[blocks in formation]

At Fort Ninety-six, 336.
Portrait and notice of, 336.
KOSSUTH, LOUIS. His tour in the United States, 511.
KOSZTA, MARTIN. Hungarian refugee, 518.

Labrador. Norwegian voyagers driven on the coast
Discovered by
of, in 1002; explored, in 1002, 35.
Cabot, in 1497, 46. Coast of, explored by Weymouth,


La Colle. Battle at, in 1814, 482.
Laconia. Territory of, 79, 80.

LA FAYETTE, General. His first interview with Wash-
At Bethle-
ington, 272. At Brandywine, 272, 453.
hem, 273. At Monmouth, 288. In Rhode Island, 289.
Obtains aid from France, for the American cause, 306.
His return from France, 1780, 821. In Virginia, 330,
839. Pursues Cornwallis, 1781, 339. Visits the United
States, in 1824, 453. Lays the corner-stone of a mon-
ument to De Kalb, 1825, 316. Portrait and notice of,

Lake Champlain. Discovered, 59.

Lake Erie. Battle near, in 1755, 190. Indians on, 19.
Lake George. Map of, 194.

Lake Huron. Discovered, 59. Indians on, 17.

Lake Michigan. Indians on, 18.

Lake Ontario. Indians on, 17.

Lake Superior, 18.

Lake Winnipeg, 31.

LAMB, JOHN, Colonel, 242, 270.

Lancaster, Massachusetts. Burnt, 127.

Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The Colonial Congress meets
at, 588.

Land. Price of, in Pennsylvania, in 1681, 96.

Lands. Public, of the United States, 372. Indian,

ceded to the United States, 24.

LANE, RALPH, Governor, 55.

LANE, General. At Puebla, 1847, 494.
LANGDON, JOHN, 356, 029.

Languages, Indian, 12.

1779, 94, 298. With General Marion, 1781, 835. On
At Fort Ninety-six,
the Savannah River, 1781, 836.
837. Suppresses the Whiskey Insurrection, 1794,378.
His funeral oration on Washington, 857. Portrait
and notice of, 333.
school, 251.
LEE, RICHARD HENRY. Member of the first Continental
Congress, 1774, 558. His Resolution on American
Independence, 250, 251, 589. John Adams's account
of him as a speaker; Jefferson's letter to, 590. Signer
Notice of, 20.
of the Articles of Confederation, 611.
LEGARE, HUGH S. Attorney-General of the United
States, 475.

Anecdote of him, when a boy st

LEISLER, JACOB, Governor, 131, 145. Executed, 148.
LEITCH, Major. Death of, 258.

Legislative Powers of Congress, 612.

LE MOYNE, JAMES. His illustrations of the costume
and customs of the Aboriginals, 50.
Lenni-Lenape Indians, 17, 20. Subdued by the Five
Nations, in 1650; their migration, 21. Join the Hu-
rons, and the Shawnees; friends of the British during
Crushed by General Wayne,
the Revolution, 21.
1794, 21.


Possesses the original manuscript of
Washington's Farewell Address, 633.
LEON, PONCE DE, General. At Braceti, 488.
"Leopard" frigate, 402.

LESLIE, General, 332.

At Charleston, in 1782, 347.

"Lerant" sloop-of-war, 440.

LEVI, M. Successor to Montcalm, 203.
LEWIS, ANDREW, General. Notice of, 244.
LEWIS, FRANCIS, 602, 611.

LEWIS, Colonel. At Frenchtown, 1818, 416, 418.
LEWIS and CLARKE'S Expedition, 395.
Lewiston, Delaware, 92, 94, 430.

Lewiston, New York. Burnt, 1813, 427.
Lexington. Battle of, 232, 233.

Leyden, Netherlands. Puritans at, 77.

Liberty. The instinctive love of, 207, 208.
"Liberty" sloop, 220.

Liberty-pole. At Plymouth, Massachusetts, 79.

LIEF, Captain. Sails from Iceland for Greenland, in
1002, 85.

Ligonia. Agricultural settlement of, 80.

LANGWORTHY, EDWARD. Signer of the Articles of Con- LINCOLN, Earl of, 115.

federation, 611.


LA PLACE, M. Anecdote of Ethan Allen and, 234.

Lapland. Comprised in Scandinavia, 34.

LAS CASAS. His part in the slave-trade, 533.
LATHROP, Captain, 126.


