
For miscellaneous items, six thousand one hundred and fifty dollars.
For experiments in ordnance, twenty thousand dollars.

Ordnance ex-

For the gun-park at the navy-yard at Pensacola, eight thousand eight periments. hundred and eighty-six dollars.

For the shot-park at Pensacola, five thousand seven hundred and sixty Navy-yard at. dollars.

For the shell-house at the magazine at Pensacola, twenty-three thousand seven hundred and eighty-five dollars.

For the railroad to the shell-house at Pensacola, one thousand and ninety-six dollars.

For the railroad to the magazine, six thousand three hundred and ninety-eight dollars.


For gun-skids and shot-bed at navy-yard, Mare Island, ten thousand Mare Island. dollars.

For reservoir and pipe at magazine, fifteen thousand dollars.

For new car and railroad-track at magazine, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For the torpedo corps: For the purchase and manufacture of gunpowder, nitro-glycerine, and gun-cotton, twelve thousand dollars.

For purchase and manufacture of electrical machines, galvanic batteries, and insulated wire, twenty-four thousand dollars.

For purchase of copper, iron, wood, and other materials necessary for the manufacture of torpedoes, and for work on the same, twenty-seven thousand dollars.

Torpedo corps



Materials and


For construction of torpedo-boats, purchase of coffer-work or hulks, Torpedo-boats. and contingent expenses, thirty-five thousand dollars.

For additional buildings, and machine-shop and additional quarters, twenty-five thousand dollars.

For labor, including one chemist at two thousand dollars, one foreman machinist at one thousand five hundred and sixty-five dollars, and two clerks at one thousand seven hundred dollars each, twenty-one thousand and sixty-five dollars.

Civil establishment: For pay of the superintendents and the civil establishment of the several navy-yards under this bureau, which shall include one store-clerk of ordnance at the Philadelphia navy-yard, at the salary of one thousand four hundred dollars, fifteen thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the ordnance service of the navy, one thousand dollars.

Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting. For equipment of vessels: For coal for steamers' use, including expenses of transportation; storage, labor, hemp, wire, and other materials for the manufacture of rope; hides, cordage, canvas, leather; iron for manufacture of cables, anchors, and galleys; condensing and boat-detaching apparatus; cables, anchors, furniture, hose, bake-ovens, and cooking-stoves, life-rafts, heating-apparatus for receiving-ships; and for the payment of labor in equipping-vessels, and manufacture of articles in the navy-yards pertaining to this bureau, one million five hundred thousand dollars.

Civil establishment at the navy-yard, Kittery, Maine: For clerk in equipment office, one thousand four hundred dollars; for store-clerk, one thousand one hundred dollars; and for time-clerk, nine hundred dollars; in all, three thousand four hundred dollars.

At the navy-yard, Charlestown, Massachusetts: For superintendent of rope-walk, one thousand nine hundred dollars; clerk to same, one thousand two hundred dollars; clerk in equipment office, one thousand five hundred dollars; for store-clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars time-clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, seven thousand dollars.


Civil establishment.

Contingent expenses.

Bureau of equipment and recruiting.

Civil establishment at navy


yard at


At the navy-yard, Washington, District of Columbia: For clerk in Washington. equipment office, one thousand five hundred dollars; and for one store

ment at navy

Civil establish- and one time clerk, one at one thousand four hundred dollars, and one at one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, four thousand one hundred dollars.

yard at





Mare Island.

Contingent expenses.

Bureau of

Civil estab


At the navy-yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: For clerk in equipment office, one thousand four hundred dollars; for one store and one time clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; in all, three thousand eight hundred dollars.

At the navy-yard, Brooklyn, New York: For clerk in equipment office, one thousand five hundred dollars; and for one store and one time clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; in all, three thousand nine hundred dollars.

At the navy-yard, Norfolk, Virginia: For clerk in equipment office, one thousand four hundred dollars; for store-clerk, one thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars; and for time-clerk, nine hundred dollars; in all, three thousand four hundred and twenty-five dollars.

