
scandalous abuse, in 'relation to the part which not seen any of the papers except the last, that he had felt it to be his duty to take in the pro- my course and remarks on that occasion has subgress of the trial of Houston; and he, therefore, jected me to the almost daily outpouring of afelt it due to himself, not to leave it possible for buse, by one of the newspapers of this city. any imputation from any quarter-an imputa. I accidentally picked up the United States Tetation which, as a public man, is the very last legraph, of yesterday, belonging to one of my which I should be willing to have made against friends, who is absent, and who requested me me-of my having shrunk from the discharge of to take care of his papers and letters during his any duty which devolved upon me as a mem- absence. I opened it and saw the article to ber of the House, in any case. I should not which I allude as the only one I have seen of have said a word more on this trial, but for the that character.

possibility of my absence as above stated. I I care nothing, and would be sorry to be undo not now mean to say any thing in the way of derstood as complaining, about any criticism of argument-I do not desire to do so; and if I my public course, as long as their criticisms are did, my health is not such as to enable me to founded upon true representations of what I discuss the questions which are involved, in a say or do, and shall always leave such criticisms manner which would do justice either to myself or the case. But lest it should happen that I should not be here to express my opinion by voting, I wish briefly to state the judgment shall give if here.

to the judgment of the public without remark. But I do not pretend to enjoy such a reputation as a public man as to despise any effect upon me, which may be produced by misrepresentation and falsehood. Where I am known, and When the subject was first introduced by that paper is known, nothing it contains can inthe letter of the member from Ohio, I concurred jure me. I am, however, not extensively with a large majority in thinking that the case known, or in any way distinguished, and it is stated constituted a breach of privilege of the possible that there are some still so credulous as House and that we had a right to try and to put faith in the assertions of that paper. punish him This opinion was entertained with- In the report of the debate upon the resoout any examination without much, reflection lution I offered, and which is above alluded to, For which, indeed, there was no time before contained in the Telegraph, and which I never we were called on to act. The more I have saw until it came to me in a Richmond paper, seen-the more I have heard-the more I have I am represented as having said, "yesterday or reflected upon, and examined the question-the the day before, one of the papers of this city, more I have seen cause to distrust and doubt contained an editorial paragraph, purporting to the correctness of my first impressions. And if give a statement of the facts connected with now called on to decide the naked question of this alleged outrage and breach of privilegeour power to try and punish in such a case as that statement was, obviously, and on the face that now before us, I should say we had not of it, highly discolored and exaggerated; and, such power; and whatever might be the proof as he had since been informed by one of the parof the facts charged, that the accused ought to ties implicated, grossly false in all its essential be discharged. But as I believe, with the part culars. He, (Mr. P.) knew not if it was honorable gentleman from South Carolina, (Mr so." Now, Sir, I did not say that I had been DRATTON,) on the evidence, the fact, that the informed by one of the parties implicated. I assault and outrage was committed for words said, I had been informed that the statement spoken in debate, is not established, I am will was alleged by the accused to be grossly false, ing to leave my judgment upon the question of &c. This error is no otherwise important than our power, open to conviction of the error of in this-that but two days before I had declar my present impressions; and I believe I shall be ed I had no acquaintance whatever with the able to review them in any future case, without accused, and if in two days after that had spoany pride of opinion, and shall willingly retract ken of information derived by me from him, any error I may have fallen into, whenever the inference would be, that I had, in the mean convinced of it. This is all I wish to say on time, procured an introduction to the accused, that subject.

