
naval force of Great Britain, and the embargo policy. Our navy was gallant and successful; but the government lacked the means, and the unanimous support of the people, requisite to increase it to the necessary strength. The administration did not act with the vigor and efficiency calculated to bring all sections and classes to its support, and the people had not yet the experience and knowledge of the value and strength of their own institutionsneedful to inspire confidence, so that they were critical and difficult to please, and this spirit impaired the efficiency of nearly all government measures. What they undertook could be only imperfectly done. The old soldiers of the Revolution were dead or unfit by age for good service, and time was necessary to train others and ascertain who had the necessary military capacity for conducting operations with success. Yet, under all these great difficulties, the United States came out of the war with the respect of the world, such as it had never before enjoyed. It became formidable to Europe as a great and vigorous power with which it was not safe to trifle.

This was still more clear when the government declared war on the Dey of Algiers, one of the pirate princes of the North of Africa, which, for hundreds of years, had made war on the commerce of all nations almost with impunity. Having violated their treaty with us, the President sent out an adequate naval force June 17-19- which captured two Algerine vessels of war, and threatened Algiers. The Dey, intimidated, immediately made peace, giving liberty to all prisoners without ransom, and full satisfaction for the injuries done to our commerce. No European nation had before so humbled these pirates, and it at once raised the credit of our government, and gained us respect and


June 30 The last hostile act at sea took place in the Straits of Sunda, in the East Indies, where the U. S. brig of war Peacock captured the Nautilus, a British sloop of war. Thus the three American vessels at sea when the war closed, each came home crowned with laurels. The British vessels captured during the war numbered 1,750-the American 1,683. The spirit and energy of the Americans, under all their embarrassments, gave an unmistakable indication of the future greatness and power of the United States. 1816.

The last two years' experience had taught the government and the people many important lessons by which they hastened to profit. The coast was fortified, the navy increased, manufactures and commerce encouraged, and the best measures that the wisdom of the times could suggest, employed to restore the finances. The violently factious opposition of parties was much moderated by the confidence gained to our government and institu

tions, and the evident folly of excessive fears. The Second U. S. Bank was chartered for 20 years, with a capital of $35,000,000.

Nov. 5-Governeur Morris, an eminent and excellent American statesman


Dec. 11-Indiana admitted into the Union as a State. James Monroe was, this autumn, elected President.




A new era for America commenced with this administration, or rather, reached its period of uninterrupted development; for the whole past history of the country had been a preparation for it, but especially so the late war and its results. The failure of the French revolution, and, finally, the failure of Napoleon Bonaparte and the re-establishment of the old monarchy in France, as a result of the excesses, first of the French republic, and then of the military interference of Bonaparte with the existing state of things in Europe, had an important influence in modifying the politics of the republican party in the United States; so that they came partially in Jefferson's administration, and completely by the close of Madison's, to follow the wise and vigorous policy pursued by Washington and the federal party; while the general government and the institutions of the country became deeply imbued with the regard to popular rights, and attention to the interests and will of the people that formed the leading idea of Jefferson and the original democrat, or, as it was then called, the republican party. Thus the two points of supreme importance, vigor in the general government, and security to the people, were happily mingled and wrought into the spirit and form of our institutions.

The leading events of Monroe's two administrations were the attention given to internal improvements-among which may be mentioned the Erie canal in New York, and the encouragements to manufactures-the acquisition of Florida from Spain, and a definite settlement of the slavery question (for the next thirty years only, as it proved,) by the Missouri compromise. The people now began to feel and act together, as a single nation, and material progress was rapid.


Mar. 3-The observance of the neutrality laws strictly enjoined on citizens of the United States by Congress.

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4-James Monroe, the fifth President, inaugurated. With his administration commences "the era of good feeling," as it was called. The bitterness of party controversy ceased.

June 24-Thos. McKean, of Del., signer of the Declaration of Independ

ence, died.

Dec. Mississippi admitted into the Union, and Alabama erected into a

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-A war broke out with the Seminole Indians, on the borders of Florida. It came near involving us in a war with Spain. Internal taxes are abolished by Congress.


Mar. 18-A law enacted giving pensions to indigent officers and soldiers. April 4-The Flag of the U.S. rearranged; the stripes to represent the thirteen original States, the stars the present number of States. 18-Illinois is authorized to form a state constitution.

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May 24 Gen. Jackson took Pensacola, Fla., from the Spaniards on account of the support given by them to the Indians.

Oct. 20-A treaty of commerce and for settling boundaries is made with England.


Feb. 23-A treaty for the session of Florida ratified by Congress, but not by the king of Spain until Oct. 20th, 1820.

