


This bibliography, prepared by Miss Etta F. Philbrook, Librarian of the Bureau, is a list of important titles, either books or in periodicals, which appeared in the calendar year 1913 on the subject of labor in its broad aspect, and is divided into the following 29 sections:

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Statistik der Frauenund Kinderarbeit. In Gebiete und Methoden der amtlichen Arbeitsstatistik in den wichtigsten Industriestaaten. Beiträge zur Arbeiterstatistik no. 12. Prepared by the Kaiserliches Statistisches Amt, Abteilung für Arbeiterstatistik. Berlin. Carl Heymann. 1913. p. 378-433.

A study of official investigations of woman and child labor and reports on the subjects in the principal industrial countries of the world. Prepared by Dr. Abelsdorff for the division of labor statistics of the German imperial statistical office.

ALABAMA. FACTORY INSPECTOR. Annual report for the year ending Dec. 31, 1912. Montgomery. 1913. 144 p.

The report deals almost exclusively with child labor conditions in the factories of Alabama.

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BOSWELL, M. Louise. Child labor and need. National child labor committee pamphlet no. 194. New York. 1913. 11 p.

Results of a special study made from records of the Cincinnati bureau of vocational guidance. Reprinted from Child labor bulletin, v. 2, no. 1, p. 17-26, New York, May 1913.

BRAZIL. Um decreto do governo provisorio ácerca dos menores nas fabricas. In Boletim do departamento estadual do trab alho. v. 2. p. 35-40. São Paulo. 1st quarter of 1913.

A discussion of child labor in Brazil and the text of the decree of Jan. 17, 1891, regulating child labor in the republic.

BROWN, Edward F. Child labor in New York canning factories. In National child labor committee pamphlet. no. 188. New York. 1913. p. 1-8.

Reprinted from the Child labor bulletin, v. 1. no. 4, p. 12-18, New York, Feb. 1913.

The demoralizing environment of night messengers in southern cities. In Child labor bulletin. v. 2. no. 1. p. 138-141.

New York. May 1913.

The neglected human resources of the gulf coast states. In Child labor bulletin.

v. 2. no. 1. p. 112-116. New York. May 1913.

The toiling children of the gulf coast canneries. In National child labor committee pamphlet. no. 193. New York. 1913. p. 14-28.

Report of a field investigation, Jan.-Mar.


CALIFORNIA. Labor conditions in the canning industry. Special report of the California bureau of labor statistics. Sacramento. 1913. 34 p.

p. 20-34 are reprinted from bulletin no. 96 of United States bureau of labor a study of employment of women workers in the canneries of California by Marie L. Obenauer.

CAMPBELL, John C. From mountain cabin to cotton mill. National child labor committee pamphlet. no. 195. New York. 1913. 12 p.

Reprinted from Child labor bulletin, v. 2, DO. 1, p. 74-84, New York, May 1913.

Child Labor.

CAPITANT, H. Les accidents du travail survenus aux enfants âgés de moins de treize ans. Paris. Alcan. 1913.

A study of industrial injuries suffered by children under 13 years of age.

CHAMBERLAIN, Mary. The new bean bag. In Survey. v. 29. p. 664, 665. New York. Feb. 15, 1913.

Brief note on child labor in the canneries in New York.

Child labor and poverty. Child labor bulletin. no. 1. New York. National Child Committee. May 1913. (4),

v. 2. Labor

174 p.

Papers, addresses, and discussions of the 9th annual conference on child labor, Jacksonville, Fla., Mar. 13-17, 1913.

Child labor in canneries. Child labor bulletin. v. 1. no. 4. New York. National Child Labor Committee. Feb. 1913. (4), 95 p. Child labor in mines. In American federationist. v. 20. p. 32, 33. Washington.

Jan. 1913.

Child labor legislation fight in Pennsylvania. In Survey. v. 30. p. 297. New York. May 31, 1913. Child labor stories for children. Child labor bulletin. v. 2. no. 2. New York. National Child Labor Committee. Aug. 1913. 81 p.

"The child that toileth not." A reply to Mr. Dawley. National child labor committee pamphlet no. 186. New York. 1913.

8 p.

Reprinted from Child labor bulletin, v. 1, no. 4, p. 88-95, New York, Feb. 1913.

Child's burden in oyster and shrimp canneries. National child labor committee pamphlet no. 193. New York. 1913. 32 p.

Reports of an investigation made by Lewis W. Hine in 1911 and 1913 and Edward F. Brown in 1913 in canneries located on the Gulf coast from Louisiana to Florida and the Atlantic coast from Maryland to Florida. Mr. Hine's study appeared also in Child labor bulletin, v. 2, no. 1, p. 105-111, New York, May 1913, and was partially reprinted in Survey, v. 30, p. 167-172, New York, May 3, 1913.

