quantities and kinds of the several articles ma- manufacturer for cash; and if on credit, at nufactured in the United States, during the what credit? If bartered, for what? year ending the 30th September, 1831, par- 21. Whether the cost of the manufactured ticularly those of iron, cotton, wool, hemp,and article (to the manufacturer) has increased or sugar, and the cost thereof:-and, also, the decreased; and how much in each year, from quantities and cost of similar articles imported the establishment of the manufactory, and from abroad during the same year; and that whether the increase has been in the materials he lay the same before this House as early as or the labor, and at what rate? may be practicable during the present session of Congress, together with such information as he may deem material, and such suggestions as he may think useful, with a view to the adjust

ment of the tariff.

[blocks in formation]

22. The prices at which the manufactures have been sold by the manufacturer, since the establishment?

23. What rate of duty is necessary to enable the manufacturer to enter into competition in the home market, with similar articles imported?

24. Is any change necessary in levying or collecting the duty on such articles, to prevent fraud?

25. What has been the rate of your profits, annually, for the last three years; and if it be a joint stock company, what dividends have been received, and what portion of the income of the company has been converted into fixed capital, or retained as a fund for contingent or other objects, and therefore not divided out annually?

26. What portion of the cost of your manufactures consists of the price of the raw mate

rial, what portion of the wages of labor, and A BILL further altering the duties on imports, what portion of the profits of capital?

and for other purposes, accompanying the
Secretary of the Treasury's Report to the
House of Representatives, of the 27th of
April, 1832.

27. What amount of the agricultural productions of the country is consumed in your establishment, and what amount of other domestic productions? Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 28. What quantity or amount of manufac-of Representatives of the United States of Ametures, such as you make, are produced in the rica in Congress assembled, That from and after United States, and what amount in your own the 3d day of March, 1833, the act entitled States? "An act in alteration of the several acts impo

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29. If the duty upon the foreign manufac-sing duties on imports," approved the 19th of ture of the kind of goods which you make were May, 1828, shall be repealed; except so far as reduced to 12 per cent., with a corresponding the same may be necessary for the recovery and reduction on all the imports, would it cause collection of all duties which shall have accruyou to abandon your business, or would you ed under the said act, and for the recovery, continue to manufacture at reduced prices? collection, distribution, and remission of all 30. If it would cause you to abandon your fines, penalties, and forfeitures, which may business, in what way would you employ your have been incurred under the same. capital? Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That in 31. Is there any pursuit in which you could lieu of the duties now imposed by law on the engage from which you could derive greater importation of articles hereinafter mentioned, profits, even after a reduction of the import du- there shall be levied, collected, and paid, the ties to 12 per cent.? following duties, that is to say.

32. Are not the manufactures of salt and iron, remote from the points of importation, out of foreign competition within a certain cir cle around them, and what is the extent of that circle?

53. Amount of capital; and what proportion the borrowed capital bears to that which is real!

1st: On wool, unmanufactured, the value whereof, at the place of exportation, shall not exceed ten cents per pound, five per cent. ad valorem; and when the value shall exceed ten cents per pound, twenty per cent. ad valorem: Provided, that wool imported on the skin shall be estimated, as to weight and value, as other


34. What amount of reduction in the duties 2d. On manufactures of wool, or of which would enable the actual or real capital employ. wool is a component part, not otherwise speed to yield an interest of 6 per cent.; and how cified, the value whereof shall not exceed fifty gradual the reduction should be? cents a square yard, ten per cent. ad valorem; 35. If minimums should be abolished, and on worsted stuff goods, and woollen and wors the duty assessed upon the actual value of the ted yard, twenty per cent.; on mits, gloves, imported article in the American port, what bindings, blankets, hosiery, and carpets and rate of ad valorem duty would be equivalent to carpeting, twenty-five per cent.; on flannels the present with the minimum ? and baizes, and all other manufactures of wool,

36. What would be the operation of this or of which wool is a component part, thirty change upon the frauds at present supposed to per cent.; and on ready made clothing, fifty per be practised?


