Independent treasury. Office of depositary at Cincinnati; at Louisville; at Pittsburg; at Santa Fé; at Tucson. Special agents. 1846, ch. 90. Vol. ix. p. 59. Contingent expenses. No part for clerical services. Checks, &c. Additional clerks. Mint, branches, and assay offices. Mint at Philadelphia. Branch mint at San Franciso; at Carson City. Assay office, New York. Office of depositary at Cincinnati: For cashier, two thousand dollars for one clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; for one clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; for two clerks, two thousand four hundred dollars; for two clerks, two thousand dollars; for one messenger, six hundred dollars; for two watchmen, one at seven hundred and twenty dollars and one at two hundred and forty dollars; in all, eleven thousand two hundred and sixty dollars. Office of depositary at Louisville: For cashier, two thousand dollars; for one clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; for one clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; for one watchman, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, five thousand four hundred and twenty dollars. Office of depositary at Pittsburg: For cashier, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; one watchman, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, three thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. Office of depositary at Santa Fé: For depositary (in addition to his pay as receiver), two thousand dollars; one clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; two watchmen, each seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, four thousand six hundred and forty dollars. Office of depositary at Tucson, Arizona: For depositary, in addition to his pay as postmaster, one thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation to special agents to examine the books, accounts, and money on hand at the several depositaries, including national banks acting as depositaries under the act of the sixth of August, eighteen hundred and forty-six, six thousand dollars. For contingent expenses under the act of the sixth of August, eighteen hundred and forty-six, for the collection, safe-keeping, transfer, and disbursement of the public revenue, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of said sum shall be expended for clerical services. For checks and certificates of deposit for office of assistant treasurer at New York, and other offices, thirteen thousand dollars. For additional clerks under the act for the better organization of the treasury, at such rates as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem just and reasonable, ten thousand dollars. UNITED STATES MINT, BRANCHES, AND ASSAY Offices. Mint at Philadelphia. For salaries of the director, treasurer, assayer, melter and refiner, chief coiner and engraver, assistant assayer, and seven clerks, thirty-seven thousand nine hundred dollars. For wages of workmen and adjusters, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, including wastage, new machinery, and repairs, thirty-five thousand dollars. For specimens of ores and coins, to be preserved in the cabinet of the mint, six hundred dollars; for freight on bullion and coin, five thousand dollars. Branch Mint at San Francisco, California. - For salaries of superintendent, treasurer, assayer, melter and refiner, coiner, and six clerks, thirty thousand five hundred dollars. For wages of workmen and adjusters, two hundred thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, repairs, and wastage, fifty-nine thousand five hundred and forty-five dollars. Branch Mint at Carson City, Nevada. - For salaries of superintendent, assayer, melter and refiner, and coiner, and four clerks, seventeen thousand nine hundred dollars. For wages of workmen and adjusters, fifty-four thousand dollars. For chemicals, charcoal, wood, and incidental expenses, seventeen thousand six hundred dollars. Assay Office, New York. - For salary of superintendent, four thousand five hundred dollars; for salary of assayer, three thousand dollars; for Mint, &c. salary of melter and refiner, three thousand dollars; for salary of assistant assayer, two thousand dollars; for salary of deputy treasurer, three thou-. sand dollars; for compensation of clerks, at the discretion of the secretary of the treasury, ten thousand two hundred dollars. For wages of workmen, sixty-eight thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, twenty-two thousand dollars. Branch Mint at Denver. For assayer (who shall have charge of said Branch mint mint), two thousand five hundred dollars; for melter, two thousand five at Denver. hundred dollars. For wages of workmen, fifteen thousand three hundred and thirty-five dollars. For three clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each, five thousand four hundred dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, including repairs and wastage, five thousand dollars. Assay Office at Boise City, Idaho. For salaries of assayer, who shall have charge of the assay office, melter and refiner, and clerk, five thousand four hundred dollars; and the offices of superintendent and one clerk are hereby abolished after July first, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. For wages of workmen, three thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars. Branch Mint at Charlotte, North Carolina. - For assayer, fifteen hundred dollars; for wages of workmen, fourteen hundred and ninety-two dollars. For chemicals, charcoal, and incidental and miscellaneous expenses, fifteen hundred dollars. GOVERNMENTS IN THE TERRITORIES. Governments in the Territories. Territory of Territory of Arizona. For salaries of governor, chief justice and two associate judges, secretary, interpreter and translator in the executive office, Arizona. fourteen thousand dollars. For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, Expense for officers, clerks, and contingent expenses thereof, twenty thousand dollars: printing for any session of the legProvided, That hereafter no expense for printing exceeding four thousand islature of any dollars, including printing laws, journals, bills, and necessary printing of the territory not to same nature, shall be incurred for any session of the legislature of any exceed $4000. the territories. of For contingent expenses of the territory, one thousand dollars. Territory of Colorado. - For salaries of governor and superintendent of Territory of Indian affairs, chief justice and two associate judges, and secretary, thirteen Colorado; thousand three hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the territory, one thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the secretary's office in Colorado territory, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventythree, two thousand dollars. Territory of Dakota. — For salaries of governor and superintendent of Indian affairs, chief justice and two associate judges, and secretary, thirteen thousand three hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the territory, one thousand dollars. Dakota; For compensation and mileage of the members of the legislative assembly, For contingent expenses of the territory, one thousand dollars. Governments officers, clerks, and contingent expenses thereof, twenty thousand dol in the Territories. lars. Territory of Montana.