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and was in consultation with him; which it I now ask the further indulgence of the House would have been indelicate and unbecoming in for a few moments in relation to a matter per- me to do, as one of the tryers of the case. I sonal to myself, not perhaps now strictly in or said that I had, and I now say that I have, no der, but growing out of what occurred in a pre-acquaintance with the accused-have never vious part of this case. It is the first occasion, been introduced to him-have never been in and it will be the last and only one on which his company-never exchanged a word with bave or shall ask its attention for a similar cause. him. I do not mean to say that the accused is Some time ago, when I introduced a resolution unworthy of my acquaintance-I know nothing for the purpose of preventing the publication to justify me in so saying. But I would not of the testimony that might be given in this case ask or permit any acquaintance, or conference until the trial was over, I made some remarks with him while he is under trial, and I am one in support of that resolution. Those remarks of his judges. The error in the report of my have been so strangely misrepresented, and my speech referred to, I have no reason to supmeaning so grossly perverted, that I feel my-pose was intentional. The reporter of the Teself called on to say something on the subject.legraph could have no motive to misrepresent I understand I say I understand-for I have me, and I have no doubt it was a mistake, and

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one only of any consequence in the manner a-led on a memorandum given to us by the debove stated. The report in general is as accu - partment, to enable us to give to the public the rate as an unrevised report can be But the cause for the removal. The ground alleged Telegraph of this morning, noticing the cor-was, that he had, in violation of an act of Conrection which had been made by the Richmond gress, overdrawn his compensation, as a clerk, Whig, at my request, says

to the amount of $300. This, we have since "We note this article of the Whig for the learned, Mr. C. satisfactorily explained to Mr. purpose of correcing the correction. Mr. Barry to be an error of the pay-officer of the Patton was not mis reported in the Telegraph; department, in passing that sum to a wrong acand it will be found upon examination, that the count on the books. Our notice of the transac explanation will place him in no better position tion was derived from the department; and, in than the report. If Mr. Patton did not derive publishing the cause assigned by the departhis information from one of the parties, from ment, it never was our intention to insinuate whom did he derive it? If he did not derive it that Mr. Coyle had acted dishonestly, nor do from the parties direct, he must have derived we believe that our language is capable of reit through second or third persons, or through ceiving that construction.

the publications of the accused; and it matters Under the excitement consequent upon his not whether Mr. Patton had any acquaintance temoval, Mr. Coyle supposed that our remarks or intercourse with the parties; he became the were capable of a construction prejudicial to sponsor for the accused, by vouching for his bis character, and instituted an action for da innocence, "&c. mages. It was arranged by our counsel, and

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The House will perceive by comparing this the suit dismissed, we paying the cost. statement with the report of my remarks co- Although we were not required, by the ar pied from the Telegraph, that the first mis-rangement, to make a publication upon the subrepresentation is, in stating that I had spoken ject, it was understood that we would, in jusof the alleged fraud-as being what I had been tice to our own feelings, and in vindication of informed was falsely stated by the Telegraph. Mr. Coyle's feelings and character, do him the I had not the remotest allusion to the s ate-justice to say that it never was our intention to 'ments of the Telegraph concerning the fraud.impeach his integrity or honor. And, inasmuch I referred to the statement of the facts con-as the subject has been referred to in debate, nected with this alleged outrage and breach of on the floor of the House of Representatives, privilege," meaning thereby the alleged way. we feel called upon to go further, ard say, that laying and assault, for words spoken in debate. we are now satisfied that the alleged cause was But the worst misrepresentation is, in stating but the mere pretext for doing that which Mr. that I stood sponsor for the innocence of the Barry bad resolved-yea, promised to do, beaccused. I expressed no opinion of the inno-fore he left Kentucky. ..cence of the accused, either in relation to the We will further add, that in the case of Mr. fraud or the circumstauces of the assault. Fillebrown, in saying that he had permitted his spoke only of, what the accused himself had name to be used for the purpose of drawing, alleged. improperly, from the treasury a large sum of moI declare to God, that I never spoke on that ney, it was not our intention to charge him with subject to any one human being, who was having acted corruptly. It was our opinion, and either implicated in the charge, or who knew so far as we are informed, it is still our opinion, or professed to know, any thing about it, either that the money was improperly drawn; but we of his own knowledge, or by information from know, and so stated, that although Mr. Filleothers-either connected or unconnected with brown drew the money in his own name, it was the charge. intended for the use of another, to whom it was The Telegraph's own report of what I said, immediately paid over. And we were fully shows the falsehood of the imputation that I aware that, under the usage of the department, vouched for the innocence of the accused-the names of individuals were frequently used, as to the fraud or as to any thing else which is now made by the Editor.