37. Proportion which the production by the 3d. On all manufactures of cotton, or of American manufacturers bears to the consump. which cotton shall be a component part, twention? ty-five per cent. ad valorem: Provided, that 38. Extent of individual and household ma-all manufactures of cotton, or of which cotton nufacture in the United States, and how much it has increased since the tariff of 1824 ? 39. Average profit of money or capital in the United States?

shall be a component part, not dyed, colored, printed, or, stained, shall be valued at thirty cents per square yard, and, if dyed, colored, printed, or stained, shall be valued at thirty-five 40. Average rate of wages cents per square yard; and, on nankeens im. [NOTE.-These inquiries relate more parti-ported direct from China, twenty per cent. ad cularly to manufactures carried on in large es-valorem.


tablishments. In respect to those branches, 4th. On all stamped, printed, or painted however, which are carried on in private work-floor cloths, forty-three cents a square yard; on shops, as those of hats, shoes, saddlery, &c., oil cloths, of all kinds other than that usually such detailed information is not necessary. It denominated floor cloth, and on floor matting, will be sufficient to state in the aggregate the usually made of flags or other materials, thirty amount of capital employed, the value of the per cent. ad valorem. manufactured articles, the number of persons 5th. On iron, in bars or bolts, not manufacemployed, the rate of wages, the rate of profit tured in whole, or in part, by rolling, ninety upon the capital, what portion of the materials cents per 112 lbs. is of American production, to what extent fo 6th. On bar and bolt iron, made wholly, or reign articles of the like kinds enter into the in part, by rolling, thirty dollars per ton. Prodomestic consumption, and what reduction of vided, that all iron in slabs, blooms, loops, or duty could be made without increasing foreign other form less finished than iron in bars or competition in the home market.] bolts, and more advanced than pig iron, except

castings, shall be rated as iron in bars.or bolts, and pay duty accordingly.

7th. On iron in pigs, fifty cents per 112 lbs. on vessels of cast iron, not otherwise specified, one and an half cents per lb., on all other castings of iron, not otherwise specified, one cent per lb.

8th. On iron or steel wire, not exceeding number fourteen, five cents per lb.; over number fourteen, nine cents per lb.

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duty of twelve dollars and fifty cents per ton; that nothing shall be deemed old iron that has not been in actual use; and all pieces of iron (except old) of more than six inches in length, shall be rated as bar, bolt, rod, or hoop iron, as the case may be, and pay duty accordingly.

14th. On unmanufactured hemp, fifty dollars per ton; on sail duck, ten cents a square yard; and, on cotton bagging, three and a half cents a square yard.

16th. On brown sugar and syrup for making sugar, two and a half cents per pound; and on white clayed, or powdered sugar, three and onethird cents per pound.

9th. On round iron, or braziers' rods, of 15th. On all manufactures of silk, or of which three-sixteenths to eight-sixteenths of an inch silk shall be a component part, coming from diameter, inclusive; and on iron in nail or spike beyond the Cape of Good Hope, twenty-five rods, or nail plates, slit, rolled, or hammered; per cent. ad valorem; and on all other manu. and on iron in sheets, and hoop iron; and on iron factures of silk, or of which silk shall be a slit, rolled, or hammered for band iron, scroll component part, twenty per cent. iron, or casement rods, three cents per lb.; on iron spikes, four cents per lb.; on iron nails, cut or wrought, five cents per lb.; on tacks, brads, and sprigs, not exceeding sixteen ounces to the thousand, five cents per thousand; ex 17th. On salt, five cents per fifty-six pounds. ceeding sixteen ounces to the thousand, five 18th. On coffee, half a cent per pound. cents per lb.; on square wire, used for the ma- 19th. On teas of all kinds imported from nufacture of stretchers for umbrellas, twelve China, or other places east of the Cape of Good per cent. ad valorem; on anvils and anchors, Hope, and in vessels of the United States, one and all parts thereof, manufactured in whole or cent. per pound. On all teas imported from in part, two cents per lb.; on iron cables or any other place, or in vessels other than vessels chains, or parts thereof, manufactured in whole of the United States, ten cents per pound. or in part, three cents per lb: and no drawback 20th. On slates of all kinds, twenty-five per shall be allowed on the exportation of iron ca- cent. ad valorem.

