

will be balanced by an increase of business, of cise no creative power in the way of producing exactly the same amount, to somebody and wealth. No legislator has yet discovered the somewhere, and they (the public) will gain the philosopher's stone, and magic is not one of the difference besides. They have a perfect com- powers conferred by the constitution. Hard prehension, that, to put down steam coaches work, patient labor-these are the only agents by act of Parliament, would only be enacting under Providence, by which wealth can be that a quantity of employment and profit should created. All the legislation in the world canbe taken from certain dealers, for the sake of not add a blade of grass or a grain of wheat to giving to horse-dealers the same quantity of the national wealth, except by securing every employment and profits, and no more, with a one in the enjoyment of his property, and there. further addition of the loss to the coach-riding by stimulating his exertions. But though lepublic of the whole difference of coach-hire be- gislation is impotent to create wealth, it is omsides. They see, distinctly, that to propose nipotent to transfer it. While, therefore, it is such a thing would be as great an absurdity and the feeblest of all producers, it is the most injustice as to propose to enact that a carrier powerful of all plunderers. And whenever reshould not grease his wheels for the sake strictions or taxes confer wealth and prosperity of causing a greater quantity of horse flesh to upon one portion of the Union, it necessarily be charged to his customers. They are aware follows than an equal or greater amount of that such a piece of legislative dullness as this, wealth and prosperity must be taken from some would amount to setting up the principle that other portion.

it was for the interest of every body that every What have we been told by the advocates "thing should be done in the most bungling and of the protecting system on this floor and else roundabout way possible; and that any pretence where? Why, that if we repeal or materially to increase national wealth by such processes, reduce the protecting duties, you sweep, with must be foolery, or worse. All this they the besom of destruction, the entire face of the know, so long as none of the parties propose to manufacturing States, and leave that whole reoperate by the intervention of an exchange gion a scene of desolation. Sir, is this so? abroad. But let a single exchange intervene, Is it true that the reduction of the burthens of and the question is too much for them. If the taxation will desolate a portion of the States machine in which men are to ride for two shil- of this confederacy? If it be so, how eloquentlings instead of three, can only be bought with ly, how irresistibly, does it demonstrate the Sheffield cutlery from France, they are utterly proposition for which I am contending, and unable to see that the national profit of steam- how plainly does it fix the seal of condemnariding, the ultimate advantage of employing an tion upon that system of plunder against which English cutler to effect the production of the cheap I am now raising my voice? What, sir! The machine, instead of an English horse dealer to reduction of the taxes spread desolation? Was supply the dear one, is the same as ever. In the like ever haerd before? How will this desothis case, they are ready to join the horse-lation be produced? It is utterly impossibledealer in begging, first, that the employment remember, sir, I bar necromancy-that the remay be taken from the Sheffield cutlers; se-peal or the reduction of taxes can desolate one condly, that it may be taken from the persons portion of the country, unless it be true that employed in the expenditure of the shillings of they are drawn from the industry of another which it is proposed to rob the coach-riding portion, and transferred by legislative injustice public; and thirdly, that they, the public, may to the favored region of protection. While, be robbed of a shilling in their coach. riding, therefore, gentlemen are eloquently prefigurwithout any advantage, in the aggregate, to ing their own desolation, which is to result from any body. They can see that it would be ab-restoring to my constituents only a part of their surd to put down the omnibus upon the ground long lost rights, they do nothing more than that men ride cheaper in it; but they cannot draw a picture of the desolation which the see that, if the omnibus could only be got from protecting system has already produced through France in exchange for Sheffield goods, the out the southern Atlantic States. case would be unaltered. Was it rightly said, I, therefore, solemnly invoke you, by the that John Bull is a man of one idea or at most principles of justice, the ties of honor and paof two? And is there any reason why he should triotism, the guaranties of the constitution, and encourage himself in being a fool for the bene-by all the sanctities of social life, not to uphold fit of those who pat him on the back that they any longer this gigantic system of injustice and may pick his pocket?" oppression!

Thus, you will perceive, sir, so far from re- Sir, I put it to the candor,the justice, and the garding the consumers as the only persons prudence of gentlemen, if it be not time for affected by restrictive laws, the very doctrine them to pause in their career? The question or which I am contending is clearly and dis- presents itself in a practical way, which the tinctly affirmed. It is only necessary to sub-dullest must comprehend; and no one, who is stitute southern cotton for Sheffield cutlery, not voluntarily blind, can fail to perceive that and northern manufactures for English horse- the southern States are sinking under a weight dealers, and the argument of the author be- of oppression that no free people on earth has comes identical with my own. ever endured so long.

