

1862, ch. 127. July twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, of amounts paid Vol. xii. p. to second assistant and other surgeons, for services rendered in connection with raising and organizing volunteers within the State during the rebellion, are not admissible under the law, for the reason that the employment of the said medical officers was not authorized prior to the act of July second, eighteen hundred and sixto-two; and whereas it appears that said officers actually rendered said services, and were paid in good faith by the said State, and were subsequently mustered or employed in the service of the United States: Therefore,

Payment to Connecticut for amounts advanced to pay


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed, out of any money appropriated to continue the settlement of accounts presented under the act of July extra surgeons, twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, to pay to the governor of Connecticut, or to his duly authorized agents, any amounts advanced by the said State, in payment of extra surgeons or assistant surgeons for services rendered prior to their muster into the service of the United States; the said claims to be settled upon proper vouchers to be filed and passed upon by the proper accounting officers of the treasury.


to other States

for like claims

upon proper vouchers.

June 8, 1872.

chased in Phila

and courts.

SEC. 2. That where the vouchers of other States, for payments made to extra surgeons or assistant surgeons of militia or volunteers accepted into the service of the United States, are situated similarly with those of Connecticut, the Treasury Department adjust and settle them according to the provisions of the foregoing section. APPROVED, June 8, 1872.


CHAP. CCCLXII. An Act authorizing the Construction of a public Building at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for the Use of the Post-office and United States Courts in said City.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Site to be pur- States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasdelphia for build-ury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to purchase a lot of ing for post-office ground in the city of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania, suitable for a site for the accommodation of the post-office and United States courts in said city, either adjoining the site of the present building used for said purpose, or elsewhere in said city, and to erect a building thereon at a cost, including the cost of the ground and premises so purchased, not exceeding the sum of one million five hundred thousand dollars; the plans for said building to be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Postmaster-General: Provided, That no money which may hereafter be appropriated for this purpose shall be used or expended for the purposes herein mentioned until a valid title to the land for the site of such building shall be vested in the United States, and until the State of Pennsylvania shall cede its jurisdiction over the same, and shall also duly release and extinguish to the United States the right to tax or in any way assess said site, and the property of the United States that may be thereon, during the time that the United States shall be or remain the owners thereof.


No money to be expended until valid title is acquired, and jurisdiction ceded, and the right to tax released.

June 8, 1872.

The Orange, &c., R. R. Co., may carry passengers and freight in the

District of Columbia.

APPROVED, June 8, 1872.

CHAP. CCCLXIII. An Act to authorize the Orange, Alexandria, and Manassas
Railroad Company to run Trains and transport Freight and Passengers within the
District of Columbia.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That it shall be lawful for the Orange, Alexandria, and Manassas Railroad Company, a corporation chartered under the laws of the State of Virginia, to exercise its functions as a common carrier, and transport passengers and freight within the District of Columbia, and for this purpose shall have authority to run

The Orange,

may run trains

locomotives and trains upon and over the bridge which has been constructed by the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Company across the &c., R. R Co., Potomac river at the western terminus of Maryland avenue, in the city over bridge of the of Washington, upon the terms and conditions prescribed in the act of Baltimore, &c., Congress granting to said Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Company the R. R. Co.; privilege to construct and operate said bridge; and the said Orange, may lay track Alexandria, and Manassas Railroad Company may put down a single in Maryland track along Maryland avenue from its western terminus to its intersection avenue, &c.; with the Washington canal, now in process of being filled up, and thence by a curve southwardly along the ground heretofore occupied by the said canal to the intersection of D or E streets south, as may be determined by the engineer in charge of the public buildings and grounds, and thence along one of said streets by a tunnel under the public grounds east of the tunnel; Capitol building, upon such route and in such manner as the said engineer may prescribe, to Second or Third street east; thence along said Second or Third street to the line of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad; and the track of said railroad company, except so much thereof as is laid in the said tunnel or its approaches, shall conform to the grade of the streets occupied as above, as shall be prescribed by the board of public works; grade of streets. and any damage caused to the property of individuals by the construction ⚫ Damages. of said railroad shall be paid by said Orange, Alexandria, and Manassas Railroad Company: Provided, That the said Orange, Alexandria, and Manassas Railroad Company shall pay to the District of Columbia onehalf of the cost of arching the Washington canal from Maryland avenue to the street on which the said railroad track enters the tunnel aforesaid: And provided further, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to grant to said company the right to establish a depot along said avenue or streets until consent for the same has first been obtained from the legislative assembly of the District of Columbia.

