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" To find the solidity of a spheroid. — Multiply the square of the revolving axe by the fixed axe, and this product again by -5236, and it will give the solidity required. "
The Young Geometrician's Companion: Being A New and Comprehensive Course of ... - Side 175
av Richard Turner - 1787 - 240 sider
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An Introduction to Mensuration and Practical Geometry

John Bonnycastle - 1829 - 256 sider
...(I{2_|_j.2_| -- \ Xi_ ; which is the rule. 3 ii PROBLEM XVI. To find the solidity of a spheroid. RULE.* Multiply the square of the revolving axe by the fixed...by .5236, and it will give the solidity required. Where note that .5236 is=| of 3.1416. / EXAMPLES. 1. In the prolate spheroid ABCD, the transverse,...
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An Introduction to Mensuration and Practical Geometry

John Bonnycastle - 1848 - 320 sider
...diameter of each end, and A=its height. PROBLEM XVI. To find the solidity of a spheroid. • RULE.* Multiply the square of the revolving axe by the fixed...by .5236, and it will give the solidity required. Where note that .6236 is=i of 34416. EXAMPLES. 1. In the prolate spheroid A BCD, the transverse, or...
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The Practical Model Calculator: For the Engineer, Mechanic, Machinist ...

Oliver Byrne - 1851 - 310 sider
...+ 33-33) x 10 x 1-5708 = 189-58 x 10 x 1-5708 = 1895-8 x 1-5708 = 2977-92264 solid inches. To find the solidity of a spheroid. — Multiply the square...by -5236, and it will give the solidity required. •5236 is = I of 3-1416. In the prolate spheroid ABCD, the transverse, or fixed axe AC is 90, and...
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The Practical Model Calculator: For the Engineer, Mechanic, Machinist ...

Oliver Byrne - 1852 - 600 sider
...the height of the segmentMultiply the product thus found by the square of the height of the segment, and this product again by -5236, and it will give the solidity requiredIn the prolate spheroid DEFD, the transverse axis 2 DO is 100, the conjugate AC 60, and the...
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The Practical Model Calculator, for the Engineer, Mechanic, Machinist ...

Oliver Byrne - 1863 - 600 sider
...+ 33-33) x 10 x 1-5708 = 189-58 x 10 x 1-5708 = 1895-8 x 1-5708 = 2977-92264 solid inches. To find the solidity of a spheroid. — Multiply the square...by -5236, and it will give the solidity required. ,5236 is = I of 3-1416. In the prolate spheroid ABCD, the transverse, or fixed axe AC is 90, and the...
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Industrial Engineering: A Handbook of Useful Information for ..., Volum 1

William Miller Barr - 1918 - 650 sider
...the product again by 1.5708, will give the solidity. To Find the Solidity of a Spheroid. — Rule: Multiply the square of the revolving axe by the fixed...axe, and this product again by .5236, and it will given the solidity required. Where note that .5236 = i of 3.1416. To Find the Content of the Middle...
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