- For compensation of governor, chief justice and two associate judges, and secretary, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the territory, one thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the secretary's office, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, two thousand dol lars. Territory of New Mexico. - For salaries of governor, chief justice and two associate judges, and secretary, and ex-officio superintendent of public buildings and grounds, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars. For interpreter and translator in the executive office, five hundred dollars; for contingent expenses of the territory, one thousand dollars. Territory of Utah. - For salaries of governor, chief justice, two associate judges, and secretary, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the territory, one thousand dollars. Territory of Washington. - For salaries of governor, chief justice, two associate judges, and secretary, fourteen thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the territory, one thousand dollars. Territory of Wyoming. For salaries of governor and superintendent of Indian affairs, chief justice, two associate judges, and secretary, thirteen thousand eight hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the territory, one thousand dollars. District of Columbia. - For salary of the governor, three thousand dollars; for salary of the secretary, two thousand dollars; for pay of the members of the council, two thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars; for salaries of the members of the board of public works ten thousand dollars; for salaries of the members of the board of health, at two thousand dollars each, ten thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of the sum hereby appropriated shall be paid to any member of such boards who shall hold any other federal office. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. For compensation of the Secretary of the Interior, eight thousand dollars; assistant secretary, three thousand five hundred dollars; chief clerk; four clerks of class four, any of whom may be paid two hundred dollars extra, if the Secretary of the Interior deem it necessary and proper; five clerks of class four, one of whom may be designated by the Secretary to act as superintendent of the building, who shall receive two hundred dollars additional compensation per annum; additional to three disbursing clerks, three clerks of class three, four clerks of class two, and one clerk of class one; one messenger, two assistant messengers at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, and three laborers in his office; in all, fortyseven thousand five hundred and forty dollars. For one captain of the watch, twelve hundred dollars, and twenty-eight watchmen for the general service of the Interior Department building, and all the bureaus therein, to be allotted to day or night service, as the Secretary of the Interior may direct, twenty-one thousand three hundred and sixty dollars. For stationery, furniture, advertising, books, and maps for the library, and miscellaneous items, twelve thousand dollars. For expenses of packing and distributing official documents, including salary of superintendent, five thousand dollars. For rent and fitting up of rooms for the use of the pension office and for the bureau of education, sixteen thousand dollars. For casual repairs of the department building, ten thousand dollars. and repairs of the heating apparatus, eighteen thousand two hundred dollars. Department of the Interior. General land office. missioner, re &c. General Land Office. For commissioner of the general land office, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; recorder, two thousand dollars; three principal clerks, at one thousand eight hundred may of comdollars each; three clerks of class four, twenty-three clerks of class three, corder, clerks, forty clerks of class two, forty clerks of class one; one draughtsman, at one thousand six hundred dollars; one assistant draughtsman, at one thousand four hundred dollars; two messengers, three assistant messengers, seven laborers, and two packers; in all, one hundred and seventyone thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. Also, for additional clerks on account of military bounty lands, viz., for principal clerk, two thousand clerks, &c. dollars; one clerk of class three, four clerks of class two, thirty-five clerks of class one, and two laborers; in all, fifty-two thousand six hundred and forty dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior, at his discretion, shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to use any portion of said appropriation for piece-work, or by the day, month, or year, at such rate or rates as he may deem just or fair, not exceeding a salary of one thousand two hundred dollars per annum. Additional Piece-work. For cash system, maps, diagrams, stationery, furniture, and repairs of Maps, stationthe same; miscellaneous items, including two of the city newspapers, to ery, repairs, &c. be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the office; advertising and telegraphing; miscellaneous items on account of bounty lands and military patents, under the several acts, and contingent expenses under the swamp-land act, twenty thousand dollars; to bring up arrearages of work in the land office by the employment of thirty clerks of class one, for one clerks for one year only, thirty-six thousand dollars; making a total appropriated for the year. general land office of two hundred and eighty thousand five hundred