CHAP. XXVII. -An Act to establish certain Post-Roads. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following be, and hereby, established as post-roads: — INDIANA. From Martinsville, via Oakfarm and Nashville, to Elkinsville. are April 20, 1871. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United established in States of America in Congress assembled, That the following be established as post-routes, to wit: ARKANSAS. From Lamartine, in Columbia county, to Centerville, in Hempstead county. From Mt. Ida, via Iron Sulphur Springs and Shipman Reeds', to Bluffton. ILLINOIS. From Saint Elmo, Fayette county, via Hickory Creek and Lester, to Patoka. Arkansas; Illinois; From Olney, via Onion Hill, Swanstown, Horton Hill, South Muddy, and Elliotstown, to Effingham. From Omaha, via Southampton, Young's Station, and Rectorville, to Griswold. From Benson to Lac-qui-parle. From Forest City, via Silvan Hill, Forest Prairie, to Cold Spring. From Carver to Henderson. From Rush City, via Anderson Post-Office, to Grantsburg, Wisconsin. From Cambridge to Stark. From Medalia to Golden Gate. From St. Cloud, via Saint Wendall and Young's Corners, to Holding's Ford. Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Michigan; Minnesota; Montana. Post-routes established in Missouri; MISSOURI. From Brookfield, via North Salem, Owasco, Kedsville, to Unionville. Stoutland, via Hazel Green, Nebo, Pine Creek, and Competition, to Forsyth, Missouri, via Long Creek, to Berryville, Arkansas. Marshfield, via Arno and Gainesville, to Batesville, Arkansas. Plymouth to Dunkle's Store. Richey to Washburne. Richey, via Newtonia, to Huntsville. Marshfield, via Miteomah, Elma, Ming's Springs, and Elk Creek, to Aurora. sas. Marionville, via Berryville, to Clarksville, Arkansas. Marionville, via Flat Creek and Hazel Barrens, to Huntsville, Arkan Ozark, via Goff Creek, to Galena. Nebraska; Nevada; New Mexico; Ohio; NEBRASKA. From Wisner, via Fairfield and Santee City, to Niobrara. From Hooper, via valleys of Logan and Omaha Creeks, to Covington. NEVADA. From Winnemucca to Camp Winfield Scott. NEW MEXICO. From Mesilla to La Union. OHIO. Pennsylvania; West Virginia. From Wilmington, via Cuba, to Blanchester. PENNSYLVANIA. From Wampum, Lawrence county, to North Sewickly, Beaver county, and thence, via Wirtemburg and Chenango, to Wampum. WEST VIRGINIA. From Princeton, via Jordan's Chapel, to county seat of Summer county. From Red Sulphur Springs, via Salt Wells, to Princeton. April 20, 1871. CHAP. XXIX. . Condemned cannon to the Pennsylvania Military Legion, &c. for monument in their cemetery. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized to place at the disposal of "The Pennsylvania Military Legion of the City of Philadelphia" twelve condemned cannon, to be used in the erection of a monument in their cemetery. APPROVED, April 20, 1871. CHAP. XXX. — An Act to authorize the Secretary of War to give Wisewell Barracks to April 20, 1871. the Beulah Baptist Church. Wisewell Bar tist Church. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War is racks given to hereby authorized to give to the Beulah Baptist Church of Washington the Beulah Bapthe old building known as Wisewell Barracks, in which said church have Building how heretofore worshipped; said building to be removed at the cost of said to be removed, church, and to be used only for religious and educational purposes. APPROVED, April 20, 1871. and for what used. CHAP. XXXI. - An Act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to convey the United April 20, 1871. States Branch Mint at Dahlonega, Georgia, to the Trustees of the North Georgia Agricultural College for educational Purposes. Building and lands known as the United Ga. to be con Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to convey to the trustees of the North Georgia Agricultural College, located in the town of States, &c. mint Dahlonega, Georgia, the building known as the United States branch at Dahlonega, mint at Dahlonega, and the ten acres of land connected therewith, veyed to the located on lot of land number nine hundred and forty-nine, in the twelfth North Georgia district and first section of Lumpkin county; said conveyance to be Agricultural made by the Secretary of the Treasury so soon as he is assured that said &c. trustees have been properly incorporated by the laws of Georgia, and on the express condition that said building shall be used exclusively for educational purposes, and in conformity with the provisions of the act entitled "An act donating public lands to the several States and Terri- conveyance. tories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts." APPROVED, April 20, 1871. CHAP. XXXII. College, when, 1862, ch. 130. Vol. xii. p. 503. Conditions of - An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to change the Name April 20, 1871. of the Ship "William F. Storer." Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized to change the name of the ship William F. Storer," of which Charles H. Marshall and Company, of the city of New York, are the agents and ship's husband, to that of "Hamilton Fish," and to grant said vessel a register in said name of “Hamilton Fish”; and that said vessel be, and hereby is, exempted from any additional tonnage dues in consequence of such change of name. APPROVED, April 20, 1871. CHAP. XXXIII.- An Act to enable the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company to mortgage its Road. Name of the ship"William F. Storer" to be changed to that Fish," &c. of" Hamilton No additional tonnage dues. April 20, 1871. and Pacific Rail Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Atlantic and Pacific The Atlantic Railroad Company, organized under act of Congress of July twenty- road Company, seven, eighteen hundred and sixty six, is hereby authorized to make may issue bonds and issue its bonds in such form and manner, for such sums, payable at secure by mortgage of its road, such times, and bearing such rate of interest, and to dispose of them franchises, lands, on such terms as its directors may deem advisable; and to secure said &c. bonds, the said company may mortgage its road, equipment, lands, fran-1866, ch. 278. Vol. xiv. p. 292. chises, privileges, and other rights and property, subject to such terms, conditions, and limitations as its directors may prescribe. As proof and Proof of exenotice of the legal execution and effectual delivery of any mortgage cution of morthereafter made by said company, it shall be filed and recorded in the gage. act by corporation, how far to affect those Breach of con- office of the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, That if the company ditions of organic shall hereafter suffer any breach of the conditions of the act above referred to, under which it is organized, the rights of those claiming under any mortgage made by the company to the lands granted to it by said act shall extend only to so much thereof as shall be coterminous with or appertain to that part of said road which shall have been constructed at the time of the foreclosure of said mortgage. claiming under the mortgage. APPROVED, April 20, 1871. RESOLUTIONS. [No. 1.] A Resolution authorizing the Appointment of a Commissioner to an international March 20, 1871. Congress on penitentiary and reformatory Discipline. to an interna Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President be, and he is hereby, Commissioner authorized to appoint a commissioner to attend an international congress on tional congress penitentiary and reformatory discipline, proposed to be held in Europe; on penitentiary and reformatory but the said appointment shall not authorize any expenditure of money discipline. from the treasury for salary or expenses, and must be accepted upon this No expenditure authorized. express condition. APPROVED, March 20, 1871. [No. 2.] Joint Resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to turn over certain Prop- March 20, 1871 erty to the Managers of the Industrial Home School of the District of Columbia. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Certain ma School of the of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy be, and chinery and tools he is hereby, authorized and directed to deliver and turn over to the mana- given to the Ingers of the Industrial Home School of the District of Columbia, for the dustrial Home use of the pupils and inmates thereof, the following articles of machinery District of Coand tools, not used or needed by the government, in good condition, viz.: lumbia. one engine, one boiler, one circular saw and table, complete, with the required shafting, pullies, and hangers, and such other tools and implements from the navy yard as are not used or needed for the service of the government, which may be useful for said Industrial Home School. APPROVED, March 20, 1871. [No. 3.] Joint Resolution granting the Right to erect a Monument to Professor Morse on a March 24, 1871. Government Reservation. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Monument to Morse. of America in Congress assembled, That permission be granted to "The Morse Monument Association," to erect a monument to Professor Samuel Samuel F. B. F. B. Morse on the triangular reservation at the intersection of Pennsyl- No cost to vania Avenue and Seventh Street, in the city of Washington, under the government. direction of the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, That the same shall involve no expense to the government. APPROVED, March 24, 1871. |