
do not agree with Mr. Currin in the opinion, that this was no new contract with the Indians. A contract to pay 750 bushels of salt annually, has been so strikingly succesful in ColdbathSIR,-The treatment of the cholera, which for 199 years, as the rent for four miles square field Prison, having already attracted considerof valuable land, is very different from a con-able public attention, I hasten to request of tract to pay two thousand dollars in money, in you to give the requsite publicity, through gross, for the same land, for 199 years. If it should be urged here, as it has else- simple as scientific. your widely circulated journal, to a remedy as where, that this second contract was designed It is needless to enter upon the theory of and intended to indemnify Messrs. Lewis and this practice, which, on sound data, has been Currin for the expenses they incurred in digging sugested by Dr. Stevens, but suffice it to say, for salt water, (and that, from the recital in the that experience has assured me of its efficacy last contract, that they had expended $3000, and value. After premising that upwards of would seem to be one of the leading induce- one hundred cases more or less malignant, ments to the contract,) the inquiry necessarily have occurred, within the loss only of seven, arises, what claim in law, justice, or equity, had (the first four prior to the adoption of the Messrs. Lewis and Carrin against the Chickasaw Indians for indemnity for expenditures in treatment,) I shall at once describe it. experimenting for salt water? Such was not the warmth by friction, hot dry flannels, hot water The usual care must be taken to promote nature of the contract between William B. bottles to the feet, and mustard poultices to Lewis, in 1818, and the Indians. If he did not the chest and other parts of the body affected obtain salt water, and make salt, he was not by cramp, but the main reliance is upon the bound to pay the rent, nor were the Indians following powder, to be administred every bound to repay his losses sustained in his efforts hour in half a tumbler of cold water, namely to perfect this contract.. But if it could be made appear, that upon any grains; oxymuriate of potash 7 grains. Howcarbonet of soda half a dram; common salts 20 principle, the Indians were bound to make good ever irritable the stomach may be, the common Mr. Lewis's losses, it will hardly be contended Seidlitz powder, or effervescent soda draught, that his indemnity should come out of the pub-will, in most cases, quiet it; but, when it will lic domain in the shape of a treaty contract, and retain nothing in quantity, a tea-spoonful of that indemnity no way proportioned to the the carbonate of soda should be dissolved in In any point of view in which this transaction quantities as the patient can retain, from a half a tumbler of water, and given in such can be contemplated or placed, it is, in the o-tea-spoonful and upwards, untill the stomach pinion of the committee, impossible to maintain is sufficiently settled to receive the powder. In its legality. The resolution under which they have been ing watchfulness and attention to the patients case of the cholera, however, the most unceas authorized to investigate the facts, and report are required. The success of this treatment, thereon, does not, in its terms, call upon the which in many instances was perfectly supCommittee to indicate to the House what course prising, induces me to hope that it may be exis fit and proper to be pursued: that is a right tensively adopted; and, I am sure, you will which the House has retained to itself. They, confer great benefit on the community at large however, under their general powers as a com- by its publication.-I have the honour to be, mittee, charged by the rules of this House to guard and protect the interest of the United FIELD, 1 Lansdown Place, Brunswick Square, sir, your obedient servant, HENRY WAKEStates in the public domain, and inasmuch as the treaty of the 31st August, 1830, has not yet received the final sanction of the Executive de partment, submt to the House, for its adoption, the following resolution :

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