His expedition, with emigrants, to
America, in 1564; fate of the emigrants, 50.

Commissioner on the Treaty of
Peace, 1782, 348. Signer of the Articles of Confedera-
tion, 611.

LAURENS, JOHN, Colonel. Anecdote of him and Count
de Vergennes, 329. Death of, in 1782, 348.

LA VEGA, General, 482, 483.

LAWRENCE, Governor. His expedition against Acadie,


LAWRENCE, JAMES, Captain. Notice of, 429.

LAWRENCE, RICHARD, Colonel, 111. Executed, 112.
LAWRENCE, Major, 438.

"Lawrence" ship, 420.

LEAR, TOBIAS, Colonel. Consul-General in the Medi-
terranean; his treaty with the Bashaw of Tripoli,
1805, 895. Compelled by the Dey of Algiers to pur-
chase his freedom, 1812, 445.

Lebanon. Dr. Wheelock's school at, 25.
LEDYARD, JOHN, the Traveler. His observation respect-
ing the inhabitants of Eastern Siberia, 11.
LEDYARD, WILLIAM, Colonel, 340.

LEE, ARTHUR. One of the American embassy to
France, 1776, 266.

LEE, CHARLES, General. A Captain at Ticonderoga,
1758; wounded, 197. Major-General, 1775, 238. At
Boston, 239. At New York, 248. At North Castle,
259. Ürged by Washington to reinforce him, 260;
captured, 261. At Monmouth, 288. Insults Washing-
ton, 288. His letter to Wayne, 298. His remark re-
specting Gates's laurels, 316. Portrait of, 248.
LEE, CHARLES. Attorney-General, 1796, 383. Notices
of, 248, 288. Portrait of, 248.

LEE, FRANCIS LIGHTFOOT. Signer of the Declaration of
Independence, 602; and of the Articles of Confedera-
tion. 611.

LEE, HENRY, General. His exploit at Paulus's Hook,

[blocks in formation]

"Little Belt sloop of war, 407.

Little Osage River, 18.

Little Wabash. Major Clarke at the, 303.
Liturgy. The use of the, refused by the Puritans, 119.
Author of the penal code of
Louisiana, 451. His defense of General Jackson, 443.
Portrait, autograph, and notice of, 451, 452.
LIVINGSTON, PHILIP. Member of the Stamp Act Con-
gress, 556; and of the first Continental Congress, 368.
Signer of the Declaration of Independence, 662.
Member of the Stamp Act
Congress, 556. On the Committee on the Articles of
Confederation, 604; and on the Declaration of Inde
His memorial to Parliament, 215
pendence, 251.
Author of the Petition to the King, 1765, 552. His
connection with Robert Fulton, 399. Portraits of,
366, 589. Autograph and notice of, 366,
LIVINGSTON, WILLIAM. Member of the first Continental
Congress, 1774, 5SS. His Address to the Anglo-Amer
ican Colonies, 228, 563. Member of the Convention on
the Articles of Confederation, 1787, 356. Signer of the
Constitution, 629.

[blocks in formation]

LOGAN, JOHN. Mingo Chief, 20, 26, 27.
LONGFELLOW. His Indian Edda, 23.

Long House. Doors of the, 28.

Long Island, 59. Granted to the Earl of Stirling, 144.
Battle of, 254. Plan of the battle of, 254.
Long Island Indians, 21, 141.

Long Island Sound. Explored by Captain Block, 1614,


Long Parliament, The, 152. Confirms the charter of
Rhode Island, 157.

LOPEZ, General. Invades Cuba, 502, 508; and is exe-
cuted, in 1851, 508.

Lords Spiritual, 218.

Lords of Trade, 134.

L'Orient. Naval expedition fitted out at, in 1779, 308.
LORRAINE, Duke of. Vespucius dedicates a volume to,
in 1507, 41.

LOS ANGELOS. Stockton and Fremont take possession
of, 487.

Lottery Authorized by Congress, in 1776, 293.
LOUDON, Lord, 191, 192, 193, 194.

LOUIS XIV., of France. Revokes the Edict of Nantes,
166. James II., of England, flees to the court of,
130. Acknowledges Charles Edward, as king of En-
gland, 134. Acknowledges the Independence of the
United States, 283.

LOUIS PHILIPPE. Dethroned, 511.
Louisburg. Captured, 136-138.
herst, 196.

