Andréadés, A. BOOKS RECEIVED Financial Administration of the Nations in the Ionian Islands. 2 vols. Athens: Hestia. 1914. pp. 415, 350. (In Greek, with a French preface and table of contents. The period chiefly covered is the 17th and 18th centuries.) Argentine Republic, Buenos Aires. Year-Book of the City of Buenos Aires, 1913. Buenos Aires: Government. 1915. pp. 327. Argentina, Ministerio de Agriculture. Censo Comercial e Industrial de la República, Boletín No. 20. Buenos Aires: Ministerio de Agricultura. 1915. pp. 84. Babcock, K. C. The Scandinavian Element in the United States. Urbana: University of Illinois. 1915. pp. 223. $1.15. (University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences.) Barron, C. W. The Audacious War. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. 1915. pp. 192. $1.00. Beard, Mary R. Woman's Work in Municipalities. D. Appleton & Co. 1915. pp. 344. $1.50. New York: Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von. Kapital und Kapitalzins, Erste Abteilung: Geschichte und Kritik der Kapitalzinsteorien. Innsbruck: Wagner. 1915. pp. 747. M. 18. (Third edition, revised; thus completing the 3d edition of the entire work.) Bennett, W. P. The History and Present Position of the Bill of Lading. Cambridge, Eng.: University Press. 1915. pp. 101. 48. Cartwright, O. G., and Anthony, Katharine. The Middle West Side. Mothers Who Must Earn. New York: Survey Associates. 1915. pp. 67, 223. $2.00. (Russell Sage Foundation, West Side Studies, carried on under the direction of Pauline Goldmark.) Carver, T. N. Essays in Social Justice. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1915. pp. 429. $2.00. Casualty Actuarial & Statistical Society of America. Proceedings of the Inaugural Meeting. Lancaster, Pa.: New Era Printing Co. 1915. pp. 76. Clarke, A. G. A Text-Book on National Economy. London: P. S. King & Son. 1915. pp. 105. 38. 6d. Cole, W. M. Accounts: Their Construction and Interpretation. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. 1915. vised and enlarged edition.) pp. 445. $2.25. (Re De Witt, B. P. The Progressive Movement. A Non-partisan, Comprehensive Discussion of Current Tendencies in American Politics. New York: Macmillan. 1915. pp. 376. $1.50. (In Citizen's Doraiswami, S. V. Indian Finance, Currency and Banking. Madras: S. V. Doraiswami. 1915. pp. 176, lxxxii. Rs. 2/8. Drum, John S. Brief: Reciting the Facts which sustain the Position of the Banks of California with Respect to the Proposed Increase in the Rate of State Taxation. Legislative Committee of the California Bankers' Association. 1915. pp. 20. Eldridge, Seba. Sociology. $1.00. Ellwood, C. A. Problems of Community Life: An Outline of Applied The Social Problem. New York: Macmillan. 1915. pp. 255. $1.25. England, Board of Trade. Seventeenth Abstract of Labour Statistics. London: Government Printing Office. 1915. pp. 348. 18. 6d. Gehlke, C. E. Emile Durkheim's Contributions to Sociological Theory. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. 1915. pp. 188. $1.50. (Columbia University Studies, Vol. LXIII, No. 1.) Gould, C. P. Money and Transportation in Maryland, 1720-1765. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press. 1915. pp. 176. (Johns Hopkins University Studies.) Harris, R. S. Practical Banking, with a Survey of the Federal Reserve Act. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. 1915. pp. 309. $1.75. Haworth, P. L. America in Ferment. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. 1915. pp. 477. Holt, L. H. An Introduction to the Study of Government. York: Macmillan. 1915. pp. 388. $2.00. New Hooper, W. E. Railroad Accounting. New York: Appleton. 1915. pp. 461. $2.00. Hutchinson, Lincoln. The Panama Canal and International Trade Competition. New York: Macmillan. 1915. pp. 283. $1.75. Italy, Institut International d'Agriculture. Annuaire International de Statistique Agricole, 1911 et 1912. Rome: L'Institut International d'Agriculture. 1915. pp. 622. 5 frs. Kellor, F. A. Out of Work: A Study of Unemployment. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1915. pp. 569. $1.50. King, C. L. Lower Living Costs in Cities: A Constructive Program for Urban Efficiency. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1915. pp. 355. $1.50. Lippincott, Isaac. A History of Manufactures in the Ohio Valley to the Year 1860. New York: Knickerbocker Press. 