
control of the Treasury Department for the fiscal years prior to the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, three thousand two hundred and fifty-three dollars and eighty-five cents.

For repairs and preservation of public buildings under the control of Repairs of public buildings, the Treasury Department for fiscal years prior to the year ending June prior, &c. thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, seven thousand six hundred and fifty dollars and ninety-two cents.

southern coasts.

For re-establishing lights and other aids to navigation on the southern Re-establishcoast for the fiscal years prior to the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen ing lights on hundred and seventy, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight dollars and ninety cents: Provided, That this and the two immediately preceding Proviso. paragraphs do not involve any appropriation from the treasury, but are merely an authorization to the proper officers to make upon the books of the treasury transfer entries to settle certain accounts.

tendents of

To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to settle the accounts of col- Collectors act lectors of customs acting as superintendents of lights, outside the districts ing as superinfor which they were appointed, for expenditures already made in pursuance lights. of law, and which will not involve any actual expenditure, a transfer on the books of the treasury of such sums as may be necessary is hereby authorized.

For vaults, safes, and locks for public buildings under the control of the Vaults, safes, Treasury Department for fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and locks. and seventy-two, fifty thousand dollars.

comptroller es

That the salary of the second comptroller of the Treasury shall, after Salary of 2d the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, be five thousand dollars per annum.


John P. Bruce. Vol. xvi. p. 313.

1870, ch. 293.

To pay John P. Bruce the amount appropriated to be paid him by the act of July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, for printing for the third session of the legislature of the Territory of Montana, but which has not been paid but is now directed to be paid to him, and his receipt shall be deemed a sufficient voucher for payment of the same by the accounting officers of the treasury, seven hundred and ninety-six dollars and ninety cents. To pay John Gordon, messenger in the Post-office Department, for extra John Gordon. service from March fourth, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, to March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, five hundred dollars.

New York.

To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay certain gaugers employed Gaugers in in the thirty-second district of the State of New York, under the late collector of internal revenue, J. F. Bailey, fees earned by them during part of the month of March, eighteen hundred and seventy, seven hundred and four dollars and twenty cents.

Salary of Secretary of New Mexico, as superintendent of

For the payment of the salary of the secretary of the Territory of New Mexico, as superintendent of public buildings and grounds for the years ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, two thousand dollars; and so much of public buildings. the second section of the act of July twenty-seven, eighteen hundred and Repeal of part sixty-eight (Statutes at Large, chapter CCLXXII.), as grants a salary to § 2. the secretary of said Territory as superintendent of public buildings and grounds, is hereby repealed, the repeal to take effect at the end of the current fiscal year.

of 1868, ch. 272,

Vol. xv. p. 240.

United States marshal of Ne

To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay the annual salary of the United States marshal of Nebraska from the date of the admission of the braska State, at the rate of two hundred dollars per annum, one thousand one hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary.

O. P. Rock

To pay O. P. Rockwell, late mail-contractor in Utah Territory, balance due him, one thousand three hundred and ten dollars and sixty-three cents. well.


War depart

Pay depart

Military Establishment. For the pay department, for the allowance ment. to the officers of the army for transportation of themselves and their ment.



baggage, when travelling on duty, without troops, escort, or supplies, ninety thousand dollars.

Quartermaster's Department. For regular supplies, consisting of master's depart fuel for officers, enlisted men, guards, hospitals, storehouses and offices, and for forage in kind for the horses, mules, and oxen of the quartermaster's department at the several posts and stations, and with the armies in the field; for the horses of the several regiments of cavalry, the batteries of artillery, and such companies of infantry as may be mounted, and for the authorized number of officers' horses when serving in the field and at the outposts, including bedding for the animals; of straw for soldiers' bedding; and of stationery, including blank books for the quartermaster's department, certificates for discharged soldiers, blank forms for the pay and quartermaster's departments, and for printing of division and department orders and reports, three hundred thousand dollars.

Incidental ex

penses of quar

termaster's department.

1819, ch. 45.