Louisiana. Ceded to France in
United States, by Napoleon, 204.
451. Admitted to the Union, 409.
LOVELACE, Lord, 144, 150.

Captured by Am-

1800; sold to the
Territory; State,

LOVELL, JAMES. Signer of the Articles of Confedera-
tion, 611.

Low, ISAAC. Member of the first Continental Congress,
1774, 588.


LUDLOW, Captain. Death of, 429.

LUDWELL, PHILIP, 165, 167.

Lundy's Lane. Battle of, in 1814, 433.

LUTHER, MARTIN, the Reformer, 62.

Lutherans. Persecuted and slaughtered by Melendez,


Lutzen. Battle of, 93.

LUZERNE, M. General Greene's letter to, in 1781, 334.


LYFORD. Persecuted by the Pilgrims, 119.
LYMAN, General. At Fort Edward, 189-191.
LYNCH, THOMAS. Member of the Stamp Act Congress,
556; and of the first Continental Congress, 588.
the Committee that arranged the plan of a campaign
against Canada, in 1775, 239. Signer of the Declara-
tion of Independence, 602.

M'CLELLAND, ROBERT. Secretary of the Interior, in
1853, 515.

M'CLURE, Captain. Demonstrates the fact of a north-
west passage round the Arctic coast, 510.

M'CLURE, JAMES. Delegate from Virginia to the Con-
vention on the Articles of Confederation, 1787, 356.
M'CLURE, General. At Fort George, 1813, 427.
M'CREA, JANE, 277.

MCDOUGALL, General. At Peekskill, 270. Secretary
of the Continental Board of Admiralty, 1781, 308.
MCDOWELL, CHARLES. At King's Mountain, 319.
MCGILLIVRAY. Emperor of the Creeks, 16.

M HENRY, JAMES, 356, 384. Signer of the Constitution
of the United States, 629.

M KEAN, THOMAS. Member of the Stamp Act Congress,
556; and of the first Continental Congress, 588. Signer
of the Articles of Confederation, 611; and of the Dec-
laration of Independence, 602.


M'KINNEY. His History of the Indian tribes, 33.
MCLELLAN, J., jr., quoted, 33.

Machias, Maine, 80.

MACOMB, General. At Plattsburg, in 1814; notice of,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

MARCHESA, Father, 38.

MARCY, WILLIAM L. Secretary of War, 1845, 478. Secre-
of State, 1858, 515.

Mares. First taken to Virginia, in 1609, 68.
Mariana, Territory of, 79.

MARIA THERESA, Empress of Austria, 187.

Marietta, Ohio. Silver cup found in an ancient mound
at, 11.

Marine Committee of Congress, 308.
Mariner's Compass, 39.

MARION, General, 204. In South Carolina, 1780, 314.
Exploits of, 317, 818, 319, 320, 338. Refuses to drink
wine, 317. His first appearance at Gates's camp, 818.
Anecdote of him and a British officer at Charlestown,
320. His camp destroyed, in 1781, 820; his brigade
defeated, in his absence, 345. Portrait, autograph,
and notice of, 317.

MARKHAM, WILLIAM, 96, 161, 162, 163.
Marlborough, Massachusetts. Burnt, 127.
Marriage, Indian, 14, 15.

Marriage Contracts. Restraints on, by Andros, 180.
MARSH, Colonel. His Expedition against Port Royal,

MARSHALL, JOHN. Envoy to France, 1797, 385. An-
nounces the death of Washington, 386. Administers
the oath of office to President Monroe, 1817, 446; Pres-
ident Adams, 1825, 454; President Jackson, 1829, 461.
Portrait, autograph, and notice of, 351.
Martha's Vineyard. Discovered, 57, 58. Christian
Indians at, 123.

MARTIN, ALEXANDER. Member of the Convention,
1787, on the Articles of Confederation, 356.
MARTIN, LUTHER, Delegate from Maryland to the
Convention, 1787, on the Articles of Confederation,

"MARY JOHNSON," the assumed name of Arthur Lee,

Maryland. Settlement of, 80-82. Origin of the name
of, 81. Roman Catholic colony in, 62. The Seneca
Indians make war upon the colonists, 82, 110. Dec-
laration of Rights, in 1639, 151. Civil war in, 1645;
Toleration Act; an asylum for persecuted Church-
men and Puritans, 151. Colonial government of;
civil war in, in 1655, 152. History of, 151.
MASON, GEORGE. Delegate from Virginia to the Con-
vention, 1787, on the Articles of Confederation, 356.
MASON, JOHN. Merchant and naval commander, 79.
Governor of Portsmouth, England, 80. Controversy
of the heirs of, 129.
MASON, JOHN, Captain.
87, 88.