Mar. 2-Arkansas organized into a territory.
Dec. 14-Alabama admitted into the Union.

In this year commenced the discussion on the balance between
the north and the south in relation to slavery. Missouri and
Maine both desire admission as States. The discussion resulted
in a settlement of the whole question Feb. 27th, 1821, by the appli-
cation of the "Missouri Compromise" to the admission of that


Feb. 15-Wm. Ellery, of R. I., signer of the Declaration of Independence,


Mar. 15-Maine admitted into the Union.

Aug. 23-Com. Perry, the hero of Lake Erie, died in the West Indies.

The 4th census was taken in this year.


Mar. 4—James Monroe inaugurated on his second term.

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Aug. 22-Gen. Jackson takes possession of Florida as its Governor. The U. 8. government paid $5,000,000 for Florida. The Spanish officers were reluctant and dilatory in giving up their places, and Gen. Jackson had occasion for his remarkably decisive action in dealing with them. The governor, Don Cavalla, refusing to give up certain papers according to the treaty, he sent him to prison until all the papers were produced, and banished six other Spanish officers who interfered with him.


June-A commercial treaty is negotiated with France. Capt. Allen, of the U. S. schooner Alligator, engages a band of pirates in the West Indies, captures one of their schooners, and recaptures five American vessels. Capt. Allen is killed.

The ports of the West India islands are opened to American commerce by the English government.

Com. Truxton, a meritorious naval officer-Gen. Stark, the hero of Bennington, Vt.,-and Wm. Lowndes, a statesman of S. C., died this year.

A new arrangement of the ratio of Representation gives one member of Congress to 40,000 inhabitants.


Com. Porter makes a successful expedition against the West Indian pirates.

This year our government acknowledged the independence of the South American Republics, and ministers were appointed to Mexico, Columbia, Buenos Ayres, and Chili.

A treaty for the mutual suppression of the slave trade was made by Great Britain and the United States.



April -American and Russian commissioners settle the boundaries between the two countries.

Aug. 15-Lafayette arrives from France. He was everywhere received as the guest of the people with the utmost affection and reverence. He spent a year visiting all parts of the Union.

A presidential election this autumn does not result in a choice, and the House of Representatives made selection of John Quincy Adams, from the candidates, according to a provision of the Constitution, anticipating such a case. A protective tariff was made this year to encourage cotton manufactures



Mar. 4—J. Q. Adams inaugurated sixth President.

"-An act of Congress establishes a navy yard at Pensacola, Fla. June 11-Dan. D. Tompkins, Vice-President with Monroe, died.

Nov. 10-Com. McDonough, the hero of Lake Champlain, died.


July 4-John Adams and Thos. Jefferson, whose lives were identified with the foundation and development of our institutions, simultaneously died on this day.

Sept. 11-Wm. Morgan, an anti-mason, mysteriously disappears, and is never again heard of.


An Anti-Mason party is formed, opposing secret societies. Much "politcal capital" is made of it.


The first considerable railroad was begun, and completed in May. It was nine miles long, a beginning of the wonderful transformation that was to be produced by this agent.


Feb. 11-De Witt Clinton, governor of N. Y. and originator of the Erie canal, died.

The tariff was amended and enlarged this year. This tariff was violently opposed in the South and produced the "Nullification Ordinances" of S. C., some time later.

In the fall of this year Gen. Andrew Jackson was elected President. 1829.

Feb. 29-The Virginia Legislature passes a resolution denying the right of Congress to pass a protective tariff law.

Mar. 4-Andrew Jackson inaugurated as President.

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Dan. Webster makes his great speech against nullification.


May 19-A treaty of friendship and commerce concluded with Brazil. "John Jay, ex-President of the Continental Congress, Chief Justice of the U. S., Governor of N. Y., etc., died. In purity of patriot. ism, moderation, and soundness of judgment, he came nearer to Washington than any of his contemporaries. He was above the reach of the violent party spirit that prevailed after Washington's retirement from public life.


May 7-A treaty made with Turkey gives U. S. commerce the freedom of the Black sea. The vigorous dealing of our government with the Barbary States secured the respect and friendship of Turkey. The important movement and interests of this year were connected with the progress of railroads (the first American built locomotive was made this year,) and the rapid rise of that great interest, and with the agitation produced by the nullification proceedings of South Carolina. That State claimed the right to pronounce upon, and disregard the enactments of Congress. This was subversive of the Constitution. It drew the "Key Stone" from the arch, and the whole structure of the Union would have fallen. No decisive action was reached till the year 1832.


May 29-The office of Solicitor of the Treasury created.

Jan. 10-The King of the Netherlands, being accepted as arbitrator of the

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