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bles or parts thereof; on mill cranks and mill 21st. On window glass, not above 8 by 10 irons, of wrought iron, four cents per lb.; on inches in size, 3 dollars per hundred square mill saws, one dollar each; on blacksmiths' ham-feet; not above 10 by 12 inches, 3 dollars and mers and sledges, two and an half cents per lb.; 50 cents per hundred square feet; and if above on muskets, one dollar and fifty cents per stand; 10 by 12 inches, 4 dollars per hundred square on rifles, two dollars and fifty cents each; on all feet: Provided, that all window glass imported other fire arms, thirty per cent. ad valorem. in plates, uncut, shall be charged with the high10th. On axes, adzes, hatchets, drawing est rates of duty hereby imposed. On apothieknives, cutting knives, sickles or reaping caries' vials, of the capacity of four ounces and hooks, scythes, spades, shovels, squares of iron less, one dollar per gross; and not exceeding or steel, bridle bits of all descriptions, steel- eight ounces, one dollar and twenty-five cents yards and scale beams, socket chisels, vices and per gross.

Screws of iron, called wood screws, thirty per 22d. On olive oil, in casks, 12 cents a galcent. ad valorem: Provided, that said articles lon.

shall not be imported at a less rate of duty than 23d. On the wines of France, viz. red wines, would have been chargeable on the material in casks, 6 cents a gallon; white wines, in casks, constituting their chief value, if imported in an 10 cents a gallon; and wines of all sorts, in unmanufactured state. bottles, 22 cents a gallon.

11th. On steel, one dollar and fifty cents per 112 lbs.

24th. On the following articles, an ad valorem duty of 15 per cent viz. barley; grass, or straw 12th. On japanned wares of all kinds, on pla- baskets; composition wax, or amber beads; all ted wares of all kinds, and on all manufactures, other beads not otherwise enumerated; lamp not otherwise specified, made of brass, iron, black; shell, or paper boxes; hair bracelets; steel, pewter, lead, or tin, or of which either of hair, not made up for head dresses; bricks; these metals is a component material, a duty of paving tiles; brooms of hair, or palm leaf; Cashtwenty-five per cent. ad valorem: Provided, mere of Thibet; down, of all kinds; feathers, that all articles manufactured, in whole, of sheet, for beds; palm leaf, or palmetto hats. rod, hoop, bolt, or bar iron, or of iron wire, or 25th. All articles, not herein specified either of which sheet, rod, hoop, bolt, or bar iron, or as free, or as liable to a different duty, and iron wire, shall constitute the greatest weight, which, by the existing laws, pay a higher duty and which are not otherwise specified, shall pay than fifteen per cent.,to pay an ad valorem duty the same duty per lb. that is charged by this of fifteen per cent. from, and after, the said 3d act on sheet, rod, hoop, bolt or bar iron, or on day of March, 1833.

iron wire, of the same number respectively: SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That, in Provided, also, that the said last mentioned rates addition to the articles exempted from duty by shall not be less than the said duty of twenty. the existing laws, the following articles im five per cent. ad valorem. ported from, and after, the 3d day of March, 13th. That all scrap and old iron shall pay al 1833, shall be exempted from duty, that is to

