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(125) "THE LITANY."

(126) Against the Rubric,] ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, (&c.)

(127) In the Rubric.] sung or

(128) First Versicle and Response.] O God the Father of Heaven:

(129) Third Versicle and Response.] proceeding from the Father, and the Son:

(130) Sixth Versicle.] From all evil and mischief, from sin, from the crafts and assaults of the devil;

(131) Ibid. The comma at the end.]

In the corner of the page, this Note, partly in shorthand :-" me. ô y/ fa :, Creator 11-Eh." Apparently meaning the first line of the text, as here amended, viz.- "O God the Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth." In the margin also, there is noted a Query, thus:-"q. heavenly father."

On the interleaf are these Notes.] "The Litany never to be sung." "Qu. if an Alias, or shorter Litanie to be us'd upon Occasion ?"


Twice altered thus.] O God the Father, Creator of Heaven & Earth:

Twice altered thus.] our Sanctifyer & Comforter:

Altered thus.] Good La, Pserve & deliv us from all evil and mischief, from sin, from all the deceits (& temptatioōs q) of the world, the Flesh, and the devil;

Changed to a full point.

The Printed Text, 1683-86.

(132) Between the sixth Response, and the seventh Versicle.]

(133) Seventh Versicle.] From all blindness of heart;

(134) Ibid.] malice, and all uncharitableness,

(135) Eighth Versicle and Response.] From fornication, and all other deadly sin, and from all the deceits of the world, the flesh, and the devil,

Good Lord deliver us.

(136) Ninth Versicle.] sudden death,

(137) Tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth Versicles. The comma at the end of each.]

(138) Twelfth Versicle.] Cross and Passion;

(139) Ibid.] and by the coming of the Holy Ghost,

(140) Fourteenth Versicle, at the end.]

(141) Fifteenth Versicle.] Keep
(142) Ibid.] most gracious

(143) Seventeenth Versicle] giving them the victory over all their enemies;

(144) Eighteenth Versicle.] Her Royal Highness

(145) Ibid. At the end.]

Alterations and Amendments, 1689.

The following new Versicle and Response inserted.]

From all Infidelitie & Error, from all Impietie & profaneness, frō all Superstition & İdolatry. Good La deliver us.

Struck out, and the following word made to begin with a capital, thus :-" From pride, vain-glory" &c.

Altered] Revenge, from all rash censure, contention & uncharitableness.

Struck out, and the two following substituted.] From drunkenness & Gluttony; from Sloth & misspending of our Time; From Fornication, Adultery & all unclean

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Alterations and Amendments, 1689.

Court of Parlament in all their Consultations, to ye Advancement of thy glory, ye good of thy Church, ye Safety hon" & welfare of their Majesties & their Kingdoms. We beseech thee to hear us Good La.

Two stars here refer to the following addition on the interleaf, so placed as to be doubtful whether intended for a new clause, or for a separate Versicle, there being no additional Response.] That it may please Thee to take their Majesties forces by sea & land into thy most gracious protection, & to make them victorious over all our Enemies.

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Struck out, and a star put at "love," referring to a proposed alteration on the interleaf, over which are the initials "B. P." (Bishop Patrick?) " love Thee above all things, to dread to offend thee & dil:This is followed by another proposed alteration, thus.] That it may please Thee to incline & enable us to pray allway wth fervt affection in ev'y thing to give thāks, to depend upo Thee & trust in Thee, to delight o'selves in Thee, & chearfully to resign o'selves to thy holy will & pleasure.

The semicolon altered to a full point, and a mark of insertion added; but the latter is struck out, in order to make the proposed insertion a separate Versicle. (See the next amendment.)

Added] That it may please Thee to endue us wth ye Graces of humility & meekness, of contentedness & patience, of True Justice, of Temperance & purity, of peaceableness & charitie.

We beseech thee to hear us, Good La.
Altered] such as

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The Printed Text, 1683-86.

(152) The four last Versicles and Responses, ("O Christ, hear us " &c.) and all the rest of the page, to the Gloria Patri inclusively.]

(153) In the Rubric before the Lord's Prayer.] Priest

(154) Against the Lord's Prayer.]

(155) In the Lord's Prayer.] Amen. (156) Before the Prayer, "O God merciful Father, that despisest not" &c.] ¶ Let us pray.

(157) After the Response, "O Lord, arise, help us, and deliver us for thine honour."] The Gloria Patri.

(158) Before the Prayer, "We humbly beseech thee," ] Let us pray. (159) In the same Prayer.] righteously (160) After the same Prayer.]

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