The Young Geometrician's Companion: Being A New and Comprehensive Course of Practical Geometry ... Containing. An easy introduction to decimal arithmetic .... Such definitions, axioms, problems, theorems, and characters, as necessarily lead to the knowledge of this science. Planometry, or the mensuration of superficies. Stereometry, ot he mensuration of solids. The sections of a cone .... The Platonic bodies ... To which is added a collection of problems shewing that lines and angles may be divided in infinitum; that superficies and solids may be so cut as to appear considerably augmented; and, that the famous problem of Archimedes, of moving the earth, is capable of an easy and accurate demonstration, Volum 6S. Crowder, 1787 - 240 sider |
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Side iii
... first Pages about Lines and Angles , he found such surprizing Pleasure in a Week or two's Time in the Advances he daily made , that at last he became one of the greatest Geometricians of his Age . ( iv ) pany every Rule , let not that ...
... first Pages about Lines and Angles , he found such surprizing Pleasure in a Week or two's Time in the Advances he daily made , that at last he became one of the greatest Geometricians of his Age . ( iv ) pany every Rule , let not that ...
Side iv
... first Principles of this most excellent and useful Science ; which , we flatter ourselves , he may eafily , and in a short Time , accom- plith , by a careful Perufal of the following Work . 4 And , as most Solutions in Geometry re ...
... first Principles of this most excellent and useful Science ; which , we flatter ourselves , he may eafily , and in a short Time , accom- plith , by a careful Perufal of the following Work . 4 And , as most Solutions in Geometry re ...
Side 2
... first , thus .666 ; but where every two or three Figures repeat , make a Dash across the first and last , ; the reft may at present be omitted . Rotation of Decimals . AS in Common Arithmetic whole Numbers Mota 2 DECIMAL ...
... first , thus .666 ; but where every two or three Figures repeat , make a Dash across the first and last , ; the reft may at present be omitted . Rotation of Decimals . AS in Common Arithmetic whole Numbers Mota 2 DECIMAL ...
Side 3
... first Figure in the Decimals is so many tenth Parts of the Unit or whole Number , as the Figure itself denotes : The Second is fo many hundredth Parts : The third so many thousandth Parts . Thus 2 iso , or two tenth Parts ; 23 is T , or ...
... first Figure in the Decimals is so many tenth Parts of the Unit or whole Number , as the Figure itself denotes : The Second is fo many hundredth Parts : The third so many thousandth Parts . Thus 2 iso , or two tenth Parts ; 23 is T , or ...
Side 13
... first , which is , To reduce a Vulgar Fraction into a Decimal of the fame Value . Rule . As the Denominator of the Vulgar Fraction is to its Numerator , so is 10 , 100 , 1000 , & c . ( or any other Num- ber , which is intended for a ...
... first , which is , To reduce a Vulgar Fraction into a Decimal of the fame Value . Rule . As the Denominator of the Vulgar Fraction is to its Numerator , so is 10 , 100 , 1000 , & c . ( or any other Num- ber , which is intended for a ...
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Vanlige uttrykk og setninger
12 Inches acroſs alſo Anſwer Axis Bafe Baſe Baſe A B becauſe Breadth called Caſk Center Chord Circle Circum Circumference Compaſſes Cone conſequently Conſtruction Crample Cube Root Cyphers deſcribe the Arch Dimenſions Diſtance divide Dividend Divifor draw the Line Ellipsis Example fame Feet Figure find the Area find the Solidity Firſt Fruftum fubtract Geometrical give the Solidity given Number half Hexaëdron Hyperbola Icofaëdron Inches interſecting itſelf Lastly Latus Rectum leſs Let ABCD Line A B Line given Magic Squares Mean Proportional meaſure Middle multiplied muſt Operation Parabola Parallelogram Platonic Solids Point Problem Pyramid Quotient Reſolvend Rhombus Right Angle Right Line Rule ſame Segment ſet one Foot ſeveral ſhould ſmall Solid Content Solidity required ſome Spheroid ſquare Square Root ſtanding Stereometry ſuch Superficial Content Suppoſe Theorem theſe thoſe Tranſverſe Diameter Trapezium Triangle Uſe Vertex Vulgar Fraction whole Number whoſe whoſe Baſe whoſe Sides
Populære avsnitt
Side 95 - To divide a given straight line into two parts, so that the rectangle contained by the whole, and one of the parts, shall be equal to the square of the other part. Let AB be the given straight line; it is required to divide it into two parts, so that the rectangle contained by the whole, and one of the parts, shall be equal to thcsquare of the other part.
Side 181 - Rule: To twice the square of the middle diameter, add the square of the diameter of...
Side 33 - Multiply the two given numbers together, and extract the square root of the product, which root will be the mean proportional sought. EXAMPLES. (1) What is the mean proportional between 4 and 9 ? (2) What is the mean proportional between 16 and 36?
Side 149 - For the surface of a segment or frustum, multiply the whole circumference of the sphere by the height of the part required.
Side 120 - As 7 is to 22, so is the diameter to the circumference. Or as 113 is to 355, so is the diameter to the circumference. • Or as 1 is to 3.1416, so is the diameter to the circumferenc".
Side 138 - This error, though it. is b«! small, when the depth and breadth are pretty near equal, yet if the difference...
Side 175 - To find the solidity of a spheroid. — Multiply the square of the revolving axe by the fixed axe, and this product again by -5236, and it will give the solidity required.
Side 213 - DF'E. Hence the entire area of the (!i GP cycloid is equal to three times the area of the generating circle.
Side 133 - To find the side of a square equal in area to any given superfices.
Side 28 - Divifion, write the anfwer in the Quotient, and alfo on the right hand of the Divifor...