Combining the Past and the Present: Archaeological Perspectives on Society : Proceedings from the Conference "Prehistory in a Global Perspective" Held in Bergen, August 31st - September 2nd 2001, in Honour of Professor Randi Haaland's 60th Anniversary

Terje Oestigaard, Nils Anfinset, Tore Saetersdal
Archaeopress, 2004 - 216 sider

This conference in honour of Randi Haaland was held in Bergen in September 2001. Although the title of the conference was ambitious, the aim was to highlight current research problems in fields where Randi Halaand has been particularly active. The current volume contains the proceedings of the conference, thus fulfilling its aims. The largest session was reserved for "Approaches in African Archaeology" since Africa is the continent where the majority of Randi Halaand's work has been conducted.

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