[ocr errors]

to conform to

One-half of certain cost to be


Right to estab

lish a depot on, &c., not given.

Congress may

ger fares and

SEC. 2. That Congress shall have the right to regulate the rates of fare collected by said company from passengers, and the rates of charge for the regulate passentransportation of freight per ton per mile for all freight passing into the freight charges. District of Columbia on said railroad shall be not more than the rates charged per ton per mile on that part of the said Orange, Alexandria, and Manassas railroad not in the said District; and that all property owned Property of the by said company within said District shall be subject to taxation by the road in Washingproper municipal authority, and Washington city shall be considered as a terminal point, and entitled to all the privileges and facilities of any other terminal points on said road.

ton to be taxed.

SEC. 3. That said railroad company shall give to other railroad com- Other railroads panies connecting therewith the right to pass through and use said tunnel, may use the tunon such reasonable terms as may be agreed upon between the respective

parties or Congress prescribe.


SEC. 4. That this act may be at any time amended or repealed by Act


APPROVED, June 8, 1872.

may be

altered, &c.

CHAP. CCCLXIV. - An Act to authorize the Building of the New Mexico and Gulf June 8, 1872.

Railway, and for other Purposes.

Right of way,

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the New Mexico and Gulf Railway Company have, and there is hereby granted to them, their &c., through public lands successors and assigns, a strip of land one hundred feet wide on each side granted to the of the centre line of a railway route extending from the north-western New Mexico and boundary of New Mexico, as near as practicable to the junction of the Gulf Railway San Juan with the Rio Mancos, through Santa Fé county, and down the Pecos river valley to the passage of said Pecos river into the State of Texas, at or near the thirty-second parallel, upon a route to be surveyed and designated by a competent engineer, as a right of way, together with



necessary lands for depots, stations, side-tracks, and other needful uses Limit to grant. in operating said road and a telegraph line, not exceeding twenty acres at any one place: Provided, That the location for depots, stations and sidetracks shall not exceed for the whole line of said road more than one location of twenty acres for every ten miles of the same, and when made upon surveyed lands shall conform to government surveys.

Plat of any section to be located within, &c., with regis ter, &c.

Lands after

wards to be sold subject to such right of way. Line, when to

SEC. 2. That said company shall, within six months after the location of any section of twenty miles or more of their said road, if the same be upon surveyed land, and if upon unsurveyed land, then within six months after the survey thereof by the United States, file a plat of such located section, together with proof thereof, with a register of the land-office for the district wherein said located section may be situated, and upon approval thereof the same shall be noted upon the township plats in said office, and thereafter all lands over which the said line of road shall pass shall be sold, located, or disposed of by the United States, subject to such right of way so located as aforesaid: Provided, That the line of said road shall be located within one year after the passage of this act: And provided further, That said road shall be completed within ten years thereafter: And provided also, That when the route of said road shall pass through lands other than those of the United States, or when it may be necessary for said railroad company to take any lands other than those of the United States for any of the purposes herein mentioned, necessary to said right of way, such right of way through or title to such lands shall be secured in accordance with the laws of the State or territory in which they may be situated: Provided also, That the rights herein granted shall through defiles, not preclude the construction of other roads through any cañon, defile, or pass on said route.

be located, and road completed. Right of way through other lands than those of the United States.


Other roads

Power of territory to incorporate, &c.

Act may be

altered, &c.

June 8, 1872.

Artesian well

SEC. 3. That nothing herein shall be construed as affirming or denying the power of a territory to incorporate a railroad company.