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"He (Mr. P.) knew not if it was so," is what I am reported to have added, and is substan tially correct.

to facilitate the passage of accounts, as a mere matter of form. Such we considered this case. Had we been situated as Mr. Fillebrown was, we would not have permitted the use of our name; but we know, and so stated, that he acted in obeI have only further to say, that while I do dience to the direction of the Secretary of the not profess any greater insensibility and indif- Navy, and although we disapproved of the act, ference to such assaults, than other men feel, we did not intend to charge with a corrupt moI would infinitely prefer to be the subject of tive. The act was assigned, by the department, vituperation than of praises coming from a as the cause of the removal, and our object was source regardless alike of truth and decency, to lay before the public the grounds upon which the department had acted, and not to impute fraud to Mr. Fillebrown.


It is due to ourselves, as well as to the party implicated in the statement made in the debate on the Wiscasset case, that we should say that the publication of the alleged cause for the re- It will be recollected that when Doctor Damoval of Mr. A. Coyle, late clerk in the Post vis, of South Carolina, was under examination, Office Department, in the Telegraph, was found- he was asked by Mr. Cook, of Ohio, what but

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siness had brought him to this city. It seems We see that Mr. Grundy is denounced in the that the valiant Doctor's courage was worked up Nashville Republican, because he did not "avai to the writing point, and that he accordingly himself of the opportunity [on Mr Van Buren's demanded an explanation! He has been threat nomination] to remove the load of suspicion ening what he would do, and no doubt, as he which rested against him, in the minds of the has had the honor of presenting a set of sticks people of Tennessee and elsewhere, of being to the President, he would willingly hear the more a Calhoun man than a Jackson man. Speaker pronounce the eulogy upon his cha- We can inform the Nashville Republican that racter and intelligence, upon condition of having Mr. Grundy has seized another opportunity to his expenses paid! The Doctor, no doubt, manifest his Jacksonism, by opposing the rebelieves that his best chance for an office is to peal of the postage on newspapers!! fight for it. But unless we are much deceived, Quere? Does the Jacksonism of the present he will starve first. We will undertake to ap-day consist in bullying Congress, and the suppease his insulted honor, for twenty-five per pression of the Press? cent. on his tavern bill.


"I intend to whip you, but not now; I am armed-I presume you are not. I want no advantage of you, and therefore put you on your

After the House of Representatives had ad-guard."-Extract from Heard's card, published journed yesterday, Mr. Arnold, of Tennessee, in the Globe. being in advance of the other members, was

passing home; as he was descending the steps lished on Friday last, in the name of Morgan A. Such was the threat which the Globe pubof the terrace to the street west of the capitol,

he was assaulted by Morgan A. Heard, who Heard, the ruffian who waylaid and attempted aimed a blow at his head with a large stick to assassinate Mr. Arnold, for words used on the Mr. Arnold dodged the blow, and immediately floor of the House, relative to Houston, and struck the stick from his adversary's hands; without rebuke or censure.

Yet the Globe of

whereupon Heard drew a large duelling pistol, yesterday, says that Heard should be punished cut down to about eight inches in the barrel, by the civil authority. And why does the Globe carrying an ounce ball, with the words "New desert Mr. Heard in his distress? Does that York" engraved on the barrel; and, after tak- profligate press expect to meet public indignaing deliberate aim, fired; the ball passing tion now, by pretending that Heard was not enthrough the sleeve of the right arm, just above couraged to make the assault? Heard was unthe elbow, ranging up to the shoulder, carrying successful-he was unfortunate-and there is away the under part of the cost and shirt, and the secret. This is the character of the Nashlacerating the arm. Mr. Arnold finding Heard ville school of tactics. armed with a pistol, followed up his blows with.


a light sword cane until the scabbard flew off, THE ALBANY ARGUS AND THE ASand having several times knocked him down, was in the attitude of piercing him with the sword, when his arm was arrested by General Duncan, of Illinois.