Vol. iii. p. 488. 1854, ch. 247, § Vol. x. p. 576.


For the general and incidental expenses of the quartermaster's department, consisting of postage on letters, and telegrams or dispatches, received and sent on public service; extra pay to soldiers employed under the direction of the quartermaster's department, in the erection of barracks, quarters, storehouses, and hospitals, in the construction of roads, and other constant labor, for periods of not less than ten days, under the acts of March second, eighteen hundred and nineteen, and August fourth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, including those employed as clerks at division and department headquarters and hospital stewards on clerical duty; expenses of expresses to and from the frontier posts and armies in the field; of escorts to paymasters and other disbursing officers, and to trains where military escorts cannot be furnished; expenses of the interment of officers killed in action, or who die when on duty in the field, or at posts on the frontiers and other places, when ordered by the secretary of war, and of non-commissioned officers and soldiers; authorized office furniture; hire of laborers in the quartermaster's department, including the hire of interpreters, spies, and guides for the army; compensation of clerks to officers of the quartermaster's department; compensation of forage and wagon 1838, ch. 162, masters, authorized by the act of July fifth, eighteen hundred and thirty§ 10. eight; for the apprehension, securing, and delivering of deserters, and the Vol. v. P. expenses incident to their pursuit; and for the following expenditures required for the several regiments of cavalry, the batteries of light artillery, and such companies of infantry as may be mounted, viz., the purchase of travelling forges, blacksmiths' and shoeing tools, horse and mule shoes and nails, iron and steel for shoeing, hire of veterinary surgeons, medicines for horses and mules, picket-ropes, and for shoeing the horses of the corps named; also, generally, the proper and authorized expenses for the movement and operations of an army not expressly assigned to any other department, three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars.


Barracks and quarters;

Barracks and quarters: for rent or hire of quarters for troops, and for officers on military duty; of storehouses for safe-keeping of military stores; of offices; of grounds for camps and cantonments, and for temporary frontier stations; for construction and repairs of temporary huts; of stables, and other military buildings at established posts; for construction and repair of hospitals; and for repairs of buildings occupied by the army, six hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars: Provided, That hereafter to be constructed, barracks and quarters, and all buildings and structures whatever of a by special authority by acts


permanent nature, shall be constructed upon special authority, to be given of Congress, and by act of Congress, except when constructed by the troops; and no such

cost not to ex


Clothing and equipage.

structures whose cost shall exceed twenty thousand dollars shall be erected or continued in erection unless by such authority so specially granted.

Clothing and equipage: for purchase and manufacture of clothing, camp and garrison equipage, and for preserving and repacking stock of clothing, camp and garrison equipage, and mater als on hand at the Schuylkill arsenal and other depots, one hundred thousand dollars.

For the preservation of army clothing and equipage, fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That there shall be no claim upon the United States No claim for for the use of any patent for the manner of or material for doing the the use of any



Ordnance and ordnance stores: for purchase of ordnance and ordnance Ordnance and stores, to continue the armament of certain southern forts, óne hundred ordnance stores. thousand dollars.

tary cemeteries.

For establishing and maintaining national military cemeteries, fifty National mili thousand dollars; and the appropriations for collecting, drilling, and organ-Appropriation izing volunteers, heretofore considered as permanent appropriations, are for collecting, hereby continued and made available for the service of the present fiscal &c., volunteers year only, so far as the same may be necessary to pay the usual clerical service heretofore paid out of said appropriations in the War Depart


to be for present year only.


Payments to States for enroll

ing, &c., troops,

1861, ch. 21. Vol. xii. p. 276. 228, § 2. Post, p. 542.

See 1873, ch.

Signal office. Observation, &c., of storms.