Exterminates the Pequods,

MASON, JOHN Y. Attorney-General of the United
States, 1845, 478.

[blocks in formation]

and Mason, 129. A royal province, 182. Cost of
settling, 209. Early legislation of, 175. Grant from
Parliament to, 1758, 206. Assembly's view of taxa-
tion, 219. A flotilla fitted out by, in 1770, 299. Board
of Admiralty of, 307. Rebellion in, in 1787, 853.
MASSASOIT. Chief of the Wampanoags, 90. Sachem,
114, 115. His sons, 21, 124.

Massaya. Captured, in 1855, 527.

MATHER, COTTON. His controversy with Calef; his be-
lief in witchcraft, 133. Portrait and autograph of, 133.
Notice of, 184.

MATTHEWS, JONATHAN. Signer of the Articles of Con-

federation, 611.

MATTHEWS, SAMUEL. Governor of Virginia, 109.
MATTHEWS, General (British), 297, 820.

MATTOCKS, JOHN, Captain, 319.

Maumee River, 19.

MAURICE, Prince of Nassau, 71.

MAURITIUS, The. Origin of the name, 71.

MAURY, Lieutenant. His account of the drift of sea-
weed, 39.


MAWHOOD, Lieutenant-Colonel. At Princeton, 268.
MAY, CORNELIUS JACOBSEN. First Director of New

Netherland, 73.

MAY, JACOBUs, Captain, 93, 94.

Picture of, 77, 78.

MAY, Captain. Captures General La Vega, 482.
"May-Flower," Puritan vessel, 77.
MAZEON. Descendant of Uncas, 21.
Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, 237.
Medal. Presented by Congress to Washington, after
the battle of Germantown, 275; to General Wayne,
298; to the captors of André 327. Struck by Louis
XIV., after the repulse of Phipps, 131.
Medford, Massachusetts. Burned, 127.
MEDICI, LORENZO DE. Vespucius's letter to, 41.
Meeting House. First, at Hartford, Connecticut, 86.
Meherrin Indians, 23.

MEIGS, Colonel, 271.

"Melampus," ship, 401.

MELENDEZ, PEDRO, Governor of Florida, 50, 51.
Memorial to Parliament.


MENDOZA, Cardinal, 38, 45.

Menomonee Indians, 17, 19.

Livingston's, 215. Otis's,

MERCER, HUGH, General, 192, 259. Death of; notice of,


MEREDITHI, WILLIAM M. Secretary of the Treasury,
1849, 499.

Mesilla Valley. Dispute respecting the, 515.

Metamoras. General AMPUDIA at, 481.
Mexico. Origin of the name, 493. Civilization and the
arts in, in 1521, 43. Burr's proposed invasion of, 396.
The United States at war with, 480. The City of,
captured by General Scott, 494. Treaty of Peace be-
tween the United States and, in 1848, 497. Treaty of,
with the United States, respecting boundaries, 1854,


[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Mobile. The British repulsed at, in 1814, 438.
Mobilian Indians, 29-31. Their lands; their tribes,
29. Origin of their hostility to the white people, 42.
Population of the, in 1650, 31. Language of the, 12.
Mohammedan soldier. Picture of a, 392.
Mohawk Indians, 23. Other names of the, 23. Turtle
tribe of the, 15. One of Five Nations, 21. Active
enemies of the Americans, 26. Hi-a-wat-ha's address
to the, 24. Refuse to join King Philip, 127. At New
Amsterdam, 141. Claim sovereignty over the River
Indians, 141. Allies of Colonel Williams, 190. Join
St. Leger, 278.

Mohawk Valley. Devastation of the, in 1778, 290.
Mohegan Indians, 17, 86. Their territory; vassals of
the Five Nations, 21. A Chief of the, urges the Ing-
lish to settle in Connecticut Valley, 85.
Mohegan Plain, 21.

Molinos del Rey. Battle of, 1847, 494.
MONCKTON, Colonel, 155, 201. Grave of, 288.

Money. Continental, 245. The first coined, in the
United States, 122.

[blocks in formation]

MONTCALM, MARQUIS DE, 192, 194. Notice of, 120. Mon-
ument to, 202.