We copy from the Albany Argus, of the 12th, an attempt to ridicule the notice taken by Mr. Arnold of the threats used by Heard. The assault of Monday is a fit commentary.

This case presents a remarkable interposition of Divine Providence. The House had just We are not alarmists. Our readers know thas adjourned; there were near an hundred mem we have not been intimidated from the fearles bers of Congress in the range of the ball, expression of our opinions; but we are not inwhich passed near Mr. Tazewell's head, and sensible to the danger which surrounds us. We yet Mr. Arnold was the only person injured! learn that Heard was an applicant for employThe readers of the Globe will recollect that ment as a bearer of despatches, and that, a few this Major Heard is the individual, who a few days before the assault, he said that he had asdays since, published a bulletin in the Globe, surances of his appointment. The Globe, the announcing his intention to assault Mr. Arnold official organ of the Executive, published his for what he had said on the floor of the House, bravado that he would assault Mr. Arnold, withrelative to Houston. We will give this docu-out a word of comment, and we are credibly ment to the public to-morrow. informed that Terrill, another of Houston's as

We learn that the partisans of the President sociates, made two unsuccessful movements for will endeavor to prove that Mr. Heard is dean assault upon the editor of this paper; and ranged! Yet they, to day, refused to permit that the same individual declared, on Monan investigation of the charge, that he used day, that if Mr. Burges were twenty years language tending to stimulate assaults upon younger, he would thrash him before night!!! members for words used in debate! How will Would these things be, if they were discounsuch partisans explain the bulletin published in tenanced by the Executive? Doctor Davis, too, the official paper, announcing in advance his has been here for months, an applicant for of intention to commit the assault? fice. He brought a whole bundle of hickory

We have not space for the comment which sticks. He has had a correspondence with the these facts call for. They are a fit commen-President upon the interesting occasion of their tary upon the proceedings in Houston's case, delivery; and, if he is to be believed, has received and afford much scope for reflection. his full share of promises; but he finds that "fine

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words butter no parsnips," and he unites in the concluding with the assertion, (contradicted by attempt to dragoon the House into silence. Let Mr. A's own account of his means of defence on the honest, the sober, virtuous citizens, ask the occasion alluded to,) that "no man feels themselves why are these things so? Why is it himself safe (at Washington, we suppose) withthat the President is surrounded by greedy of-out arms for his personal defence!!" fice hunters, jobbers, and speculators, eleventh- Without stopping to notice further the fabhour apostates, and insolvent politicians-while rications resorted to by stipendiary letter the high-minded, honorable, independent, and writers, who lurk about the purlieus of the virtuous citizens, who have never sought, and seat of government, collecting and digesting would not accept, office at his hands, have left for the home market, the stale scandal and him in disgust? These things are true, and why floating gossips which, as Mr. Webster says is it so? of "perished pamphlets," are only tolerable in

TERRIBLE RENCONTRE AT WASHING. their dispersed condition,-we give from the


Q. Did you bite your thumb at me, sir?
A. I bit my thumb.

Boston Morning Post, the following admirable hit at the extravagancies which find their way to the public, under the imposing title of "Washington Correspondence," believing that Mr. Thomas D. Arnold, M. C. from Tennes- ridicule is the best weapon by which they can see, is out in the National Intelligencer, under be met.

