

The study of the distribution of the rains supposes that of the winds - Difference of temperature the principal cause of the winds Theory of the general winds-The winds of the tropical regions -Trade winds of the Pacific Ocean - Trade winds of the Atlantic. The monsoons of the Indian seas- The winds of the temperate regions - Two general currents; the return trade wind, or equatorial wind, and the polar currents - The conflicts of the two, and the variable winds - Lateral displacement of the currents, and their influence upon the temperature, the productions of the soil, and commerce The law of the rotation of the winds-The atmospheric water falling back into rain-Circumstances favorable to the precipitation of vapors - The rains of the tropical zone — -The rains in the region of the monsoons - Annual quantity of the rain-water under the tropics - Distribution and annual quantity of the rain in the temperate regions.

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Modifications of the general laws of distribution of the rains Decrease of the quantity of rain waters and of rainy days, from the sea-board towards the inlands - Numerous exceptions, and their causes Influence of the mountains and the table lands in the two worlds-Distribution of rain in South America; in North America; in Africa; in Europe; in Asia; in Australia - Special hygrometrical character of each continent - Difference between the Old and the New World, corresponding to the nature of their relief-Mixture of the continental and the oceanic element - Influence on organized beings-Superiority of the zone of contact, or the maritime zone.



The marine currents - The motion of the seas due to other causes than that of the continental waters-Various causes of the marine currents - Differences of temperature the principal, acting indirectly by the winds, directly by the unequal density of the waters - Coincidence between the great atmospheric currents and the marine currents - System of general currents The Equatorial current and the Polar currents

The currents of the Pacific Ocean; of the Indian Ocean; of the Atlantic Ocean-Contrast of the Old World and the NewDisposition of their continental masses- Consequences - The Old World the Continental; the New the Oceanic-The first essentially temperate, the second tropical - Special character of the New WorldIts structure more simple-Abundance of its waters-Vegetation predominates on the Animal World - Incomplete development of the higher animals - Influence on the indigenous man Conclusions. 186


Geographical characteristics of the Old World - The Continent of Asia-Europe - Comparison of its structure with that of AmericaThe continental climate prevailing in the Old World — Consequences -Vegetation less abundant - Preponderance of the animal world The Old World the country of the higher and historical races Reciprocal action of the two worlds by means of man — Establishment of the man of the Old World in the New. Historical America

compared with Europe - Alliance of the two worlds; solution of the contrast



Contrast of the three continents of the North and the three continents of the South - Physical characteristics of the two groups; the former more articulated, more consolidated, more similar; the latter more entire, more isolated, more different - These differences and analogies reproduced in the vegetation and the animal world - The three continents of the North temperate; the three of the South tropical Superiority of the tropical climate in nature. - Gradual increase of life, of the variety and improvement of the types of organized beings, in proportion to the warmth, from the poles to the equatorial regions-Man alone forms an exception-Law of the distribution cf the human races. Geographical centre of mankind marked by the race of the highest perfection — Gradual degeneracy of the human type towards the southern extremities of the continents -The geographical distribution of the races of man and the animals founded upon a different principle-Advantage of the temperate climate for the improvement of man.、

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The continents of the North considered as the theatre of history Asia-Europe; contrast of the North and South; its influence in history; conflict of the barbarous nations of the North with the civilized nations of the South- Contrast of the East and WestEastern Asia a continent by itself and complete; its nature; the Mongolian race belongs peculiarly to it; character of its civilization - Superiority of the Hindoo civilization; reason why these nations have remained stationary-Western Asia and Europe; the country of the truly historical races - Western Asia; physical description; its historical character: Europe- the best organized for the development of man and of societies; America - future to which it is destined by its physical nature.



Geographical march of history - Asia the cradle of civilization Common character of the primitive nations - Powerful influence of nature- The human race in its infancy lives under authority, which becomes slavery - Civilization passes to Europe-Greece; period of youth; emancipation, and intellectual and moral development; action on the East and West; the Greek the teacher of the world — Rome; her work political and social-Inability of the Ancient World to attain the end of humanity - Coming of Christ; his doctrines new in a historical point of view - The Germanic Christian world begins their application - Civilization passes to the North, and embraces all Europe; its different phases-Europe owes it to the rest of the world - Discovery of America - Universal inroad of the civilized nations - Social work begun at the same time-America must finish it-The people of the future; by what signs recognized - Conclusions - Foreseen solution of the contrast of the three Northern continents and the three Southern-Duties of the privileged races towards the inferior A few words upon the method pursued - Science and

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Subject of the course — What should be understood by Geography Definition of Physical Geography-The life of the globe-Importance of the geographical forms of contour and relief, and of their relative situation · The Earth as the theatre of human societies Different parts performed by the continents in history — Asia, Europe, America-Inquiry into the analogies of the general forms of the continents.

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In asking your attention to a few scientific discourses, in a language not your own, I have not disguised from myself that this circumstance is perhaps a source of embarrassment for some of you, as it certainly is for me. In the communion of mind with mind, in the mutual interchange of ideas, the first condition necessary for establishing between him who speaks and those that hear, the sympathetic harmony which makes its charm, is, that the word shall reach the understanding without obstacle and without effort.

In my favor you have made the sacrifice of your language. I need not tell you, that, on my part, I will do

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