
There has been an average of one hundred and forty pupils during the past year in the Asylum for Idiots, which was its full capacity; of these, one hundred and twenty-three were beneficiaries of the State. The Inebriate Asylum will be opened during the present month. The enhanced prices of the necessaries of life will render the patronage of the State peculiarly important, and these noble charities will undoubtedly receive at your hands that continued support to which they are justly entitled.

I renew my recommendation for the appointment of a member of the medical profession as a Commissioner of Lunacy, whose duty it shall be to examine into the condition of the insane confined in the alms-houses, jails and private lunatic asylums.


The annual reports of the members of my military staff will present much important statistical matter as well as correspondence of interest. They embrace a detailed account of the number of volunteers raised, organization of militia, their service in Pennsylvania and Baltimore, condition of the State arsenals and armories, the fortified defences of the State, the details of the medical department, the relief afforded to sick and wounded soldiers, and other facts for your consideration.

The Bureau of Military Statistics is accomplishing the objects of its mission. Its collections embrace invaluable official and historical material, illustrating the part the State has taken in the war, biographies of volunteers, histories of regiments and other organizations, and an account of the aid afforded by towns, cities and counties. No other

State has so systematically entered upon the work of preserving these important records, so honorable to our people and so justly due the brave men who are risking their lives, and those who are so munificently responding to the demands of the period.


By an Act passed by the Legislature, in 1859, the amount due the New York soldiers of the war of 1812 was ascertained and certificates were given therefor. The honor of the State and justice to a suffering class of men require that these certificates should be paid by the State and be held as claims against the General Government.


The condition of the Colleges and Academies will be exhibited in the Report of the Regents of the University. While these institutions have liberally contributed to the rank and file of the army, their present numbers are but little diminished below those of former years. Amid the agitations of war the cause of liberal learning has not been neglected.


The Superintendent of Public Instruction reports as follows:

Moneys appropriated for the support of Common Schools during the year, from the following sources, viz:

Public School Moneys, including mill tax.... $1,345,247 64 Voluntary taxation in the School Districts..

Rate bills...

Other sources.


2,095,719 71

363,756 48

76,731 13


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Total number of children between the ages of

four and twenty-one years..


Number of children who have attended school at any time during the year.


Teachers employed at the same time for six

months or more.


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Number of months' school by qualified teachers.
Average number of months' school...

Number of volumes in district libraries..






Number of pupils attending the Normal School

during the year....


Number of teachers instructed in Teachers' Institutes.


Number of teachers in Teachers' Classes in


Amount of money to be apportioned by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for the support of common schools for the current fiscal year...

$1,419,841 11

In view of the dignity and value of the office of Teacher, urge upon the public the duty of giving an enlarged pay for their services at this time when the expenses of living are heavily increased. The pay of most classes of persons in public or private employment has been increased. It would be disreputable to our people if those who educate their children should be excepted from this rule. In no other way can competent teachers be retained.

I commend to your favorable consideration the Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents in the city of New York, and the House of Refuge of Western New York. STATE PRISONS.

The Inspectors of State Prisons report that these institutions have recovered from the embarrassment under which they labored during the two years immediately succeeding the commencement of our national troubles. The prostration of business had a serious effect upon prison labor and prison finances.

Parties holding contracts for prison labor were in many cases largely engaged in southern trade. The cessation of that trade, the losses of debt which grew out of it, and the closing up of the ordinary channels of business, necessarily caused serious losses. But during the past year there has been a decided improvement, and the total cash receipts of the three prisons during that period

Are reported at....

The earnings for the same period are stated at... And the expenditures for the same period for the support of the prison, not including buildings and repairs, are stated at

$256,195 69

228,330 74

266,580 80

A portion of the receipts, however, are to be credited to the arrears that accrued during the previous two years. The Inspectors have for several years earnestly requested that Sing Sing prison be placed in a more secure and favorable position by having a proper guard wall constructed. The absence of such wall makes a larger force of officers and guards necessary, and therefore there is, compared with other prisons, a larger yearly expense for guarding the prison.

The pay roll at Auburn averages per month....

At Clinton

At Sing Sing

$2,861 00

2,408 00

4,354 00

The average number of convicts the past year is stated

[blocks in formation]

The number of convicts in prison September 30, 1863,

[blocks in formation]

By recent acts of the Legislature convicts can, by good behavior, shorten the terms of their imprisonment twentyfour days in each year. I advise an extension of this system. It should be so graduated that it will give more encouragement to convicts sentenced for long terms. Those who behave well for many years give stronger evidences of reformation than can be shown by those confined for shorter periods. An allowance for good conduct should be made of one month on each of the first two years; of two months on each succeeding year to the fifth year; of three months on each following year to the tenth year; and of four months on each remaining year of the terms of their imprisonment. Under this system a person sentenced for five years can reduce his term to four years and four months; those for ten years to eight years and one month; those for fifteen years to eleven years and five months.

This will be humane and wise; it will encourage hopes and form habits essential to reformation. It will not un

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