Monterey, Battle of, 484.

Montevideo, South America. Ancient swords, helmet,
and shield found at, 11.

MONTEZUMA. The reign of, 10. His deputation to
Cortez, 43.

MONTGOMERY, JOHN, Governor, 150.

MONTGOMERY, Colonel (British). Lays waste the Cher-
okee country, 204.

MONTGOMERY, RICHARD, General, 238. At Boston; at
St. John's; at Montreal, 240, 241. Assaults Quebec,
242. Death of; portrait of, 242. Notice of, 240.
MONTGOMERY. Commodore. Takes possession of San
Francisco, 487.

Monticello, Virginia, 404.

Montreal. Origin of the name, 48. Surrender of in
1760, 203.

Monument to Uncas, 21.

MOOERS, General, 435.

MOORE, JAMES, Governor of South Carolina, 168-170,
MOORE, Colonel. Son of the Governor of South Caro-
lina; captures Tuscarora Indians, 168.

Morarians. At Bethlehem, nurse La Fayette, after his
being wounded at Brandywine, 274.
MOREHEAD, Rev. Mr., 216.

MORGAN, DANIEL, General. At Quebec, 242. At Saratoga,
282. At the Cowpens, 331. Portrait and notice of, 381.

MORGAN, Colonel. At Agua Frio, 456.

Morocco. War of the United States with, 1801, 390.
Mormons, The. Petition of, for a civil government,
499. Notice of, 508, 504.

MORRIS, GOUVERNEUR, 185, 856. Signer of the Articles
of Confederation, 611; and of the Constitution, 629.

His remarks on Coins and Currency, 872. His part | Neutral Indians, 23.
in the Erie Canal, 457. Portrait and notice of, 364.
MORRIS, LEWIS. Signer of the Declaration of Inde-
pendence, 602.

MORRIS, LEWIS. First Royal Governor of New Jersey,


MORRIS, ROBERT. Supplies Washington with money,
at Trenton, 263. Agent of Marine; his privateers,
808. His National Bank, 329. Signer of the Declara-
tion of Independence, 602; of the Articles of Confed-
eration, 611; and of the Constitution of the United
States, 629. At the Convention, 1787, on the Articles
of Confederation, 356. His views of harmonizing the
money of the United States, 372. Portrait and auto-
graph of, 263. Notice of, 264.
MORRIS, ROGER. Notice of, 259.

MORRIS, Commodore. His exploit on the Penobscot
River, 1814, 438.

MORRIS, Major. Death of, 269.

Morrisiana. Purchase of, by Lewis Morris, 161.
Morristown, New Jersey. Washington's winter quar-
ters at, 269, 806. Sufferings of the American troops
at, 306.

MORSE, SAMUEL F. B. Portrait and notice of, 507, 508.
His tour to Russia, 508.

MORTON, JOHN. Member of the Stamp Act Congress,
556; and of the first Continental Congress, 1774, 588.
Signer of the Declaration of Independence, 602.
MOTTE, REBECCA. Portrait, autograph, and notice of,
835, 836.

MOULTRIE, General, 204, 295. Portrait and notice of,

Mounds. Indian, 15. Ancient, in Ohio, 11.

[blocks in formation]

Nahant, 57. Captain Block at, in 1614, 72.

Nansemond River. Settlement on the, in 1609, 97.
Nantes. The Edict of, 166.

Nanticoke Indians. Allies of the Five Nations, 17, 20.
Nantucket. Discovery of, 57. Christian Indians at, 123.

Narraganset Indians, 21, 22, 86. Propose to exter-
minate the white people, 87. Treaty of Peace with
the, 125. Join King Philip, 127.

Narraganset Bay. Penetrated by Captain Block, 72.
Narrows, The, in New Yor、 Bay, 59.

NARVAEZ, PAMPHILO, Governor of Florida, 43, 44.

[blocks in formation]

New Amsterdam. Meeting of Dutch deputies at, in
1653, 143.

Newark, New Jersey, 260.

New Brunswick. Origin of the name of, 58. Bound-
ary of, 472.

New Brunswick, New Jersey, 260.
Newburg Addresses, 349.

Newcastle, Delaware, 93, 143. William Penn at, in 1682,


New England Indians, 17, 22. Invaded by the Five
Nations, 24.