CHUTE, Charles L. Child labor in Pennsylvania. In Survey. v. 29. p. 541, 542. New York. Jan. 25, 1913.

CLOPPER, Edward N.

The child merchants of the streets. National child labor committee pamphlet no. 203. New York. Dec. 1913.

4 p.

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the general assembly of 1913.
1913. 297 p.

An investigation of conditions in the cotton, silk, corset, metal, and rubber industries and in the alteration rooms of cloak and suit departments of department stores. Résumé of the report was given in Survey, v. 30, p. 736, New York, Sept. 20, 1913.

Construction of child labor statutes. In Yale law journal. v. 23. p. 175-179. New Haven, Conn. Dec. 1913.

Review of recent cases in the United States.

CONYNGTON, Mary. Employment of women and children in selected industries. v. 18 of Report on condition of woman and child wageearners in the United States. Senate doc. no. 645. 61st cong. 2d sess. WashingBureau of Labor. 1913. 531 p.


A study of the conditions of work, the labor force and the hours and earnings of women and children in the canning and preserving industry, the manufacture of boxes, cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, clocks and watches, confectionery, corsets, crackers and biscuits, hardware and metal specialties, hosiery and knit goods, woolen and worsted goods, jewelry, needles and pins, pottery, rubber goods, garments, and enameled ware. A statement of the general sanitary conditions is given for most of the industries. Chapter 2 gives statistical tables by industries. CRAISSAC, Abel. Âge d'admission au service de la clientèle dans les auberges, hôtels, etc. Procès-verbaux, enquête et documents. Paris. Conseil Supérieur du Travail. 1913. x, 82 p.

A report to the superior labor council by M. Craissac on the age of admission of children to service in hotels, restaurants, cafés, etc., together with minutes of proceedings of an investigation of the subject, by the superior labor council; tables giving statistics of child labor; and a résumé of legislation in Germany, Switzerland, and the United States. A résumé appeared in Bulletin du ministère du travail et de la prévoyance sociale, v. 20, p. 769-772, Paris, Aug. 1913.

Child Labor.

DEWEY, John. Some dangers in the present movement for industrial education. National child labor committee pamphlet no. 190. New York. 1913. 7 p.

Reprinted from the Child labor bulletin, v. 1. no. 4, p. 69-74, New York, Feb. 1913. ESCHENBRENNER, Josephine J. Day and night in a vegetable canning factory. A personal experience. In National child labor committee pamphlet. no. 188. New York. 1913. p. 41-45.

Reprinted from the Child labor bulletin, v. 1, no. 4, p. 19-23, New York, Feb. 1913. ESTEVA, Adalberto A. El trabajo de los menores y de las mujeres y las horas laborables. In Boletin del departamento del trabajo. v. 1. p. 401-404, 511-513. City of Mexico. Nov., Dec. 1913.

A résumé of measures for the protection of woman and child workers in European countries and the regulation of hours of labor.

FRANCE. L'application, en 1912, des lois

réglementant le travail. Travail des femmes et des enfants. In Bulletin du ministère du travail et de la prévoyance sociale. v. 20. p. 976-985, 1073-1090, 1206-1215. Paris. Oct., Nov., Dec. 1913.

Statistics of the application during 1912 of laws regulating the employment of women and children.

From school to job in Philadelphia. In Survey. v. 30. p. 98-100. New York. Apr. 19, 1913. GOLDMARK, Pauline and HALL, George A. Preliminary report on employment of women and children in mercantile establishments. In 2d report of New York state factory investigating commission. v. 2. Albany. J. B. Lyon Co. 1913. p. 11931270.

GOMPERS, Samuel. Child labor in the New York canneries. In American federationist. v. 20. p. 133-136. Washington. Feb. 1913.

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Factory and workshop orders (1913 edition). Issued by the home office. London. Wyman & Sons. 1913. 186 p.

Orders relating to health and sanitation, hours of labor, night work of male young persons, education of children, dangerous and unhealthy industries, tenement industries, home work, particulars of work and wages, etc.

Mines and quarries. General report with statistics for 1912. pt. 1. District statistics. Issued by the home office. London. Wyman & Sons. 1913. 49 p. [Cd. 7025.]

Statistics of persons employed, output, accidents, etc. Reviewed in Board of trade labour gazette, v. 21, p. 326, 327, London, Sept. 1913. The home office also issues reports for each district separately.

Mines and quarries. General report with statistics for 1912. pt. 2. Labour. Issued by the home office. London. Wyman & Sons. 1913. 146 p. [Cd. 7166.]

Statistics of persons employed, accidents, prosecutions, explosives used, coal-cutting machinery, safety lamps, employment of boys at mines.