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his own signature, in consequence of his having "Horrible Caunibalism.—It has been clearly been accosted in broad day light, "by a man of proved, by the opposition, that Gen. Houston's ruffian [] appearance" who "wore a cap and assault upon Mr. Sanbery, was committed a large stick in his hand," (Fitness "thinks it with the intention of murdering the honorable was an orange limb," not hickory,) "headed member from Ohio, for the use of the Presiand feruled," and who, without provocation of dent's table. General Houston, and a num any kind, actually required him (Arnold, to ber of gentlemen belonging to Tennessee, who stop! and "asked if his name was Arnold!!" had frequently dined with General Jackson On being answered in the affirmative, he posi- upon young Indians, during the frontier wars, tively rejoined, "then you are the man who a- were invited to the President's house; the Prebused my friend Houston so severely"!! Mr.sident preceving a deficiency in his larder, reA. "fortunately had a walking stick in his quested General Houston to procure him some hand," and dexterously parried this home-thrust dainty wherewith to regale his guests. Mr.Stanby putting in another after the eastern mode-bery "being in good flesh" attracted the eye And what is your name, sir, back again? The of Gen. Houston, and an "alarming attempt to reply was "Heard-major Heard!" Where- murder" him was the consequence. But what upon his lip quivered and he turned very is yet more startling, is an allegation which Mr. pale"-whereas Mr. A. merely turned-his Stanbery's friends allege to be susceptible of back" upon his antagouist "as soon as he could the most convincing proof, viz that it was a do it with safety"-and so the affair ended, condition of the agreement between Mr. Eaton Heard saying with a oath, as he walked on, he and Gen. Houston, that the latter, in furnishing intended to whip A. and would do it yet. Indian rations, should be allowed to take These are the facts which Mr. Arnold has the bodies of the opposition, for that purpose thought it due to the American people" to-and that if John H****'s was taken, and republish, with the authority of his own name, gularly and fairly served out, the said Houston that they may "know the state of things at that was to be released from his obligation to supply place." In other words, it is given to the world whiskey to the emigrants for the space of two as the testimony of a member of Congress, in aid mouth's succeeding the time of the dispensation of the ridiculous stories manufactured by Wash of John's flesh!" ington letter-writers designed to implicate the President in the affair of Houston, and repreThe following card appeared in the Globe We have senting him as the abettor of all the brawls of Friday last, without comment. growing out of the exasperated feelings pro- marked in small capitals part of it. Let the duced by an abuse of parliamentary privileges reader examine it, and he will find that Gen. on the part of certain desperate and vindictive Houston, General Arnold, General Terrill, Dr. partisans in Congress. To connect the Presi- Davis, and Major Heard, seem to constitute a dent with these affrays, and to give a point to corps of choice spirits. It will be rememberthe vague insinuations as to "the state of things ed that this General Arnold, Mr. Bairy, and at Washington," the Evening Journal of this Houston were drinking together, at the theatre, city publishes the card of Mr. Arnold, accom- immediately after the assault upon Mr. Stan. panied by what purports to be a letter from the bery. (See Mr. Clarke's certificate publish seat of government, (but containing nothing ed in the Globe.)

which might not have been written here,) stat We ask an attentive perusal of the card; and ing that Mr. Arnold "by his fearless (see his recommend it to the consideration of all loy card) and independent course" had rendered al "subjects."

himself “obnoxious to the administration,” and that the meditated assault upon him was in consequence of an intimation from the President,

To the Editor of the Globe:

MAT 9th, 1832. Mr. Blair: I observe in the Intelligencer of

that such a service "would be acceptable !"-this morning, a card from Thos. D. Arnold, of

Tennessee, purporting to detail a conversation and contrary to the express injunctions of Gen. between that man and myself, near Brown's Houston. Hotel, on yesterday.

The John Johnson letter, forged by the said

I am no newspaper warrior, Mr. Editor, and Thomas D. Arnold to justify his pretended should not thus notice this pitiful effusion of "plot discovered," whi st General Houston the honorable gentleman, but that some of the was a candidate for Governor of Tennessee, misrepresentations, and some insinuations con- will readily explain his vulgar and wanton attained in that card, might, if not corrected, tack upon General Houston, when accused beoperate as they were evidently desined to do, fore the House of Representatives, where he to the prejudice of an individual now placed talks of "measuring arms with General Housin duress before the House of Representatives, ton." and who, as far as his own agency is concerned, has nothing to do with this matter.

It is true I met Mr. Arnold on Pennsylvania Avenue, and accosted him as he stated, but he does not report the conversation correctly."