New England. Scandinavians visit the coast of, 34.
Explored by Captain John Smith, in 1614. Origin of
the name, 74. Proposed union of the colonies of, in
1637, 121. Population of, in 1675, 126. Effects of
King Philip's War in, 129.

New England House. Picture of a, 176.
Newfoundland. Portuguese settlement in, 47. Seen
by Cabot, in 1497, 46. Cod-fishery at, discovered by
Cabot, 47. Visits to, by early navigators, 52.

New France. The name given by Verazzani to the re-
gions discovered by him, 48. Champlain's History of,


New Hampshire. Origin of the name, 80. Settlement
of, 62, 122. A royal province, 80, 129. Grant to, 1770,

New Haven Colony, 121, 127, 154.
New Haven, Connecticut, 88.

New Jersey. Origin of the name, 159. Wampum man-
ufactured in, 13. Swedes in, 62. Founded, 93, 159.
Sale of, by the Duke of York, 144. The Dutch take
possession of, in 1763, 147. Discontents in, on account
of the half-penny rent, 159. Invaded by Matthews,
in 1780, 320. History of the colony of, 159.
New London. Burnt by Arnold, 340.

New Mexico. Number of Indians in, in 1853, 33. A
Territory of the United States, in 1848, 497, 501.
Claims of Texas to portions of, 499. Petition of, for a
civil government, in 1850, 499. Boundary between,
and Chihuahua, 515.

New Netherland, 72. A county, 73. Seal of; first child
born in, 73. Founded, 139. Given by Charles II. to
his brother James, Duke of York, 118, 144.
New Orleans. Ceded to Spain, 204. Battle of, 1815,439.
NEWPORT, CHRISTOPHER, Captain, 65, 68. Arrives with

supplies, in 1608, 67.

Newport, Rhode Island, 48. Ternay's fleet at, 1780, 821.
Tower at: see Tower.

New Rochelle, New York. Mrs. Hutchinson takes ref-
uge at; her fate, 120.

New Scotland, 132.

Newspapers. In the American colonies; in the United
States, in 1850, 179.
New Sweden, 98, 143.

New Windsor, New York. Washington's head-quarters
at, in 1781, 328.

New York City. Dutch settlement at, 62. Origin of,
72, 144. Picture of, a century ago, 144. Expedition
from, to Canada, 181. Colony at, 139. The Dutch
take possession of, in 1678, 147. Evacuated, 1783, 350.
Great fire at, 1835, 471.

New York. History of the colony of, 189 ss. Grants
from Parliament to, in 1756, 206. Brodhead's History
of the State of, 72. General Knyphausen at, 309. The
Continental Congress at, 588.

New York Bay, 48, 57.

New York Gazette newspaper, 150.
New York Weekly Journal, 150.
Nezperce Indians, 33.

Niagara Falls. Battle at, 1814, 438.
1813, 427.

Niagara Frontier, Map of the, 484.
tion to the, 185, 189.
"Niagara" ship, 425.

Niantic Indians, 87.

Village at, burnt,

Shirley's expedi-

Nicaragua. Its jurisdiction over the Musquito Terri-
tory, 524, 525. Costa Rica declares war against, in
1856, 526. Affairs of, 526, 527.

NICHOLSON, FRANCIS, Governor, 148, 171.
NICHOLSON, Colonel, 186.

NICOLA, Colonel. His letter to Washington, proposing
to make him a king, 1782, 349.

NICOLAS, Father. Removes the church-bell from Deer-
fleld, 135.

NICOLLET, M. His account of the murder of Pontiac,


NICOLLS, RICHARD, Colonel, 123, 144.

Ninety-six. Origin of the name, 835. Siege of, by
Greene, 1781, 336.

NINIGRET. Cousin of Miantonomoh, 21. At New Am-
sterdam, 141, 142, 154, 155.
Nimpuc Indians, 22, 125.

Nobility. Origin of the exclusive privileges of the, 63.
Titles of, not granted by the United States, 619.
Non-Conformists. Persecution of the, 76.
Norfolk, Virginia, 244, 297.

Norman Ship. Picture of a, 35.

NORTH, Lord. His Conciliatory Bills, 286. His man-
ner of receiving the news of the capture of Cornwallis,
in 1781, 345. Retires from office, 1782, 345. Portrait
and notice of, 224.

North-eastern Passage, 59.

North-eastern Boundary Question, 476.