SEC. 4. That Congress reserves to itself the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act, whenever in its judgment the interest of the people shall require it.

APPROVED, June 8, 1872.

CHAP. CCCLXV.-An Act authorizing the Secretary of War to expend certain
Moneys for the Purpose of sinking an Artesian Well on the Fort D. A. Russell military
Reservation, in Wyoming Territory.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, on the Fort D. A. and he is hereby, authorized to expend the sum of ten thousand dollars, Russell military reservation. or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of sinking an artesian well on the Fort D. A. Russell military reservation, in the Territory of Wyoming.

June 8, 1872.

to pay to Kansas the amount reported by commissioners as due

APPROVED, June 8, 1872.

CHAP. CCCLXVI. · An Act to reimburse the State of Kansas for Moneys expended for the United States in enrolling, equipping, and provisioning Militia Forces to aid in suppressing the Rebellion.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Appropriation States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of three hundred and thirty-seven thousand and fifty-four dollars and thirty-eight cents is hereby appropriated, to reimburse the State of Kansas for moneys exto that State for pended, amounts assumed, and disbursements made by said State in enrolcertain expenses ling, equipping, arming, subsisting, transporting, and paying such troops incurred, &c., in as were called into service by order of the governor of said State, upon the suppression the requisition of Major-General Curtis, in eighteen hundred and sixtyfour, to repel the invasion of the rebel forces of General Price, and to carry into effect the provisions of an act entitled "An act to reimburse Vol. xvi. p. 402. the State of Kansas for moneys expended for the United States in enrol

of the rebellion.

1871, ch. 33.

ling, equipping, and provisioning militia forces to aid in suppressing the
rebellion," approved February second, eighteen hundred and seventy-one ;
the said sum of three hundred and thirty-seven thousand and fifty-four
dollars and thirty-eight cents being the amount reported due to the State
of Kansas by James A. Hardie, J. D. Bingham, and T. H. Stanton, com-
missioners appointed by the Secretary of War to examine and audit the
claims of the said State, in pursuance of the said act.
APPROVED, June 8, 1872.

CHAP. CCCLXVII. · An Act authorizing the Secretary of War to release twentyfive Acres of the Lands of the United States at Plattsburgh, New York, to the New York and Canada Railroad Company, and for other Purposes.


June 8, 1872. [Amended. 1873, ch. 285.

Pust, p. 609.]

Certain lands

States in Platts

New York and

Full value to be first paid.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War, if, in his opinion, it is not needed for military purposes, is hereby authorized of the United and empowered to release, upon the conditions hereinafter in this act pro- burgh, N. Y., to vided, to the New York and Canada Railroad Company, its successors be released to the and assigns, the right, title, and interest of the United States in and to Canada R. R. Co. the north twenty-five acres of the lands owned and possessed by the United States, in the town of Plattsburgh, Clinton county, New York, and situated upon the westerly banks of Lake Champlain, together with a right of way from the south thereto; such release to be with such restrictions as the Secretary of War may think necessary to protect the interests of the United States: Provided, That before the execution of such release the said railroad company shall first pay into the treasury of the United States the full value of said twenty-five acres of land, and the right of way to the same to be fixed by a board of three officers of the army, appointed by the Secretary of War, whose report shall be approved by him: Provided further, That the dwelling-house now standing on the said twenty-five acres shall be removed by the said railroad company, to such place as may be designated by the Secretary of War, without expense to the United States: Provided further, That said premises shall be used exclusively for railroad purposes, and that said company, its used exclusively successors and assigns, shall, within three years from the passage of this act, complete and operate a railroad within the State of New York, connecting the railroads leading from the city of New York with the Cana- completed, &c. dian frontier.

APPROVED, June 8, 1872.

CHAP. CCCLXVIII. — An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to establish and to protect national Cemeteries," approved February twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven.

Right of way

to same.


to be removed,


Land to be

for railroad purposes.

Road to be

June 8, 1872.

1867, ch. 61, § 1. Vol. xiv. p. 399.

