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District of New-York, ss.

BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the 21st day of September, in the thirty-fifth year of the Independence of the

United States of America, Williams & Whiting, of the said District, have deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof they claim as proprietors, in the words and figures following, to wit:

"The works of Alexander Hamilton comprising his most important official reports; an improved edition of "the Federalist, on the New Constitution, written in 1788; and Pacificus, on the Proclamation of Neutrality, "written in 1793. In three volumes. Vol. I."

In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled "An Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned." And also, to an Act, entitled " An Act, supplementary to an Act, entitled an Act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints."


Clerk of the District of New-York.



nothing came from his pen or his lips which should not be treasured up with care. But as the publishers had limited the present work to three volumes, they were solicitous to make the selection such as should prove most useful. In pursuit of this object they have been governed by the opinions of gentlemen well qualified to judge; and they indulge the belief that the public will fully sanction that judgment.

The first volume comprises the most important OFFICIAL REPORTS of that GREAT MAN, while Secretary of the Treasury of the United States.

In these documents are constellated more than the learning and the wisdom of other days. The native, the original conceptions of his creative genius, give life and light to every subject. Every page bears its own peculiar testimony to the vastness of his mind the soundness of his judgment -the clearness of his views and the integrity of his heart. The humblest peasant, who loves his country and participates in her weal and wo, as well as the statesman and politician whose feelings and interests are more particularly identified with the subject, will read these Reports with mingled wonder and delight.

The second and third volumes contain THE FEDERALIST, which was written shortly after the promulgation of the New Constitution, and addressed to the people of the state of New-York, with the view of explaining its principles, and enforcing the propriety and necessity of its adoption. The papers first appeared in the Gazettes of this city, in the order in which they are now published, and have since passed through two editions.

It had long been known that the FEDERALIST was not exclusively from the pen of Mr. Hamilton. Mr. Jay and Mr. Madison shared in the labour and the honour of these profound disquisitions. But it was not ascertained with any degree of certainty, which, or how many numbers were written by either of these gentlemen, till after the lamented death of Hamilton, when a private memorandum in his own hand-writing was found, containing the information which enables the publishers to designate with precision the authors of the several essays: Their names are accordingly prefixed to their respective productions in the body of the work. From these it appears, that five of the numbers were written by Mr. Jay, fourteen by Mr. Madison, three by Mr. Madison and Mr. Hamilton jointly, and sixty-four by Mr Hamilton alone.

"As all parties seem at length united in professions of regard for the Constitution; if they are sincere, this consideration cannot fail to enhance the value of a work which, by employing in its favour all the energy of argument, and all the persuasion of eloquence, was eminently useful in promoting its general ratification."

"Whoever is desirous of being well informed of the principles and provisions of our Government, and the manner in which they have been supported and vindicated; of the objections that were made to the Constitution by its first opposers; and how they were answered, will find in the Federalist ample and satisfactory instruction. The study of this work must form an essential part of the American statesman*. Politicians, indeed, of every country, will here discover materials in the science of government well worthy their attention-a science, of all others the most interesting to mankind, as it most deeply concerns human happiness. The Federalist contains principles that may be remembered and studied with advantage by all classes of men, in other countries than our own, and in other ages than that in which we live. The people of America alone have afforded the example of a republic purely representative. In this work it will appear, that this form of government has been well understood, and

* To the honour of our country, the respectable College in Providence, Rhode-Island, has introduced the FEDERALIST into the course of academic studies, as containing the best commentary on the principles of free government that can be found. It were well had other seminaries followed this example. The best results might be expected, if those who are to direct the future destinies of this vast empire, were early made familiar with political truths, so clear, practical, and demonstrative.

thoroughly developed; and if, unfortunately, the experiment which we have made should hereafter fail, vain will be the attempt to renew similar systems; for no reasonable hope can be entertained, that more correct notions on this subject will prevail than are here exhibited."

"PACIFICUS is from the pen of the same enlightened statesman, who was the chief author of the Federalist. These essays were written in defence of the first leading step which our government took to preserve the neutrality it continued to maintain during the late transatlantic conflict, which seems to have annihilated the minor powers of Europe, and has shaken the civilized world."

"Now that the storm has passed over, and the angry and tumultuous passions which at that time agitated our country, have in some measure subsided, these papers will be read with pleasure and profit, by the intelligent man of every party. Candour will probably wonder, that any one should have doubted of the fitness of those measures which this writer has so ably advocated, and which experience has so forcibly proved to have been the best adapted to the interests of the country. In what condition should we now have been, had our government given way to the enthusiasm which at that time swelled the bosoms of our countrymen in favour of the French revolution? If it had been suffered to pursue its own course, we should have been hurried into a war which would have added us to the victims of

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