1915. pp. 214. McFarlane, John. Economic Geography. New York: Macmillan. 1915. pp. 560. $2.25. National Tax Association. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference. Madison: National Tax Association. 1915. pp. 499. Rappard, W. E. La Révolution industrielle et les origines de la protection légale du travail en Suisse. Berne: Staempfli & Cie. 1915. pp. 343. 8.75 fr. Reed, Susan Martha. Church and State in Massachusetts 1691-1740. Urbana: University of Illinois. 1915. pp. 208. $1.05. Ricci, Umberto. Les bases théoriques de la statistique agricole internationale. Rome: L'Institut International d'Agriculture. 1915. pp. 314. 5 fr. Rohrbach, Paul. German World Policies. New York: Macmillan. 1915. pp. 243. $1.25. (Translated by Edmund von Mach.) Rose, J. H. The Origins of the War. Cambridge, Eng.: The Univer sity Press. 1915. Cambridge, 1914.) pp. 201. $1.00. (Lectures delivered at Scott, J. F. Historical Essays on Apprenticeship and Vocational Smithsonian Institution. Annual Report for 1913. Washington: Suffern, A. E. Conciliation and Arbitration in the Coal Industry of America. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co. 1915. pp. 376. $2.00. (Hart, Schaffner and Marx Prize Essays in Economics.) Tangorra, Vincenzo. Trattato di Scienza della Finanza, Vol. I. Milan: Società Editrice Libraria. 1915. pp. 884. L. 20. Tennessee, Committee to Investigate Assessment and Taxation. Report. Nashville: McQuiddy Printing Co. 1915. pp. 108. True, Ruth S. Boyhood and Lawlessness. The Neglected Girl. New York: Survey Associates. 1915. pp. 215, 143. (Russell Sage Foundation, West Side Studies, carried on under the direction of Pauline Goldmark.) $2.00. U. S. Department of Labor. Government Aid to Home Owning and Housing of Working People in Foreign Countries. Government Printing Office. 1915. pp. 451. Series No. 5.) Washington: (Miscellaneous Uruguay, Director General de Estadística. Anuario Estadístico, 190910, Libro XXII, Tomo II. 1915. pp. 449. Wagel, S. R. Finance in China. and Herald. 1915. pp. 503. Wheeler, H. D. Are We Ready? 1915. pp. 228. $1.50. Montevideo: Juan J. Dornaleche. Shanghai: North China Daily News Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. Wickware, Francis G. (Editor). The American Year Book, 1914. New York: Appleton. 1915. pp. 862. Women's Educational and Industrial Union. The Public Schools and Women in Office Service. Boston: Women's Educational and Industrial Union. 1915. pp. 187. 80c. (Studies in Economic Relations of Women, Vol. VIII.) The Quarterly Journal of Economics Published by Harvard University Books, periodicals, and manuscript to be addressed, EDITORS of QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, Cambridge, Mass. Business letters to be addressed, HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2 University Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Subscription, $3.00 a year. 1. Editor F. W. TAUSSIG T. N. CARVER W. Z. RIPLEY O. M. W. SPRAGUE C. J. BULLOCK E. F. GAY W. M. COLE B. M. ANDERSON, Jr. CONTENTS FOR FEBRUARY, 1915 WOMEN'S WORK AND WAGES IN THE UNITED STATES II. THE CONTEST IN CONGRESS BETWEEN ORGANIZED LABOR IV. MONOPOLY OR COMPETITION AS THE BASIS OF A GOV- V. WAGES BOARDS IN AUSTRALIA III. Organization and Procedure VI. DEPRECIATION AND RATE CONTROL A Criticism A Reply A Rejoinder Concluding Comments REVIEWS: The Economic Synthesis Marconcini's L'Industria Domestica Salariata NOTES AND MEMORANDA: C. E. Persons Philip G. Wright C. Bertrand Thompson Robert Liefmana Deposit Guaranty in Mississippi Lincoln and the Tariff: A Sequel CONTENTS FOR MAY, 1915 1. AMERICAN GOLD AND SILVER PRODUCTION IN THE FIRST II. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN TAXATION IN OHIO III. REVIEWS: IV. Social and Economic Results of Wages Boards Moore's Economic Cycles Two Biographies of Inventors: Dickinson's Life of Fulton and NOTES AND MEMORANDA: The Economic Synthesis: A Reply Depreciation and Rate Control: A Question of Justice COPYRIGHT, 1915, BY HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Joseph S. Davis Clive Day Willard C. Fisher Thornton Cooke C. H. Haring Oliver C. Lockhart Melvin T. Copeland M. B. Hammond Philip G. Wright F. W. Taussig Achille Loria [Entered as Second-class Mail Matter. |