and sixty dollars. Indian Office. For compensation of the commissioner of Indian affairs, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; three clerks of class four, seven clerks of class three, five clerks of class two, one messenger, one assistant messenger, and one laborer; in all, thirty thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. For temporary clerks, viz., for one clerk of class three, seven clerks of class two, twelve clerks of class one, and four female copyists at nine hundred dollars each; in all, twenty-nine thousand four hundred dollars. For blank books, binding, stationery, fuel, lights, and miscellaneous items, including two city newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the office, five thousand dollars. Pension Office. For compensation of commissioner of pensions, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; twenty-two clerks of class four, forty-eight clerks of class three, seventy-six clerks of class two, seventy-eight clerks of class one, sixteen female copyists at nine hundred dollars each, one messenger, five assistant messengers, and five laborers in his office; in all, three hundred and forty-three thousand eight hundred dollars. For compensation of additional temporary clerks in the pension office for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, as follows: For four clerks of class three, eight clerks of class two, fortyeight clerks of class one, nine female copyists at nine hundred dollars each, seven assistant messengers, and five laborers; in all, ninety-one thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. For stationery, engraving, and retouching plates; for bounty-land warrants, printing and binding the same, office furniture, and repairing the same, and miscellaneous items, including two daily newspapers, to be filed, bound, and preserved for the use of the office; and for detection and investigation of fraud, seventy-five thousand dollars. United States Patent Office. For compensation of the commissioner Additional Indian office. Pay of commissioner, chief clerk, &c. Pension office. Pay of commissioner, &c. Patent office. Patent office. Pay of commissioner, assistant,examiners, clerks, &c. Contingent, &c., expenses. Photo-lithographing, &c. Bureau of education. Pay of commissioner, &c. Surveyorsgeneral and their clerks in Louisiana; Florida; Minnesota; Dakota; Kansas. of the patent office, four thousand five hundred dollars; for assistant commissioner, three thousand dollars; for chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; three examiners-in-chief, at three thousand dollars each; examiner in charge of interferences, two thousand five hundred dollars; trade-mark examiner, two thousand five hundred dollars; twenty-four principal examiners, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; twentyfour first assistant examiners, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; twenty-two second assistant examiners, at one thousand six hundred dollars each, two of whom may be females; one librarian, two thousand dollars; one machinist, one thousand six hundred dollars; six clerks of class four, eight clerks of class three, fifty-five clerks of class two, and forty-five clerks of class one; making, in all, three hundred and twenty thousand six hundred dollars. For thirty permanent clerks, at one thousand dollars each; for forty permanent clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; for three skilled draughtsmen, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; for thirty-five copyists of drawings, at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum each; for one messenger and purchasing clerk, one thousand dollars; for one skilled laborer, one thousand two hundred dollars; for eight attendants in modelroom, at one thousand dollars each; for eight attendants in model-room, at nine hundred dollars each; for thirty laborers at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; for six laborers, at six hundred dollars each; in all, one hundred and forty-seven thousand two hundred dollars. For contingent and miscellaneous expenses of the patent office, namely: For stationery for use of office, repair of model-cases, stationary portfolios for drawings, furniture, repairing, papering, painting, carpets, ice, advertising, books for library, moneys refunded, printing engraved patent-heads, international exchanges, plumbing, gas-fitting, extra labor on indexes and abstracts for annual reports, fitting rooms, temporary clerks, laborers, and other contingencies, ninety thousand dollars. For photo-lithographing, or otherwise producing copies of drawings of current and back issues, for use of the office and for sale, including pay of temporary draughtsman, forty thousand dollars. Bureau of Education.- For commissioner of education, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; one clerk of class four; one statistician, with the compensation of a clerk of class four; one clerk of class three; one translator, with the compensation of a clerk of class three; one clerk of class two; four copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger, at eight hundred and forty dollars; stationery, one thousand dollars; library, one thousand dollars; current educational periodicals, two hundred and fifty dollars; other current publications, two hundred and twenty-five dollars; completing valuable sets of periodicals and publications in the library, two hundred dollars; collecting statistics, and writing and compiling matter for annual and special reports, and editing and publishing circulars of information, thirteen thousand dollars; fuel and lights, two hundred and seventy-five dollars; contingencies, one thousand two hundred and sixty dollars; in all, thirty-four thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. Surveyors-General and their Clerks.- For compensation of surveyorgeneral of Louisiana, two thousand dollars, and for clerks in his office, two thousand five hundred dollars. For surveyor-general of Florida, two thousand dollars, and for clerks in his office, two thousand five hundred dollars. For surveyor-general of Minnesota, two thousand dollars, and for clerks in his office, six thousand three hundred dollars. For surveyor-general of the Territory of Dakota, two thousand dollars, and for clerks in his office, six thousand three hundred dollars. For surveyor-general of Kansas, two thousand dollars, and for clerks in his office, six thousand three hundred dollars. |