North Carolina, 98. Number of Indians in, in 1858,
82. Colony, 167. Opposes taxation, 223. Joins the
Confederacy, in 1789, 371.

North Castle. The American camp at, 259.
Northfield, Connecticut, 126.
Northman. Picture of a, 34.

Northmen. Discover America, 34. Mariners, very ad-
venturous, 35.

North Point. Battle of, 1814, 437.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Paper Money. Issued by Massachusetts, 122, 182.

PAREDES, General. Succeeds Herrera, 481.

Paris. Treaty of Peace at, in 1763, 204; in 1783, 348.
The allied armies enter, 1814, 431.
PARKER, SIR PETER, 248, 261.

OGDEN, ROBERT. Member of the Stamp Act Congress, PARKER, WILLIAM, 68.

Ogdensburg. Capture of, in 1818, 425.

Ogeechee River, 28.

OGILVIE, Captain. At Queenstown, 1812, 418.

OGLETHORPE, JAMES EDWARD, General. His voyage to
America, in 1782, 100. Founds Savannah, 62, 100.
His first interview with the Indians at Savannah, 80.
His fort, 100. His colony, 171. Meets fifty Indian
Chiefs in Council, in 1733; purchases land from them,
103. His contests with the Spaniards, 172. Portrait
of, 104. Notice of, 99.

O'HARA, General. At the siege of Yorktown, 342.
Ohio. State; its progress, 390. Persian coin found in,


Ohio Company, The. Organized, 363. George II.'s
grant to, 181.

Oh-nen-ta-ha, or Onondaga Lake, 28.

OJEDA. Accompanies Vespucius to the West Indies
and South America, in 1499, 41. Vespucius an officer
under, 60.

Old Dominion, The. Origin of the name, 109.

OLIVER, Chief Justice. Impeached, 597.
Omaha Indians, 32.

"Omnibus Bill," The, 501.

Oneida Indians, 23. Favor the Americans, in the
Revolution, 26. Their missionary, the Rev. Samuel
Kirkland, 25. Hi-a-wat-ha's address to the, 24.
ONIS, DON. His Treaty with the United States, 1819, 451.
Onondaga Indians. Hi-a-wat-ha's address to the, 24.
Onondaga County. Clarke's History of, cited, 23.
Ontario, Lake: see Lake Ontario.

OPECHANCANOUGH, brother of Powhatan, 66. Captures
Captain John Smith, 106. Hostile to the Virginia
Colony, 108.

Orders in Council. Explained, 400. The Order of
1807, 402.

[blocks in formation]

Parliament. Its Act of Supremacy, 75. Its appropri
ation to Georgia, 100. Grants by, during the Seven
Years' War in America, 206.

PARTRIDGE, OLIVER. Member of the Stamp Act Con-
gress, 556.

Pasquas de Flores, 42.

Passamaquoddy Indians, 22.

PATERSON, WILLIAM, 356, 359. Signer of the Constitu-
tion, 629.

Patroons. Account of the, 189.

PAULDING, JOHN, 826. Medal to, 326.
Paulus's Hook, 94.

PAUW, MICHAEL, 94, 139.

Pavonia. Territory of, 94.

Pawnee Indians, 33.

Pawtucket Indians, 22.

Pawtucket River, 89, 90.
PAYNE, General, 416.

"Peace-Makers" in Pennsylvania, 162.
Peace-Party, of 1812, 410.

"Peacock," brig, 429, 440. Captures the brig "Eper-
vier," 440.

PEARCE, Colonel. At York, Canada, 425.

Pearl River, 29.

Peers of England. Cannot be arrested for debt, 150.
"Pelican," sloop of war, 430.

Peltries. Trade in, 72.

Pemaquid Point, 80, 181. Capture of the garrison at,
130, 134.

PENDLETON, EDMUND. Member of the first Continental
Congress, 588.

"Penguin," brig. 440.

PENN, JOHN. Signer of the Declaration of Independ-
ence, 602; and of the Articles of Confederation, 611.
PENN, WILLIAM, Admiral, 95.

PENN, WILLIAM. His Charter from Charles II.; par-
chases part of New Jersey, 95. His voyage to Amer
ica, in 1682; his government, 96. His advice to the
Duke of York, respecting an assembly of Representa-
tives, 147. His purchases of parts of New Jersey, 160,
His arrival in Pennsylvania; his treaty with the Del-
aware Indians, 161, His Charter of Liberties; his

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