At the navy-yard, Pensacola, Florida: For equipment-office clerk, one thousand three hundred dollars.

At the navy-yard, Mare Island, California: For clerk in equipment office, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars; for storeclerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, three thousand and seventy-five dollars.

For contingent expenses of the bureau of equipment and recruiting, namely: For freight and transportation of stores, transportation of enlisted men, mileage to honorably discharged men, printing, advertising, telegraphing, stationery, apprehension of deserters, and assistance to vessels in distress, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars.

Bureau of Yards and Docks. For civil establishment at the navyyards and docks. yard, Kittery, Maine: For draughtsman and clerk to civil engineer, at lishment at navy one thousand four hundred dollars each; for clerk of pay-rolls and musyard at tering-clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; for receiver and inspector of stores, one thousand five hundred dollars; for writer to receiver and inspector of stores, one thousand dollars; for chief accountant, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for gate-keeper and detective, one thousand dollars; and for messenger at commandant's office, six hundred dollars; making, in all, ten thousand two hundred dollars.




At the navy-yard, Charlestown, Massachusetts: For assistant to civil engineer, one thousand five hundred dollars; for draughtsman and clerk to civil engineer, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; for clerk of pay-rolls and mustering-clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; for receiver and inspector of stores, one thousand five hundred dollars; for writer to receiver and inspector of stores, one thousand dollars; for writer to commandant, one thousand dollars; for chief accountant, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for gate-keeper and detective, one thousand dollars; and for messenger for commandant's office, six hundred dollars; in all, twelve thousand seven hundred dollars.

At the navy-yard, Brooklyn, New York: For assistant to civil engineer, one thousand five hundred dollars; for draughtsman and clerk to civil engineer, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; for receiver and inspector of stores, one thousand five hundred dollars; for clerk of payrolls and mustering-clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; for writer to commandant, one thousand dollars; for chief accountant, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for gate-keeper and detective, one thousand dollars; for mail-carrier, nine hundred dollars; and for messenger for commandant's office, six hundred dollars; in all, twelve thousand six hundred dollars.

At the navy-yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: For draughtsman and clerk to civil engineer, one thousand four hundred dollars each; for clerk of pay-rolls and mustering-clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; for receiver and inspector of stores, one thousand five hundred dollars; for chief accountant, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for gate-keeper and

detective, one thousand dollars; and for messenger for the commandant's
office, six hundred dollars; in all, nine thousand two hundred dollars.
At the navy-yard, Washington, District of Columbia: For draughtsman
and clerk to civil engineer, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; for
receiver and inspector of stores, one thousand five hundred dollars; for
clerk of pay-rolls and mustering-clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars;
for chief accountant, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for gate-keeper
and detective, one thousand dollars; for mail-messenger, one thousand dol-
lars; and for messenger for commandant's office, six hundred dollars; in
all, ten thousand two hundred dollars.

At the navy-yard, Norfolk, Virginia: For draughtsman and clerk to civil engineer, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; for receiver and inspector of stores, one thousand five hundred dollars; for clerk of payrolls and mustering-clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; for gatekeeper and detective, one thousand dollars; and for messenger for. commandant's office, six hundred dollars; in all, seven thousand four hundred dollars.

Civil establishment at navy

yard at Washington;


At the navy-yard, Pensacola, Florida: For superintendent of yard im- Pensacola; provements, two thousand dollars; for receiver and inspector of stores, one thousand five hundred dollars; for gate-keeper and detective, one thousand dollars; for messenger for the office of the commandant, six hundred dollars; in all, five thousand one hundred dollars.

At the navy-yard, Mare Island, California: For assistant to civil engineer and draughtsman, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for clerk to civil engineer, one thousand five hundred dollars; for receiver and inspector of stores, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars; for clerk of pay-rolls and mustering-clerk, one thousand eight hundred and seventyfive dollars; for chief accountant, one thousand eight hundred and seventyfive dollars; for gate-keeper and detective, one thousand dollars; and for messenger for commandant's office, seven hundred and fifty dollars; in all, ten thousand six hundred and seventy-five dollars.