Enquirer, the following conclusion to the comWe quote, with pleasure, from the Richmond ment of its editor on the projét of the Secretary of the Treasury:

I said to him, you have wantonly assailed and abused General Houston, he is a friend of mine-his hands are tied, and he cannot and meditate well upon the views which they "Let any man mark these separate extracts, defend himself-1, therefore, give you no tice, that at exhibit. And yet there are men at Washington a proper time, on a proper who, from pusillanimous feelings, or from amoccasion, and at a proper place, I will make bitious motives, are wil ing, it is said, to keep you account for it; I INTEND TO WHIP YOU, BUT this question open-to procrastinate its decision NOT NOW; I AM ARMED, I PRESUME YOU ARE NOT:—and who,by this course of conduct, seem deI WANT NO ADVANTAGE OF YOU, AND THEREFORE termined to keep alive the discontents of our PUT YOU ON YOUR GUARD. This is the whole country, to throw the torch of discord into the of the conversation I believe, literally, as it south, to jeopardise the Union itself, not to passed; except that Mr. Arnold demanded, in speak of their willingness to draw from the a flurried and agitated manner and tone, who pockets of the people eleven millions of dolare you? I replied my name is Heard, and Ilars, which are not wanting to extinguish the believe added Major Heard, baving borne that public debt, or to meet the expenses of the commission in the armies of my country; and government. They are moreover willing to being usually so called, I thought it probable he would know me by that name.

Mr. Arnold's remarks npon my ruffian appearance are too contemptible to deserve a reply, unless they are intended by way of subter fuge, to refer to my standing in society; if so, I only have to say that is the paltry evasion of ev ery cowardly heart; if he really wishes informa tion on this subject, however, I can refer him to the Hon. Richard M. Johnson, and Senator Bibb, of Kentucky.'

throw this large surplus into the treasury, to corrupt the very vitals of the Constitution.

We allude to another rumor that is afloat. It is that many of the Representatives in Congress from the State of New York are intimidated by the clamors of their avaricious manufacturers, and are prepared to fly off from every liberal adjustment of this vexed question, and express very little interest in preserving the Union, or in doing justice to the injured south. Can this As to his remarks on the paleness of my set of greedy monopolists? be so? Will they sacrifice their country to a countenance, quivering lips, &c., I will only let them beware of the consequences. New If it be so, then remark, that the blanch of the cheek, and agi. York will feel, too late, the loss of her influtation of nerve, were all on the other side; Mr.ence in the Union, or the ruin which she may nold, however, may have judged in this bring upon it. And mark well another thing: matter, as men under the influence of intoxi-rely upon it, we speak the voice of thousands, cation frequently do: a drunken man is almost who, like ourselves, have not even a pin's fee sure to see every man he meets reeling as much to ask of her, that her sons may hereafter turn as himself, Mr. Arnold's attempt to connect this trifling turns against us. in vain to the south for support, if she now affair with the trial of General Houston, now pending before the House, with the evident understood that let this vexed question be Upon two points, we wish it to be distinctly design to bear upon the result of that trial, is now settled upon any terms of compromise, as most reprehensible indeed, and only shows the jit may, we will never cease to struggle against utter recklessness of the man's character; but enlarging the expenses of the government; and lest it might influence the minds of some honest we will never cease to struggle for the gradual men,I will refer all thosewho may have received reduction and final extinguishment of this prosuch impressions to all the gentlemen who are tective system. These will be the cardinal maxthe intimate associates of General Houston; ims of our faith, and we freely avow them. particularly to Gen. Arnold, (no kin to Thos. this' spirit we cordially thank Messrs. Bouldin D.) Gen. Terrell, Dr. Davis, and the Sergeant. and Johnson, and our other Virginia members at Arms, who all have heard him do his utmost in the House of Representatives, for their zeato dissuade me from my purpose; this conver-lous and able efforts to arrest that extravagant sation, at the time, was altogether accidental, and monstrous system of pensions which is at unpremeditated, the effect of momentary ex tempted to be saddled upon us. citement produced by Mr. Arnold's presence, efforts of Mr. Hayne, in the Senate, are worThe eloquent


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