Miscellaneous. For payment of any balance due, or to be found due, during the present fiscal year, to any State, for costs, charges, and expenses contemplated and provided for in and by the act approved July twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, being an act to indemnify certain States for expenses incurred by them in enrolling, equipping, and transporting troops for the defence of the United States during the late rebellion, one million dollars. Signal Office. Observation and report of storms: For manufacture, purchase, or repair of meteorological and other necessary instruments; for telegraphing reports; for expenses of storm-signals, announcing probable approach and force of storms; for instrument-shelters; for hire, furniture, and expense of offices maintained for public use in cities or posts receiving reports; for maps, bulletins, and so forth, to be displayed in chambers of commerce and board of trade rooms, and for distribution; for books and stationery; and for incidental expenses not otherwise provided for, sixty-one thousand and fifty dollars: Provided, That no part of this appropriation, nor of any appropriation for the several departments of the government, shall be paid to any telegraphic company which shall panies. neglect or refuse to transmit telegraphic communications between said de- 1866, ch. 230, § 2. partments, their officers, agents, or employees, under the provisions of the Vol. xiv. p. 221. second section of chapter two hundred and thirty of the statutes of the United States for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and at rates of compensation therefor to be established by the postmaster-general. To furnish transportation to insane volunteer soldiers at any time entitled to be admitted into the government hospital at Washington, one thou- teer soldiers. sand dollars.

For expenses of the board of visitors at the Military Academy at West Point, two thousand dollars.

No part to be paid to certain telegraph com

Insane volun

Board of vis-
itors at West
Public build-

Public buildings and grounds in and around Washington, under the chief of engineers of the War Department: for repairs and improve- ings, &c., in Washington. ments, viz. for survey and map in accordance with the provisions of the Survey and joint resolution of July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, one map. thousand five hundred dollars.

Vol. xvi. p. 389.

For grading and paving circle at the intersection of Vermont and Mas- Grading, &c., sachusetts avenues for fiscal years ending June thirtieth, eighteen hun- circle, at, &c. dred and seventy, and June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one,

five thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine dollars and eighty-two


For stationery for the office, one hundred and twenty-four dollars and Stationery. thirty-two cents.

For repairs on the executive mansion, ten thousand three hundred and forty-five dollars.

For additional compensation to the assistant door-keeper at the executive mansion, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, three hundred and sixty dollars.


Executive mansion and grounds.

[blocks in formation]

Survey of route for ship

canal between

For the executive avenue and adjacent grounds, recently inclosed, for grading, paving, and otherwise completing the work during the fiscal years ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, and June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, twenty-five thousand two hundred and nineteen dollars and twenty-five cents.

Contingencies of the army prior to July first, eighteen hundred and seventy for fees of attorneys at law employed by the War Department; expenses of suits incurred previous to act of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and seventy, creating the Department of Justice; the costs and charges of State penitentiaries for the care and maintenance of United States military convicts confined in them; the pay of detectives and scouts; and for compensation of provost-marshals employed by the Secretary of War in eighteen hundred and sixty-two, fifty thousand dollars.

Freedmen's hospitals and asylum: to reimburse the commissary department for supplies furnished the freedmen's bureau prior to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, thirty-four thousand dollars. Military convicts at State penitentiaries: for payment of costs and charges of State penitentiaries for the care, clothing, maintenance, and medical attendance of United States military convicts confined in them, ten thousand dollars.

To enable the Secretary of War to pay for additional clerical services heretofore employed by him in the investigation and settlement of accounts for abandoned and captured property, one thousand dollars.


Naval Establishment. Marine corps: for rent of quarters for officers, where there are no public quarters, one thousand five hundred and thirtynine dollars and thirteen cents.

For forage for horses belonging to field and staff officers of the marines, one thousand four hundred and forty-seven dollars and thirty-four


For indispensable miscellaneous articles for the use of the marine barracks at Brooklyn, New York, and for other posts, seven hundred and thirty-one dollars and sixty cents.

This item and the two preceding items are for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one.

For hire of officers' quarters where there are no public quarters, eight thousand three hundred and fifty-four dollars.

For forage for horses for field and staff officers, three thousand five hundred and forty dollars.

For pay account for per diem to marine band, one thousand five hundred dollars. This item and the two preceding items are for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two.