Mare Island.

At the naval station, League Island, Pennsylvania: For draughtsman Naval station, and clerk to civil engineer, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; League Island. clerk of pay-rolls and mustering-clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars;

receiver and inspector of stores, one thousand five hundred dollars; in all,

five thousand eight hundred dollars.

At the naval asylum: For steward, four hundred and eighty dollars; Naval asylum. for matron, three hundred dollars; for cook, one hundred and sixty-eight dollars; assistant cook, one hundred and twenty dollars; four laundresses, at one hundred and eight dollars each; eight scrubbers and house-cleaners, at ninety-six dollars each; six laborers at two hundred and forty dollars each, and one laborer, at two hundred and sixty-four dollars; master-atarms, four hundred and eighty dollars; for ship's corporal, three hundred dollars; for barber, three hundred and sixty dollars; superintendent, five hundred and forty dollars; in all, five thousand six hundred and fifty-two dollars.

For the naval asylum at Philadelphia: For support of the institution, sixty-five thousand one hundred dollars; which sum shall be paid out of the income from the naval pension fund.

For contingent expenses of the bureau of yards and docks, viz.: For Contingent exfreight and transportation of materials and stores; printing, stationery, and penses. advertising, including the commandant's office; books, models, maps, and drawings; purchase and repair of fire-engines; machinery and patent-rights to use the same; repairs on steam-engines and attendance on the same; purchase and maintenance of oxen and horses, and driving teams, carts, and timber-wheels for navy-yard purposes, and tools and repairs of same; postage on letters on public service, and telegrams; furniture for government houses and offices in the navy-yards; coal and other fuel; candles, oil, and gas; cleaning and clearing up yard, and care of buildings; attendance on

Bureau of medicine and




Repairs of

fires; lights; fire-engines and apparatus; incidental labor at navy-yards; water-tax, and for toll and ferriages; pay of the watchmen in the navyyards; and for flags, awnings, and packing-boxes, nine hundred thousand dollars.

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. For support of the medical department for surgeons' necessaries for vessels in commission, navy-yards, naval stations, marine corps, and coast survey, forty thousand dollars.

For necessary repairs of naval laboratory, hospitals, and appendages, laboratory, hos- including roads, wharves, outhouses, steam-heating apparatus, side-walks, fences, gardens, and farms, twenty-five thousand dollars.

pitals, &c.

[blocks in formation]

For pay of the civil establishment under this bureau: At the hospital at Chelsea, Massachusetts, seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-two dollars.

At the hospital, New York, eleven thousand three hundred and thirtysix dollars.

At the hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, six thousand nine hundred and ninety dollars.

At the hospital, Washington, District of Columbia, five thousand five hundred and sixty-eight dollars.

At the hospital, Annapolis, Maryland, four thousand five hundred and twelve dollars.

At the hospital, Norfolk, Virginia, five thousand four hundred and six dollars.

At the hospital, Pensacola, Florida, five thousand and ninety-four dollars.

At the hospital, Mare Island, California, eight thousand eight hundred and seventy-two dollars.

At the naval laboratory, New York, six thousand four hundred dollars.

At the navy-yard, Kittery, Maine, one thousand two hundred and ninety dollars.

At the navy-yard, Charlestown, Massachusetts, one thousand four hundred and eighty dollars.

At the navy-yard, New York, one thousand four hundred and eighty dollars.

At the navy-yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, one thousand four hundred and eighty dollars.

At the navy-yard, Washington, District of Columbia, one thousand four hundred and eighty dollars.

At the navy-yard, Norfolk, Virginia, one thousand four hundred and eighty dollars.

At the navy-yard, Annapolis, Maryland, one thousand two hundred and forty-two dollars.

