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" Multiply the two given numbers together, and extract the square root of the product, which root will be the mean proportional sought. EXAMPLES. (1) What is the mean proportional between 4 and 9 ? (2) What is the mean proportional between 16 and 36? "
The Young Geometrician's Companion: Being A New and Comprehensive Course of ... - Side 33
av Richard Turner - 1787 - 240 sider
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A System of Practical Mathematics: ... With a Plain Account of the Gregorian ...

John Potter - 1753 - 568 sider
...The Area of a Circle being given, to find the Circumference. Rule. Multiply the given Area by 12.566, and extract the Square Root of the Product, which Root will be the Circumference of the Circle whofe Area was fo multiplied. Exam. The Area of a Circle being 226.9, to...
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The Tutor's Guide: Being a Complete System of Arithmetic; with Various ...

Charles Vyse - 1785 - 356 sider
...Weight? Anf. 65,19631b. The general Rule for Queftions of this Sort is, to multiply the two Weights together, and extract the Square Root of. the Product, which Root will be the true Weight. • ; 2. A Stone, weighing 40 Ib. is by Accident broken into four Pieces, by which may...
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The Tutor's Guide, Being a Complete System of Arithmetic: With Various ...

Charles Vyse - 1806 - 342 sider
...Weight ? Ans. 6o,l96,5lb. The general Rule for Questions of this Sort is, to multiply the two Weights together, and extract the Square Root of the Product, which Root will be the true Weight. (2) A Stone weighing 40lb. is by Accident broken into four Pieces, by which may be weighed...
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A New and Complete System of Arithmetick: Composed for the Use of the ...

Nicolas Pike - 1809 - 312 sider
...proportional between tivo numbers. iiuLE. Multiply the given numbers together, and extract the fquare root of the product ; which root will be the mean proportional fought. EXAMPLE. ., . . .. - , What is the mean proportional bstween 24 and 96 ? • ^96X24=48 Anfv?er. PROB....
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A New and Complete System of Arithmetic: Intended for the Use of Schools and ...

Caleb Alexander - 1813 - 152 sider
...APPLICATION AND USE OF THE SQUARE ROOT. To ßnd a mam proportional between too manten. RULB. Multiply the given numbers together, and extract the square root...product, which root will be the mean proportional sought. ' EXAMPLES. 1 What is the mean proportionaj between 49 and 64 ] 49 .",-'.' 64 3136(56 Лп».....
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The Tutor's Guide: Being a Complete System of Arithmetic; with Various ...

Charles Vyse - 1815 - 342 sider
...The USE of the SQUARE ROOT. Case 1. To find a mean proportional between any two given numbers. RULE. Multiply the two given numbers together, and extract...product, which root will be the mean proportional sought. EXAMPLES. (1) What is the mean proportional between 4 and 9 ? (2) What is the mean proportional...
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A New and Complete System of Arithmetick: Composed for the Use of the ...

Nicolas Pike - 1822 - 560 sider
...The Area of a Circle being given, to find the circumference. RULE. Multiply the given area by 12-566, and extract the square root of the product, which root will be the circumference required. EXAMP. The area of a circle being 113 03 to find the circumference. 12-566...
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A Short System of Practical Arithmetic: Compiled from the Best Authorities ...

William Kinne - 1829 - 248 sider
...OF THE SQUARE ROOT. CASE 1 . — To find a mean proportional between any two given numbers RULE. — Multiply the two given numbers together, and extract...square root of the product, which root will be the number sought. EXAMPLE. What is the mean proportional between 16 and 36? v/36xl6=24. Ans. CASE 2. —...
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A Short System of Practical Arithmetic: Compiled from the Best Authorities ...

William Kinne - 1831 - 248 sider
...SQUARE ROOT. CASE 1.— To find a mean proportional between any two given numbers. RCt.K.—Multiply the two given numbers together, and extract the square root of the product, which root will be the number sought. EXAMPLE. What is the mean proportional between 16 and 36 ! v/36x 16=24. Ans. CASK 2.—...
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The Columbian Calculator: Being a Practical and Concise System of Decimal ...

Almon Ticknor - 1846 - 274 sider
...of 201 ? Ans. 41. APPLICATION. To find a mean proportional between two numbers. RULE. Multiply the given numbers together, and extract the square root of the product, which will be the mean proportional sought. 30 What is the mean proportional between 24 and 96 1 Ans. ^96X24=48....
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