For completion of the survey of a route for a ship-canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, by the routes of Tehuantepec and Nicaragua, the Atlantic and with reports upon the same, twenty thousand dollars; and to complete the survey of the Darien route, five thousand dollars.

Pacific oceans.

Interior depart



Removing papers to Seaton House.



Pension-Office. To reimburse the contingent fund of the pensionoffice for expenses incurred in removing the papers and files of said office to the Seaton House, and in refitting rooms in said building, the sum of ten thousand five hundred and fifty-seven dollars and seventy-eight cents.

To pay six clerks of class one and six clerks of class two, to be employed in the examination of claims for pensions to the survivors of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve, which the secretary is hereby authorized to employ for one year, and no longer, fifteen thousand six hundred dollars; and this appropriation is available for said purpose for one year, and no longer..

For deficiency for fuel and lights in the Interior Department, one thousand two hundred and eighty-two dollars.

Land-Office. For contingent expenses of district land-offices for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, five

thousand dollars.

Fuel and



and clerks.

To supply deficiency in the appropriation for the expense of depositing Depositing public moneys for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred public moneys, and seventy-one, eight thousand dollars; and for a deficiency in the appropriations for clerks in the office of the surveyor-general of California, five hundred dollars.

Plates for

Patent-Office.-To provide for the plates of an official Gazette of the patent-office abstracts of the drawings of patents issued, thirteen thousand official Gazette. three hundred and thirty-three dollars, to be expended under the direction

of the commissioner of patents: Provided, That one copy of said Gazette Copies, how to shall be furnished to each senator, representative, and delegate in Con- be distributed. gress; and one copy each shall be sent to eight such public libraries as may be designated by each senator, representative, and delegate, and

two copies to the Library of Congress; Provided further, That a sub- Subscriptionscription-price of not less than five dollars per annum for said Gazette price of Gazette. shall be charged to each subscriber; and all sums received from such subscription shall be, on or before the first day of each month, paid into the


official Gazette.

Ninth census.

For the Public Printing. For the additional expense of printing and Printing, &c., stitching the patent-office official Gazette, with the abstracts of specifications and drawings, five thousand four hundred and twenty-five dollars. Census.To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the expenses of the ninth census, twenty thousand dollars, and such sum as may be necessary to pay the remainder due census-takers, for taking the eighth Proviso. census: Provided, That the amount of money paid under this appropriation shall not exceed in all twenty-five thousand dollars.

Public Works. Columbia Institute for the Deaf and Dumb for furnishing and fitting up the buildings of the institution, six thousand dollars.

For repairs of buildings of said institute during fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, three thousand five hundred dollars.

Public works. Columbia Institute.


To commence the proper fitting-up, in a fire-proof manner, of the vacant apartments in the Smithsonian Institution building for the proper dis- Institution. tribution and exhibition of the government collections of natural history, geology, and mineralogy, five thousand dollars.

vey by Professor

For the preparation and publication of the maps, charts, geological Report of sections, and other engravings necessary to illustrate the final report of the geological surUnited States geological survey of the Territories, by Professor Hayden, Hayden. ten thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior.

For the payment of clerks in the office of the surveyor-general of the State of Louisiana, one thousand five hundred dollars.

Surveyorgeneral's office, Louisiana.

For the repair and improvement of the Congressional cemetery, to be expended under the direction of the warden and vestry of Washington cemetery. parish, District of Columbia, three thousand dollars.


at Charleston, S. C.

Capitol exten

Post, p. 361.

For the completion of the United States court-house at Charleston, South Carolina, one hundred and two dollars and eight cents. Capitol Extension. For the purpose of buying and putting in place a new boiler, water-tank, and steam pump in the south wing of the Capitol, ten thousand dollars; and the disbursing clerk of the Interior Department is hereby required to disburse all moneys appropriated for the United clerk of depart States Capitol extension and improvement of the grounds, and to receive ment to make therefor an annual compensation of one thousand dollars, to be paid from for building. said appropriation, from October first, eighteen hundred and seventy-one:



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