Bay: Cocoa; almonds; currants; prunes; figs duties on all manufactures of wool, or of which raisins, in jars and boxes; raisins, all other; wool is a componant part, shall be paid in cash, black pepper; ginger; mace; nutmegs; cinna- without discount, or, at the option of the im mon: cassia, cloves; pimento; camphor; corks; porter,be placed in the public stores, under bond crude saltpetre; side-arms: say-cutlasses, dagat his risk, subject to the payment of the custogers, dirks, swords, hangers; flax unmanufacmary storages and charges, and to the payment of tured; quicksilver; opium; quills, prepared; interest at the rate of six per centum per annum tin, in plates and sheets; brass, in plates; mar- while so stored: Provided, that the duty on the ble; hair cloth and seatings; blue vitriol; argol; articles so stored shall be paid one half in three gum Arabic; gum Senegal; epaulettes, of gold and one half in six months from the date of im and silver; sac dye; madder; madder root; nuts portation: Provided, also, that if any instal and berries, used in dyeing; sumach; saffron; ment of duties be not paid when the same shall turmeric; woad, or pastel; aloes; ambergris; have become due, so much of the said mer-, Burgundy pitch; bark Peruvian; cochineal;chandise as may be necessary to discharge such capers; calomel; hamomile flowers; coriander instalment shall be sold at public auction, and, seed; cantharides; castanas; catsup; chalk; co- retaining the sum necessary for the payment culus indicus; coral; corrosive sublimate; dates; of such instalment of the duties, together with filberts; filtering stones; frankincense; grapes; the expenses of the safe keeping and sale of gamboge; hemlock; henbane; hones; horn- such goods, the overplus, if any, shall be replates, for lanthorns; ox horns; other horns, turned by the collector to the importer, or and tips; India rubber; ipecacuanha; ivory, owner, or to his agent or lawful representative: unmanufactured; ivory black; juniper berries; And, provided also, that the importer, owner, maccaroni; mill stones; musk; nuts, of all kind; or consignee of such goods may, at any time olives, oil of juniper, paintings and drawings; after the deposite shall have been made, with rattans, unmanufactured; reeds, unmanufac draw, the whole, or any part thereof, on paying tured; rhubarb; rotten stone; tamarinds; tor- the duties on what may be withdrawn, and the toiseshell; tinfoil; shellac; sponges; sago; spy-customary storage and charges, and of interest. glasses; telescopes; sextants; quadrants; hair SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That from pencils, Brazil paste; tartar, crude; vegetab es, and after the 3d day of March aforesaid, foreign such as are used principally in dyeing and in manufactures of wool, or of which wool is a composing dyes; weld, and all articles used component part, which may be sold at public principally for dyeing, coming under the duty of 12 per cent.; all other dyeing drugs, and materials for composing dyes, all other medi, cinal drugs, and all articles not enumerated in this act, nor theexisting laws, and which are now liable to an ad valorem duty of 15 per


SIC. 4. And be it further enacted, That from, and after, the 34 day of March, aforesaid, so much of any act of Congress as requires the addition of 10 or 20 per cent. to the cost, or value of any goods, ware, or merchandise, in estimating the duty thereon, or as imposes any duty on such addition, shall be repealed.

sale, other than sales under execution, decrees, and process of courts in the United States, there shall be reserved by the seller, one and a half per cent. on the amount of such sale for the use of the United States; and no such sale shall be made but in the presence of an officer of the customs, in places where there shall be one, for which purpose reasonable notice shall be given to the collector of the district, or such officer of the customs as he may designate for that service; and an account of the merchandise sold, certified, and approved by the officer of the customs present, shall be rendered by the seller to the collector, the said one and a SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That from, half per cent. paid over to him within twentyand after, the 3d day of March, aforesaid, four hours after such sale. And if any person where the amount of duty on merchandise shall make such sale without the presence of (except manufactures of wool, or of which an officer of the customs, or shall fail to render wool is a component part) imported into the United States, in any ship or vessel, on account of one person only, or of several persons joint ly interested, shall not exceed 200 dollars, the same shall be paid in cash, without discount; and if it shall exceed that sum, shall, at the option of the importer, or importers, be paid, or secured to be paid, in the manner now required by law, one half in three and one half in SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That, in x calendar months; and that, from and after all cases where the duty, which now is, or here. the said 3d day of March, so much of the 62d after may be, imposed on any goods, wares, or section of the act, entitled "An act to regulate merchandises, imported into the United States, the collection of duties on imports and ton-shall, by law, be regulated by, or be directed nage," approved the 2d of March, 1799, as to be estimated or levied upon the value of the authorises the deposite of teas, under the bond of the importer, or importers, shall be re pealed.

Szc. 6. And be it further enacted, That from and after the 3d day of March aforesaid, the

such account within the time required, he shall forfeit and pay to the United States two hundred dollars; or if he shall fail to pay over to the collector as is hereby required, the one and an half per cent. accruing to the United States on such sale, he shall forfeit and pay to the United States, double the amount of such per centage.

square yard, or of any other quantity or parcel thereof; and in all cases where there is or shall be imposed any ad valorum rate of duty on any goods, wares, or merchandise, imported into the United States, it shall be the duty of the col

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