Nothing, even in the mathematical science, is more certain than that legislation can exer

The injury to the south, by the continuance of the protective system, cannot be less than the


I must admit, however, that this view of the States, and because these productions are prosubject exhibits the true character and genius duced by slave labor, which is four times as of the protecting system in a more clear, strik- cheap in the operations of agriculture as the ing, and undisguised form, than I have ever be- white labor of the northern States. Yes, Sir, fore seen it presented. If I know any thing of at this moment, a day laborer on a cotton planthe history and objects of the federal con-tation in South Carolina, does not earn more stitution, its primary end was the protection and than twelve and a half cents per day. This is defence of foreign commerce against the injustice the true and only cause why the manufacturers and violence of foreign nations, and not the pro- require the government to interpose its powertection of one branch of domestic industry, en-ful arm to keep down competition. It is, when gaged in producing manufactures, against properly considered, the greatest of all absuranother branch, engaged in producing the ex-dities to suppose that it is against the English changes of foreign commerce. It is as great manufacturers that this protection is demanded. an outrage upon our vernacular language, as it This is a mere flimsy disguise to cover the is upon our federal constitution, to call this fraud, and conceal the outrage, perpetrated "protection." I will tell you, sir, what, ac- against the planters. I would ask the gentlecording to my view of the subject, is the only man from Massachusetts what harm the Mankind of protection which this or any other Go-chester manufacturer, with his ten cent calico, vernment may lawfully extend to the citizens, could possibly do him, with his calico of the who owe it allegiance. In this respect, the duty same quality at twenty cents, if there was no of Government is exceedingly plain and sim- domestic production of the United States that ple. The first great protective duty of Govern- could be exchanged in England for the former? ment, is to defend the country against the in- It would be as impossible, Sir, for the man of justice or violence of foreign nations. To this Manchester to bring his goods into competition end, it is clothed with the power of maintaining with those of the man of Massachusetts, as it fleets and armies. The second great protec- would for the batteries of Tripoli so be brought tive duty is, to defend every citizen or inhabi-to bear successfully on the fortress at Old Point tant within its jurisdiction from the injustice Comfort.

or violence of all other citizens or inhabitants, If the southern States were sunk by an earthTo this end laws are made, and public tribu- quake, or if cotton, tobacco, and rice, were nals are established. If any foreign Govern- stricken from the list of natural productions by ment, by an act of violence, or an act of legis- some revolution in the laws of nature, is there lation, commits an outrage upon the person or any man here so utterly ignorant of the laws of property of an American citizen, it is the duty commerce, as to suppose that the twenty cent of this Government, at any reasonable expense calico of Massachusetts would require any of blood or of treasure, to vindicate the right protection against the ten cent calico of Engand avenge the wrong. If any citizen perpe- land? They never could be brought into trate an act of violence or injustice against the competition. In what manner, and for what person or property of another, the Government purpose would the Birmingham and Manis bound to furnish a remedy for the outage, by chester manufactures bring their goods into restoring what has been unlawfully taken, the markets of the United States, and what or causing indemnity to be made for it. would they obtain in exchange for them? Gen When these things are accomplished all the tlemen will find this a very puzzling inquiry." protective functions of Government are ful- With a view to execute our national prejudices filled. against the nations of Europe with whom we The moment it goes beyond this point, un- trade, and particularly against England, the der the pretence of giving protection, and most valuable of all our customers, it is said that prostitutes its power to the unhallowed pur- our bread-stuffs are excluded by their corn pose of confiscating the property of one class of laws, and that, of the vast amount of our ancitizens to give it to another, however sacred nual exports to those countries from which we the names under which this outrage may be receive manufactures, the productions of the perpetrated, the Government itself becomes northern States amount to a mere bagatelle. the instrument of inflicting the very injustice Now, Sir, if England, and the other manuto prevent which was the great and cardinal facturing nations of Europe, will not receive purpose of its creation. any of the productions of the northern States, That the committee may perceive more dis- I beseech gentlemen to inform me how the tinctly the real object and bearing of this pro-northern States can require protection against tecting system upon the two great rival inter- the manufactures of these nations? What highests upon which it operates, I will now call er protection can they desire against foreign their attention to a statistical fact, which, I am manufactures than that which arises from the sure, will strike every one as being extraordi- want of the means of paying for them? nary. Sir, it has often struck me, as one of the most

I have already stated that it was against do-arrant of those delusions that sometimes come mestic and not foreign industry that the manu-over communities of men, that the northern facturers call for protection. But why is it that States should attempt to justify the exclusion of they need this very high and extravagant pro- English manufactures upon the ground that tection? Is it because foreign manufactures are England will not receive their grain. This is purchased with the productions of the southern not the foundation of the protecting system. It

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