Night employment of male young persons in factories and workshops. Minutes of evidence and appendices. Report of departmental committee. Issued by the home office. London. Wyman & Sons. 1913. 289 p. [Cd. 6711.]

Occupations of the people. In 16th abstract of labour statistics of the United Kingdom. London. Wyman & Sons. 1913. p. 294-318.

Statistics of persons employed in classified occupations in 1901 and 1891 with special statement of the numbers of men and boys, women and girls, and children under 14 years of age.

POPE, Samuel. Employment of children act, 1903. Report to home office on the byelaw made by the Devon county council. London. Wyman & Sons. 1913. 15 p. [Cd. 6988.]

Van boys and warehouse boys committee. Report of the departmental committee on the hours and conditions of employment of tan boys and warehouse boys, appointed by his majesty's principal secretary of state for the home department. London. Wyman & Sons. 1913. Report. 31 p. [Cd. 6886.] Minutes of evidence. 230 p. [Cd. 6887.]

Review of report and evidence in Board of trade labour gazette, v. 21, p. 290, 291, London, Aug. 1913.

Child Labor.

GUILD, Curtis. The eight-hour day for children under sixteen. Boston, Massachusetts Child Labor Committee. 1913. 8 p. HALL, George A. New child labor legislation in New York. In Survey. v. 31. p. 89, 90. New York. Oct. 25, 1913.

Physical examination for working papers in New York. In Survey. v. 31. p. 297. New York. Dec. 13, 1913. HAND, W. H. Need of compulsory education in the south. National child labor committee pamphlet no. 192. New York. 1913. 16 p.

Reprinted from Child labor bulletin, v. 1, no. 1, p. 73-84, June 1912.

HINE, Lewis W. Baltimore to Biloxi and back. The child's burden in oyster and shrimp canneries. In Survey. v. 30. p. 167-172. New York. May 3, 1913.

A partial reprint of material used in the National child labor committee pamphlet, no. 193, May 1913, p. 6-13, and in the Child labor bulletin, v. 2, no. 1, p. 105-111, New York, May 1913.

The child's burden in oyster and shrimp canneries. In Child labor bulletin. v. 2. no. 1. p. 105-111. New York.

May 1913.

This study, based on an investigation made in 1911 and 1913, was also printed in the National child labor committee pamphlet no. 193, New York, May 1913, p. 6-13, and partially reprinted in the Survey, v. 30, p. 167-172, New York, May 3, 1913.

Hygiene of occupations. v. 3, pt. 2 of transac

tions of the 15th international congress on hygiene and demography, Washington, Sept. 23-28, 1912. Edited by John S. FULTON. Washington. Superintendent of Documents. 1913. viii, p. 489-1049.

The volume contains a collection of papers dealing with various phases of occupational hygiene. Among the subjects considered in their relations to industrial hygiene are child labor, tenement-house manufacturing, and industrial accidents.

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INDIANA. STATE BUREAU OF INSPECTION. 1st annual report, 1912. Indianapolis. 1913. 572 p.

In addition to reports of inspections of factories, mercantile establishments, bakeries, laundries, hotels, printing offices, public buildings, quarries, mines, etc., the tables show numbers of women and children employed, wages paid, strikes, industrial statistics, and statistics of accidents.

JONES, Jerome. Child labor and low wages. In Child labor bulletin. v. 2. no. 1. p. 52-55. New York. May 1913. KELLEY, Florence. The child breadwinner and the dependent parent. In Child labor bulletin. v. 2. no. 1. p. 1-6. New York. May 1913.

A five cent toy and the two morals it teaches. In Survey. v. 31. p. 290. New York. Dec. 13, 1913. KINGSBURY, John A. both cause and

Child labor and poverty: effect.

In Child labor

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Reprinted from Child labor bulletin, v. 2, no. 1, p. 56-62, New York, May 1913.

LINDSAY, Samuel McCune. How to make child labor legislation more effective. National child labor committee pamphlet no. 197. New York. 1913. 12 p.

Reprinted from Child labor bulletin, v. 2, no. 1, p. 63-73, New York, May 1913. LOVEJOY, Owen R. Child labor and health. National child labor committee pamphlet no. 189. New York. 1913. 13 p. Reprinted from the Child labor bulletin, v. 1, no. 4, p. 57-68, New York, Feb. 1913.

Child labor. Contribution to "New year goals in social work, 1914." In Survey. v. 31. p. 349. New York. Dec. 27, 1913.

Eight hours for children. In Survey. v. 31. p. 58, 59. New York. Oct. 11, 1913.

Comment on the Massachusetts law. MCKELWAY, A. J. Child labor and poverty. In Survey. v. 30. p. 60-62. New York. April 12, 1913.

Notes on the 9th annual conference of the national child labor committee, Jacksonville, Fla.

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