
entirely consistent with its having been derived from a vaguely memorized report of spoken words.

In sum, the indications now seem to be that Ingersoll's oration, notwithstanding its having appeared in print at a later date than the first published version of the phrase, is nevertheless its source. It is precisely such as Ingersoll might have invented, - epigramatic and fetching. And yet still further search may show that it was derived by Ingersoll himself from some source still more remote. No evidence has been adduced, or is likely to be, that it originated with Lincoln or was ever used by him.




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Babson, R. W. The Future of Nations: How Prosperity Must Come. Boston: Babson Statistical Organization. 1914.

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Holdsworth, J. T. Money and Banking. New York: D. Appleton. 1914. pp. 439. $2.00.

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Madison: Cantwell Printing Co. 1914. pp. 289.


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Reid, D. C. Capital and Profits. Springfield: Hazard. 1914. pp. 221. $1.40.

Secrist, Horace. An Economic Analysis of the Constitutional Restrictions upon Public Indebtedess in the United States. Madison: University of Wisconsin. 1914. pp. 131. 40 cents. (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, No. 637.)

Shurtleff, Flavel. Carrying Out the City Plan: The Practical Application of American Law in the Execution of City Plans. New York: Survey Associates. 1914. pp. 349. $2.00. (Russell

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Stalker, Archibald. Taxation of Land Values in Western Canada.

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Survey Associates. 1914. pp. 252. $1.50. (Russell Sage


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