Each grave to

a headstone, and

Proposals for making, &c.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section one of an act entitled "An act to establish and to protect national cemeteries," approved be marked with February twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, be amended name of soldier, as follows: The Secretary of War shall cause each grave to be marked &c., inscrited with a small headstone, with the name of the soldier and the name of the thereon. State inscribed thereon, when the same are known, in addition to the number required to be inscribed by said section; and he shall, within ninety days from the passage of this act, advertise for sealed proposals of headstones, &c. bids for the making and erection of such headstones, which advertisements See Post, p. 545. shall be made for sixty days successively in at least twenty newspapers of general circulation in the United States, and shall call for bids for the doing of said work, in whole or in part; and upon the opening of such bids, the Secretary of War shall, without delay, award the contracts for said work to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders, in whole or in part; and said bidders shall give bond to his satisfaction for the faithful completion of the work.

APPROVED, June 8, 1872.

Contracts to lowest responsi- | ble bidder.


June 8, 1872.

Kentucky to

be reimbursed for expenses of

State forces used

in the suppression of the rebellion;

payment, &c., to be made

under conditions of act.

1866, ch. 46.

Vol. xvi. p. 38.


CHAP. CCCLXIX. An Act to reimburse the State of Kentucky for Moneys expended for the United States in enrolling, subsisting, clothing, supplying, arming, equipping, paying, and transporting Militia Forces to aid in suppressing the Rebellion.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be examined, settled, and paid any proper claims of the State of Kentucky for money expended by said State in enrolling, equipping, subsisting, and paying said State forces of Kentucky as were called into service in said State after the twenty-fourth day of August, anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-one, to act in concert with the United States forces in the suppression of the late rebellion against the United States.

SEC. 2. That said examination, settlement, and payment shall be had and made by the proper officers of the Treasury Department, upon the principles and conditions, and under the limitations stated and provided in the act of Congress, approved April seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, entitled "An act to reimburse the State of Missouri for moneys expended for the United States in enrolling, equipping, and provisioning militia forces to aid in suppressing the rebellion."

SEC. 3. That the sum of one million of dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to pay such sums as shall so be found due the State of Kentucky, to be paid upon such settlement to the said State or to the duly authorized agent thereof.

APPROVED, June 8, 1872.

June 10, 1872. CHAP. CDXIV. — An Act for the Relief of Sarah S. Trapp, Executrix of William


heretofore granted to WilTiam Trapp, ex

tended in the name of Sarah S. Trapp, his executrix;

to be open to legal inquiry, &c.

no damage for use prior, &c.

Trapp, deceased.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the letters-patent granted to William Trapp, a citizen of the United States, dated the first day of October, eighteen hundred and forty-five, surrendered and re-issued on the tenth day of March, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, and extended by the commissioner of patents for seven years from the first day of October, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, and again surrendered and reissued in two several divisions or patents numbered, respectively, nineteen hundred and forty-six and nineteen hundred and forty-seven, for new and useful improvements in barrel machinery, be, and the same is and are hereby, renewed, revived, and extended for the term of seven years from and after the passage of this act; and the commissioner of patents is hereby directed, upon the presentation of said patents or re-issues, numbered, respectively, nineteen hundred and forty-six and nineteen hundred and forty-seven, or certified copies thereof, by making a certificate upon such patent or re-issue, or certified copy thereof, of such extension (the lawful fees being first paid therefor), in the name of Sarah S. Trapp, executrix of said William Trapp; and the commissioner of patents is hereby directed to cause the same to be entered of record in the patentoffice; and the said patents so renewed, revived, and extended shall have the same effect in law as if originally granted for terms extending to the end of the term to which they are extended by this act: Provided, however, That such renewal or extended patents, respectively, shall be open to legal inquiry and decision in the same manner as if issued under the general law regulating the granting of patents: And provided further, that no person, firm, or corporation shall be liable for any damage or royalty for having made, vended, or used said improvements in said. patents specified prior to the passage of this act; and any such person, firm or corporation having made or purchased and used said improvement since the expiration of the said patents shall be entitled to use the same without liability during the term of said extension.

APPROVED, June 10, 1872.

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