At the naval station, Mound city, Illinois, one thousand four hundred and eighty dollars.

For contingent expenses of the bureau, freight on medical stores, trans portation of insane patients to the government hospital, advertising, telegraphing, purchase of books, expenses attending the naval medical board of examiners, purchase and repair of wagons, harness, purchase and feed of horses, cows, trees, garden-tools, and seeds, twenty-five thousand


Bureau of Provisions and Clothing. — For provisions for the officers, seamen, and marines, one million five hundred and forty-seven thousand and six hundred dollars.

For purchase of water for ships, forty thousand dollars.

For pay of the civil establishment at the several navy-yards under this

bureau :

At the navy-yard, Boston, Massachusetts: Two writers, one to paymaster and one to inspector of provisions and clothing, at one thousand

and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents each; in all, two thousand and thirty-four dollars and fifty cents.

Civil establish.

ment at navyyard at

At the navy-yard, Brooklyn, New York: Two writers to paymasters, Brooklyn; at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents each; assistant to inspector of provisions and clothing, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight dollars; writer to inspector of provisions and clothing, one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; assistant superintendent of mills, nine hundred and thirty-nine dollars; in all, five thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight dollars and seventy-five cents.

At the navy-yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: One writer to pay- Philadelphia; master, one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; one writer to inspector of provisions and clothing, one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; in all, two thousand and thirty-four

dollars and fifty cents.

At the navy-yard, Washington, District of Columbia: One writer to Washington; paymaster, one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents.

At the navy-yard, Norfolk, Virginia: One writer to paymaster, one Norfolk; thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents.

At the navy-yard, Mare Island, California: One writer to paymaster, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; one writer to inspector of provisions and clothing, one thousand two hundred and ninetyfive dollars and fifty cents; in all, two thousand three hundred and twelve dollars and seventy-five cents.

Mare Island.


For contingent expenses: For freight and transportation to foreign and home stations; candles; fuel; interior alterations and fixtures in inspec- expenses. tion buildings; tools, and repairing same at eight inspections; special watchmen in eight inspections; books and blanks; stationery; telegrams; postages and express charges; tolls, ferriages, and car tickets; ice; and incidental labor not chargeable to other appropriations, seventyfive thousand dollars: Provided, That an additional ration of tea or coffee and sugar be hereafter allowed to each seaman, to be provided at his tion for seamen, first "turning out."


Additional ra

Bureau of construction and re


Preservation of

Bureau of Construction and Repair. For preservation of vessels on the stocks and in ordinary; purchase of materials and stores of all kinds; labor in navy-yards and on foreign stations; preservation of materials; purchase of tools; wear, tear, and repair of vessels afloat, and general vessels, &c.; maintenance of the navy; incidental expenses, advertising, and foreign postages, three million three hundred thousand dollars. For protection of timber-lands, five thousand dollars. Civil establishment at the navy-yard, Kittery, Maine: For draughtsman,

of timber-lands.

Civil establish

one thousand four hundred dollars; clerk of storehouses, one thousand ment at navyfive hundred dollars; inspector of timber, clerk to naval constructor, time- yard at Kittery; clerk, and superintendent of floating-dock, at one thousand four hundred dollars each in all, eight thousand five hundred dollars.

At the navy-yard, Charlestown, Massachusetts: For draughtsman to naval constructor, one thousand four hundred dollars; clerk to naval constructor, inspector of timber, time-clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; clerk of storehouses one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, seven thousand one hundred dollars.


At the navy-yard, Brooklyn, New York: For draughtsman to naval Brooklyn; constructor, one thousand four hundred dollars; clerk to naval constructor, inspector of timber, and time-clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; and clerk of storehouses, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, seven thousand one hundred dollars.

At the navy-yard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: For draughtsman to Philadelphia. naval constructor, one thousand four hundred dollars; clerk of storehouses, one thousand two hundred dollars; inspector of timber, clerk to naval constructor, time-clerk, and superintendent of floating-dock, at one

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